986 resultados para Schoenberg, Arnold, 1874-1951.
Donateur : Martin, William (18..-19..? ; diplomate)
Appointments made on the Staff of the Commander-in-Chief in the Iowa National Guard
Los estudios sobre la población afroporteña en el siglo XIX continúan ofreciendo territorios inexplorados debido a la escasa presencia de fuentes documentales disponibles para el análisis. Aquí analizaremos su intervención en las elecciones, momento que, veremos, era de especial importancia para este colectivo. Estudiaremos también las formas de reclutamiento electoral e identificaciones diversas que se desprenden de periódicos afroporteños en las elecciones presidenciales de 1874.
The aim of this paper is to quantitatively characterize the climatology of daily precipitation indices in Catalonia (northeastern Iberian Peninsula) from 1951 to 2003. This work has been performed analyzing a subset of the ETCCDI (Expert Team on Climate Change Detection and Indices) precipitation indices calculated from a new interpolated dataset of daily precipitation, namely SPAIN02, regular at 0.2° horizontal resolution (around 20 km) and from two high-quality stations: the Ebro and Fabra observatories. Using a jack-knife technique, we have found that the sampling error of the SPAIN02 regional averaged is relatively low. The trend analysis has been implemented using a Circular Block Bootstrap procedure applicable to non-normal distributions and autocorrelated series. A running trend analysis has been applied to analyze the trend persistence. No general trends at a regional scale are observed, considering the annual or the seasonal regional averaged series of all the indices for all the time windows considered. Only the consecutive dry days index (CDD) at annual scale shows a locally coherent spatial trend pattern; around 30% of the Catalonia area has experienced an increase of around 2¿3 days decade¿1. The Ebro and Fabra observatories show a similar CDD trend, mainly due to the summer contribution. Besides this, a significant decrease in total precipitation (around ¿10 mm decade¿1) and in the index "highest precipitation amount in five-day period" (RX5DAY, around ¿5 mm decade¿1), have been found in summer for the Ebro observatory.
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