723 resultados para Scène
This essay contributes to debates about theatre and cross-cultural encounter through an analysis of Irina Brook’s 1999 Swiss / French co-production of Irish playwright Brian Friel’s Dancing at Lughnasa, in a French translation by Jean-Marie Besset. While the translation and Brook’s mise en scène clearly identified the source text and culture as Irish, they avoided cultural stereotypes, and rendered the play accessible to francophone audiences without entirely assimilating it to a specific Swiss or French cultural context. Drawing on discourses of theatre translation, and concepts of cosmopolitanism and conviviality, the essay focuses on the potential of such textual and theatrical translation to acknowledge specific cultural traces but also to estrange the familiar perceptions and boundaries of both the source and target cultures, offering modes of interconnection across diverse cultural affiliations.
Denna uppsats handlar om afrikansk film och dess relation till sina forna kolonisatörer. Eftersom filmen är ett ungt konstuttryck som dessutom är dyrt och tekniskt avancerat, så har många gånger utbildning av regissörer och finansiering skett i eller kommit från det land som länderna frigjort sig ifrån.Syftet med uppsatsen är att belysa den komplexa post-koloniala relationen mellan de gamla kolonierna och dess gamla kolonisatörer, i skapandet av afrikansk film. Jag valde ut tre afrikanska filmer vid filmfestivalen CinemAfrica i februari i Stockholm, som visar ett urval av nyproducerad afrikansk film.Uppsatsen innehåller också en överblick över hur den afrikanska filmen utvecklats fram till idag. Olika genres, innehåll och stilar beskrivs.Resultatet av studien visar att i de tre filmerna som jag har studerat, är det väldigt tydligt att regissörens bakgrund och nuvarande situation i hög grad speglar sig i filmerna. Den som utbildat sig i och fortfarande lever i Afrika har gjort en film som känns afrikansk och handlar om afrikanska problem. De andra två som levt och verkat till stor del i Europa, och finansierats av europeiska bolag, har en annan målgrupp. Deras filmer är också en blandning av afrikanskt och europeiskt innehåll och stämning.
In orthopaedic and dental implantology, novel tools and techniques are being sought to improve the regeneration of bone tissue. Numerous attempts have been made to enhance the osteoconductivity of titanium prostheses, including modifications in their surface properties and coating with layers of calcium phosphate. The technique whereby such layers are produced has recently undergone a revolutionary change, which has had profound consequences for their potential to serve as drug-carrier systems. Hitherto, calcium phosphate layers were deposited upon the surfaces of metal implants under highly unphysiological physical conditions, which precluded the incorporation of proteinaceous osteoinductive drugs. These agents could only be adsorbed, superficially, upon preformed layers. Such superficially adsorbed molecules are released too rapidly within a biological milieu to be effective in their osteoinductive capacity. Now, it is possible to deposit calcium phosphate layers under physiological conditions of temperature and pH by the so-called biomimetic process, during which bioactive agents can be coprecipitated. Since these molecules are integrated into the inorganic latticework, they are released gradually in vivo as the layer undergoes degradation. This feature enhances the capacity of these coatings to act as a carrier system for osteogenic agents.
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G03812
Signatur des Originals: S 36/G03815
Grady distinguishes two main types of metaphor in order to provide a solution in the controversies stemming from the conceptual theory of metaphor: correlation-based metaphors and resemblance metaphors. In “correlation-based metaphors”, the source domain is sensory-motor, while the target domain is not. On the contrary, “resemblance metaphors” are originated by a physical or conceptual perception which is common in both domains, by the association of concepts with common features. Primary metaphors are the minimal units of correlation-based metaphors; they are inherent in human nature and the result of the nature of our brain, our body and the world that we inhabit. We acquire them automatically and we cannot avoid them. Furthermore, as corporal experiences are universal, so are primary metaphors. In this paper, I will argue that primary metaphors manifest themselves visually through scene-setting techniques such as composition, framing, camera movement or lighting. Film-makers can use the different aspects of mise-en-scène metaphorically in order to express abstract notions like evil, importance, control, relationship or confusion. Such visual manifestations, as also occurs with their verbal equivalents, frequently go unnoticed or have been used so often that they have become clichés. But the important thing to bear in mind is that their origin lies in a primary metaphor and due to this origin these kinds of film-making strategies have been so expressively successful.
C’est véritablement à partir des années 70 que la théâtre professionnel au Portugal a acquis une autre dynamique et s’est placé dans la perspective de l’ouverture à de nouvelles expériences théâtrales. Ce travail ne permet donc pas d’approfondir tous les aspects mis en exergue et, d’autre part, les developpments sur chaque metteur en scène ne sont pas exhaustifs. Il vise cependant à allier une composante diachronique, qui permet de comparer et de situer les pratiques théâtrales dans leur contexte histórico-culturel, à une composante synchronique, qui permet d’établir des données fondamentales en ce qui concerne la compréhension du phénomène théâtral portugais au cours de cette période. Nous avons également voulu assumer l’expérience du vécu dans l’approche d’une réalité qui nous est familière et la conjuguer avec la distance nécessaire, nous permettant de faire une lecture avec le discernement d’un regard extérieur. Pour faire l’histoire proche, nous avons donc tenté de confronter les données subjectives et les mémoires propres avec les données historiques et les éléments fournis par les troupes, les critiques et metteurs en scène. L’étude entreprise vise à situer historiquement les options théâtrales des metteurs en scène concernés, mais aussi à lancer les bases d’études ultérieures qui pourront aller plus loin, soit dans le sens d’un approfondissement esthétique, soit dans celui d’un approfondissement histoirique.
Pub. no. H.& Cie. 9695.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
Mode of access: Internet.
The original play was written by C.F.J.B. Moreau, Eugène Scribe, and Mélesville.