998 resultados para SL


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Tensile tests in the temperature range 298 to 873 K have been performed on 2.25Cr-1Mo base metal and simulated heat affected zone (HAZ) structures of its weld joint, namely coarse grain bainite, fine grain bainite and intercritical structure. Tensile flow behaviour of all the microstructural conditions could be adequately described by the Hollomon equation (sigma = K-1 epsilon(n1)) at higher (> 623 K) temperatures. Deviation from the Hollomon equation was observed at low strains and lower (< 623 K) temperatures. The Ludwigson modification of Hollomon's equation, sigma = K-1 epsilon(n1) + exp (K-2 + n(2) epsilon), was found to describe the flow curve. In general, the flow parameters n(1), K-1, n(2) and K-2 were found to decrease with increase in temperature except in the intermediate temperature range (423 to 623 K). Peaks/plateaus were observed in their variation with temperature in the intermediate temperature range coinciding with the occurrence of serrated flow in the load-elongation curve. The n(1) Value increased and the K-1 value decreased with the type of microstructure in the order: coarse grain bainite, fine grain bainite, base metal and intercritical structure. The variation of nl with microstructure has been rationalized on the basis of mean free path (MFP) of dislocations which is directly related to the inter-particle spacing. Larger MFP of dislocations lead to higher strain hardening exponents n(1).


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We study small perturbations of three linear Delay Differential Equations (DDEs) close to Hopf bifurcation points. In analytical treatments of such equations, many authors recommend a center manifold reduction as a first step. We demonstrate that the method of multiple scales, on simply discarding the infinitely many exponentially decaying components of the complementary solutions obtained at each stage of the approximation, can bypass the explicit center manifold calculation. Analytical approximations obtained for the DDEs studied closely match numerical solutions.


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The evaluation of the creep deformation and fracture behavior of a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel base metal, a 2.25Cr-1Mo/2.25Cr-1Mo similar weld joint, and a 2.25Cr-1Mo/Alloy 800 dissimilar weld joint at 823 K over a stress range of 90 to WO MPa has been carried out. The specimens for creep testing were taken from single-V weld pads fabricated by a shielded metal arc-welding process using 2.25Cr-1Mo steel (for similar-joint) and INCONEL 182 (for dissimilar-joint) electrodes. The weld pads were subsequently given a postweld hear treatment (PWHT) of 973 K for I hour. The microstructure and microhardness of the weld joints were evaluated in the as-welded, postweld heat-treated, and creep-tested conditions. The heat-affected zone (HAZ) of similar weld joint consisted of bainite in the coarse-prior-austenitic-grain (CPAG) region near the fusion line, followed by bainite in the fine-prior-austenitic-grain (FPAG) and intercritical regions merging with the unaffected base metal. In addition to the HAZ structures in the 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, the dissimilar weld joint displayed a definite INCONEL/2.25Cr-1Mo weld interface structure present either as a sharp line or as a diffuse region. A hardness trough was observed in the intercritical region of the HAZ in both weld joints, while a maxima in hardness was seen at the weld interface of the dissimilar weld joint. Both weld joints exhibited significantly lower rupture lives compared to the 2.25Cr-1Mo base metal. The dissimilar weld joint exhibited poor rupture life compared to the similar weld joint, at applied stresses lower than 130 MPa. In both weld joints, the strain distribution across the specimen gage length during creep testing varied significantly. During creep testing, localization of deformation occurred in the intercritical HAZ. In the similar weld joint, at all stress levels investigated, and in the dissimilar weld joint, at stresses greater than or equal to 150 MPa, the creep failure occulted in the intercritical HAZ. The fracture occurred by transgranular mode with a large number of dimples. At stresses below 150 MPa, the failure in the dissimilar weld joint occurred in the CPAG HAZ near to the weld interface. The failure occurred by extensive intergranular creep cavity formation.


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The evaluation of the creep deformation and fracture behavior of a 2.25Cr-1Mo steel base metal, a 2.25Cr-1Mo/2.25Cr-1Mo similar weld joint, and a 2.25Cr-1Mo/Alloy 800 dissimilar weld joint at 823 K over a stress range of 90 to WO MPa has been carried out. The specimens for creep testing were taken from single-V weld pads fabricated by a shielded metal arc-welding process using 2.25Cr-1Mo steel (for similar-joint) and INCONEL 182 (for dissimilar-joint) electrodes. The weld pads were subsequently given a postweld hear treatment (PWHT) of 973 K for I hour. The microstructure and microhardness of the weld joints were evaluated in the as-welded, postweld heat-treated, and creep-tested conditions. The heat-affected zone (HAZ) of similar weld joint consisted of bainite in the coarse-prior-austenitic-grain (CPAG) region near the fusion line, followed by bainite in the fine-prior-austenitic-grain (FPAG) and intercritical regions merging with the unaffected base metal. In addition to the HAZ structures in the 2.25Cr-1Mo steel, the dissimilar weld joint displayed a definite INCONEL/2.25Cr-1Mo weld interface structure present either as a sharp line or as a diffuse region. A hardness trough was observed in the intercritical region of the HAZ in both weld joints, while a maxima in hardness was seen at the weld interface of the dissimilar weld joint. Both weld joints exhibited significantly lower rupture lives compared to the 2.25Cr-1Mo base metal. The dissimilar weld joint exhibited poor rupture life compared to the similar weld joint, at applied stresses lower than 130 MPa. In both weld joints, the strain distribution across the specimen gage length during creep testing varied significantly. During creep testing, localization of deformation occurred in the intercritical HAZ. In the similar weld joint, at all stress levels investigated, and in the dissimilar weld joint, at stresses greater than or equal to 150 MPa, the creep failure occulted in the intercritical HAZ. The fracture occurred by transgranular mode with a large number of dimples. At stresses below 150 MPa, the failure in the dissimilar weld joint occurred in the CPAG HAZ near to the weld interface. The failure occurred by extensive intergranular creep cavity formation.


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Symmetric and asymmetric superlattices (SLs) composed of ferromagnetic La0.6Sr0.4MnO3 (LSMO) and ferroelectric 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3 – 0.3PbTiO3 (PMN-PT) with different periodicities have been fabricated on LaNiO3 (LNO) coated LaAlO3 (100) (LAO) substrates by pulsed laser ablation deposition. Structural, ferromagnetic and ferroelectric properties have been studied for all the SLs. All the heterostructures exhibited good ferromagnetic response over a wide range of temperatures (10K – 300K), whereas only the asymmetric SLs exhibited reasonably good ferroelectric behaviour. Ferromagnetic and ferroelectric hysteresis loops observed in the asymmetric SLs confirmed their biferroic nature. Studies were conducted towards understanding the influence of LSMO layers on the electrical responses of the heterostructures. Absence of ferroelectricity in the symmetric SL structures has been attributed to their high leakage characteristics. Strong influence of an applied magnetic field of 1.2T was observed on the ferroelectric properties of the asymmetric SLs. The effect of magnetic field on the ferroelectric properties of the SLs indicated possibility of strong interfacial effect.


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Two backward-facing models with step heights of 2 and 3 mm are used to measure the convective surface heat transfer rates by using platinum thin-film gauges, deposited on Macor inserts. Heat transfer rates have been theoretically calculated along the flat plate portion of a model using the Eckert reference temperature method. The experimentally determined surface heat transfer rate distributions are compared with theoretical and numerical estimations. Experimental heat flux distribution over a flat plate model showed good agreement with the reference temperature method at stagnation enthalpy range of 0.8-2 MJ/kg. Theoretical analysis has been used for downstream of a backward-facing step using Gai's nondimensional analysis. It has been found from the present study that approximately 10 and 8 step heights are required for the flow to reattach for 2 and 3 mm step height backward-facing step models, respectively, at a nominal Mach number of 7.6.


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The processing maps are being developed for use in optimising hot workability and controlling the microstructure of the product. The present investigation deals with the examination to assess the prediction of the processing maps for a 15Cr-15Ni-2.2Mo-0.3Ti austenitic stainless steel using forging and rolling tests at different temperatures in the range of 600-1200 degreesC. The tensile properties of these deformed products were evaluated at room temperature. The influence of the processing conditions, i.e. strain rate and temperature on the tensile properties of the deformed product were analysed to identify the optimum processing parameters. The results have shown good agreement between the regimes exhibited by the map and the properties of the rolled or forged product. The optimum parameters for processing of this steel were identified as rolling or press forging at temperatures above 1050 degreesC to obtain optimum product properties. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Using the fact the BTZ black hole is a quotient of AdS(3) we show that classical string propagation in the BTZ background is integrable. We construct the flat connection and its monodromy matrix which generates the non-local charges. From examining the general behaviour of the eigen values of the monodromy matrix we determine the set of integral equations which constrain them. These equations imply that each classical solution is characterized by a density function in the complex plane. For classical solutions which correspond to geodesics and winding strings we solve for the eigen values of the monodromy matrix explicitly and show that geodesics correspond to zero density in the complex plane. We solve the integral equations for BMN and magnon like solutions and obtain their dispersion relation. We show that the set of integral equations which constrain the eigen values of the monodromy matrix can be identified with the continuum limit of the Bethe equations of a twisted SL(2, R) spin chain at one loop. The Landau-Lifshitz equations from the spin chain can also be identified with the sigma model equations of motion.


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A high resolution quantitative granulometric record for site Uchediya 21A degrees 43'2.22aEuro(3) N, 73A degrees 6'26.22aEuro(3) E; 10 m a. s. l.] gives understanding towards accretion history of the late Holocene flood plain in the lower reaches of Narmada River. Two sediment facies (sandy and muddy) and seven subfacies (sandy subfacies: St(MS+FS+CS), SmFS+MS, Sl(FS+VFS), and St(MS + CS); muddy subfacies: FmSILT+VFS+FS, FmSILT+VFS (O) and FmSILT+VFS (T)) are identified based on cluster analysis supplemented with sedimentary structures observed in field and other laboratory data. Changes in hydrodynamics are further deduced based on various sedimentological parameters and their ratios leading to arrive at a depositional model.


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A novel in situ core@shell structure consisting of nanoparticles of Ag (Ag Nps) and AgI in agarose matrix (Ag@ AgI/agarose) has been synthesized as a hybrid, in order to have an efficient antibacterial agent for repetitive usage with no toxicity. The synthesized core@shell structure is very well characterized by XRD, UV-visible, photoluminescence, and TEM. A detailed antibacterial studies including repetitive cycles are carried out on Gram-negative Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) bacteria in saline water, both in dark and on exposure to visible light. The hybrid could be recycled for the antibacterial activity and is nontoxic toward human cervical cancer cells (HeLa cells). The water insoluble Ag@AgI in agarose matrix forms a good coating on quartz, having good mechanical strength. EPR and TEM studies are carried out on the Ag@AgI/agarose and the bacteria, respectively, to elucidate a possible mechanism for killing of the bacteria.


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We examine the thermodynamic properties of recently constructed black hole solutions in SL(3, R) x SL(3, R) Chern-Simons theory in the presence of a chemical potential for spin-3 charge, which acts as an irrelevant deformation of the dual CFT with W-3 X W-3 symmetry. The smoothness or holonomy conditions admit four branches of solutions describing a flow between two AdS(3) backgrounds corresponding to two different CFTs. The dominant branch at low temperatures, connected to the BTZ black hole, merges smoothly with a thermodynamically unstable branch and disappears at higher temperatures. We confirm that the UV region of the flow satisfies the Ward identities of a CFT with W-3((2)) x W-3((2)) symmetry deformed by a spin-3/2 current. This allows to identify the precise map between UV and HI thermodynamic variables. We find that the high temperature regime is dominated by a black hole branch whose thermodynamics can only be consistently inferred with reference to this W-3((2)) x W-3((2)) CFT.


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We construct and study classical solutions in Chern-Simons supergravity based on the superalgebra sl(N vertical bar N = 1). The algebra for the N = 3 case is written down explicitly using the fact that it arises as the global part of the super conformal W-3 superalgebra. For this case we construct new classical solutions and study their supersymmetry. Using the algebra we write down the Killing spinor equations and explicitly construct the Killing spinor for conical defects and black holes in this theory. We show that for the general sl(N|N - 1) theory the condition for the periodicity of the Killing spinor can be written in terms of the products of the odd roots of the super algebra and the eigenvalues of the holonomy matrix of the background. Thus the supersymmetry of a given background can be stated in terms of gauge invariant and well defined physical observables of the Chern-Simons theory. We then show that for N >= 4, the sl(N|N - 1) theory admits smooth supersymmetric conical defects.


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Neutral and niche theories give contrasting explanations for the maintenance of tropical tree species diversity. Both have some empirical support, but methods to disentangle their effects have not yet been developed. We applied a statistical measure of spatial structure to data from 14 large tropical forest plots to test a prediction of niche theory that is incompatible with neutral theory: that species in heterogeneous environments should separate out in space according to their niche preferences. We chose plots across a range of topographic heterogeneity, and tested whether pairwise spatial associations among species were more variable in more heterogeneous sites. We found strong support for this prediction, based on a strong positive relationship between variance in the spatial structure of species pairs and topographic heterogeneity across sites. We interpret this pattern as evidence of pervasive niche differentiation, which increases in importance with increasing environmental heterogeneity.


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Polyaniline/titaniurn dioxide nanocomposites were prepared using alpha-dextrose as surfactant and ammonium persulphate as an oxidant. The PANI/TiO2 nanocomposite is characterized by FTIR, XRD and TEM. The FTIR spectra revel that the presence of characteristic peaks of benzenoid, qunoide rings and metal-oxygen stretching. The XRD studies show the monoclinic structure of the nanocomposites. The TEM study shows that the size of TiO2 is in the order of 9 nm where as the composite size is of the order of 13 nm and further it was observed that the TiO2 particles are intercalated to form a core shell of PANI. The maximum sensing response for LPG is found to be 90% for 30 wt.% of PANI/TiO2 nanocomposites at 400 ppm whereas for Benzene and Toluene it is negligibly small (<= 20%) and for the cyclohexane sensing response it is around 30% for different wt.%.