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A general mapping between the energy of pertinent magnetic solutions and the diagonal terms of the spin Hamiltonian in a local representation provides the first general framework to extract accurate values for the many body terms of extended spin Hamiltonians from periodic first-principle calculations. Estimates of these terms for La2CuO4, the paradigm of high-Tc superconductor parent compounds, and for the SrCu2O3 ladder compound are reported. For La2CuO4, present results support experimental evidence by Toader et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 197202 (2005)]. For SrCu2O3 even larger four-body spin amplitudes are found together with Jl/Jr=1 and non-negligible ferromagnetic interladder exchange.


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A general mapping between the energy of pertinent magnetic solutions and the diagonal terms of the spin Hamiltonian in a local representation provides the first general framework to extract accurate values for the many body terms of extended spin Hamiltonians from periodic first-principle calculations. Estimates of these terms for La2CuO4, the paradigm of high-Tc superconductor parent compounds, and for the SrCu2O3 ladder compound are reported. For La2CuO4, present results support experimental evidence by Toader et al. [Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 197202 (2005)]. For SrCu2O3 even larger four-body spin amplitudes are found together with Jl/Jr=1 and non-negligible ferromagnetic interladder exchange.


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The magnetic structure of the [Cu4(bpy)4(aspartate)2(H2O)3](ClO4)4·2.5 H2Ocrystal - using fractional coordinates determined at room-temperature ¿ has beenanalysed in detail. This analysis has been carried out by extending our first principlesbottom-up theoretical approach, which was initially designed to study through-spacemagnetic interactions, to handle through-bond magnetic interactions. The only input datarequired by this approach are the values of the computed JAB exchange parameters for allthe unique pairs of spin-containing centres. The results allow the magnetic structure ofthe crystal, which presents two types of isolated tetranuclear CuII clusters, to be definedin quantitative terms. Each of these clusters presents ferro and antiferromagneticinteractions, the former being stronger, although outnumbered by the latter. Thecomputed magnetic susceptibility curve shows the same qualitative features as theexperimental data. However, there are small differences that are presumed to beassociated with the use of room-temperature crystal coordinates.


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Aquest treball fa una revisió de mesures experimentals i càlculs teòrics sobre la dinàmica de col·lisions i reaccions moleculars. Els experiments se centren en col·lisions, a energies intermèdies, que involucren sistemes del tipus ió-àtom i iómolècula, per les quals es mesuren seccions eficaces totals, estat a estat, així com aquelles que discerneixen les diferents contribucions del moment angular d'espín. Els resultats obtinguts s'interpreten satisfactòriament en termes d'acoblaments no adiabàtics entre els diferents estats electrònics dels sistemes col·lisionants. Els càlculs teòrics utilitzen la metodologia quasiclàssica, així com metodologies mecanoquàntiques recentment desenvolupades, tant aproximades com exactes. S'han obtingut resultats totalment convergits per sistemes tipus, mentre que s'han analitzat, de manera detallada i extensiva, les característiques dinàmiques de sistemes triatòmic, tetraatòmic i pentaatòmic.


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The electronic structure of the molecular solid Ni(tmdt)2, the only well characterized neutral molecular metal to date, has been studied by means of first-principles density functional calculations. It is shown that these calculations correctly describe the metallic vs semiconducting behavior of molecular conductors of this type. The origin of the band overlap leading to the metallic character and the associated Fermi surfaces has been studied.


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The electronic structure and properties of cerium oxides (CeO2 and Ce2O3) have been studied in the framework of the LDA+U and GGA(PW91)+U implementations of density functional theory. The dependence of selected observables of these materials on the effective U parameter has been investigated in detail. The examined properties include lattice constants, bulk moduli, density of states, and formation energies of CeO2 and Ce2O3. For CeO2, the LDA+U results are in better agreement with experiment than the GGA+U results whereas for the computationally more demanding Ce2O3 both approaches give comparable accuracy. Furthermore, as expected, Ce2O3 is much more sensitive to the choice of the U value. Generally, the PW91 functional provides an optimal agreement with experiment at lower U energies than LDA does. In order to achieve a balanced description of both kinds of materials, and also of nonstoichiometric CeO2¿x phases, an appropriate choice of U is suggested for LDA+U and GGA+U schemes. Nevertheless, an optimum value appears to be property dependent, especially for Ce2O3. Optimum U values are found to be, in general, larger than values determined previously in a self-consistent way.


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"Most quantitative empirical analyses are motivated by the desire to estimate the causal effect of an independent variable on a dependent variable. Although the randomized experiment is the most powerful design for this task, in most social science research done outside of psychology, experimental designs are infeasible. (Winship & Morgan, 1999, p. 659)." This quote from earlier work by Winship and Morgan, which was instrumental in setting the groundwork for their book, captures the essence of our review of Morgan and Winship's book: It is about causality in nonexperimental settings.


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The magnetic structure of the [Cu4(bpy)4(aspartate)2(H2O)3](ClO4)4·2.5 H2Ocrystal - using fractional coordinates determined at room-temperature ¿ has beenanalysed in detail. This analysis has been carried out by extending our first principlesbottom-up theoretical approach, which was initially designed to study through-spacemagnetic interactions, to handle through-bond magnetic interactions. The only input datarequired by this approach are the values of the computed JAB exchange parameters for allthe unique pairs of spin-containing centres. The results allow the magnetic structure ofthe crystal, which presents two types of isolated tetranuclear CuII clusters, to be definedin quantitative terms. Each of these clusters presents ferro and antiferromagneticinteractions, the former being stronger, although outnumbered by the latter. Thecomputed magnetic susceptibility curve shows the same qualitative features as theexperimental data. However, there are small differences that are presumed to beassociated with the use of room-temperature crystal coordinates.


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Bacterial reporters are live, genetically engineered cells with promising application in bioanalytics. They contain genetic circuitry to produce a cellular sensing element, which detects the target compound and relays the detection to specific synthesis of so-called reporter proteins (the presence or activity of which is easy to quantify). Bioassays with bacterial reporters are a useful complement to chemical analytics because they measure biological responses rather than total chemical concentrations. Simple bacterial reporter assays may also replace more costly chemical methods as a first line sample analysis technique. Recent promising developments integrate bacterial reporter cells with microsystems to produce bacterial biosensors. This lecture presents an in-depth treatment of the synthetic biological design principles of bacterial reporters, the engineering of which started as simple recombinant DNA puzzles, but has now become a more rational approach of choosing and combining sensing, controlling and reporting DNA 'parts'. Several examples of existing bacterial reporter designs and their genetic circuitry will be illustrated. Besides the design principles, the lecture also focuses on the application principles of bacterial reporter assays. A variety of assay formats will be illustrated, and principles of quantification will be dealt with. In addition to this discussion, substantial reference material is supplied in various Annexes.


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Enterprise Architecture (EA), which has been approached by both academia and industry, is considered comprising not only architectural representations, but also principles guiding architecture's design and evolution. Even though the concept of EA principles has been defined as the integral part of EA, the number of publications on this subject is very limited and only a few organizations use EA principles to manage their EA endeavors. In order to critically assess the current state of research and identify research gaps in EA principles, we focus on four general aspects of theoretical contributions in IS. By applying these aspects to EA principles, we outline future research directions in EA principles nature, adoption, practices, and impact.


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Atopic dermatitis is the most frequent dermatosis in childhood. Numerous studies underscored the central role of skin barrier alterations in the pathogenesis of the inflammatory skin lesions. The management of atopic dermatitis has to be multidimensional. It combines among others some daily local care and a sporadic topical anti-inflammatory treatment during the acute flare-ups. The objective of this article is to summarize, in light of the recent European guidelines, the general principles of management of atopic dermatitis, for the general practitioner.


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France amended its constitution in 2005 to include a Charter for the Environment. The Charter lays out France's commitment to supporting the right to a 'balanced environment'. This article first traces the Charter's origins to a legacy-building presidential initiative. Jacques Chirac decided to invest in a neglected policy domain in which his own majority had shown little interest. He was obliged to intervene repeatedly in order to bring this project to a successful conclusion. In doing so, he staked out environmental affairs as an area of potential presidential supremacy. Next, the content of the Charter is examined. In this document, French traditions of universalism come together with an international movement for anticipatory environmental protection. This is reflected in the constitutionalisation of the precautionary principle, which emerged as the most controversial part of the Charter. The debates this provoked tended to caricature a risk-management principle whose meaning has been carefully refined to forestall objections. Finally, the Charter's potential efficacy is analysed. The post-Charter record of legislative and judicial activity concerning the environment is meagre, but not wholly inauspicious.


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Due to its small size and particular isolating barriers, the eye is an ideal target for local therapy. Recombinant protein ocular delivery requires invasive and painful repeated injections. Alternatively, a transfected tissue might be used as a local producer of transgene-encoded therapeutic protein. We have developed a nondamaging electrically mediated plasmid delivery technique (electrotransfer) targeted to the ciliary muscle, which is used as a reservoir tissue for the long-lasting expression and secretion of therapeutic proteins. High and long-lasting reporter gene expression was observed, which was restricted to the ciliary muscle. Chimeric TNF-alpha soluble receptor (hTNFR-Is) electrotransfer led to elevated protein secretion in aqueous humor and to drastic inhibition of clinical and histological inflammation scores in rats with endotoxin-induced uveitis. No hTNFR-Is was detected in the serum, demonstrating the local delivery of proteins using this method. Plasmid electrotransfer to the ciliary muscle, as performed in this study, did not induce any ocular pathology or structural damage. Local and sustained therapeutic protein production through ciliary muscle electrotransfer is a promising alternative to repeated intraocular protein administration for a large number of inflammatory, degenerative, or angiogenic diseases.