996 resultados para Saude publica - Legislação


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The purpose of this study was to present a spatial analysis of the social vulnerability of teenage pregnancy by geoprocessing data on births and deaths present on the Brazilian Ministry of Health databases in order to support intersectoral management actions and strategies based on spatial analysis in neighborhood areas. The thematic maps of the educational, occupational, birth and marital status of mothers, from all births and deaths in the city, presented a spatial correlation with teenage pregnancy. These maps were superimposed to produce social vulnerability map of adolescent pregnancy and women in general. This process presents itself as a powerful tool for the study of social vulnerability.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze drug use trends among college students in 1996, 2001 and 2009. METHODS: A cross-sectional epidemiological study with a multistage stratified cluster sample with 9,974 college students was conducted in the city of Sao Paulo, southeastern Brazil. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire was used to collect information on drug use assessed in lifetime, the preceding 12 months and the preceding 30 days. The Bonferroni correction was used for multiple comparisons of drug use rates between surveys. RESULTS: There were changes in the lifetime use of tobacco and some other drugs (hallucinogens [6.1% to 8.8%], amphetamines [4.6% to 8.7%], and tranquilizers [5.7% to 8.2%]) from 1996 to 2009. Differences in the use of other drugs over the 12 months preceding the survey were also seen: reduced use of inhalants [9.0% to 4.8%] and increased use of amphetamines [2.4% to 4.8%]. There was a reduction in alcohol [72.9% to 62.1%], tobacco [21.3% to 17.2%] and marijuana [15.0% to 11.5%] use and an increase in amphetamine use [1.9% to 3.3%] in the preceeding 30 days. CONCLUSIONS: Over the 13-year study period, there was an increase in lifetime use of tobacco, hallucinogens, amphetamines, and tranquilizers. There was an increase in amphetamine use and a reduction in alcohol use during the preceding 12 months. There was an increase in amphetamine use during the preceding 30 days.


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Mosquitoes are vectors of arboviruses that can cause encephalitis and hemorrhagic fevers in humans. Aedes serratus (Theobald), Aedes scapularis (Rondani) and Psorophora ferox (Von Humboldt) are potential vectors of arboviruses and are abundant in Vale do Ribeira, located in the Atlantic Forest in the southeast of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The objective of this study was to predict the spatial distribution of these mosquitoes and estimate the risk of human exposure to mosquito bites. Results of the analyses show that humans are highly exposed to bites in the municipalities of Cananeia, Iguape and Ilha Comprida. In these localities the incidence of Rocio encephalitis was 2% in the 1970s. Furthermore, Ae. serratus, a recently implicated vector of yellow fever virus in the State of Rio Grande do Sul, should be a target for the entomological surveillance in the southeastern Atlantic Forest. Considering the continental dimensions of Brazil and the inherent difficulties in sampling its vast area, the habitat suitability method used in the study can be an important tool for predicting the distribution of vectors of pathogens.


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A case-control study (2008-2009) analyzed risk factors for preterm birth in the city of Campina Grande, Paraiba State, Brazil. A total of 341 preterm births and 424 controls were included. A multiple logistic regression model was used. Risk factors for preterm birth were: previous history of preterm birth (OR = 2.32; 95% CI: 1.25-4.29), maternal age (OR = 2.00; 95% CI: 1.00-4.03), inadequate prenatal care (OR = 2.15; 95% CI: 1.40-3.27), inadequate maternal weight gain (OR = 2.33; 95% CI: 1.45-3.75), maternal physical injury (OR = 2.10; 95% CI: 1.22-3.60), hypertension with eclampsia (OR = 17.08; 95% CI: 3.67-79.43) and without eclampsia (OR = 6.42; 95% CI: 3.50-11.76), hospitalization (OR = 5.64; 95% CI: 3.47-9.15), altered amniotic fluid volume (OR = 2.28; 95% CI: 1.32-3.95), vaginal bleeding (OR = 1.54; 95% CI: 1.01-2.34), and multiple gestation (OR = 22.65; 95% CI: 6.22-82.46). High and homogeneous prevalence of poverty and low maternal schooling among both cases and controls may have contributed to the fact that socioeconomic variables did not remain significantly associated with preterm birth.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar os resultados maternos e neonatais em mulheres de baixo risco atendidas em centro de parto normal peri-hospitalar e hospital. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra representativa de mulheres de baixo risco atendidas em São Paulo, SP, de 2003 a 2006. Foram incluídas 991 mulheres que tiveram o parto no centro de parto normal e 325 que deram à luz no hospital. Os dados foram obtidos dos prontuários. A análise comparativa foi realizada para o total de mulheres e estratifi cada segundo a paridade. Foram aplicados os testes qui-quadrado e exato de Fisher. RESULTADOS: Houve distribuição homogênea das mulheres segundo a paridade (45,4% nulíparas e 54,6% mulheres com um ou mais partos anteriores). Foram encontradas diferenças estatisticamente signifi cantes em relação às seguintes intervenções: amniotomia (mais freqüente entre nulíparas do hospital); utilização de ocitocina no trabalho de parto e utilização de analgésico no pós-parto (mais freqüentes no hospital entre as mulheres de todas as paridades). A taxa de episiotomia foi maior entre as nulíparas, tanto no centro de parto como no hospital. Houve maior freqüência de intervenções com o neonato no hospital: aspiração das vias aéreas superiores, aspiração gástrica, lavagem gástrica, oxigênio por máscara aberta. Também ocorreram com mais freqüência no hospital bossa serossanguínea, desconforto respiratório e internação na unidade neonatal. Não houve diferença nos valores de Apgar no quinto minuto nem casos de morte materna ou perinatal. CONCLUSÕES: A assistência no centro de parto normal foi realizada com menos intervenções e com resultados maternos e neonatais semelhantes aos do hospital.


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O objetivo foi analisar os atendimentos por queimaduras em serviços de emergência, e fatores associados. Estudo transversal de 761 atendimentos coletados pelo Sistema de Vigilância de Violências e Acidentes em 2009. A maioria foi do sexo masculino (58,6%); adultos de 30 a 49 anos (23,1%) e crianças de 0 a 9 anos (23%). A residência foi o local de ocorrência mais frequente (62,1%), especialmente para crianças e mulheres; em seguida comércio, serviços, indústria e construção (19,1%), especialmente entre homens de 20 a 49 anos. Queimaduras no trabalho foram 29,1% do total. Uso de álcool chegou a 5,1%. Agentes causadores em todas as idades: substância quente (43,6%) e fogo/chama (24,2%); na faixa produtiva: substâncias químicas. As queimaduras entre 0 e 14 anos foram associadas com residência, substância e objeto quente e internação hospitalar; entre os de 15 a 49 anos associaram-se com fogo/chama e choque elétrico, via pública e alta da emergência. Estratégias de prevenção para crianças e trabalhadores devem ser implantadas.


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Changes in mental health care in the city of Fortaleza (Northeastern Brazil) have a recent historical and political process. Compared to other municipalities of the State of Ceara, which in the early 1990s were already pioneers in the process, Fortaleza has not implemented the changes due to the interests of psychiatric hospitals, of psychiatric outpatient clinics of the public network, and because of the difficulty in managing the new mental health devices and equipment present in Primary Care. In the municipality, the reorganization of mental health actions and services has required that the Primary Care Network faces the challenge of assisting mental health problems with the implementation of Matrix Support. In light of this context, we aimed to evaluate Matrix Support in mental health in Primary Care Units and to identify achievements and limitations in the Primary Care Units with Matrix Support. This study used a qualitative approach and was carried out by means of a case study. We interviewed twelve professionals from the Family Health Teams of four Units with implemented Matrix Support. The analysis of the information reveals that access, decision making, participation and the challenges of implementing Matrix Support are elements that are, in a dialectic way, weak and strong in the reorganization of services and practices. The presence of Matrix Support in Primary Care highlights the proposal of dealing with mental health within the network in the municipality. The process has not ended. Mobilization, awareness-raising and qualification of Primary Care have to be enhanced constantly, but implementation has enabled, to the service and professionals, greater acceptance of mental health in Primary Care.


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This article reports on smoking prevalence and associated factors in the elderly, based on a population-based cross-sectional study with multistage sampling including 1,954 individuals 60 years or older living in four areas of Sao Paulo State, Brazil. Overall smoking prevalence was 12.2%, and higher rates were associated with male gender, age 60-69 years, not belonging to an Evangelical church, lower income, low body weight, lack of leisure-time physical activity, depression/anxiety, and hypertension. There was a high prevalence of smokers among individuals with a history of stroke, cancer, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The results point to the need for effective interventions in healthcare services to promote smoking cessation among the elderly, since many are unable to stop on their own, even when they have tobacco-related illnesses. Special attention should be paid to individuals that depend on the National Health System, since smoking prevalence is higher in underprivileged socioeconomic groups.


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This article discusses the possibility of the NGOs acting on international health cooperation and how this acting is regulated. Firstly, the international cooperation and its relation with public health is presented. After that, data on Brazilian bilateral health cooperation are brought in, in which it is possible to find the formal recognition of NGOs as partners of States. This allows the consideration of the role of NGOs in health cooperation. Although the action of NGOs is legitimated by international law, their regulation is just beginning. This suggests important issues to be improved in the legal relation between NGOs and States in the field of public health.


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The objective of this study was to describe the occurrence of meningococcal disease reported to the Regional Health Department in Sorocaba, Sao Paulo State, Brazil, from 1999 to 2008. Annual incidence of the disease was two cases per 100,000 inhabitants, with an increase from 2006 to 2008. Annual incidence rates were highest in the 0 to 4 year age bracket. Case-fatality was 21.8%, higher in the 0 to 4 year age bracket (26.4%), which also showed the highest incidence of the disease, and in the over 30-year age bracket (28%). Diagnosis was confirmed by laboratory test in 71% of cases (culture in 45.3%) and by clinical and epidemiological criteria in 22%. Serological groups were B in 45.7%, C in 47.3%, W135 in 3.7%, and Y in 1.5% of the identified cases, with a predominance of B from 1999 to 2003 and C from 2004 to 2008. The most frequent phenotypes were B:4, 7:P1.19,15 and C:23:P1.14-6. The results emphasize the need for regional surveillance of trends in the disease for early detection of outbreaks and monitoring circulating strains.


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This study evaluates social inequalities in health according to level of schooling in the male population. This was a cross-sectional, population-based study with a sample of 449 men ranging from 20 to 59 years of age and living in Campinas, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The chi-square test was used to verify associations, and a Poisson regression model was used to estimate crude and adjusted prevalence ratios. Men with less schooling showed higher rates of alcohol consumption and dependence, smoking, sedentary lifestyle during leisure time, and less healthy eating habits, in addition to higher prevalence of bad or very bad self-rated health, at least one chronic disease, hypertension, and other health problems. No differences were detected between the two schooling strata in terms of use of health services, except for dental services. The findings point to social inequality in health-related behaviors and in some health status indicators. However, possible equity was observed in the use of nearly all types of health services.


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The present study investigated the prevalence of poor self-perceived oral health and its association with oral health, general health and socioeconomic factors among elderly individuals from Sao Paulo, Brazil. The sample consisted of 871 elderly individuals enrolled in the Health, Wellbeing and Aging cohort study. Self-perceived oral health was measured by the question: "How would you rate your oral health?". Most subjects self-rated their oral health as good. Among dentate individuals, poor oral health was related to depression, poor self-rated health, dental treatment, dental checkups and the psychosocial sub-scale scores of the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index. Edentulous individuals were more likely to report poor oral health, whereas those with higher psychosocial scores were less likely to report poor self-rated oral health. Poor self-rated oral health is associated with general health factors and the psychosocial impact of oral health on quality of life, regardless of socioeconomic and clinical health measures.


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The huge transformations that occurred in the last two decades had impacts on the standards of food production and consumption, and determined a wider discussion in Brazil about the theme of food and nutrition security. It has also expanded the scope of it, which now considers nourishing aspects regarding the entire population and not only its most vulnerable segments. This research identified different meanings present in the speech about food and nutrition security, terms incorporated by movements and civil society organizations that were represented at the National Council for Food and Nutrition Security (administration 2004-2007). Thematic appropriation could be observed in the following directions: a) privileging the interaction between thematic fields from both production and consumption spheres; b) strengthening the idea of nutrition as a human right; c) including an ethical goal to the country's development; d) development of an intra and intersectorial perspective; e) identifying the need of dialogic and freeing educational processes.


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This paper focuses on the relationship between metropolitan and regional health planning based on the processes of regionalization and the Pact for Health in the Baixada Santista Metropolitan Area, Sao Paulo State, Brazil. The method used was a case study in two stages, namely during initial implementation of the Pact for Health (2007) and the Regional Administration Committees (CGR) and in 2010. Municipal and regional health systems managers and the director of the Metropolitan Agency were interviewed, and records were analyzed from ten years of meetings of the Regional Inter-Administration Committee and the Regional Development Council. Four issues emerged: financing and infrastructure; health services utilization; inefficiency of the Regional Health Administration's instruments and decision-making levels; and the relationship between different levels in the Administration. Metropolitan health management remained as an underlying issue, appearing only incidentally or tangentially to regional management. Despite some limitations, the CGR has been legitimized as a space for regional health management.


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Some studies indicate the existence of innate male vulnerabilities, especially during the perinatal period. The current study is a cross-sectional analysis of fetal mortality in Brazil according to sex from 2000 to 2009, stratified by maternal characteristics (age, schooling, and gestational age), using Ministry of Health data (DATASUS). The analysis included all fetal deaths from 2000 to 2009, except when the sex of the fetus was not recorded. The male/female sex ratio (SR) for all fetal deaths was 1.188. Analysis of maternal characteristics showed that the SR was statistically higher (p < 0.01) in mothers that were younger (10-14 years), had no formal schooling, and with gestational age < 22 weeks. The study showed a statistically higher-than-expected SR (p < 0.01) for 13 underlying causes of death and a lower SR for two others. The results suggest a potential innate male vulnerability.