219 resultados para SOLUBILIZAÇÃO
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
No sistema de semeadura direta, o calcário tem sido aplicado superficialmente para evitar o revolvimento do solo. Os ânions adicionados via adubação nitrogenada podem aumentar a solubilização de sais de cátions básicos do solo graças à formação de pares iônicos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar a dinâmica dos ânions NO3- e SO4(2-) e dos cátions NH4+, Ca2+, Mg2+ e K+ da solução do solo, bem como a absorção de nutrientes pelo algodoeiro submetido a distintas formas de aplicação de calcário e diferentes doses de sulfato de amônio em cobertura, cultivado com a presença de palha na superfície do solo. Utilizou-se um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico de textura média que foi acomodado em vasos com 15,71 dm³. Plantas de algodão (Gossypium hirsutum) foram cultivadas por 60 dias nas condições de calagem superficial sobre a palha, calagem incorporada a 0-20 cm de profundidade e ausência de correção do solo, com a aplicação de doses de sulfato de amônio equivalentes a 0, 50, 100 e 150 kg ha-1 de N em cobertura. Cápsulas porosas foram instaladas para amostragem e quantificação de nutrientes da solução do solo. A concentração de SO4(2-) da solução do solo foi incrementada pela adubação nitrogenada, independentemente da forma de aplicação do calcário. A curto prazo, a nitrificação do NH4+ aplicado foi favorecida somente com a calagem incorporada, apesar de o N nítrico da solução do solo ter aumentado no final do cultivo do algodão até mesmo no solo não corrigido. As concentrações de Ca, Mg e K da solução do solo foram incrementadas pela adubação de cobertura. O ânion SO4(2-) apresentou maior afinidade do que o NO3- na formação de pares iônicos com os cátions básicos da solução do solo. A adubação nitrogenada proporcionou maior eficiência na absorção de Ca e Mg pelo algodoeiro na condição de calagem incorporada.
The formation of paraffin deposits is common in the petroleum industry during production, transport and treatment stages. It happens due to modifications in the thermodynamic variables that alter the solubility of alkanes fractions present in petroleum. The deposition of paraffin can provoke significant and growing petroleum losses, arriving to block the flow, hindering to the production. This process is associated with the phases equilibrium L-S and the stages and nucleation, growth and agglomeration the crystals. That process is function of petroleum intrinsic characteristics and temperature and pressure variations, during production. Several preventive and corrective methods are used to control the paraffin crystallization, such as: use of chemical inhibitors, hot solvents injection, use of termochemistry reactions, and mechanical removal. But for offshore exploration this expensive problem needs more investigation. Many studies have been carried through Wax Appearance Temperature (WAT) of paraffin; therefore the formed crystals are responsible for the modification of the reologics properties of the oil, causing a lot off operational problems. From the determination of the WAT of a system it is possible to affirm if oil presents or not trend to the formation of organic deposits, making possible to foresee and to prevent problems of wax crystallization. The solvent n-paraffin has been widely used as fluid of perforation, raising the production costs when it is used in the removal paraffin deposits, needing an operational substitute. This study aims to determine the WAT of paraffin and the interference off additives in its reduction, being developed system paraffin/solvent/surfactant that propitiates the wax solubilization. Crystallization temperatures in varied paraffin concentrations and different solvents were established in the first stage of the experiments. In the second stage, using the methodology of variation of the photoelectric signal had been determined the temperature of crystallization of the systems and evaluated the interferences of additives to reduction of the WAT. The experimental results are expressed in function of the variations of the photoelectric signals during controlled cooling, innovating and validating this new methodology to determine WAT, relatively simple with relation the other applied that involve specific equipments and of high cost. Through the curves you differentiate of the results had been also identified to the critical stages of growth and agglomeration of the crystals that represent to the saturation of the system, indicating difficulties of flow due to the increase of the density
In this work, biosorption process was used to remove heavy metals from used automotive lubricating oils by a bus fleet from Natal-RN-Brazil. This oil was characterized to determine the physical-chemistry properties. It was also characterized the used oil with the aim of determining and quantifying the heavy metal concentration. Fe and Cu were the metals existent in large concentration and these metals were choused to be studied in solubilization process. For the biosorption process was used the seaweed Sargassum sp for the study of influencing of the metals presents separately and with other metals. It was also studied the effect of the protonation treatment of alga with the objective to know the best efficiency of heavy metals removal. The study of the solubilization showed that the presence of more than a metal favors the solubilization of the metals presents in the oil and consequently, it favors the biosorption process, what becomes interesting the perspective application in the heavy metals removal in lubricating oils used, because the presence of more than a heavy metal favors the solubility of all metals present. It was observed that the iron and copper metals, which are present in large concentration, the protonated biosorbtent was more effective. In this study we used as biomass the marine alga Sargassum sp to study the influence of agitation velocity, temperature and initial biomass concentration on the removal of iron and copper from used lubricant oils. We performed an experimental design and a kinetic study. The experiments were carried out with samples of used lubricant oil and predetermined amounts of algae, allowing sufficient time for the mixture to obtain equilibrium under controlled conditions. The results showed that, under the conditions studied, the larger the amount of biomass present, the lower the adsorption capacity of the iron and of the copper, likely due to a decrease in interface contact area. The experimental design led us to conclude that a function can be obtained that shows the degree of influence of each one of the system variables
During natural gas processing, water removal is considered as a fundamental step in that combination of hydrocarbons and water favors the formation of hydrates. The gas produced in the Potiguar Basin (Brazil) presents high water content (approximately 15000 ppm) and its dehydration is achieved via absorption and adsorption operations. This process is carried out at the Gas Treatment Unit (GTU) in Guamaré (GMR), in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. However, it is a costly process, which does not provide satisfactory results when water contents as low as 0.5 ppm are required as the exit of the GTU. In view of this, microemulsions research is regarded as an alternative to natural gas dehydration activities. Microemulsions can be used as desiccant fluids because of their unique proprieties, namely solubilization enhancement, reduction in interfacial tensions and large interfacial area between continuous and dispersed phases. These are actually important parameters to ensure the efficiency of an absorption column. In this work, the formulation of the desiccant fluid was determined via phases diagram construction, employing there nonionic surfactants (RDG 60, UNTL L60 and AMD 60) and a nonpolar fluid provided by Petrobras GMR (Brazil) typically comprising low-molecular weight liquid hydrocarbons ( a solvent commonly know as aguarrás ). From the array of phases diagrams built, four representative formulations have been selected for providing better results: 30% RDG 60-70% aguarrás; 15% RDG 60-15% AMD 60-70% aguarrás, 30% UNTL L60-70% aguarrás, 15% UNTL L60-15% AMD 60-70% aguarrás. Since commercial natural gas is already processed, and therefore dehydrated, it was necessary to moister some sample prior to all assays. It was then allowed to cool down to 13ºC and interacted with wet 8-12 mesh 4A molecular sieve, thus enabling the generation of gas samples with water content (approximately 15000 ppm). The determination of the equilibrium curves was performed based on the dynamic method, which stagnated liquid phase and gas phase at a flow rate of 200 mL min-1. The hydrodynamic study was done with the aim of established the pressure drop and dynamic liquid hold-up. This investigation allowed are to set the working flow rates at 840 mL min-1 for the gas phase and 600 mLmin-1 for the liquid phase. The mass transfer study indicated that the system formed by UNTL L60- turpentine-natural gas the highest value of NUT
The study of a promising alternative for the treatment of produced water from the oil industry envisaging its reuse was the focus of this work. Millions of liters of water are generated per day, containing heavy metals in low concentrations (< 0,15 mg/L for Pb, <0,04 mg/L for Cd, <0,04 mg/L for Ni). The technology applied to extract these metals from aqueous phase was the solvent extraction and the extratants used were vegetable oils originated from coconut oil. They can be used in natural form or as derivatives, known as MAC - Mixture of Carboxílics Acids. The determination of the heavy metal con¬centrations in a complex matrix was made by using the atomic absorption spectrometry technique (AAS). On the bench tests using synthetics aqueous solutions containing metals, vegetable oils showed no power to extract the metals studied. The extractant MAC was selective for the Pb> Cd> Ni, in the concentration of 8% in the same organic phase. In this condition, the lower efficiency of extraction obtained was 92% for the Pb, 69% for the Cd, in the range of pH ranging from 6 to 8. An experimental planning was conducted for continuous tests. The device used was called MDIF Misturador-Decantador à Inversão de Fases and the aqueous phase was produced water from Pólo Indutrial de Guamaré/RN . No correlation between the studied variables (concentration of metal, concentration of extratant and agitation in the mixing chamer) could be obtained, because of possible factors which occurred as: variation in the composition of the studied sample, phenomena of precipitation and complexation of metals in the reservoir of feed, solubility of extratant
The WAT is the temperature at the beginning of the appearance of wax crystals. At this temperature the first wax crystals are formed by the cooling systems paraffin / solvents. Paraffins are composed of a mixture of saturated hydrocarbons of high molecular weight. The removal of petroleum from wells and the production lines means a surcharge on produced oil, thus solubilize these deposits formed due to modifications of thermodynamics has been a constant challenge for companies of oil exploration. This study combines the paraffin solubilization by microemulsion systems, the determination of WAT systems paraffin / solvent and performance of surfactant in reducing the crystallization. We used the methods: rheological and the photoelectric signal, validating the latter which was developed to optimize the data obtained due to sensitivity of the equipment used. Methods developed for description of wax precipitation are often in poor agreement with the experimental data, they tend to underestimate the amount of wax at temperatures below the turbidity point. The Won method and the Ideal solution method were applied to the WAT data obtained in solvent systems, best represented by the second interaction of Won method using the solvents naphtha, hexane and LCO. It was observed that the results obtained by WAT photoelectric signal when compared with the viscosity occur in advance, demonstrating the greatest sensitivity of the method developed. The ionic surfactant reduced the viscosity of the solvent systems as it acted modifying the crystalline structure and, consequently, the pour point. The curves show that the WAT experimental data is, in general, closer to the modeling performed by the method of Won than to the one performed by the ideal solution method, because this method underestimates the curve predicting the onset of paraffin hydrocarbons crystallization temperature. This occurs because the actual temperature measured was the crystallization temperature and the method proposes the fusion temperature measurement.
Sludge of Wastewater Treatment Plants (WTPs) disposal is a problem for any municipality, for this reason the amount of sludge production is now a key issue in selecting treatment methods. It is necessary to investigate new applications for this waste type, due to the restrictions imposed by the environmental organs. The raw materials used in the Red Ceramic, are generally very heterogeneous, for this reason, such materials can tolerate the presence of different types of wastes. In Rio Grande do Norte, the roof tiles production corresponds to 60,61% from the total of ceramic units produced. Due to the importance of the ceramic industry of roof tiles for the state, allied to the environmental problem of the sludge disposal, this work had for objective to verify the possibility of the incorporation of sewage sludge in ceramic body used for production of roof tiles. In the research, sludge originating from drying beds of WTP of the Central Campus from UFRN and clays originating from a ceramic industry from Goianinha/RN were used. The raw materials were characterized by techniques of: analysis of particles distribution by diffraction to laser; real density; consistence limits; chemical analysis by X-ray fluorescence; mineralogical analysis by X-ray diffraction; organic matter; and solids content. Five batches of roof tiles were manufactured in the approximate dosages of 2%, 4%, 6%, 8% and 10%. To evaluate the properties of each final product, tests of water absorption, impermeability, bending strength, leachability and solubility were accomplished. The roof tiles manufactured with sludge presented characteristics similar to the roof tiles without sludge in relation to the environmental risk. The results showed that it is possible to use approximately up to 4% of sludge in ceramic bodies for production of roof tiles. However, it is observed that the high amount of organic matter (71%) present in the sludge is shown as factor that limits the sludge incorporation in ceramic bodies, worsening the quality of the roof tiles. It is necessary the use of mixtures of different raw materials under point of view of the granulometry and of the other chemical and mineralogical properties for the obtaining of a satisfactory mass to the production of ceramic roof tiles
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Latexes based on acrylic acid, acrylamide, ethyl methacrylate, and ethyl acrylate were synthesized via emulsion polymerization with different monomer compositions. The resultant latices were thickened with different molar ratios of NaOH to acrylic acid and were analyzed in terms of acid‐basis titrimetry, turbidimetry, rheology, and tensiometry. Titrimetry, turbidimetry, and rheometry were used to analyze factors such as carboxyl group availability and particle solubilization, tensiometry monitoring the influence of carboxyl neutralization on polymer‐surfactant interactions. For the acrylic acid content used in this work (20 wt%), the results indicated that as carboxyl groups distribution became more homogeneous, the process of latex thickening became more effective
Corrosion inhibition efficiency of saponified coconut oil (SCO) and sodium dodecilbenzene sulfonate (DBS) surfactants in AISI 1020 carbon steel was evaluated by electrochemical methods. These surfactants were also evaluated as microemulsion systems (SCO-ME and DBS-ME), of O/W type (water-rich microemulsion), in a Winsor IV region. They were obtained according to the following composition: 15% SCO, 15% butanol (30% Co-surfactant/Surfactant C/T), 10% organic phase (FO, kerosene) and 60% aqueous phase (FA). These systems were also used to solubilize the following nitrogenated substances: Diphenylcarbazide (DC), 2,4-dinitro-phenyl-thiosemicarbazide (TSC) and the mesoionic type compound 1,3,4-triazolium-2-thiolate (MI), that were investigated with the purpose of evaluating their anticorrosive effects. Comparative studies of carbon steel corrosion inhibition efficiencies of free DBS and DBS-ME, in brine and acidic media (0.5%), showed that DBS presents better inhibition results in acidic media (free DBS, 89% and DBS-ME, 93%). However, the values obtained for DBS in salted solution (72% free DBS and 77% DBS-ME) were similar to the ones observed for the SCO surfactant in brine (63% free SCO and 74% SCO-ME). Analysis of corrosion inhibition of the nitrogenated substances that were solubilized in the SCO-ME microemulsion system by the linear polarization method in brine (0.5% NaCl) showed that such compounds are very efficient an corrosion inhibitors [DC-ME-SCO (92%), TSC-ME-SCO (93%) and MI-ME-SCO (94%)]
Two methodologies were proposed to obtain micro and macroporous chitosan membranes, using two different porogenic agents. The methodologies proved to be effective in control the porosity as well as the pore size. Thus, microporous membranes were obtained through the physical blend of chitosan and polyethylene oxide (PEO) on an 80:20 (m/m) ratio, respectively, followed by the partial PEO solubilization in water at 80 ◦C. Macroporous chitosan membranes with asymmetric morphology were obtained using SiO2 as the porogenic agent. In this case, chiotsan-silica ratios used were 1:1, 1:3 and 1:5 (m/m). Membranes characterization were carried out by SEM (scanning electronic microscopy), X-ray diffraction, Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), Thermal analysis (TG, DTG , DSC and DMTA). Permeability studies were performed using two model drugs: sodium sulfamerazine and sulfametoxipyridazine. By transmission FTIR it was possible to confirm the complete removal of SiO2. The SEM images confirmed the porous formation for both micro and macroporous membranes and also determined their respective sizes. By thermal analysis it was possible to show differences related with water sorption capacity as well as thermal stability for both membranes. DTG and DSC allowed evidencing the PEO presence on microporous membranes. The absorbance x time curves obtained on permeability tests for micro and macroporous membranes showed a linear behavior for both drugs in all range of concentration used. It was also observed, through P versus C curves, an increase in permeability of macroporous membranes according to the increase in porosity and also a decrease on P with increase in drug concentration. The influences of the drug molecular structure, as well as test temperatures were also evaluated
In this present work an ethnographic research was performed with 84 native medicinal specimens from the Litoral Norte Riograndense, from which two plants Cleome spinosa Jacq e Pavonia varians Moric were submitted to ethnobotanic, phytochemistry and pharmacologic investigations. Additionally, a phytopharmacological research of the medicinal specimen Croton cajucara Benth ( native plant of the Amazon region of Brazil) was improved. The obtained phytochemical results of the C. spinosa and P. varians showed the presence of flavonoids constituents, among other components. The two flavonoids (2S)-5-hydroxy-7,4 -dimethoxy-flavanone and 5,4 -dihydroxy-3,7,3 -trimethoxy-flavone were isolated from C. spinosa. The antioxidant activity of the hydroalcoholic extracts of C. spinosa and P. varians solubilized in the microemulsion systems SME-1 and SME-4, was evaluated in the DPPHmethod. The used SME systems [obtained with Tween 80: Span 20 (3:1) and isopropyl myristate (IPM)] improved the dissolution of those tested polar extracts, with higher efficacy to the SME-1 system (in which ethanol was included as cosurfactant). The CE50 values evidenced for P. varians were 114 [g/mL (SME-1) and 246 [g/mL (SME-4); for C. spinosa it was 224 [g/mL (SME-1) and 248 [g/mL (SME-4), being the system SME-1 more effective for both tested extracts. The hydroalcoholic extracts of P. varians (HAE-PV) was also submitted to pharmacological screening for antinociceptive activity in animal models. The oral administration of this extract (100, 300 and 1000 mg/kg) inhibited the acetic acid-induced writhing in mice. The higher inhibition (74%) was evidenced to the 1000 mg/kg administered dose. Its effect on the central nervous system (CNS) was investigated by tail flick and formalin-method and reveled that it has negligible antinociceptive action on the CNS. After taking consideration of HAE-PV interaction, Pavonia varians Moric could be used as a potent analgesic agent in case of peripheral algesia, without affecting the CNS. The phytochemical study of the stem bark of Croton cajucara Benth lead to the isolation of 19-nor-clerodanetype diterpenes, as well as to the separation of its fixed oil FO-CC. This non polar oil material reveled to be rich in sesquiterpenes and 19-nor-clerodanes components. The biologic effect of OF-CC was evaluated in the development in vitro of the fungis phytopatogens such as Fusarium oxysporum, Rhizoctonia solani and Sclerotium rolfsii. Significant inhibitory effect of the tested fungis (at 0,2 mg.mL-1 dosage) were comproved. A Mass Spectrometry study of clerodane-type diterpenes was developed in order to identify characteristic fragments on mass spectrometra of both clerodane and 19-nor-clerodane presenting an α,β-insaturated carbonyl moiety at ring A of the decalin-system. For that study, mass spectroscopy data were analysed for 19-nor-clerodanes [trans-dehydrocrotonin (DCTN), trans-crotonin (CTN), cis-cajucarin B (c-CJC-B), and cajucarinolide (CJCR)] and for clerodanes [isosacacarin (ISCR) and transcajucarin A (t-CJC-A)] obtained from the stem bark of C. cajucara, and also clerodane-type from other species. The trans-junction of the enone-system clerodanes was clear correlated with the presence of the characteristic ions at m/z 95, 121 e 205. Meanwhile, the characteristics ions at m/z 122 e 124 were correlated to cis-junction. The trans-junction of the enone-system 19-nor-clerodanes showed characteristics ions at m/z 161, 134 e 121. This study could be successful employed for identification of clerodane constituents from other specimens without any additional spectroscopic analyses, as well as a previously phytochemical analyzes in clerodane project search
During the storage of oil, sludge is formed in the bottoms of tanks, due to decantation, since the sludge is composed of a large quantity of oil (heavy petroleum fractions), water and solids. The oil sludge is a complex viscous mixture which is considered as a hazardous waste. It is then necessary to develop methods and technologies that optimize the cleaning process, oil extraction and applications in industry. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the composition of the oil sludge, to obtain and characterize microemulsion systems (MES), and to study their applications in the treatment of sludge. In this context, the Soxhlet extraction of crude oil sludge and aged sludge was carried out, and allowing to quantify the oil (43.9 % and 84.7 % - 13 ºAPI), water (38.7 % and 9.15 %) and solid (17.3 % and 6.15 %) contents, respectively. The residues were characterized using the techniques of X-ray fluorescence (XRF), Xray diffraction (XRD) and transmission Infrared (FT-IR). The XRF technique determined the presence of iron and sulfur in higher proportions, confirming by XRD the presence of the following minerals: Pyrite (FeS2), Pyrrhotite (FeS) and Magnetite (Fe3O4). The FT-IR showed the presence of heavy oil fractions. In parallel, twelve MES were prepared, combining the following constituents: two nonionic surfactants (Unitol L90 and Renex 110 - S), three cosurfactants (butanol, sec-butanol and isoamyl alcohol - C), three aqueous phase (tap water - ADT, acidic solution 6 % HCl, and saline solution - 3.5 % NaCl - AP) and an oil phase (kerosene - OP). From the obtained systems, a common point was chosen belonging to the microemulsion region (25 % [C+S] 5 % OP and AP 70 %), which was characterized at room temperature (25°C) by viscosity (Haake Rheometer Mars), particle diameter (Zeta Plus) and thermal stability. Mixtures with this composition were applied to oil sludge solubilization under agitation at a ratio of 1:4, by varying time and temperature. The efficiencies of solubilization were obtained excluding the solids, which ranged between 73.5 % and 95 %. Thus, two particular systems were selected for use in storage tanks, with efficiencies of oil sludge solubilization over 90 %, which proved the effectiveness of the MES. The factorial design delimited within the domain showed how the MES constituents affect the solubilization of aged oil sludge, as predictive models. The MES A was chosen as the best system, which solubilized a high amount of aged crude oil sludge (~ 151.7 g / L per MES)
Alkyl polyethoxylates are surfactants widely used in vastly different fields, from oil exploitation to pharmaceutical applications. One of the most interesting characteristics of these surfactants is their ability to form micellar systems with specific geometry, the so-called wormlike micelle. In this work, microemulsions with three distinct compositions (C/T = 40 %, 30 % and 25 %) was used with contain UNITOL / butanol / water / xylene, cosurfactant / surfactante (C/S) ratio equal to 0,5. The microemulsion was characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS), capillary viscometry, torque rheometry and surface tensiometry experiments carried out with systems based on xylene, water, butanol (cosurfactant) and nonaethyleneglycolmonododecyl ether (surfactant), with fixed surfactant:cosurfactant:oil composition (with and without oil phase) and varying the overall concentration of the microemulsion. The results showed that a transition from wormlike micelles to nanodrops was characterized by maximum relative viscosity (depending on how relative viscosity was defined), which was connected to maximum effective diameter, determined by DLS. Surface tension suggested that adsorption at the air water interface had a Langmuir character and that the limiting value of the surfactant surface excess was independent of the presence of cosurfactant and xylene. The results of the solubilization of oil sludge and oil recovery with the microemulsion: C/S = 40%, 30% and 25% proved to be quite effective in solubilization of oil sludge, with the percentage of solubilization (%solubilization) as high as 92.37% and enhanced oil recovery rates up to 90.22% for the point with the highest concentration of active material (surfactant), that is, 40%.