916 resultados para Saliva Cortisol


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of food supplementation with vitamin C on macrophage and multinucleated giant cell (MGC) activities of pacus at two stocking densities. The experiment was carried out in a 2x2x3 split-plot factorial arrangement with: 0 and 500 mg kg-1 vitamin C; 5 and 20 kg m-3 stocking densities; and evaluation times at 3, 6, and 12 days after the subcutaneous implantation of glass coverslips (DPI). The number of macrophages and MGC, as well as cortisol and glucose plasma levels were determined. The number of macrophages and MGC with two to five nuclei was significantly greater in fish supplemented with vitamin C at 5 kg m-3 stocking density at 3 DPI in comparison to nonsupplemented ones. The macrophage and MGC counts were lower in fish with high-plasma cortisol concentration. Supplementation with 500 mg vitamin C benefits macrophage activity on foreign-body inflammation, and high-cortisol concentration has suppressive effects on this response.


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Increased peripheral and central nervous system cortisol levels have been reported in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and may reflect dysfunction of cerebral components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. However, brain exposure to high cortisol concentrations may also accelerate disease progression and cognitive decline. The objectives of this study were to investigate whether HPA-axis dysregulation occurs at early clinical stages of AD and whether plasma and CSF cortisol levels are associated with clinical disease progression. Morning plasma and CSF cortisol concentrations were obtained from the subjects with AD dementia, mild cognitive impairment of AD type (MCI-AD), MCI of other type (MCI-O), and controls with normal cognition included in a multicenter study from the German Dementia Competence Network. A clinical and neuropsychological follow-up was performed in a subgroup of participants with MCI-AD, MCI-O, and AD dementia. CSF cortisol concentrations were increased in the subjects with AD dementia or MCI-AD compared with subjects with MCI-O or normal cognition. After controlling for possible confounders including CSF measures of amyloid beta1-42 and total tau, higher baseline CSF cortisol levels were associated with faster clinical worsening and cognitive decline in MCI-AD. The findings suggest that HPA-axis dysregulation occurs at the MCI stage of AD and may accelerate disease progression and cognitive decline.


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Blood-feeding insects inject potent salivary components including complement inhibitors into their host's skin to acquire a blood meal. Sand fly saliva was shown to inhibit the classical pathway of complement; however, the molecular identity of the inhibitor remains unknown. Here, we identified SALO as the classical pathway complement inhibitor. SALO, an 11 kDa protein, has no homology to proteins of any other organism apart from New World sand flies. rSALO anti-complement activity has the same chromatographic properties as the Lu. longipalpis salivary gland homogenate (SGH)counterparts and anti-rSALO antibodies blocked the classical pathway complement activity of rSALO and SGH. Both rSALO and SGH inhibited C4b deposition and cleavage of C4. rSALO, however, did not inhibit the protease activity of C1s nor the enzymatic activity of factor Xa, uPA, thrombin, kallikrein, trypsin and plasmin. Importantly, rSALO did not inhibit the alternative or the lectin pathway of complement. In conclusion our data shows that SALO is a specific classical pathway complement inhibitor present in the saliva of Lu. longipalpis. Importantly, due to its small size and specificity, SALO may offer a therapeutic alternative for complement classical pathway-mediated pathogenic effects in human diseases.


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Probiotic lactobacilli and bifidobacteria in the mouth – in vitro studies on saliva-mediated functions and acid production Probiotics are viable bacteria which, when used in adequate amounts, are beneficial to the health of the host. Although most often related to intestinal health, probiotic bacteria can be found also in the mouth after consumption of products that contain them. This study aimed at evaluating the oral effects of probiotic bacteria already in commercial use. In a series of in vitro studies, the oral colonisation potential of different probiotic bacteria, their acid production and potential saliva-mediated effects on oral microbial ecology were investigated. The latter included effects on the salivary pellicle, the adhesion of other bacteria, and the activation of the peroxidase system. Streptococcus mutans, Streptococcus gordonii, Aggregatibacter actinomycetemcomitans and Helicobacter pylori were used as bacterial indicators of the studied phenomena. There were significant differences between the probiotic strains in their colonisation potential. They all were acidogenic, although using different sugars and sugar alcohols. However, their acid production could be inhibited by the peroxidase system. Based on the results, it can be suggested that probiotic bacteria might influence the oral microbiota by different, partly species or strain-specific means. These include the inhibition of bacterial adhesion, modification of the enamel pellicle, antimicrobial activity, and activation of the peroxidase system. To conclude, probiotic strains differed from each other in their colonisation potential and other oral effects as evaluated in vitro. Both positive and potentially harmful effects were observed, but the significance of the perceived results needs to be further evaluated in vivo.


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Determination of free urinary cortisol is a test of choice in the diagnosis of Cushing's syndrome. In this study, cortisol was quantified using reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) in urine samples previously extracted with ether and using triamcinolone acetonide as internal standard (IS). A BDS-Hypersil-C18® column, water-acetonitrile (72:28; v/v), with a flow rate of 1.0 mL/min and detection at 243 nm were used. This method showed to be both effective and efficient, with sensitivity and linearity ranging from 2.50 to 150 μg/L, and can be used in substitution to the radioimmunoassay technique within this concentration range.


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The aim of this thesis was to evaluate the short- and long-term effectiveness of a prefabricated occlusal appliance (R) on patients with myofascial pain and headache by comparing it with the treatment of the stabilization appliance (S). Another aim was to evaluate the effect of appliance treatment on stress-related salivary parameters like cortisol and IgA, as well as on flow rate values in these patients. Sixty-five patients diagnosed with myofascial temporomandibular disorder (TMD) pain, of whom 94% suffered concomitantly from headache, at two centres for Stomatognathic Physiology, one in Sweden and one in Finland, were included in this randomized controlled trial using Research Diagnostic Criteria for TMD (RDC/TMD), with history questionnaires and clinical examinations performed at baseline and at 6- and 10-weeks, and 6- and 12-month follow-ups. Patients were randomly assigned either to the R or the S group. Treatment outcome was measured according to IMMPACT (Initiative on Methods, Measurements, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials), i.e. four chronic pain outcome domains: pain intensity, overall improvement, physical and emotional functioning. Changes in frequency and intensity of headache were recorded. Thirty-nine patients participated in the saliva study. Salivary analyses were performed at 6 and 10 weeks. The results revealed no differences between groups at baseline. At all follow-ups, all four outcome measures, as well as frequency and intensity of headache, showed statistically significant within-group improvement compared to baseline, without significant differences between groups. No treatment-induced changes in saliva parameters could be registered. In conclusion, the effectiveness of the prefabricated appliance seemed to be similar to that of the stabilization appliance in alleviating myofascial pain, and frequency and intensity of headache, in the short as well as the long term. However, no changes in salivary parameters were observed during treatment.


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As formas de imobilização em bovinos mais utilizadas levam a uma manipulação excessiva e consequentemente estressante para o animal. A dor é uma experiência emocional de sensação desagradável que vem associada a um prejuízo tecidual. Surge no mercado um método de contenção física para bovinos que propõe a utilização de um aparelho que funciona com ondas eletromagnéticas de baixa intensidade promovendo imobilização sem estresse e ou estímulo doloroso para o animal. O objetivo deste projeto foi avaliar os parâmetros cardiorrespiratórios e hemogasométricos bem como os níveis de cortisol de bovinos submetidos à imobilização eletromagnética, a fim de observar se tal método é eficaz na diminuição do estresse e/ou estímulo doloroso. Foram utilizados 6 bovinos, mestiços, peso médio de 300,3 kg (±85,76). Os animais foram alocados aleatoriamente em dois grupos (controle dele mesmo): grupo controle (GC), introdução da sonda via retal (desligada); grupo Imobilizador (GI) introdução da sonda e permanência desta ligada por 5 minutos. Análise estatística utilizou o Teste T pareado entre os grupos (P<0,05) e a avaliação entre tempos dentro de cada grupo análise de variância de uma única via com repetições múltiplas (ANOVA - RM). Momentos avaliados M0: basal; M1: imediatamente após a retirada da sonda; M2 e M3 (30 e 60 minutos após M1 respectivamente). Houve um aumento significativo nas variáveis: frequências cardíaca e respiratória em (M1), na Pressão arterial média (M1, M2, M3) e níveis de cortisol nos momentos M1 e M2 no grupo imobilizador quando comparado ao grupo controle. Com relação à resposta ao estímulo, o GI teve resposta negativa no momento da estimulação, comparado ao GC (resposta máxima). De acordo com os resultados obtidos, podemos concluir que o imobilizador eletromagnético é um método, exclusivamente, de contenção física, não oferecendo nenhum suporte anestésico, para o conforto ou bem estar ao animal.


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O presente trabalho visou avaliar a vitalidade e os níveis séricos de cortisol de bezerros neonatos, nascidos de partos eutócicos e auxiliados, bem como determinar os índices de partos distócicos em vacas receptoras de embriões nelores. Cerca de 310 bezerros foram avaliados. Observou-se a ocorrência de 38 partos distócicos (38/310) e de oito abortos (8/310). Os bezerros nascidos de partos distócicos mais duradouros, entre quatro e seis horas, apresentaram os maiores valores médios de frequência respiratória e dos níveis séricos de cortisol. A temperatura retal foi mais elevada em animais nascidos de partos laboriosos do que naqueles nascidos de partos normais. As taxas de morbidade e mortalidade em animais neonatos nelores foram de 77,93% e 3,44%, respectivamente. O emprego do escore APGAR, ao nascimento, demonstrou que 90% dos bezerros apresentavam-se deprimidos, independente do tipo de nascimento.


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The aim of the present experiment was to investigate the effect of corticosteroids (exogen) on in vitro testosterone secretion after stress by transportation (40 minutes). Feline testes (Felis silvestris catus) were incubated in the following media: TCM 199; TCM 199 + hCG 10_7M; TCM 199 + hydrocortisone 10_7M, or TCM 199 + hCG + hydrocortisone. The animals (n=21) were allocated into three groups: (S) that arrived at 3 h prior to surgery, (A) that remained in the laboratory for 36 h before being submitted to surgical procedure, and (C) that were also allowed to remain for 36 hours in the laboratory before the surgical procedure, but whose testes had been incubated with hydrocortisone prior to incubation in the referred media. The results showed that group S secreted higher levels of testosterone, regardless of the culture media. It is noteworthy that the suppressing action of hydrocortisone sodium succinate led to a reduction in the testosterone concentration, despite the presence of hCG.


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O presente estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência do exercício físico de intensidade submáxima (provas de marcha) sobre as variáveis bioquímicas sanguíneas usadas na avaliação do metabolismo energético em equinos da raça Mangalarga Marchador criados no Estado do Espírito Santo. Para tal foram obtidas amostras de soro e plasma de 15 equinos, da raça Mangalarga Marchador, em quatro momentos assim definidos: antes (T0) e com 5 minutos (T1), 30 minutos (T2) e 2 horas (T3) após o término do exercício. A análise dos resultados demonstrou a não influência do exercício físico imposto sobre a glicose plasmática, com valores médios de 117,1±35,8mg/dL, 122,6±59,6mg/dL, 124,8± 48,6mg/dL e 112,9±49,1mg/dL, e sobre a insulina sérica, com valores de mediana de 6,50mUI/mL, 2,00mUI/mL, 5,85mUI/mL e 11,60mUI/mL, respectivamente, nos tempos T0, T1, T2 e T3. De forma oposta, foi possível observar uma influência significativa sobre triglicérides séricos, com valores médios de 25,4±14,9mg/dL, 42,3±17,8mg/dL, 31,4±17,7mg/dL e 25,1±15,1mg/dL, e sobre o cortisol sérico, com valores médios de 7,46±4,37mg/dL, 12,45±3,08mg/dL, 11,40±2,52mg/dL e 6,89±1,78mg/dL, respectivamente nos tempos T0, T1, T2 e T3. A interpretação destes resultados permitiu concluir que a marcha elevou as concentrações séricas de triglicérides e cortisol. Também foi possível destacar que, por tais valores encontrarem-se dentro de intervalos fisiológicos, os equinos usados estavam aptos ao nível de exercício físico imposto na ocasião.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate alterations to the physiological profile (cortisol, glycaemia, and blood parameters) of Lithobates catesbeianus caused by the stressors density and hypoxia. The organisms were in the prometamorphosis stage and exposed to different tadpole densities: 1 tadpole/L (T1), 5 tadpoles/L (T2), and 10 tadpoles/L (T3) for 12 days. The blood was collected through the rupture of the caudal blood vessel and collected under normoxia (immediate collection) and hypoxia (after 15 minutes of air exposure) conditions. Cortisol levels rose on the fourth and eighth days of treatment and returned to basal levels by the end of the experiment. The stressor mechanisms tested did not affect glycaemia. White blood cells (total number of lymphocytes, neutrophils, and eosinophils) showed a significant difference at the twelfth day of the experiment when compared with the start of the experiment. We concluded that, under controlled conditions, a density of up to 10 tadpoles/L and air exposure for 15 minutes did not cause harmful physiological alterations during the experimental period. The answer to these stressors maybe was in another hormonal level (corticosterone).


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Objetivou-se determinar os valores hematológicos, bioquímicos séricos, proteína C reativa e cortisol de 14 ararajubas (Guaroba guarouba) clinicamente saudáveis mantidas em cativeiro no zoológico do Parque Estadual de Dois Irmãos Recife/PE. Amostras de sangue foram obtidas da veia jugular com volume médio de 0,8ml, fracionando em duas porções, a primeira depositada em tubo MiniCollect®CE contendo EDTA e a outra tubo com gel separador, para a separação do soro sanguíneo. Os indicadores bioquímicos e PCR foram determinados através do analisador ARCHITECT c8000. O cortisol foi analisado no Cobas E411 da Roche. Para a determinação dos números de eritrócitos e leucócitos, foi utilizada a metodologia da contagem em câmara de Neubauer. O hematócrito foi avaliado pelo método do microhematócrito e a hemoglobina pelo método da cianometahemoglobulina. Para a contagem diferencial de leucócitos, foi utilizada a técnica de Shilling. Os índices hematimétricos (VCM, HCM E CHCM) foram determinados com os valores encontrados na série eritrocítica. Os dados foram caracterizados por dispersão de freqüências, utilizando-se as seguintes medidas de tendência central: Média, desvio-padrão, mediana e percentil de 25 e percentil 75. A determinação de alguns parâmetros como ferro, triglicerídeos, PCR e cortisol foram identificados como sendo pioneiramente referenciados nesta espécie de ave. Os dados são apresentados como sendo de referência para a ararajuba (Guaroba guarouba) criada em cativeiro em condições similares de manejo e higidez e ainda pode contribuir para os trabalhos de conservação ex situ desta espécie.


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Abstract: Blood samples collection is a common method in biological research using domestic animals. However, most blood sampling techniques are complicated and highly invasive and may therefore not be appropriate for wildlife animals in research concerning stress. Thus, a non-invasive method to measure steroid hormones is critically needed. The first goal of this study was to determine how glucocorticoids concentrations are impacted by translocation and reproductive activity in crab-eating-fox (Cerdocyoun thous) in captivity. The physiological relevance of fecal glucocorticoid metabolites was further validated by demonstrating: (1) The translocation of a male to a females enclosure resulted in a 3.5-fold increase compared to baseline concentrations, (2) changes in adrenocortical activity, as reflected in concentrations of fecal cortisol metabolites during reproduction, gestation and lactation in females foxes, indicating that social interactions resulted in large increases of fecal glucocorticoids metabolites during the reproductive season. From these findings we conclude that fecal samples can be used for the non-invasive assessment of adrenocortical status in crab-eating-fox.