934 resultados para Scientific criticism


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From a special issue: A Brief History of the Charles Darwin Foundation for the Galapagos Islands 1959-1988


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This manual has been produced by members of the national acoustics group (NAG) and represents the first in a series of outputs designed to promote co-ordination and consistency in Agency hydroacoustic surveys. It is designed as a field guide for Agency staff operating the SIMRAD EY500 portable scientific echosounder. It should be simplistic enough for the newcomer to EY500 to be able to set up and run a mobile hydroacoustic survey with some knowledge of the supporting theory. It should act as guidance for standardisation of survey procedures providing a concise list of settings and recommendations that can be used as a quick reference guide in the field. This manual condenses 5 years of practical experience of surveying fish populations using Simrad hardware and software for surveying large rivers and still waters throughout England and Wales. This document should be used as a companion to the manufacturers instruction manual and not act as a substitute for it.


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Quantifying scientific uncertainty when setting total allowable catch limits for fish stocks is a major challenge, but it is a requirement in the United States since changes to national fisheries legislation. Multiple sources of error are readily identifiable, including estimation error, model specification error, forecast error, and errors associated with the definition and estimation of reference points. Our focus here, however, is to quantify the influence of estimation error and model specification error on assessment outcomes. These are fundamental sources of uncertainty in developing scientific advice concerning appropriate catch levels and although a study of these two factors may not be inclusive, it is feasible with available information. For data-rich stock assessments conducted on the U.S. west coast we report approximate coefficients of variation in terminal biomass estimates from assessments based on inversion of the assessment of the model’s Hessian matrix (i.e., the asymptotic standard error). To summarize variation “among” stock assessments, as a proxy for model specification error, we characterize variation among multiple historical assessments of the same stock. Results indicate that for 17 groundfish and coastal pelagic species, the mean coefficient of variation of terminal biomass is 18%. In contrast, the coefficient of variation ascribable to model specification error (i.e., pooled among-assessment variation) is 37%. We show that if a precautionary probability of overfishing equal to 0.40 is adopted by managers, and only model specification error is considered, a 9% reduction in the overfishing catch level is indicated.


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By means of this analysis, we have endeavored to evaluate and understand both the influence that the IETcc started to bear on scientific progress in Bilbao, mainly during the 1960s and the 1970s, as well as the determined efforts of the local financial and industrial elite of the time to transform Bilbao into the great metropolis of the north, i.e. the economic capital of that part of Spain, using as a model, among other metropolises, New York, the financial capital of America, and Pittsburg, the industrial capital. The various means to accomplish this have been studied: from the institutions of investigation, exposition and information which would initiate the longed for scientific progress, to the pathways for reproducing the fascinating American way.


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A modernidade caracteriza-se por um período em que ocorreram profundas revoluções em curtos intervalos de tempo. Nela, o mundo analógico foi substituído, gradativamente, pelo digital e o mundo material passou a dividir espaço com a realidade virtual. Inicialmente representada pelo mito prometeico, a modernidade foi tomada pelo impulso fáustico que hoje se traduz no desejo de recriar a condição humana. Os tecnoprofetas da Inteligência Artificial anunciam para breve as maravilhas da pós-humanidade e se ocupam com criação de máquinas espirituais que, acreditam eles, libertarão o homem de sua condição orgânica. Ciente de que a sociedade se organiza em torno da ótica tecnocientífica e de que as inovações alteram significativamente o modo como a maioria dos seres humanos se relaciona com o tempo, com o espaço e com a vida, este estudo discute o modelo de desenvolvimento tecnológico, por entender que ele não mais constitui assunto de domínio exclusivamente técnico, mas, também, de interesse político. Ademais, com vistas a problematizar o que dá sentido à técnica, faz-se uma crítica ao modelo atual, no qual ela, a técnica, subordinada à razão intrumental, funciona como instrumento de alienação e discute as condições necessárias a sua democratização. O estudo começa examinando dois fenômenos considerados determinantes na configuração do cenário atual: o capitalismo cognitivo e a reificação-tecnológica, entendidos como construções monopolizadas pela ótica capital-tecnocientífica. A seguir, faz-se uma análise sobre as noções de técnica, tecnologia e razão técnica e discute-se o impacto do desenvolvimento tecnológico no ato médico. A medicina representa uma atividade de grande valor social para o bem estar humano, embora, nas últimas décadas, venha enfrentando uma quebra no vínculo de confiança entre médicos e pacientes, além de uma crise na identidade desse profissional que hoje enfrenta dificuldades para preservar sua autonomia, face ao mercado das novas tecnologias e estratégias de gestão. Nesse contexto, surgem novas questões a serem elaboradas e a serem respondidas por diferentes atores e áreas de conhecimento da sociedade que desejem contribuir com reflexões e propostas que façam frente aos problemas específicos de nosso tempo. O trabalho sugere, ainda, que noções como Vontade - no sentido arendtiano, ou como o Olhar atento - Josep Esquiról e como Habilidade artesanal - Richard Sennett, podem nos ajudar a compreender as incumbências de uma re-orientação ética, se quisermos construir um diálogo com a razão tecnocientífica em prol da liberdade humana.


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O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo analisar o imaginário social sobre a loucura a partir das produções literárias de autores brasileiros do final do século XIX e início do século XX. O período escolhido para realização desta pesquisa deve-se ao fato de ter sido cenário do advento do alienismo no Brasil, com a criação do primeiro hospício brasileiro e da primeira lei de assistência aos alienados, o que revela um processo de transição da visão mística e religiosa em relação à loucura para uma visão científica. É neste contexto que se destacam as obras de Machado de Assis, Olavo Bilac e Lima Barreto que foram selecionadas para análise desta pesquisa e que têm em comum o tema da loucura e questões afins. Sob o aspecto metodológico a pesquisa teve como base fundamental o referencial teórico da sociologia compreensiva, proposta por Michel Maffesoli, particularmente na noção de imaginário social, a partir de uma crítica ao modelo dominante da produção de conhecimento. Foram elaboradas seis grandes noções, concebidas a partir das obras literárias, são elas: ciência, alienação, institucionalização, periculosidade, produção de identidade e medicalização. Além das discussões, vários fragmentos exemplificam e possibilitam uma melhor discussão de cada uma destas noções. Concluiu-se, em consonância com Antonio Candido, ser evidente a importância da literatura, assim como de outras formas de arte e cultura, para compreender o imaginário social de uma época sobre os temas em questão, da mesma forma em que a própria literatura contribui para produzi-los


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The occurrence of hypoxia, or low dissolved oxygen, is increasing in coastal waters worldwide and represents a significant threat to the health and economy of our Nation’s coasts and Great Lakes. This trend is exemplified most dramatically off the coast of Louisiana and Texas, where the second largest eutrophication-related hypoxic zone in the world is associated with the nutrient pollutant load discharged by the Mississippi and Atchafalaya Rivers. Aquatic organisms require adequate dissolved oxygen to survive. The term “dead zone” is often used in reference to the absence of life (other than bacteria) from habitats that are devoid of oxygen. The inability to escape low oxygen areas makes immobile species, such as oysters and mussels, particularly vulnerable to hypoxia. These organisms can become stressed and may die due to hypoxia, resulting in significant impacts on marine food webs and the economy. Mobile organisms can flee the affected area when dissolved oxygen becomes too low. Nevertheless, fish kills can result from hypoxia, especially when the concentration of dissolved oxygen drops rapidly. New research is clarifying when hypoxia will cause fish kills as opposed to triggering avoidance behavior by fish. Further, new studies are better illustrating how habitat loss associated with hypoxia avoidance can impose ecological and economic costs, such as reduced growth in commercially harvested species and loss of biodiversity, habitat, and biomass. Transient or “diel-cycling” hypoxia, where conditions cycle from supersaturation of oxygen late in the afternoon to hypoxia or anoxia near dawn, most often occurs in shallow, eutrophic systems (e.g., nursery ground habitats) and may have pervasive impacts on living resources because of both its location and frequency of occurrence.


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Algae are the most abundant photosynthetic organisms in marine ecosystems and are essential components of marine food webs. Harmful algal bloom or “HAB” species are a small subset of algal species that negatively impact humans or the environment. HABs can pose health hazards for humans or animals through the production of toxins or bioactive compounds. They also can cause deterioration of water quality through the buildup of high biomass, which degrades aesthetic, ecological, and recreational values. Humans and animals can be exposed to marine algal toxins through their food, the water in which they swim, or sea spray. Symptoms from toxin exposure range from neurological impairment to gastrointestinal upset to respiratory irritation, in some cases resulting in severe illness and even death. HABs can also result in lost revenue for coastal economies dependent on seafood harvest or tourism, disruption of subsistence activities, loss of community identity tied to coastal resource use, and disruption of social and cultural practices. Although economic impact assessments to date have been limited in scope, it has been estimated that the economic effects of marine HABs in U.S. communities amount to at least $82 million per year including lost income for fisheries, lost recreational opportunities, decreased business in tourism industries, public health costs of illness, and expenses for monitoring and management. As reviewed in the report, Harmful Algal Research and Response: A Human Dimensions Strategy1, the sociocultural impacts of HABs may be significant, but remain mostly undocumented.