239 resultados para Sapiens


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The relationship between the structure and function of biological networks constitutes a fundamental issue in systems biology. Particularly, the structure of protein-protein interaction networks is related to important biological functions. In this work, we investigated how such a resilience is determined by the large scale features of the respective networks. Four species are taken into account, namely yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, worm Caenorhabditis elegans, fly Drosophila melanogaster and Homo sapiens. We adopted two entropy-related measurements (degree entropy and dynamic entropy) in order to quantify the overall degree of robustness of these networks. We verified that while they exhibit similar structural variations under random node removal, they differ significantly when subjected to intentional attacks (hub removal). As a matter of fact, more complex species tended to exhibit more robust networks. More specifically, we quantified how six important measurements of the networks topology (namely clustering coefficient, average degree of neighbors, average shortest path length, diameter, assortativity coefficient, and slope of the power law degree distribution) correlated with the two entropy measurements. Our results revealed that the fraction of hubs and the average neighbor degree contribute significantly for the resilience of networks. In addition, the topological analysis of the removed hubs indicated that the presence of alternative paths between the proteins connected to hubs tend to reinforce resilience. The performed analysis helps to understand how resilience is underlain in networks and can be applied to the development of protein network models.


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The mitochondrial genome of the chytrid Blastocladiella emersonii was sequenced and annotated, revealing the complete set of oxidative phosphorylation genes and tRNAs/rRNAs necessary for the translation process. Phylogenetic reconstructions reinforce the proposal of the new phylum Blastocladiomycota. Evidences of gene duplication due to inserted elements suggest shared susceptibility to gene invasion/exchange between chytrids and zygomycetes. The gene content of B. emersonii is very similar to Allomyces macrogynus but the content of intronic and changeable elements is much lower suggesting a stronger resistance to this kind of exchange. in addition, a total of 401 potential nuclear transcripts encoding mitochondrial proteins were obtained after B. emersonii EST database scanning using Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Homo sapiens and Arabidopsis thaliana data as probes and TargetP tool to find N-terminal mitochondrial signal in translated sequences. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Did Neanderthals have language? This issue has been debated back and forth for decades, without resolution. But in recent years new evidence has become available. New fossils and archeological finds cast light on relevant Neanderthal anatomy and behavior. New DNA evidence, both fossil and modern, provides clues both to the relationship between Neanderthals and Homo sapiens, and to the genetics of language. In this paper, I review and evaluate the available evidence. My conclusion is that the preponderance of the evidence supports the presence of some form of language in Neanderthals.


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In this paper Animalism is analysed. It will be argued that Animalism is correct in claiming (i) that being of a certain sort of animal S is a fundamental individuative substance sortal concept (animal of the species Homo Sapiens), (ii) that this implies that Animalism is correct in claiming that persons such as us are, by necessity, human beings, (iii) that remaining the same animal is a necessary condition for our identity over time. Contrary to Animalism it will be argued that this does not imply that person should be understood as a phased sortal concept. It will be argued that Animalism rests upon a prior conception of person, and that this implies that person must be understood as a basic substance sortal concept through which we have to individuate ourselves and others. It is further argued that this, together with the insights of Animalism, implies that persons, by necessity, are beings of a biological nature.


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The ferrous iron and 2-oxoglutarate (2OG) dependent oxygenases catalyse two electron oxidation reactions by coupling the oxidation of substrate to the oxidative decarboxylation of 2OG, giving succinate and carbon dioxide coproducts. The evidence available on the level of incorporation of one atom from dioxygen into succinate is inconclusive. Here, we demonstrate that five members of the 2OG oxygenase family, AlkB from Escherichia coli, anthocyanidin synthase and flavonol synthase from Arabidopsis thaliana, and prolyl hydroxylase domain enzyme 2 and factor inhibiting hypoxia-inducible factor-1 from Homo sapiens all incorporate a single oxygen atom, almost exclusively derived from dioxygen, into the succinate co-product.


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We begin by briefly examining the achievements of the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, and offering it as the model and motivator for the creation of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems (RLE). The history of the RLE concept within IUCN is briefly summarized, from the first attempt to formally establish an RLE in 1996 to the present. Major activities since 2008, when the World Conservation Congress initiated a "consultation process for the development, implementation and monitoring of a global standard for the assessment of ecosystem status, applicable at local, regional and global levels," have included: Development of a research agenda for strengthening the scientific foundations of the RLE, publication of preliminary categories and criteria for examination by the scientific and conservation community, dissemination of the effort widely by presenting it at workshops and conferences around the world, and encouraging tests of the system for a diversity of ecosystem types and in a variety of institutional settings. Between 2009 and 2012, the Red List of Ecosystems Thematic Group of the IUCN Commission on Ecosystem Management organized 18 workshops and delivered 17 conferences in 20 countries on 5 continents, directly reaching hundreds of participants. Our vision for the future includes the integration of the RLE to the other three key IUCN knowledge products (IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, World Database on Protected Areas and Key Biodiversity Areas), in an on-line, user-driven, freely-accessible information management system for performing biodiversity assessments. In addition we wish to pilot the integration of the RLE into land/water use planning and macro-economic planning. Fundamental challenges for the future include: Substantial expansion in existing institutional and technical capacity (especially in biodiversity-rich countries in the developing world), progressive assessment of the status of all terrestrial, freshwater, marine and subterranean ecosystems, and development of a map of the ecosystems of the world. Our ultimate goal is that national, regional and global RLEs are used to inform conservation and land/water use decision-making by all sectors of society. © Author(s) 2012.


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Este artigo busca identificar quais as perspectivas profissionais das executivas brasileiras expatriadas. O artigo fundamenta-se em uma pesquisa sobre expatriação, de caráter exploratória e de natureza qualitativa com foco descritivo. A estratégia de pesquisa recaiu sobre o método de análise de conteúdo. A coleta de dados foi realizada através de uma rede social. Os resultados mostram que a essas mulheres encaram o programa de expatriação como uma grande oportunidade profissional, sendo assim, essas mulheres planejam suas carreiras para atingir os seus objetivos e suas perspectivas não estão, necessariamente, ligadas ao seu desenvolvimento profissional nas empresas.


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O rei castelhano Afonso X, o Sábio (1221-1284) é considerado como o idealizador de uma vasta obra que inclui textos de caráter jurídico, historiográfico, científico e sua produção poética. Este estudo propõe evidenciar o caráter propagandístico da obra afonsina considerando as condições de produção e difusão dos textos e a sua relação com o projeto político centralizador do Rei Sábio. Procurando observar a maneira pela qual o pensamento político afonsino é revelado em sua obra, são aqui analisadas as imagens do rex christianus, cujo poder provém de Deus, do rex iustus, cuja função é administrar a justiça em seu reino, e do rex sapiens, que dispõe da virtude e do conhecimento necessários para bem governar.


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Estudos de economia comportamental aplicados às políticas públicas, como os apresentados neste trabalho, fornecem uma importante base de apoio para a formulação e implementação de políticas públicas. A economia comportamental explicita como o sucesso de uma política pública vai além das articulações políticas e excelência na gestão. Muitas políticas desenhadas impactarão no cotidiano de pessoas, empresas e cidades. E é neste cotidiano que reside a necessidade de promover mudanças de comportamento. O artigo explora as diferenças entre o Homo economicus e o Homo sapiens, os vieses sistemáticos que estamos sujeitos, o papel de arquiteto de escolhas do formulador de políticas públicos e frameworks já desenvolvidos que inserem a economia comportamental no ciclo de uma política pública.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior


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La tesis parte del presupuesto que el cine ofrece la imensa capacidad de entretejer de forma compleja realidad e imaginación. Con eso sugerimos que tal cual una "escuela de vida", según la definición de Edgar Morin (2003), el cine, por medio de sus producciones y exibiciones, pude ser capaz de operar un movimiento de reinvención de una estética del vivir en el espacio de lo improbable. De ahi surge la pregunta: ¿Cómo un fenómeno artístico, estético e imagético puede realizar tal movimiento? Tomando como referencia el guión de vida del personaje de la vida real José Isaias de Lucena Filho, más conocido por Zezeco, encontramos pistas de esa reinvención. Residente de una pequeña ciudad del interior de la província de Rio Grande do Norte, llamada Ouro Branco, en la década del 1960, se desplazó hacia el centro-sur de Brasil y retornó a su lugar de partida con la idea de trabajar proyectando peliculas. De manera singular y plural, este sujeto asumió el riesgo y la incertidumbre de enfrentar determinismos sociales, climáticos y culturales para proponer nuevas simbolizaciones por medio del cine itinerante. La presencia del séptimo arte en pequeñas ciudades de hábitos rurales marcadas por la miséria, el hambre, la negligéncia, el coronelismo político y los problemas climáticos, alteró escenários, actualizó mitos y proporcionó nuevas interacciones entre los sujetos. Zezeco entró en las cifras del éxodo rural y emigró hacia Rio de Janeiro, pero su éxodo fue cinematográfico, porque le sirvió como base para la inserción de efectos especiales fantásticos y poéticos en guiones de vidas inmersas en lo trivial y lo contingente. Tal cual un cinematógrafo vivo, capturó el escenário cultural efervescente de Rio de Janeiro y lo proyectó en la pequeña ciudad de Ouro Branco y en otras ciudades del interior de las províncias de Rio Grande do Norte y Paraiba. Con ello le atribuyó un nuevo uso a la vida de su lugar de partida y de retorno. Actuó en la ambiguedad, la ambivalencia y la complejidad entre el sapiens e el demens; real e imaginario; prosa y poesia de la vida; razón y pasión; racional y simbólico; lógico y mítico. El alcance de la investigación contempla entrevistas, memória, registros manuscritos y fotografías de colección particular de habitantes de la ciudad de Ouro Branco-RN. Como referenciales teóricos principales, tenemos las obras de Edgar Morin sobre el cine y de otros autores como Giorgio Agamben y Maria da Conceição de Almeida que expanden la comprensión sobre el entreejido de realidad e imaginación, vida e ideas


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This study - Biologist s formative speech about death. Nuances and metaphors from knowing that the subject of do not want to know - shows a marginal cognitive construction in scientific education from biologist - death. It considered as obvious that death is a theme that covers both the scientific education from biologist and the division of the subject, and concerns the splitting of the double life-death and the principles of inclusion and exclusion of the subject. Part of sensitive question: What is the epistemological weave who supports biologist's speech about death? It is constituted an object of study of the biologist s speech on death. It is advocated the thesis that: Death is an epistemological obstacle announcing for something always aims to escape from the perspective of knowledge, especially of scientific knowledge because, since it is understood as cognitive learning about the disruption of biological phenomenon life which is involved on weave of imaginary and symbolic constructions about the finiteness of life; it has constituted a metaphorical knowing - encouraged by the noisy silence - which does not allow to know in full, mobilizing hence subject in searching for transitional truths that reduce the ontological being-mortal anguish centered in subjective dimension involved in the act of knowing. From this movement of search that the object mental life after death wins a symbolic value that requires a real-looking multi-referential for the study of biology - life - and its implications: the finiteness of life, especially by moving the omnipotence of scientific objectivity expressed by signs and symbols that seek say the completeness of scientific knowledge-, signaling thus the existence of the dynamics of incompleteness implicit in subjectivity that supports knowledge relating to the double, life and death, and to the temporality of the existence of Homo sapiens sapiens, with the axis guiding the desire of the subject, do not want to know about death, implicit in the mechanisms objective-subjective founded by non-said of death is the epistemology of the existence of objective-subjective subject, whose core is the negation of death. The theoretical methodological knowing web is anchored in the multi-reference which favors a transit by theoretical current, as the Psychoanalysis, bachelardian philosophy, the epistemology of complexity, the Thanatology, the Social Psychology, and Etnocenology, and Understanding Interview. The unveiling of the study object from the analysis of oral speech of eleven biologists who serve in high school, from three main guiding: Death in the history of life,Death in biologist s academic education and, Conceptions about concepts


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To study the teaching/learning process about the Nursing procedures carried out in the laboratory, and learn both the sapiens and the demens dimensions of such process, is the main purpose of this study. The objectives are to: identify the major laboratory contributions to the teaching/learning process from the point of view of undergraduate students and the feelings they express; describe the difficulties they have identified; and analyze the relevance of the laboratory to this process. As part of the inquiry procedure, four core group meetings were held with 26 undergraduate students who had completed the course on Semiology and Semiotics in Nursing, which is the course where the Nursing laboratory is most needed as a learning space. The analysis, based on a qualitative approach, had as fundamental theoretical support studies made by Friedlander and Hayashida, who deal with learning/teaching in the Nursing laboratory, and by authors who favor humanization in teaching such as, among others, Freire, Maturana, Morin, Assmann. Results point toward the relevance of the Nursing laboratory as a facilitator for the learning/teaching process. In their speech the students repeatedly state that the development of procedures in simulated situations enable them to become more self-assured and technically prepared for caring. In addition, they emphasize that feelings such as fear, lack of confidence, anxiety, anguish and panic become diminished at the time of their clinic experience when they have had previous learning in the laboratory. They have also acknowledged that some difficulties of structural nature have become obstacles to a high-quality learning development. In summary, in spite of the difficulties that have been pointed out by the students concerning the use of the Nursing laboratory in the learning/teaching process, they also recognize that this is the locus par excellence where they can develop their skills and appease their anxieties


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A preliminary radiation hybrid (RH) map containing 50 loci on chromosome 7 of the domestic river buffalo Bubalus bubalis (BBU; 2n = 50) was constructed based on a comparative mapping approach. The RH map of BBU7 includes thirty-seven gene markers and thirteen microsatellites. All loci have been previously assigned to Bos taurus (BTA) chromosome BTA6, which is known for its association with several economically important milk production traits in cattle. The map consists of two linkage groups spanning a total length of 627.9 cR(5,000). Comparative analysis of the BBU7 RH 5,000 map with BTA6 in cattle gave new evidence for strong similarity between the two chromosomes over their entire length and exposed minor differences in locus order. Comparison of the BBU7 RH 5,000 map with the Homo sapiens (HSA) genome revealed similarity with a large chromosome segment of HSA4. Comparative analysis of loci in both species revealed more variability than previously known in gene order and several chromosome rearrangements including centromere relocation. The data obtained in our study define the evolutionarily conserved segment on BBU7 and HSA4 to be between 3.5 megabases (Mb) and 115.8 Mb in the HSA4 (genome build 36) DNA sequence. Copyright (c) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Cross-species fluorescence in-situ hybridization (Zoo-FISH) was performed on cattle metaphase spreads using Homo sapiens X chromosome (HSAX) painting probes specific for the p- and q-arms to identify the cytogenetic location of a chromosome breakpoint between HSAX and the Bos taurus X chromosome (BTAX). The existence of a breakpoint is strongly suggested by recent radiation hybrid and FISH mapping results. Hybridization probes were generated by microdissection of HSAX p- and q-arms using the contact-free technology of Laser Microdissection and Pressure Catapulting (LMPC), amplification of the isolated chromosome material by DOP-PCR, and labelling of the PCR products with digoxigenin in a secondary PCR. Independent Zoo-FISH of the two painting probes on bovine metaphase chromosomes (detected by antidigoxigenin-fluorescein) resulted in clear hybridization signals on BTAX. A breakpoint was identified between HSAXp and HSAXq on BTAX, and narrowed down between the G-bands BTAXq25 and BTAXq26. The assumed centromere transposition between HSAX and BTAX associated with the rearranged chromosome segments is supported by cytogenetic assignments of the genes BGN and G6PD to BTAX.