135 resultados para SUPERCAPACITORS


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Mesoporous Ni(OH)(2) was synthesized using cationic surfactant as template and urea as hydrolysis-controlling agent. Mesoporous NiO with centralized pore size distribution was obtained by calcining Ni(OH)(2) at different temperatures. The BET specific surface area reaches 477.7 m(2).g(-1) for NiO calcined at 523 K. Structure characterizations indicate the polycrystalline pore wall of mesoporous nickel oxide. The pore-formation mechanism is also deduced to be quasi-reverse micelle mechanism. Cyclic voltammetry shows the good capacitive behavior of these NiO samples due to its unique mesoporous structure when using large amount of NiO to fabricate electrode. Compared with NiO prepared by dip-coating and cathodic precipitation methods, this mesoporous NiO with controlled pore structure can be used in much larger amount to fabricate the electrode and still maintains high specific capacitance and good capacitive behavior.


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Ordered mesoporous materials show great importance in energy, environmental, and chemical engineering. The diffusion of guest species in mesoporous networks plays an important role in these applications, especially for energy storage, such as supercapacitors based on ordered mesoporous carbons ( OMCs). The ion diffusion behavior in two different 2-D hexagonal OMCs was investigated by using cyclic voltametry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. In addition, transmission electron microscopy, small-angle X-ray diffraction, and nitrogen cryosorption methods were used to study the pore structure variations of these two OMCs. It was found that, for the OMC with defective pore channels ( termed as pore packing defects), the gravimetric capacitance was greatly decayed when the voltage scan rate was increased. The experimental results suggest that, for the ion diffusion in 2-D hexagonal OMCs with similar mesopore size distribution, the pore packing defect is a dominant dynamic factor.


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The realization of an energy future based on safe, clean, sustainable, and economically viable technologies is one of the grand challenges facing modern society. Electrochemical energy technologies underpin the potential success of this effort to divert energy sources away from fossil fuels, whether one considers alternative energy conversion strategies through photoelectrochemical (PEC) production of chemical fuels or fuel cells run with sustainable hydrogen, or energy storage strategies, such as in batteries and supercapacitors. This dissertation builds on recent advances in nanomaterials design, synthesis, and characterization to develop novel electrodes that can electrochemically convert and store energy.

Chapter 2 of this dissertation focuses on refining the properties of TiO2-based PEC water-splitting photoanodes used for the direct electrochemical conversion of solar energy into hydrogen fuel. The approach utilized atomic layer deposition (ALD); a growth process uniquely suited for the conformal and uniform deposition of thin films with angstrom-level thickness precision. ALD’s thickness control enabled a better understanding of how the effects of nitrogen doping via NH3 annealing treatments, used to reduce TiO2’s bandgap, can have a strong dependence on TiO2’s thickness and crystalline quality. In addition, it was found that some of the negative effects on the PEC performance typically associated with N-doped TiO2 could be mitigated if the NH3-annealing was directly preceded by an air-annealing step, especially for ultrathin (i.e., < 10 nm) TiO2 films. ALD was also used to conformally coat an ultraporous conductive fluorine-doped tin oxide nanoparticle (nanoFTO) scaffold with an ultrathin layer of TiO2. The integration of these ultrathin films and the oxide nanoparticles resulted in a heteronanostructure design with excellent PEC water oxidation photocurrents (0.7 mA/cm2 at 0 V vs. Ag/AgCl) and charge transfer efficiency.

In Chapter 3, two innovative nanoarchitectures were engineered in order to enhance the pseudocapacitive energy storage of next generation supercapacitor electrodes. The morphology and quantity of MnO2 electrodeposits was controlled by adjusting the density of graphene foliates on a novel graphenated carbon nanotube (g-CNT) scaffold. This control enabled the nanocomposite supercapacitor electrode to reach a capacitance of 640 F/g, under MnO2 specific mass loading conditions (2.3 mg/cm2) that are higher than previously reported. In the second engineered nanoarchitecture, the electrochemical energy storage properties of a transparent electrode based on a network of solution-processed Cu/Ni cores/shell nanowires (NWs) were activated by electrochemically converting the Ni metal shell into Ni(OH)2. Furthermore, an adjustment of the molar percentage of Ni plated onto the Cu NWs was found to result in a tradeoff between capacitance, transmittance, and stability of the resulting nickel hydroxide-based electrode. The nominal area capacitance and power performance results obtained for this Cu/Ni(OH)2 transparent electrode demonstrates that it has significant potential as a hybrid supercapacitor electrode for integration into cutting edge flexible and transparent electronic devices.


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Graphene, first isolated in 2004 and the subject of the 2010 Nobel Prize in physics, has generated a tremendous amount of research interest in recent years due to its incredible mechanical and electrical properties. However, difficulties in large-scale production and low as-prepared surface area have hindered commercial applications. In this dissertation, a new material is described incorporating the superior electrical properties of graphene edge planes into the high surface area framework of carbon nanotube forests using a scalable and reproducible technology.

The objectives of this research were to investigate the growth parameters and mechanisms of a graphene-carbon nanotube hybrid nanomaterial termed “graphenated carbon nanotubes” (g-CNTs), examine the applicability of g-CNT materials for applications in electrochemical capacitors (supercapacitors) and cold-cathode field emission sources, and determine materials characteristics responsible for the superior performance of g-CNTs in these applications. The growth kinetics of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWNTs), grown by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD), was studied in order to understand the fundamental mechanisms governing the PECVD reaction process. Activation energies and diffusivities were determined for key reaction steps and a growth model was developed in response to these findings. Differences in the reaction kinetics between CNTs grown on single-crystal silicon and polysilicon were studied to aid in the incorporation of CNTs into microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) devices. To understand processing-property relationships for g-CNT materials, a Design of Experiments (DOE) analysis was performed for the purpose of determining the importance of various input parameters on the growth of g-CNTs, finding that varying temperature alone allows the resultant material to transition from CNTs to g-CNTs and finally carbon nanosheets (CNSs): vertically oriented sheets of few-layered graphene. In addition, a phenomenological model was developed for g-CNTs. By studying variations of graphene-CNT hybrid nanomaterials by Raman spectroscopy, a linear trend was discovered between their mean crystallite size and electrochemical capacitance. Finally, a new method for the calculation of nanomaterial surface area, more accurate than the standard BET technique, was created based on atomic layer deposition (ALD) of titanium oxide (TiO2).


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Energy storage technologies are crucial for efficient utilization of electricity. Supercapacitors and rechargeable batteries are of currently available energy storage systems. Transition metal oxides, hydroxides, and phosphates are the most intensely investigated electrode materials for supercapacitors and rechargeable batteries due to their high theoretical charge storage capacities resulted from reversible electrochemical reactions. Their insulating nature, however, causes sluggish electron transport kinetics within these electrode materials, hindering them from reaching the theoretical maximum. The conductivity of these transition metal based-electrode materials can be improved through three main approaches; nanostructuring, chemical substitution, and introducing carbon matrices. These approaches often lead to unique electrochemical properties when combined and balanced.

Ethanol-mediated solvothermal synthesis we developed is found to be highly effective for controlling size and morphology of transition metal-based electrode materials for both pseudocapacitors and batteries. The morphology and the degree of crystallinity of nickel hydroxide are systematically changed by adding various amounts glucose to the solvothermal synthesis. Nickel hydroxide produced in this manner exhibited increased pseudocapacitance, which is partially attributed to the increased surface area. Interestingly, this morphology effect on cobalt doped-nickel hydroxide is found to be more effective at low cobalt contents than at high cobalt contents in terms of improving the electrochemical performance.

Moreover, a thin layer of densely packed nickel oxide flakes on carbon paper substrate was successfully prepared via the glucose-assisted solvothermal synthesis, resulting in the improved electrode conductivity. When reduced graphene oxide was used for conductive coating on as-prepared nickel oxide electrode, the electrode conductivity was only slightly improved. This finding reveals that the influence of reduced graphene oxide coating, increasing the electrode conductivity, is not that obvious when the electrode is already highly conductive to begin with.

We were able to successfully control the interlayer spacing and reduce the particle size of layered titanium hydrogeno phosphate material using our ethanol-mediated solvothermal reaction. In layered structure, interlayer spacing is the key parameter for fast ion diffusion kinetics. The nanosized layered structure prepared via our method, however, exhibited high sodium-ion storage capacity regardless of the interlayer spacing, implying that interlayer space may not be the primary factor for sodium-ion diffusion in nanostructured materials, where many interstitials are available for sodium-ion diffusion.

Our ethanol-mediated solvothermal reaction was also effective for synthesis of NaTi2(PO4)3 nanoparticles with uniform size and morphology, well connected by a carbon nanotube network. This composite electrode exhibited high capacity, which is comparable to that in aqueous electrolyte, probably due to the uniform morphology and size where the preferable surface for sodium-ion diffusion is always available in all individual particles.

Fundamental understandings of the relationship between electrode microstructures and electrochemical properties discussed in this dissertation will be important to design high performance energy storage system applications.


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One of the most important components in electrochemical storage devices (batteries and supercapacitors) is undoubtedly the electrolyte. The basic function of any electrolyte in these systems is the transport of ions between the positive and negative electrodes. In addition, electrochemical reactions occurring at each electrode/electrolyte interface are the origin of the current generated by storage devices. In other words, performances (capacity, power, efficiency and energy) of electrochemical storage devices are strongly related to the electrolyte properties, as well as, to the affinity for the electrolyte to selected electrode materials. Indeed, the formulation of electrolyte presenting good properties, such as high ionic conductivity and low viscosity, is then required to enhance the charge transfer reaction at electrode/electrolyte interface (e.g. charge accumulation in the case of Electrochemical Double Layer Capacitor, EDLC). For practical and safety considerations, the formulation of novel electrolytes presenting a low vapor pressure, a large liquid range temperature, a good thermal and chemical stabilities is also required.

This lecture will be focused on the effect of the electrolyte formulation on the performances of electrochemical storage devices (Li-ion batteries and supercapacitors). During which, a summary of the physical, thermal and electrochemical data obtained by our group, recently, on the formulation of novel electrolyte-based on the mixture of an ionic liquid (such as EmimNTf2 and Pyr14NTf2) and carbonate or dinitrile solvents will be presented and commented. The impact of the electrolyte formulation on the storage performances of EDLC and Li-ion batteries will be also discussed to further understand the relationship between electrolyte formulation and electrochemical performances. This talk will also be an opportunity to further discuss around the effects of additives (SEI builder: fluoroethylene carbonate and vinylene carbonate), ionic liquids, structure and nature of lithium salt (LiTFSI vs LiPF6) on the cyclability of negative electrode to then enhance the electrolyte formulation. For that, our recent results on TiSnSb and graphite negative electrodes will be presented and discussed, for example 1,2.

1-C. Marino, A. Darwiche1, N. Dupré, H.A. Wilhelm, B. Lestriez, H. Martinez, R. Dedryvère, W. Zhang, F. Ghamouss, D. Lemordant, L. Monconduit “ Study of the Electrode/Electrolyte Interface on Cycling of a Conversion Type Electrode Material in Li Batteries” J. Phys.chem. C, 2013, 117, 19302-19313

2- Mouad Dahbi, Fouad Ghamouss, Mérièm Anouti, Daniel Lemordant, François Tran-Van “Electrochemical lithiation and compatibility of graphite anode using glutaronitrile/dimethyl carbonate mixtures containing LiTFSI as electrolyte” 2013, 43, 4, 375-385.


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Electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLCs), also known as supercapacitors, are promising energy storage devices, especially when considering high power applications [1]. EDLCs can be charged and discharged within seconds [1], feature high power (10 kW·kg-1) and an excellent cycle life (>500,000 cycles). All these properties are a result of the energy storage process of EDLCs, which relies on storing energy by charge separation instead of chemical redox reactions, as utilized in battery systems. Upon charging, double layers are forming at the electrode/electrolyte interface consisting of the electrolyte’s ions and electric charges at the electrode surface.In state-of-the-art EDLC systems activated carbons (AC) are used as active materials and tetraethylammonium tetrafluoroborate ([Et4N][BF4]) dissolved in organic solvents like propylene carbonate (PC) or acetonitrile (ACN) are commonly used as the electrolyte [2]. These combinations of materials allow operative voltages up to 2.7 V - 2.8 V and an energy in the order of 5 Wh·kg-1[3]. The energy of EDLCs is dependent on the square of the operative voltage, thus increasing the usable operative voltage has a strong effect on the delivered energy of the device [1]. Due to their high electrochemical stability, ionic liquids (ILs) were thoroughly investigated as electrolytes for EDLCs, as well as, batteries, enabling high operating voltages as high as 3.2 V - 3.5 V for the former [2]. While their unique ionic structure allows the usage of neat ILs as electrolyte in EDLCs, ILs suffer from low conductivity and high viscosity increasing the intrinsic resistance and, as a result, a lower power output of the device. In order to overcome this issue, the usage of blends of ionic liquids and organic solvents has been considered a feasible strategy as they combine high usable voltages, while still retaining good transport properties at the same time.In our recent work the ionic liquid 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis{(trifluoromethyl)sulfonyl}imide ([Pyrr14][TFSI]) was combined with two nitrile-based organic solvents, namely butyronitrile (BTN) and adiponitrile (ADN), and the resulting blends were investing regarding their usage in electrochemical double layer capacitors [4,5]. Firstly, the physicochemical properties were investigated, showing good transport properties for both blends, which are similar to the state-of-the-art combination of [Et4N][BF4] in PC. Secondly, the electrochemical properties for EDLC application were studied in depth revealing a high electrochemical stability with a maximum operative voltage as high as 3.7 V. In full cells these high voltage organic solvent based electrolytes have a good performance in terms of capacitance and an acceptable equivalent series resistance at cut-off voltages of 3.2 and 3.5 V. However, long term stability tests by float testing revealed stability issues when using a maximum voltage of 3.5 V for prolonged time, whereas at 3.2 V no such issues are observed (Fig. 1).Considering the obtained results, the usage of ADN and BTN blends with [Pyrr14][TFSI] in EDLCs appears to be an interesting alternative to state-of-the-art organic solvent based electrolytes, allowing the usage of higher maximum operative voltages while having similar transport properties to 1 mol∙dm-3 [Et4N][BF4] in PC at the same time.


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In the present work, electrochemically reduced-graphene oxide/cobalt oxide composites for charge storage electrodes were prepared by a one-step pulsed electrodeposition route on stainless steel current collectors and after that submitted to a thermal treatment at 200 degrees C. A detailed physico-chemical characterization was performed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy. The electrochemical response of the composite electrodes was studied by cyclic voltammetry and charge-discharge curves and related to the morphological and phase composition changes induced by the thermal treatment. The results revealed that the composites were promising materials for charge storage electrodes for application in redox supercapacitors, attaining specific capacitances around 430 F g(-1) at 1 A g(-1) and presenting long-term cycling stability. (C) 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A large-scale, high-powered energy storage system is crucial for addressing the energy problem. The development of high-performance materials is a key issue in realizing the grid-scale applications of energy-storage devices. In this work, we describe a simple and scalable method for fabricating hybrids (graphenepyrrole/ carbon nanotube-polyaniline (GPCP)) using graphene foam as the supporting template. Graphene-pyrrole (G-Py) aerogels are prepared via a green hydrothermal route from two-dimensional materials such as graphene sheets, while a carbon nanotube/polyaniline (CNT/PANI) composite dispersion is obtained via the in situ polymerization method. The functional nanohybrid materials of GPCP can be assembled by simply dipping the prepared G-py aerogels into the CNT/PANI dispersion. The morphology of the obtained GPCP is investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), which revealed that the CNT/PANI was uniformly deposited onto the surfaces of the graphene. The as-synthesized GPCP maintains its original three-dimensional hierarchical porous architecture, which favors the diffusion of the electrolyte ions into the inner region of the active materials. Such hybrid materials exhibit significant specific capacitance of up to 350 F g-1, making them promising in large-scale energy-storage device applications.


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Carbon nanofibers with inter-bonded fibrous structure show high supercapacitor performance when being used as electrode materials. Their preparation is highly desirable from cellulose through a pyrolysis technique, because cellulose is an abundant, low cost natural material and its carbonization does not emit toxic substance. However, interconnected carbon nanofibers prepared from electrospun cellulose nanofibers and their capacitive behaviors have not been reported in the research literature. Here we report a facile one-step strategy to prepare inter-bonded carbon nanofibers from partially hydrolyzed cellulose acetate nanofibers, for making high-performance supercapacitors as electrode materials. The inter-fiber connection shows considerable improvement in electrode electrochemical performances. The supercapacitor electrode has a specific capacitance of ∼241.4 F g-1 at 1 A g-1 current density. It maintains high cycling stability (negligible 0.1% capacitance reduction after 10,000 cycles) with a maximum power density of ∼84.1 kW kg-1. They may find applications in the development of efficient supercapacitor electrodes for energy storage applications.


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In recent decades, electrospinning of nanofibers has progressed very rapidly in both scientific and technological aspects, and electrospun nanofibers have shown enormous potential for various applications. In particular, electrospun nanofibers have significantly enhanced the application performance of many electronic devices, such as solar cells, mechanical-to-electric energy harvesters, rechargeable batteries, supercapacitors, sensors, field-effect transistors, diodes, photodetectors, and electrochromic devices. This chapter provides a comprehensive summary on the recent progress in the application of electrospun nanofibers in electronic devices.


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Ce mémoire porte sur les recherches et les développements dans le domaine des électrolytes à base de liquide ionique redox. Une nouvelle famille de liquide ionique redox basée sur le ferrocenylsulfonyl(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) (FcNTf) a été développée et étudiée pour la première fois afin de démontrer le potentiel de ces liquides ioniques dans les dispositifs de stockage d’énergie. En premier lieu, les liquides ioniques redox (RILs) composés de l’anion électroactif et du cation d’alkylimidazolium sont synthétisés et caractérisés. L’impact de la variation des chaînes alkyles du cation sur les propriétés physicochimiques et électrochimiques du RIL a été étudié. À une faible concentration en solution, l’impact du cation a peu d’influence sur l’ensemble des propriétés. Cependant, à haute concentration (>50 % massique) et sans électrolyte de support, la formation de films en oxydation a été observée à l'électrode positive. Ce point est intéressant pour les futures recherches et développements dans le domaine, puisque la variation des chaînes alkyles du cation des liquides ioniques redox et la formation de films lors de l’oxydation du FcNTf est peu connue et comprise en littérature. De plus, l’optimisation des conditions de solution d'électrolyte RIL dans les supercapaciteurs est aussi présentée. En deuxième lieu, la mise en application des RILs dans les supercapaciteurs a été testée. La performance énergétique et le mécanisme d’autodécharge ont été ciblés dans cette étude. En présence de l’électrolyte redox, la contribution des réactions faradaiques permet d'accomplir un gain énergique de 287 % versus les systèmes purement capacitifs. À cause de la formation de film à l’électrode, l’électrolyte redox FcNTf joue un rôle primordial dans la prévention de l’autodécharge versus les liquides ioniques qui étaient connus jusqu’à présent. Finalement, ce mémoire a permis de mieux comprendre les effets structure-propriétés relative aux modifications du cation chez les liquides ioniques redox.


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High voltage electrophoretic deposition (HVEPD) has been developed as a novel technique to obtain vertically aligned forests of one-dimensional nanomaterials for efficient energy storage. The ability to control and manipulate nanomaterials is critical for their effective usage in a variety of applications. Oriented structures of one-dimensional nanomaterials provide a unique opportunity to take full advantage of their excellent mechanical and electrochemical properties. However, it is still a significant challenge to obtain such oriented structures with great process flexibility, ease of processing under mild conditions and the capability to scale up, especially in context of efficient device fabrication and system packaging. This work presents HVEPD as a simple, versatile and generic technique to obtain vertically aligned forests of different one-dimensional nanomaterials on flexible, transparent and scalable substrates. Improvements on material chemistry and reduction of contact resistance have enabled the fabrication of high power supercapacitor electrodes using the HVEPD method. The investigations have also paved the way for further enhancements of performance by employing hybrid material systems and AC/DC pulsed deposition. Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were used as the starting material to demonstrate the HVEPD technique. A comprehensive study of the key parameters was conducted to better understand the working mechanism of the HVEPD process. It has been confirmed that HVEPD was enabled by three key factors: high deposition voltage for alignment, low dispersion concentration to avoid aggregation and simultaneous formation of holding layer by electrodeposition for reinforcement of nanoforests. A set of suitable parameters were found to obtain vertically aligned forests of MWCNTs. Compared with their randomly oriented counterparts, the aligned MWCNT forests showed better electrochemical performance, lower electrical resistance and a capability to achieve superhydrophpbicity, indicating their potential in a broad range of applications. The versatile and generic nature of the HVEPD process has been demonstrated by achieving deposition on flexible and transparent substrates, as well as aligned forests of manganese dioxide (MnO2) nanorods. A continuous roll-printing HVEPD approach was then developed to obtain aligned MWCNT forest with low contact resistance on large, flexible substrates. Such large-scale electrodes showed no deterioration in electrochemical performance and paved the way for practical device fabrication. The effect of a holding layer on the contact resistance between aligned MWCNT forests and the substrate was studied to improve electrochemical performance of such electrodes. It was found that a suitable precursor salt like nickel chloride could be used to achieve a conductive holding layer which helped to significantly reduce the contact resistance. This in turn enhanced the electrochemical performance of the electrodes. High-power scalable redox capacitors were then prepared using HVEPD. Very high power/energy densities and excellent cyclability have been achieved by synergistically combining hydrothermally synthesized, highly crystalline α-MnO2 nanorods, vertically aligned forests and reduced contact resistance. To further improve the performance, hybrid electrodes have been prepared in the form of vertically aligned forest of MWCNTs with branches of α-MnO2 nanorods on them. Large- scale electrodes with such hybrid structures were manufactured using continuous HVEPD and characterized, showing further improved power and energy densities. The alignment quality and density of MWCNT forests were also improved by using an AC/DC pulsed deposition technique. In this case, AC voltage was first used to align the MWCNTs, followed by immediate DC voltage to deposit the aligned MWCNTs along with the conductive holding layer. Decoupling of alignment from deposition was proven to result in better alignment quality and higher electrochemical performance.


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Ce mémoire porte sur les recherches et les développements dans le domaine des électrolytes à base de liquide ionique redox. Une nouvelle famille de liquide ionique redox basée sur le ferrocenylsulfonyl(trifluoromethylsulfonyl) (FcNTf) a été développée et étudiée pour la première fois afin de démontrer le potentiel de ces liquides ioniques dans les dispositifs de stockage d’énergie. En premier lieu, les liquides ioniques redox (RILs) composés de l’anion électroactif et du cation d’alkylimidazolium sont synthétisés et caractérisés. L’impact de la variation des chaînes alkyles du cation sur les propriétés physicochimiques et électrochimiques du RIL a été étudié. À une faible concentration en solution, l’impact du cation a peu d’influence sur l’ensemble des propriétés. Cependant, à haute concentration (>50 % massique) et sans électrolyte de support, la formation de films en oxydation a été observée à l'électrode positive. Ce point est intéressant pour les futures recherches et développements dans le domaine, puisque la variation des chaînes alkyles du cation des liquides ioniques redox et la formation de films lors de l’oxydation du FcNTf est peu connue et comprise en littérature. De plus, l’optimisation des conditions de solution d'électrolyte RIL dans les supercapaciteurs est aussi présentée. En deuxième lieu, la mise en application des RILs dans les supercapaciteurs a été testée. La performance énergétique et le mécanisme d’autodécharge ont été ciblés dans cette étude. En présence de l’électrolyte redox, la contribution des réactions faradaiques permet d'accomplir un gain énergique de 287 % versus les systèmes purement capacitifs. À cause de la formation de film à l’électrode, l’électrolyte redox FcNTf joue un rôle primordial dans la prévention de l’autodécharge versus les liquides ioniques qui étaient connus jusqu’à présent. Finalement, ce mémoire a permis de mieux comprendre les effets structure-propriétés relative aux modifications du cation chez les liquides ioniques redox.


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Manganese oxide is a promising active material for supercapacitors (SCs) with pseudocapacitance due to its high capacitance and its environmentally friendly character. This paper deals with the preparation of electrodes for supercapacitors consisting of manganese oxide supported onto graphite by electrophoretic deposition. Manganese oxide powders were characterized and dispersed in water by controlling the colloidal and rheological behavior in order to obtain stable suspensions. Optimized manganese oxide suspensions were deposited onto graphite electrodes by electrophoretic deposition. The deposited mass per unit area in the electrodes was optimized by controlling the applied current density and the deposition time. It has been demonstrated that the introduction of a binder helped to improve the adherence to graphite; otherwise the deposit thickness obtained by EPD is limited and no films can be obtained by simply dipping. These conditions allowed us to obtain more homogeneous deposits with higher specific energy than without binder.