151 resultados para SWIMMERS
El presente artículo analiza la manera en que la participación en los entrenamientos de un conjunto de nadadores master (adultos) expresa tanto una disposición hacia la actividad corporal como hacia la sociabilidad con los pares. Asimismo, se muestra el modo en que tiene lugar el proceso de aprendizaje de una técnica corporal de una manera práctica y colectiva durante el entrenamiento y los sentidos específicos que adquieren las nociones de sufrimiento y sacrificio en dicho proceso. Para ello se utiliza una estrategia de abordaje empírico basado en técnicas cualitativas de producción y análisis de datos, realizando entrevistas y a la vez trabajo de campo etnográfico
How do sportspeople succeed in a non-collaborative game? An illustration of a perverse side effect of altruism Are team sports specialists predisposed to collaboration? The scientific literature on this topic is divided. The present article attempts to end this debate by applying experimental game theory. We constituted three groups of volunteers (all students aged around 20): 25 team sports specialists; 23 individual sports specialists (gymnasts, track & field athletes and swimmers) and a control group of 24 non-sportspeople. Each subgroup was divided into 3 teams that played against each other in turn (and not against teams from other subgroups). The teams played a game based on the well-known Prisoner's Dilemma (Tucker, 1950) - the paradoxical "Bluegill Sunbass Game" (Binmore, 1999) with three Nash equilibria (two suboptimal equilibria with a pure strategy and an optimal equilibrium with a mixed, egotistical strategy (p= 1/2)). This game also features a Harsanyi equilibrium (based on constant compliance with a moral code and altruism by empathy: "do not unto others that which you would not have them do unto you"). How, then, was the game played? Two teams of 8 competed on a handball court. Each team wore a distinctive jersey. The game lasted 15 minutes and the players were allowed to touch the handball ball with their feet or hands. After each goal, each team had to return to its own half of the court. Players were allowed to score in either goal and thus cooperate with their teammates or not, as they saw fit. A goal against the nominally opposing team (a "guardian" strategy, by analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game) earned a point for everyone in the team. For an own goal (a "sneaker" strategy), only the scorer earned a point - hence the paradox. If all the members of a team work together to score a goal, everyone is happy (the Harsanyi solution). However, the situation was not balanced in the Nashian sense: each player had a reason to be disloyal to his/her team at the merest opportunity. But if everyone adopts a "sneaker" strategy, the game becomes a free-for-all and the chances of scoring become much slimmer. In a context in which doubt reigns as to the honesty of team members and "legal betrayals", what type of sportsperson will score the most goals? By analogy with the Bluegill Sunbass Game, we recorded direct motor interactions (passes and shots) based on either a "guardian" tactic (i.e. collaboration within the team) or a "sneaker" tactic (shots and passes against the player's designated team). So, was the group of team sports specialist more collaborative than the other two groups? The answer was no. A statistical analysis (difference from chance in a logistic regression) enabled us to draw three conclusions: ?For the team sports specialists, the Nash equilibrium (1950) was stronger than the Harsanyi equilibrium (1977). ?The sporting principles of equilibrium and exclusivity are not appropriate in the Bluegill Sunbass Game and are quickly abandoned by the team sports specialists. The latter are opportunists who focus solely on winning and do well out of it. ?The most altruistic players are the main losers in the Bluegill Sunbass Game: they keep the game alive but contribute to their own defeat. In our experiment, the most altruistic players tended to be the females and the individual sports specialists
Life-cycle characteristics of the free-swimming lysianassoid amphipod Cyclocaris guilelmi were investigated and compared to those of other regularly appearing amphipods in the Arctic deep-sea community. In this context we analysed time-series data of meso- and bathypelagic amphipods collected as swimmers in moored sediment traps from 2004 to 2008 at the deep-sea long-term observatory HAUSGARTEN (79°N/4°E) in the eastern Fram Strait, Arctic Ocean. Six mesopelagic and three bathypelagic deep-sea amphipod species regularly occurred in the traps. The lysianassoid C. guilelmi showed a stable interannual population size and seasonal peaks in its occurrence from August to February during the five-year sampling period. The investigation of its population structure and reproduction ecology indicated year-round breeding behavior of this species. Up to 4 cohorts consisting mainly of juvenile and female C. guilelmi were observed. We conclude that C. guilelmi plays an important role within the Arctic amphipod deep water community.
The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of different swimming race constraints on the evolution of turn parameters. One hundred and fifty-eight national and regional level 200-m (meters) male swimming performances were video-analyzed using the individualized-distance model in the Open Comunidad de Madrid tournament. Turn (p < .001, ES = 0.36) and underwater distances (p < .001, ES = 0.38) as well as turn velocity (p < .001, ES = 0.69) significantly dropped throughout the race, although stroke velocity and underwater velocity were maintained in the last lap of the race (p > .05). Higher expertise swimmers obtained faster average velocities and longer distances in all the turn phases (p < .001, ES = 0.59), except the approach distance. In addition, national level swimmers showed the ability to maintain most of the turn parameters throughout the race, which assisted them in improving average velocity at the end of races. Therefore, the variations in the turning movements of a swimming race were expertise-related and focused on optimizing average velocity. Turning skills should be included in the swimming race action plan.
Los peces son animales, donde en la mayoría de los casos, son considerados como nadadores muy eficientes y con una alta capacidad de maniobra. En general los peces se caracterizan por su capacidad de maniobra, locomoción silencioso, giros y partidas rápidas y viajes de larga distancia. Los estudios han identificado varios tipos de locomoción que los peces usan para generar maniobras y natación constante. A bajas velocidades la mayoría de los peces utilizan sus aletas pares y / o impares para su locomoción, que ofrecen una mayor maniobrabilidad y mejor eficiencia de propulsión. A altas velocidades la locomoción implica el cuerpo y / o aleta caudal porque esto puede lograr un mayor empuje y aceleración. Estas características pueden inspirar el diseo y fabricación de una piel muy flexible, una aleta caudal mórfica y una espina dorsal no articulada con una gran capacidad de maniobra. Esta tesis presenta el desarrollo de un novedoso pez robot bio-inspirado y biomimético llamado BR3, inspirado en la capacidad de maniobra y nado constante de los peces vertebrados. Inspirado por la morfología de los peces Micropterus salmoides o también conocido como lubina negra, el robot BR3 utiliza su fundamento biológico para desarrollar modelos y métodos matemáticos precisos que permiten imitar la locomoción de los peces reales. Los peces Largemouth Bass pueden lograr un nivel increíble de maniobrabilidad y eficacia de la propulsión mediante la combinación de los movimientos ondulatorios y aletas morficas. Para imitar la locomoción de los peces reales en una contraparte artificial se necesita del análisis de tecnologías de actuación alternativos, como arreglos de fibras musculares en lugar de servo actuadores o motores DC estándar, así como un material flexible que proporciona una estructura continua sin juntas. Las aleaciones con memoria de forma (SMAs) proveen la posibilidad de construir robots livianos, que no emiten ruido, sin motores, sin juntas y sin engranajes. Asi es como un pez robot submarino se ha desarrollado y cuyos movimientos son generados mediante SMAs. Estos actuadores son los adecuados para doblar la espina dorsal continua del pez robot, que a su vez provoca un cambio en la curvatura del cuerpo. Este tipo de arreglo estructural está inspirado en los músculos rojos del pescado, que son usados principalmente durante la natación constante para la flexión de una estructura flexible pero casi incompresible como lo es la espina dorsal de pescado. Del mismo modo la aleta caudal se basa en SMAs y se modifica para llevar a cabo el trabajo necesario. La estructura flexible proporciona empuje y permite que el BR3 nade. Por otro lado la aleta caudal mórfica proporciona movimientos de balanceo y guiada. Motivado por la versatilidad del BR3 para imitar todos los modos de natación (anguilliforme, carangiforme, subcarangiforme y tunniforme) se propone un controlador de doblado y velocidad. La ley de control de doblado y velocidad incorpora la información del ángulo de curvatura y de la frecuencia para producir el modo de natación deseado y a su vez controlar la velocidad de natación. Así mismo de acuerdo con el hecho biológico de la influencia de la forma de la aleta caudal en la maniobrabilidad durante la natación constante se propone un control de actitud. Esta novedoso robot pescado es el primero de su tipo en incorporar sólo SMAs para doblar una estructura flexible continua y sin juntas y engranajes para producir empuje e imitar todos los modos de natación, así como la aleta caudal que es capaz de cambiar su forma. Este novedoso diseo mecatrónico presenta un futuro muy prometedor para el diseo de vehículos submarinos capaces de modificar su forma y nadar mas eficientemente. La nueva metodología de control propuesto en esta tesis proporcionan una forma totalmente nueva de control de robots basados en SMAs, haciéndolos energéticamente más eficientes y la incorporación de una aleta caudal mórfica permite realizar maniobras más eficientemente. En su conjunto, el proyecto BR3 consta de cinco grandes etapas de desarrollo: • Estudio y análisis biológico del nado de los peces con el propósito de definir criterios de diseño y control. • Formulación de modelos matemáticos que describan la: i) cinemática del cuerpo, ii) dinámica, iii) hidrodinámica iv) análisis de los modos de vibración y v) actuación usando SMA. Estos modelos permiten estimar la influencia de modular la aleta caudal y el doblado del cuerpo en la producción de fuerzas de empuje y fuerzas de rotación necesarias en las maniobras y optimización del consumo de energía. • Diseño y fabricación de BR3: i) estructura esquelética de la columna vertebral y el cuerpo, ii) mecanismo de actuación basado en SMAs para el cuerpo y la aleta caudal, iii) piel artificial, iv) electrónica embebida y v) fusión sensorial. Está dirigido a desarrollar la plataforma de pez robot BR3 que permite probar los métodos propuestos. • Controlador de nado: compuesto por: i) control de las SMA (modulación de la forma de la aleta caudal y regulación de la actitud) y ii) control de nado continuo (modulación de la velocidad y doblado). Está dirigido a la formulación de los métodos de control adecuados que permiten la modulación adecuada de la aleta caudal y el cuerpo del BR3. • Experimentos: está dirigido a la cuantificación de los efectos de: i) la correcta modulación de la aleta caudal en la producción de rotación y su efecto hidrodinámico durante la maniobra, ii) doblado del cuerpo para la producción de empuje y iii) efecto de la flexibilidad de la piel en la habilidad para doblarse del BR3. También tiene como objetivo demostrar y validar la hipótesis de mejora en la eficiencia de la natación y las maniobras gracias a los nuevos métodos de control presentados en esta tesis. A lo largo del desarrollo de cada una de las cinco etapas, se irán presentando los retos, problemáticas y soluciones a abordar. Los experimentos en canales de agua estarán orientados a discutir y demostrar cómo la aleta caudal y el cuerpo pueden afectar considerablemente la dinámica / hidrodinámica de natación / maniobras y cómo tomar ventaja de la modulación de curvatura que la aleta caudal mórfica y el cuerpo permiten para cambiar correctamente la geometría de la aleta caudal y del cuerpo durante la natación constante y maniobras. ABSTRACT Fishes are animals where in most cases are considered as highly manoeuvrable and effortless swimmers. In general fishes are characterized for his manoeuvring skills, noiseless locomotion, rapid turning, fast starting and long distance cruising. Studies have identified several types of locomotion that fish use to generate maneuvering and steady swimming. At low speeds most fishes uses median and/or paired fins for its locomotion, offering greater maneuverability and better propulsive efficiency At high speeds the locomotion involves the body and/or caudal fin because this can achieve greater thrust and accelerations. This can inspire the design and fabrication of a highly deformable soft artificial skins, morphing caudal fins and non articulated backbone with a significant maneuverability capacity. This thesis presents the development of a novel bio-inspired and biomimetic fishlike robot (BR3) inspired by the maneuverability and steady swimming ability of ray-finned fishes (Actinopterygii, bony fishes). Inspired by the morphology of the Largemouth Bass fish, the BR3 uses its biological foundation to develop accurate mathematical models and methods allowing to mimic fish locomotion. The Largemouth Bass fishes can achieve an amazing level of maneuverability and propulsive efficiency by combining undulatory movements and morphing fins. To mimic the locomotion of the real fishes on an artificial counterpart needs the analysis of alternative actuation technologies more likely muscle fiber arrays instead of standard servomotor actuators as well as a bendable material that provides a continuous structure without joins. The Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) provide the possibility of building lightweight, joint-less, noise-less, motor-less and gear-less robots. Thus a swimming underwater fish-like robot has been developed whose movements are generated using SMAs. These actuators are suitable for bending the continuous backbone of the fish, which in turn causes a change in the curvature of the body. This type of structural arrangement is inspired by fish red muscles, which are mainly recruited during steady swimming for the bending of a flexible but nearly incompressible structure such as the fishbone. Likewise the caudal fin is based on SMAs and is customized to provide the necessary work out. The bendable structure provides thrust and allows the BR3 to swim. On the other hand the morphing caudal fin provides roll and yaw movements. Motivated by the versatility of the BR3 to mimic all the swimming modes (anguilliform, caranguiform, subcaranguiform and thunniform) a bending-speed controller is proposed. The bending-speed control law incorporates bend angle and frequency information to produce desired swimming mode and swimming speed. Likewise according to the biological fact about the influence of caudal fin shape in the maneuverability during steady swimming an attitude control is proposed. This novel fish robot is the first of its kind to incorporate only SMAs to bend a flexible continuous structure without joints and gears to produce thrust and mimic all the swimming modes as well as the caudal fin to be morphing. This novel mechatronic design is a promising way to design more efficient swimming/morphing underwater vehicles. The novel control methodology proposed in this thesis provide a totally new way of controlling robots based on SMAs, making them more energy efficient and the incorporation of a morphing caudal fin allows to perform more efficient maneuvers. As a whole, the BR3 project consists of five major stages of development: • Study and analysis of biological fish swimming data reported in specialized literature aimed at defining design and control criteria. • Formulation of mathematical models for: i) body kinematics, ii) dynamics, iii) hydrodynamics, iv) free vibration analysis and v) SMA muscle-like actuation. It is aimed at modelling the e ects of modulating caudal fin and body bend into the production of thrust forces for swimming, rotational forces for maneuvering and energy consumption optimisation. • Bio-inspired design and fabrication of: i) skeletal structure of backbone and body, ii) SMA muscle-like mechanisms for the body and caudal fin, iii) the artificial skin, iv) electronics onboard and v) sensor fusion. It is aimed at developing the fish-like platform (BR3) that allows for testing the methods proposed. • The swimming controller: i) control of SMA-muscles (morphing-caudal fin modulation and attitude regulation) and ii) steady swimming control (bend modulation and speed modulation). It is aimed at formulating the proper control methods that allow for the proper modulation of BR3’s caudal fin and body. • Experiments: it is aimed at quantifying the effects of: i) properly caudal fin modulation into hydrodynamics and rotation production for maneuvering, ii) body bending into thrust generation and iii) skin flexibility into BR3 bending ability. It is also aimed at demonstrating and validating the hypothesis of improving swimming and maneuvering efficiency thanks to the novel control methods presented in this thesis. This thesis introduces the challenges and methods to address these stages. Waterchannel experiments will be oriented to discuss and demonstrate how the caudal fin and body can considerably affect the dynamics/hydrodynamics of swimming/maneuvering and how to take advantage of bend modulation that the morphing-caudal fin and body enable to properly change caudal fin and body’ geometry during steady swimming and maneuvering.
A natação de águas abertas tem registrado aumento no número de competições e participantes em todo mundo. Acompanhando esta tendência têm sido desenvolvidos estudos para identificar as características físicas e as respostas fisiológicas dos atletas neste tipo de prova. Entretanto, são escassos estudos ao nível de análise comportamental, principalmente, em condições reais de distância e meio ambiente (mar). Foi objetivo deste estudo investigar as características de desempenho e da organização temporal das braçadas de nadadores de águas abertas. Mais especificamente, conhecer quais recursos os atletas de águas abertas lançam mão para atingir sua meta de vencer um percurso no mar no menor tempo possível. A amostra foi constituída por 23 atletas, com média de idade de 26,4(±3,2) anos. A tarefa foi nadar um trajeto de 1500 metros em forma de um circuito em mar aberto. Para a captação das variáveis relacionadas ao desempenho utilizou-se um GPS (Garmin modelo Fênix 3) e um cronômetro (FINIS modelo Accusplit Eagle AX602). O registro das imagens para captação dos dados relacionados à descrição da organização temporal das braçadas ocorreu em três pontos do trajeto: início (I) - 20 a 40 metros, meio (M) - 800 a 820 metros e final (F) - 1450 a 1470 metros. Foi utilizada uma filmadora (Nikon Coolpix S5300) afixada à embarcação. O software Kinovea 8.20 permitiu a análise quadro a quadro das braçadas. Foram consideradas variáveis dependentes relacionadas ao desempenho (tempo, velocidade e distância total percorrida, bem como, a frequência de braçadas em cada um dos três pontos do trajeto); aos aspectos variantes das braçadas (tempo total do ciclo, das braçadas, das fases aérea e aquática) e aos aspectos invariantes das braçadas (timing relativo das fases aérea e aquática e sua variabilidade). A análise de variância de medidas repetidas foi usada para comparar os três momentos da tarefa (I, M e F) para todas as variáveis, e a correlação de Pearson para analisar a magnitude das relações entre as variáveis de desempenho, enquanto o teste t de Student para medidas pareadas foi utilizado para comparar as possíveis diferenças entre os braços direito e esquerdo para cada um dos momentos e determinou-se como significância estatística α≤=0,05. Em relação ao desempenho, os resultados indicaram que os nadadores fizeram uso de frequência de braçada (Fb) diferente para os três momentos, sendo maior no I quando comparada ao M e F, e no M, menor que em F; estas mudanças foram acompanhadas por ajustes nos aspectos variantes como o tempo total do ciclo, das braçadas e das fases aérea e aquática. Ainda, nos três momentos os nadadores apresentaram simetria temporal entre as braçadas dos dois braços, apesar de as diferenças serem evidenciadas entre as fases das braçadas quando comparados os braços. Com relação aos aspectos invariantes detectou-se mudança do padrão de I para M e F da tarefa, sendo que em M e F os atletas utilizaram a mesma estrutura temporal. Quanto à variabilidade dos aspectos variantes e invariantes para as braçadas e as fases das braçadas, observou-se diminuição da magnitude ao longo da tarefa sendo que o braço esquerdo apresentou nos três momentos maior variabilidade que o direito. Assim, diante dos resultados, concluiu-se que os recursos utilizados por nadadores habilidosos para nadar em ambiente pouco estável, em condições reais de distância e meio ambiente (mar) compreendem a alteração do desempenho (Fb) associado a ajustes nos aspectos variantes, concomitantemente à alteração dos aspectos invariantes das braçadas, em função do momento da tarefa
Introducción: el triatlón es un deporte de resistencia e individual que está formado por tres disciplinas diferentes: natación, ciclismo y carrera a pie. El objetivo del estudio es describir las características antropométricas en triatletas varones universitarios, además de analizar y describir la composición corporal y el somatotipo de dichos triatletas. Metodología: estudio observacional y descriptivo de las características antropométricas, la composición corporal y el somatotipo de 39 triatletas varones universitarios entre 24 ± 4,5 años, participantes en el campeonato de España universitario de triatlón, modalidad sprint (Alicante 2010), procedentes de diferentes universidades españolas. Según la técnicas de medición antropométrica adoptadas por la International Society for the Advancement of Kinanthropometry (ISAK) y el Grupo Español de Cineantropometría (GREC) por un evaluador acreditado ISAK de nivel II. Resultados: nos encontramos con deportistas de talla baja, en los que destacan valores inferiores a lo normal en los pliegues cutáneos subescapular, supraespinal, tricipital y bicipital, un porcentaje de masa muscular (45,27 ± 3,29%), de masa grasa (10,22 ± 2,92%) y de masa ósea (16,65 ± 1,34%) y un somatotipo en el que predomina la mesomorfia. Discusión: los triatletas y corredores presentan más baja talla que los ciclistas y nadadores. Los triatletas y ciclistas muestran un peso similar, siendo menor que el de los nadadores de fondo y mayor que el de los corredores de 10 km. Los pliegues cutáneos cresta ilíaca, abdominal y muslo frontal de los ciclistas son inferiores al de los triatletas. El porcentaje de masa grasa de triatletas corredores y nadadores son similares; sin embargo, el de la masa muscular de los triatletas suele ser inferior al de los ciclistas pero similar a las demás modalidades. El somatotipo del triatleta se asemeja al del ciclista (mesomorfo). El del corredor es mesomorfo-ectomorfo y el del nadador puede oscilar de mesomorfo a ectomorfo.
Despite the popularity of youth sport programs, little research has examined the psychosocial benefits assumed to stem from involvement. Some studies suggest birthplace influences the development of elite athletes, but little work has examined other influences of community contexts. The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between young athletes’ community size, developmental assets, and sport involvement. Current and recently withdrawn competitive swimmers (N = 181) completed the Developmental Assets Profile (Search Institute, 2004). Athletes from smaller cities had significantly higher developmental asset scores for support, commitment to learning, and boundaries/expectations. Further, community size was a significant predictor of withdrawal. Findings suggest community context should be given additional attention in youth sport literature.
This study examined youth sport dropout and prolonged engagement from a developmental perspective focusing on physical and psychosocial factors. Twenty-five dropout and 25 engaged adolescent swimmers, matched on key demographic variables, participated in a retrospective interview. Results indicated that dropouts were involved in fewer extra-curricular activities, less unstructured swimming play, and received less one-on-one coaching throughout development. Dropouts reached several developmental milestones (i.e., started training camps, started dry land training, and were top in club) earlier than engaged athletes. Dropouts were more likely to have had parents who were high-level athletes in their youth, were more likely to be the youngest in their training group, and were less likely to have a best friend at swimming. Findings are discussed in relation to past research; future directions and implications for researchers, sport programmers, coaches, and parents are suggested.
Objectives: The purpose of this study is to gain understanding of training patterns and roles of significant others (i.e. coaches, parents, peers, and siblings) in adolescent swimmers’ sport participation patterns. Design: The developmental model of sport participation [Côté, J., Baker, J., & Abernethy, B. (2003). From play to practice: A developmental framework for the acquisition of expertise in team sport. In J. Starkes, & K. A. Ericsson (Eds.), Recent advances in research on sport expertise (pp. 89–114). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics; Côté, J., & Fraser-Thomas, J. (2007). Youth involvement in sport. In P. R. E. Crocker (Ed.), Introduction to sport psychology: A Canadian perspective (pp. 266–294). Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall] was used as a framework. Method: Ten dropout and 10 engaged swimmers, matched on key demographic variables participated in a semi-structured qualitative interview. Results: Groups had many similar experiences (e.g. early training, supportive and unsupportive coaches, involved parents). However, only dropouts spoke of early peak performances, limited one-on-one coaching, pressuring parents during adolescence, lack of swimming peers during adolescence, and sibling rivalries. In contrast, only engaged athletes spoke of clubs’ developmental philosophies, coaches’ and parents’ open communication, school friends’ support, and siblings’ general positive influences. Conclusions: Findings highlight the importance of appropriately structured programs and the fragility of athletes’ relationships with significant others during the adolescent years. Implications for sport programmers, coaches, and parents are discussed.
The purpose of this study was to gain understanding of adolescents’ positive and negative developmental experiences in sport. Twenty-two purposefully sampled adolescent competitive swimmers participated in a semistructured qualitative interview. Content analysis led to the organization of meaning units into themes and categories (Patton, 2002). Athletes suggested their sport involvement facilitated many positive developmental experiences (i.e., related to challenge, meaningful adult and peer relationships, a sense of community, and other life experiences) and some negative developmental experiences (i.e., related to poor coach relationships, negative peer influences, parent pressure, and the challenging psychological environment of competitive sport). Findings underline the important roles of sport programmers, clubs, coaches, and parents in facilitating youths’ positive developmental experiences in sport, while highlighting numerous important directions for future research. Implications for coach training and practice are outlined.
UM Swimmers on stand: front L-R: Chris Rumley, Rodney Van Tassell, back L-R: Gustavo Borges, Tom Dolan
Tennis played at an elite level requires intensive training characterized by repeated bouts of brief intermittent high intensity exercise over relatively long periods of time (1 - 3 h or more). Competition can place additional stress on players. The purpose of this study was to investigate the temporal association between specific components of tennis training and competition, the incidence of upper respiratory tract infections (URT1), and salivary IgA, in a cohort of seventeen elite female tennis players. Timed, whole unstimulated saliva samples were collected before and after selected 1-h training sessions at 2 weekly intervals, over 12 weeks. Salivary IgA concentration was measured by ELISA and IgA secretion rate calculated (mug IgA x ml(-1) x ml saliva x min(-1)). Players reported URTI symptoms and recorded training and competition in daily logs. Data analysis showed that higher incidence of URTI was significantly associated with increased training duration and load, and competition level, on a weekly basis. Salivary IgA secretion rate (S-IgA) dropped significantly after 1 hour of tennis play. Over the 12-week period, pre-exercise salivary IgA concentration and secretion rate were directly associated with the amount of training undertaken during the previous day and week (p < 0.05). However, the decline in S-IgA after 1 h of intense tennis play was also positively related to the duration and load of training undertaken during the previous day and week (p < 0.05). Although exercise-induced suppression of salivary IgA may be a risk factor, it could not accurately predict the occurrence of URTI in this cohort of athletes.
The purpose of this study was to test the effects of visual occlusion and fatigue on the motor performance of vertical skills in synchronized swimming. Experienced synchronized swimmers (n = 12) were randomly assigned to either an exercise or nonexercise (control) activity group. Subjective ratings of fatigue were obtained from the swimmers who then each performed four vertical skills under alternating conditions of vision and visual occlusion before and after either a swimming (designed to induce fatigue) or nonphysical activity. A main effect of activity (p < .03) was found for two measures of performance accuracy (lateral and anterior total distance traveled) but not for lateral and anterior maximum deviation from vertical, indicating that fatigue played a role in executing the skills. The data also indicate that the maintenance of a stationary position is a skill of greater difficulty than maintaining a true vertical. In contrast with previous research findings on synchronized swimmers, a significant effect of vision in all conditions was found, with performance decrements in the conditions of visual occlusion showing that vision provided important sensory input for the swimmers.