960 resultados para STI-Sexually transmitted infections
This poster draws attention to the health risks of chlamydia for women and advises on the use of condoms as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.
This poster draws attention to the health risks of chlamydia for men and advises on the use of condoms as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.
This poster provides advice on the use of condoms as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.
This poster informs how syphilis can be spread through intimate contact including kissing or oral sex and how condoms can be used as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.
This poster provides information on the possible symptoms of gonorrhoea and advises on the use of condoms as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.
This poster informs how syphilis can be spread through oral sex and how condoms can be used as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.
This poster provides advice on the use of condoms as a method of protection from unplanned pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.
This leaflet explains the concept of safer sex and why everyone who is sexually active should protect themselves against sexually transmitted infections or the risk of getting pregnant.It also provides information on contraception, including emergency contraception, and a list of useful contacts including GUM clinics.
This poster informs how syphilis can be spread through oral sex and how condoms can be used as a method of protection from sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It also provides updated attendance and contact details for the�Genito Urinary Medicine (GUM) clinics in Northern Ireland.
The prevalence of hepatitis C virus (HCV) in a population of recyclable waste collectors (n = 431) was assessed using a cross-sectional survey in all 15 cooperatives in the city of Goiânia, Central-West Brazil. The HCV prevalence was 1.6% (95% confidence interval: 0.6-3.6) and a history of sexually transmitted infections was independently associated with this infection. HCV RNA (corresponding to genotype 1; subtypes 1a and 1b) was detected in five/seven anti-HCV-positive samples. Although the study population reported a high rate (47.3%) of sharps and needle accidents, HCV infection was not more frequent in recyclable waste collectors than in the general Brazilian population.
A simplified version of the US guidelines for prophylaxis of infectious endocarditis was published in 2007. Changes are expected in Switzerland as well. Posaconsole is a new antifungal agent available mostly for prophylaxis in immunocompromised patients. Epidemiology of sexually transmitted infections warrants screening in young adults and after one episode. A meta-analysis clarified the impact of antibiotic therapy in patients with Campylobacter spp. infection. In the field of emerging diseases, we discuss Norovirus epidemics, community-acquired bacteria producing extended-spectrum betalactamases, extensively resistant tuberculosis, and new respiratory viruses. Finally, we address a basic research topic that may change practice in the future: the relationship between individual susceptibility to infection and innate immunity.
Les POCT (point of care tests) ont un grand potentiel d'utilisation en médecine infectieuse ambulatoire grâce à leur rapidité d'exécution, leur impact sur l'administration d'antibiotiques et sur le diagnostic de certaines maladies transmissibles. Certains tests sont utilisés depuis plusieurs années (détection de Streptococcus pyogenes lors d'angine, anticorps anti-VIH, antigène urinaire de S. pneumoniae, antigène de Plasmodium falciparum). De nouvelles indications concernent les infections respiratoires, les diarrhées infantiles (rotavirus, E. coli entérohémorragique) et les infections sexuellement transmissibles. Des POCT, basés sur la détection d'acides nucléiques, viennent d'être introduits (streptocoque du groupe B chez la femme enceinte avant l'accouchement et la détection du portage de staphylocoque doré résistant à la méticilline). POCT have a great potential in ambulatory infectious diseases diagnosis, due to their impact on antibiotic administration and on communicable diseases prevention. Some are in use for long (S. pyogenes antigen, HIV antibodies) or short time (S. pneumoniae antigen, P. falciparum). The additional major indications will be community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections, infectious diarrhoea in children (rotavirus, enterotoxigenic E. coli), and hopefully sexually transmitted infections. Easy to use, these tests based on antigen-antibody reaction allow a rapid diagnosis in less than one hour; the new generation of POCT relying on nucleic acid detection are just introduced in practice (detection of GBS in pregnant women, carriage of MRSA), and will be extended to many pathogens
The vast majority of Swiss adolescents see a physician at least once a year. However, a sizeable proportion of them indicate that they don't have the opportunity to address their own concerns and problems. While female adolescents have access to health care in the field of sexual and reproductive health through family planning clinics, this is not the case of adolescent males. The "clinic for boys only" is an open space for adolescent males where they can bring questions and health problems related to their body, their growth and their puberty, just as their difficulties and their fears regarding their normality, their sexuality, their feelings, sexual dysfunctions and questions related to violence within the couple. They can also get information/treatment in the area of sexually transmitted infections.
Actualment, s’evidencia una dificultat en el seguiment estricte de les infeccions de transmissió sexual (ITS). A nivell mundial, aquestes causen un problema de Salut Pública (SP) en termes de morbiditat i mortalitat per complicacions i seqüeles que es poden originar si no es diagnostiquen i no es tracten adequadament. Entre les ITS més comunes trobem la provocada pel Virus del Papil·loma Humà (VPH), la principal causant del càncer de cèrvix, entre altres complicacions La família de VPH compta amb més de 150 tipus virals. El coneixement de la situació epidemiològica de la infecció per VPH es veu dificultada per varis aspectes: el caràcter asimptomàtic; l’estigma social; les dificultats diagnòstiques; la falta de homogeneïtat dels sistemes de vigilància amb la infradeclaració de casos. Ens trobem en una inversemblança constant. Les intervencions des de SP, ja sigui a nivell nacional com regional, sónpròpiament enfocades a la prevenció de la malaltia. Paral·lelament, la incidència de les ITS continua amb una tendència ascendent, cosa que provoca una inquietant preocupació. Partint de la problemàtica exposada, el present estudi pretén identificar elsconeixements que tenen els professionals d’infermeria de l’atenció primària en relació a la infecció de transmissió sexual pel virus del papil·loma humà i quina és la seva percepció i actitud sobre l’atenció a l’usuari. Es tractarà d’un estudi multicèntric amb disseny descriptiu transversal. La instrumentació es farà mitjançant una enquesta totalment anònima sobre una mostra aproximada de 115 professionals d’infermeria que durant l’any 2013 que treballen a les àrees bàsiques de salut (ABS) de l’Institut Català de la Salut (ICS) del Gironès. Aquest estudi vol fer visible la necessitat d’incrementar la formació dels professionals d’infermeria en relació a la infecció VPH i el requeriment d’un consell addicional que promogui la salut encaminat a empoderar a la comunitat mitjançant educació per a la salut
Aims: The aim of this paper is to know what means for Spanish university students “sexual relations”, from a sexually transmitted infections prevention point of view. Method: Participants were seven hundred and fifty university students from 18 to 25 years (67.7% women; 65.5% between 18 and 21 years old) selected by multistage proportional sampling. They were asked to give a maximum of three free definitions or examples of “sexual relations”. They could use the language they feel more comfortable. An example of (vaginal sex) was provided and three blank spaces for answering were marked. Results: 23.5% of participants repeated the example provided (vaginal sex). The other answers were categorized in the following topics: euphemisms (42,3%), sex with penetration (40,3%), divagations (11,2%), sex without penetration (11,1%), anal sex (10,5%), oral sex (5,6%), masturbation (2,4%) and having an orgasm (1,5%). Conclusions: Young people’s meaning of “having sex” has become more diversified in the last years. These results must be useful in order to design future preventive campaigns