915 resultados para SEX RATIO
Acomprehensive description of the Massachusetts coastal lobster (Homarus americanus) resou,rce was obtained by sampling commercial catches coastwide at sea and at dealerships between 1981 and 1986. Acommercial lobster sea-sampling program, wherein six coastal regions were sampled monthly, with an areal and temporal data weighting design, was the primary source of data. An improved index of catch per trap haul/set-over-day was generated by modeling the relationship between catch and immersion time and standardizing effort. This 6-year time-series of mean annual catch rates tracked closely the landings trend for territorial waters. During the study period there was a gradual increase in indices of exploitation and total annual mortality which corresponded to a gradual decline in mean carapace length of marketable lobster. The frequency of culls escalated from 10.0% in 1981 to 20.9% in 1986, while the percentage of lobster found dead in traps was consistently less than 1%. The sex ratio (%F:%M) was significantly different from 50:50 and approximated a 60:40 relationship during the study period. Male and female weight-length relationships were significantly different. Females weighed more than males at smaller sizes and less than males at larger sizes. A north-south clinal trend was evident wherein lobster north of Cape Cod weighed less at length than those from regions south of Cape Cod. Functional size-maturity relationships were developed for female lobster by staging cement gland development. Proportions mature at size represent more realistic values than those obtained by analyses of percent of females ovigerous. Regional variation occurred in most of the parameters studied. Three lobster groups, differing in major population descriptors, are defined by our data.(PDF file contains 28 pages.)
The Cape Canaveral, Florida, marine ecosystem is unique. There are complex current and temperature regimes that form a faunal transition zone between Atlantic tropical and subtropical waters. This zone is rich faunistically and supports large commercial fISheries for fish, scallops, and shrimp. Canaveral is also unique because it has large numbers of sea turtles year-round, this turtle aggregation exhibiting patterned seasonal changes in numbers, size frequency, and sex ratio. Additionally, a significant portion of this turtle aggregation hibernates in the Canaveral ship channel, a phenomenon rare in marine turtle populations. The Cape Canaveral area has the largest year-round concentration of sea turtles in the United States. However, the ship channel is periodically dredged by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers in order to keep Port Canaveral open to U.S. Navy vessels, and preliminary surveys showed that many sea turtles were incidentally killed during dredging operations. In order for the Corps of Engineers to fulfill its defense dredging responsibilities, and comply with the Endangered Species Act of 1973, an interagency Sea Turtle Task Force was formed to investigate methods of reducing turtle mortalities. This Task Force promptly implemented a sea turtle research plan to determine seasonal abundance, movement patterns, sex ratios, size frequencies, and other biological parameters necessary to help mitigate dredging conflicts in the channel. The Cape Canaveral Sea Turtle Workshop is a cooperative effort to comprehensively present research results of these important studies. I gratefully acknowledge the support of everyone involved in this Workshop, particularly the anonymous team of referees who painstakingly reviewed the manuscripts. The cover illustration was drawn by Jack C. Javech. (PDF file contains 86 pages.)
Menlicirrhus americanus in the northwestern Gulf of Mexico mature at 150-220 mm TL and 12-14 months of age, with males maturing when 10-40 mm smaller than females. Spawning occurs within a broad period from February through November with two discrete peaks which coincide with the periodicity of downcoast alongshore currents (towards Mexico) in spring and fall. This species occurs at depths of less than 5 to 27 m, being most abundant at 5 m or shallower. Young-of-the-year recruit primarily at 5-9 m or shallower and gradually expand their bathymetric range. Age determination by length frequency is feasible in M. americanus but not as simple as in species that spawn in one major period of the year. Only one or two spawned groups normally predominated at anyone time and no more than three co-occurred with few possible exceptions. Observed mean sizes were 138 mm TL at 6 months, and 192 and 272 mm at ages I and II, respectively. Typical maximum size was 296-308 mm and typical maximum age is probably 2-3 years. The largest fISh captured were 392 and 455 mm. Observed sex ratio was 1.2 females to 1 male. Weight, girth, and length-length regressions are presented.(PDF file contains 27 pages.)
ENGLISH: All available longline data on skipjack captured in the Pacific Ocean by Japanese research vessels (1949-1965) and from incidental skipjack catches by Japanese commercial vessels (1956-1964) were analyzed. As skipjack are not specifically sought by longline vessels, the data are limited. Considering this it was found that: longline gear captures skipjack of wider size-range and is more selective for larger skipjack than conventional fishing methods, i.e. pole-and-line and purse-seine; skipjack are widely and almost continuously distributed across the Pacific; throughout the year average hook-rates are greater in the southeastern Pacific than in the northwestern Pacific; areas of high hook-rate shift south during the second and third quarters and north during the first and fourth quarters; in the western Pacific the north-south range of the catch distribution was greatest in the first and fourth quarters; skipjack hook-rates are relatively high in the northwestern Pacific east of Japan only during the first and fourth quarters; the highest hook-rates were recorded in extensive areas along the equator (from lO°N to 20°8 between approximately 155°W-100°W); generally more skipjack were captured by research longline gear in water temperature ranges approaching both the upper and lower temperature limits of skipjack distribution (18-21C and 26-28C), than is the case in surface skipjack fisheries; tentative comparisons of longline skipjack catch distributions with Pacific current systems, suggests low skipjack abundance in both North Pacific Central and North Pacific Equatorial water; the sex ratio was 95 males : 63 females in a small sample of skipjack examined; longlines capture skipjack of three, and possibly more, age groups; in skipjack size-composition samples studied, the smaller modal group (65 cm) observed in January-March in the northwestern Pacific (1600E-180oE and 20oN-45°N) corresponds in size to the larger modal group appearing in the late-summer surface fishery off the Izu-Bonin Islands southeast of Japan, and also compares in modal size to the skipjack taken in the Hawaiian fishery in spring time; the analysis of skipjack catches by hook position on the longline and by death-rate studies, indicates that part of the catch is made while the gear is in motion near the surface, and a lesser part of the catch is made when the gear is stabilized at a depth of 70 to 140 m. A brief discussion is given, in the light of new information presented, on several hypotheses by other authors concerning the population structure and migration of skipjack in the Pacific Ocean. SPANISH: Se analizaron todos los datos disponibles de la pesca con palangre de barriletes capturados en el Océano Pacífico por barcos japoneses de investigación (1949-1965) y por las capturas incidentales de los barcos comerciales japoneses (1956-1964). Como los barcos palangreros específicamente, no persiguen al barrilete, los datos son limitados. Considerando ésto, se encontró: que el arte palangrero obtiene barriletes con una distribución más amplia de tallas, y es más selectivo en cuanto a los barriletes de mayor talla, que los métodos convencionales de pesca, Le. cañas de pescar y redes de cerco; el barrilete se encuentra amplia y casi continuamente distribuido a través del Pacífico; en todo el año, las tasas promedio de captura por anzuelo son superiores en el Pacífico sudoriental que las del Pacífico noroeste; las áreas con una tasa alta de captura por anzuelo, se cambian hacia el sur durante los trimestres segundo y tercero, y durante los trimestres primero y cuarto hacia el norte; en el Pacífico occidental la amplitud de la distribución de captura norte-sur, fue superior en los trimestres primero y cuarto; las tasas de captura por anzuelo de barrilete, son relativamente altas en el Pacífico noroeste al este del Japón, únicamente durante los trimestres primero y cuarto; las tasas de captura por anzuelo más altas fueron registradas en extensas áreas a lo largo del ecuador (desde los 10°N hasta los 20°S, aproximadamente entre los 155°W-100°W) ; generalmente las artes palangreras de investigación capturaron más barrilete en aguas en las que la temperatura se aproximaba a los límites más altos o bajos de la temperatura en la distribución del barrilete (18-21 C y 26-28 C), que en el caso de la pesca superficial de barrilete; las comparaciones tentativas de la captura de barrilete con palangre, con el sistema de las corrientes del Pacífico, sugieren una abundancia inferior de barrilete tanto en las aguas del Pacífico central del norte como en las del Pacífico ecuatorial del norte; la proporcíon sexual examinada en una pequeña muestra de barriletes, fue de 95 machos y 63 hembras; los palangreros capturan barriletes de tres grupos de edad y posiblemente de más; en las muestras estudiadas de la composición de las tallas de barrilete, el grupo modal más pequeño (65 cm), observado en enero-marzo en el Pacífico noroeste (160 0E-180° y 20 oN-45°N), corresponde en talla al grupo modal más grande que aparece en la pesca de superficie a fines del verano frente a las Islas Izu-Bonín al sudeste del Japón, y se compara también con la talla modal del barrilete obtenido en la pesca hawaiana en la época de primavera; el análisis de las capturas de barrilete por medio del estudio de la posición de los anzuelos en el palangre y por la tasa de mortalidad, indica que parte de la captura se efectúa cuando el equipo está en movimiento cerca a la superficie y una parte inferior de la captura se realiza, cuando las artes se estabilizan a una profundidad de 70 a 140 m. Se ofrece una breve discusión sobre varias hipótesis de otros autores, en vista de la nueva información presentada referente a la estructura poblacional y a la migración del barrilete en el Océano Pacífico. (PDF contains 100 pages.)
The reliability of the international minimum landing size of 25 cm for the flounder stock of ICES Sub-divisions 24 and 25 as well as national bans on landing female flounder during the spawning time is investigated on German samples taken in Sub-division 24. The results of the analyses of growth, sex ratio, the proportion of mature flounder, and yield curves show that 25 cm is a convenient regulation measure but it would be reliable to have an international ban on landing female as well as male flounder during spawning time.
Rasbora tawarensis is an endemic freshwater fish in Lake Laut Tawar, Aceh Province, Indonesia. Unfortunately, its status is regarded a critical endangered with populations decreasing in recent years. To date no information on the spawning activities of the fish are available. Therefore, this study provides a contribution to the. knowledge on reproductive biology of R. tawarensis especially on spawning seasons as well as basic information for conservation of the species. Monthly sampling was conducted from April 2008 to March 2009 by using selective gillnets. The gonadosomatic index, size composition and sex ratio were assessed. The gonadal development was evaluated based on macroscopic and microscopic examinations of the gonads. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) varied between 6.65 to 18.16 in female and 4.94 to 8.56 for male. GSI of the female R. tawarensis was higher in March, September and December indicating the onset of reproductive seasons, the GSI and oocyte size being directly correlated with gonadal development stages. Although, a greater proportion of mature male than female was detected during the study, the sex ratio showed that the overall number of female was higher than male. The ovaries had multiple oocyte size classes at every stage of gonadal development, thus R. tawarensis can be classified as a group synchronous spawner or a fractional multiple spawner. The spawning seasons of R. tawarensis were three times a year and September being the peak of the reproductive season and the female was the predominant sex. This species is classified as a group synchronous spawner. (PDF contains 8 pages)
Sex ratio and fecundity variations of Chrysichthys nigrodigitatus and Chrysichthys walkeri from Asejire Lake (Nigeria) were examined. The Logarithm transformation of weight (W) against standard length (SL) gave a straight-line graph represented by the following equations: 1) C. nigrodigitatus LogW =-0.66 + 2.13 Log SL; = 0.854; (P < 0.001) n = 209; 2) C. walkeri LogW = -1.23 + 2.63 Log SL; = 0.759; (P < 0.001) n = 237. Males were generally more than females in both species. The ratio of males:females was higher in C. nigrodigitatus (1:0.18) than in C. walkeri (1:0.8). C. walkeri attained sexual maturity at a smaller size of 20.0 g (12.0 cm Standard Length) compared with C. nigrodigitatus maturity size of 45.0 g (14.0 cm Standard Length). Relative fecundity was not dependent on body weight and standard length for C. walkeri but it was significant at P < 0.05 and P < 0.01 respectively for C. nigrodigitatus
Oreochromis niloticus is one of the commercial fish species in Opa reservoir. It bred throughout the period of study in the reservoir. The fish species is a maternal mouth brooder with the female specimens carrying eggs and alevins in their mouths. The sex ratio of O. niloticus was 1:1 and the maximum fecundity recorded was 1810 eggs. The fecundity increased as the fish length increased. The relatively high fecundity of the fish species in the reservoir is an indication of the suitability of the small reservoir in contributing to fish production
Rising global temperatures threaten the survival of many plant and animal species. Having already risen at an unprecedented rate in the past century, temperatures are predicted to rise between 0.3 and 7.5C in North America over the next 100 years (Hawkes et al. 2007). Studies have documented the effects of climate warming on phenology (timing of seasonal activities), with observations of early arrival at breeding grounds, earlier ends to the reproductive season, and delayed autumnal migrations (Pike et al. 2006). In addition, for species not suited to the physiological demands of cold winter temperatures, increasing temperatures could shift tolerable habitats to higher latitudes (Hawkes et al. 2007). More directly, climate warming will impact thermally sensitive species like sea turtles, who exhibit temperature-dependent sexual determination. Temperatures in the middle third of the incubation period determine the sex of sea turtle offspring, with higher temperatures resulting in a greater abundance of female offspring. Consequently, increasing temperatures from climate warming would drastically change the offspring sex ratio (Hawkes et al. 2007). Of the seven extant species of sea turtles, three (leatherback, Kemp’s ridley, and hawksbill) are critically endangered, two (olive ridley and green) are endangered, and one (loggerhead) is threatened. Considering the predicted scenarios of climate warming and the already tenuous status of sea turtle populations, it is essential that efforts are made to understand how increasing temperatures may affect sea turtle populations and how these species might adapt in the face of such changes. In this analysis, I seek to identify the impact of changing climate conditions over the next 50 years on the availability of sea turtle nesting habitat in Florida given predicted changes in temperature and precipitation. I predict that future conditions in Florida will be less suitable for sea turtle nesting during the historic nesting season. This may imply that sea turtles will nest at a different time of year, in more northern latitudes, to a lesser extent, or possibly not at all. It seems likely that changes in temperature and precipitation patterns will alter the distribution of sea turtle nesting locations worldwide, provided that beaches where the conditions are suitable for nesting still exist. Hijmans and Graham (2006) evaluate a range of climate envelope models in terms of their ability to predict species distributions under climate change scenarios. Their results suggested that the choice of species distribution model is dependent on the specifics of each individual study. Fuller et al. (2008) used a maximum entropy approach to model the potential distribution of 11 species in the Arctic Coastal Plain of Alaska under a series of projected climate scenarios. Recently, Pike (in press) developed Maxent models to investigate the impacts of climate change on green sea turtle nest distribution and timing. In each of these studies, a set of environmental predictor variables (including climate variables), for which ‘current’ conditions are available and ‘future’ conditions have been projected, is used in conjunction with species occurrence data to map potential species distribution under the projected conditions. In this study, I will take a similar approach in mapping the potential sea turtle nesting habitat in Florida by developing a Maxent model based on environmental and climate data and projecting the model for future climate data. (PDF contains 5 pages)
A epidemia de HIV/AIDS, pelo seu histórico, é de natureza mutável em vários contextos sociais em todo o mundo. Desde a notificação dos primeiros casos até hoje, observa-se um curso diferenciado no decorrer do tempo, tanto no campo social como na biomedicina, o que a torna um problema passível de controle a longo prazo. Essas mudanças, entretanto, não são percebidas de igual maneira em todos os países ou regiões. Devido a vários fatores, a epidemia persiste como uma das dez primeiras causas de morte no mundo, sendo a primeira delas na África. No Brasil, o perfil da epidemia assemelha-se ao global, tendendo a diminuir/estabilizar a velocidade do surgimento de novos casos. Essa contenção deve-se ao impacto de ações preventivas desenvolvidas por iniciativas governamentais e não governamentais no sentido de promover práticas sexuais mais seguras. Neste mesmo contexto, algumas análises espaciais revelam transições demográficas da epidemia de HIV/AIDS nos anos mais recentes. Há mudanças e desigualdades na razão de sexo em diferentes condições sociodemográficas e do ponto de vista geracional. Em razão disso, este trabalho justifica-se pela necessidade de analisar as mudanças na razão de sexo, fornecendo informações importantes para o planejamento e política de prevenção no tratamento da AIDS, tendo em vista a vulnerabilidade da população feminina. O objetivo principal desta pesquisa é analisar diferenças históricas, espaciais e sociais da razão de sexo e idade na população internada pelo SUS em consequência da infecção pelo HIV no período de 1998 a 2009. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo e ecológico das diferenças históricas, espaciais e por grupos de idade na Razão de Sexo abrangendo também uma análise da Regressão Linear Múltipla das variáveis. Foram utilizados os dados do Sistema de Informações Hospitalares do SUS-SIH/SUS - DATASUS/MS, como fonte de informação para os casos de AIDS internados no período de 1998 a 2009. Foram considerados casos com idade compreendida entre 15 e 49 anos, bem como estratificados e analisados dados gerados nas microrregiões, a fim de homogeneizar as informações dentro de cada estrato com dados do censo de 2000. As variáveis independentes foram representadas pelos seguintes indicadores (fatores de vulnerabilidade): a) percentagem da população rural residente na região; b) tamanho da população da microrregião, para testar se o tamanho da população está associado à razão de sexo por HIV e c) percentagem da população de 15 a 49 anos de idade não alfabetizada. Nos resultados é possível notar que em quase todas as regiões há um aumento considerável do número de mulheres infectadas pelo HIV, o que leva à dedução da presença de um processo de feminização, atrelado à heterossexualização da epidemia. Os resultados do estudo apontam que a epidemia de HIV/AIDS tende a atingir indiscriminadamente as regiões Nordeste, Sul e Sudeste, especialmente as duas últimas. Esta constatação de que, em anos recentes, as mulheres vêm sendo infectadas em proporções maiores que os homens, corrobora o processo de feminização da AIDS, já anunciado por alguns autores.
No presente trabalho, objetivou-se caracterizar a estratégia reprodutiva, enfatizando o investimento energético, de duas espécies de peixe do rio Ubatiba, Maricá, Rio de Janeiro: Parotocinclus maculicauda (K-estrategista) e Astyanax hastatus (r-estrategista). Foram realizadas coletas bimestrais de Junho de 2010 a Abril de 2011 totalizando 236 exemplares amostrados de A. hastatus e 234 de P. maculicauda. Para cada exemplar foram registrados os dados de comprimento padrão (Cp, cm), peso total (Pt, g), peso gonadal (Pg, g), sexo e estádio de maturação. Através da estrutura de tamanho, observamos que as fêmeas atingem maior comprimento, em relação aos machos, para as duas espécies. A relação peso/ comprimento evidenciou para ambas as espécies, crescimento alométrico negativo (inferior a 3), demonstrando crescimento mais longelíneo. Para a proporção sexual, o teste χ2 foi aplicado e indicou que, para as duas espécies, há significativamente mais fêmeas. A distribuição sexual no ano mostrou que as fêmeas se mantêm em maioria durante todo o ano para P. maculicauda. Para A. hastatus este padrão também se mantém, porém com exceção do bimestre Novembro/Dezembro, quando o número de machos torna-se um pouco maior. O tamanho de primeira maturação mostrou-se o mesmo para ambas as espécies (2,5 a 3,0 cm). A variação temporal da freqüência de indivíduos reprodutivos e não reprodutivos juntamente com a distribuição temporal dos valores individuais de IGS mostrou que P. maculicauda se reproduz com maior intensidade nas estações chuvosas (Setembro a Abril), reduzindo sua atividade reprodutiva de maneira significativa nas estações secas (Maio a Agosto). Já A. hastatus demonstrou regular atividade reprodutiva durante todo o ano com pequeno pico no bimestre Novembro/ Dezembro. Desova do tipo total foi registrada para Astyanax, enquanto que para Parotocinclus registrou-se desova parcelada em três lotes. Em ambas as espécies foi observada relação inversa entre volume e a quantidade de ovócitos produzidos, com A. hastatus produzindo muitos ovócitos (fecundidade: 463 + 213 ovócitos/grama de peixe) de reduzido volume (diâmetro = 800 μm e volume = 0,26 mm3) e P. maculicauda produzindo número bem inferior (fecundidade: 47 + 13 ovócitos/grama de peixe), porém com volume superior (diâmetro = 1.600 μm e volume = 2,14 mm3). Com isso o valor energético relativo também se mostrou superior, com A. hastaus produzindo ovócitos vitelogênicos com 0,4+ 0,08 cal/unidade e P. maculicauda produzindo os mesmos ovócitos com 1,8+ 1,1 cal/unidade. Para a produção energética total investida na produção de gametas, foi considerado o tipo de desova de cada espécie, com Astyanax investindo 50,5 + 24 calorias/grama/grama de peixe e Parotocinclus investindo 88,4 + 72,46 cal/grama/grama de peixe, porém sem diferenças significativas (Mann-Whitney; U =235,0, p=0,08), indicando, portanto que independente da estratégia adotada (r ou K), o gasto energético na produção de ovócitos é a mesma.
In situ ecological assessment of the breeding grounds of palaemonid prawns was conducted in some selected locations around Ondo state coastal area between the months of April and September. Data obtained were subjected to both descriptive and inferential statistics. Three species of Palaemonid prawns were identified in four different locations within the study area with relative abundance ratio of 4:3:1. Macrobrachium macrobrachion, Nematopalaemon hastatus and Palaemon maculatus respectively. Sex ratio of 1 male to 5 females for M. macrobrachion, and 1 male to 2 females for N. hastatus and P. maculatus were observed with result showing significant relationships (P < 0.05) in distribution patterns across collection sites. Population distribution within the water column showed that palaemons are sub-lithoral prawns inhabiting maximum mean depth of 0.67m ± 0.025. Surface macro-phytes such as Eichhornia crassipies, Paspalum vaginatum, and Pistia stratiotes are common providing hiding spots for the prawn at the breeding ground. The mean soil pH across the sites stands at 6.67± 0.399 with the soil textural class that range from silty-loam to silty-clay. Also, the water quality parameters of study areas suggest that captive culture and rearing of Palaemons may be feasible outside the breeding areas.
Ethmalosa fimbriata (Bowdich) is the most abundant clupeid in the Ivorian artisanal fisheries. It represents over 60% of lagoon catches. In Aby lagoon the size at first sexual maturity is situated at 9.6 cm for male and 9.9 cm for female. The reproduction takes place twice a year during the high salinity periods from February to May and July to August. This reproduction does not affect significantly the sex-ratio, the mean of which varies from 35% to 36%, depending the period. The fecondity is very fluctuating and varies from 11000 eggs to 148000 eggs per female.
Geryon quinquedens is present along the West African continental slope at depths from 300 to 1000 m, on silt-clay sediments. Geryon is a cold and rather poorly oxygenated water loving species. It is easily caught by traps as it is a scavenger and predatory crustacea. In a given area its distribution does not appear to be homogeneous: for example, densities of red crabs are higher in the eastern and western region of Côte d'Ivoire than in the central zone. Similar observations can be made off Congo, Angola and United States. It can be assumed that there is a relation between the abundance of Geryon and the productivity level of the area. Geographical variations of sex ratio are suspected to be correlated with the density distribution. Males and females have not the same bathymetric distribution: females are only common in the shallower waters (300-500 m) whereas males are present in the whole biotope. Seasonal migrations occur down and up the slope in both the sexes and are certainly related to the reproductive biology. Knowledge of the reproductive biology is also necessary to understand fishing-trap catch rate: egg maturation extends over several months and ovigerous females are exceptionally caught by traps; males also are less available during the same period (March to August) when migrations are less important; in this period, mean size increases and probably this happens at the end of a moult. From September to February the catch-rates increase. Growth is slow compared with other littoral Guinean Crustacea (Peneides). Females become sexually mature at a size of 80 mm (carapace width): modification in the allometric relations of abdomen and carapace are then conspicuous.
Estudos ecológicos em meio urbano servem de subsídios à estratégias de conservação, propostas de manejo e/ou adequações dos planejamentos urbanos. No presente estudo analisei a ecologia do jacaré de papo amarelo em meio urbano no muncípio do Rio de Janeiro. O estudo foi realizado em um complexo de lagoas inseridos em meio a cidade do RJ. O complexo lagunar de Jacarepaguá está situado entre os principais bairros que mais cresceram nos últimos dez anos, tais como: Barra da Tijuca, Recreio dos Bandeirantes e a região de Jacarepaguá. Estudei o crescimento corpóreo do jacaré de papo amarelo e o seu desenvolvimento até a idade da primeira reprodução. O processo de crescimento individual é fundamental para todos os organismos, e seus respectivos estudos têm sido um assunto de preocupação ao manejo e conservação de espécies. Os dados para análise da taxa de crescimento individual compreenderam de recapturas de diferentes animais após intervalos conhecidos (data da recaptura - data da captura). Realizei um total de 20 recapturas de jacarés dentre 352 capturas. A maioria dos estudos de crescimento de jacarés foram realizadas em regiões mais frias, de latitudes mais baixas, logo os efeitos climáticos podem ser um fator importante no desenvolvimento desses animais. Após determinar a idade dos jacarés procurei analisar a distribuição de classes etárias utilizando a idade dos animais, e a razão sexual para entender a dinâmica da população através de sua estrutura etária e sexo. Foi feito uma distribuição por classes etárias e razão sexual dos indivíduos da população e a distribuição dos estágios de idade subsidiaram uma tabela de vida para C. latirostris em meio urbano. Foram capturados 68 (19,3%) jacarés juvenis, 180 (51,1%) sub adultos, e 104 (29,6%) adultos. A razão sexual para os jacarés capturados no Complexo Lagunar de Jacarepaguá foi de 3,3:1 (macho:fêmea), onde capturei 213 (78,7%) machos para 65 (21,3%) fêmeas e 90 jacarés juvenis onde não é possível identificar o sexo devido a idade. A taxa líquida de crescimento da população apresentou um valor negativo, o que corrobora a hipótese alternativa que a população estaria diminuindo. Conclui que a população de jacarés no complexo lagunar de Jacarepaguá não está crescendo. Devido a interação com o meio urbano ser cada vez mais intensificada realizei uma pesquisa sócio ambiental para entender qual é a relação da população humana em relação ao convívio com os jacarés em seu dia a dia na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Desta forma, foi realizado um estudo com o objetivo de identificar as percepções ambientais e concepções das pessoas em relação ao convívio com jacarés nos bairros do Recreio dos Bandeirantes e Barra da Tijuca, no Rio de Janeiro. Os dados coletados representaram conceituações negativo-positivas que os entrevistados apresentaram sobre a relação com os jacarés em áreas urbanas no município do Rio de Janeiro. Por meio deste estudo, conclui-se que há uma carência de elaboração de propostas de desenvolvimento, de estratégias de educação ambiental e melhor divulgação sobre noções ecológicas para a preservação de jacarés e seus ambientes, tanto para a população como para os responsáveis técnicos dos programas sócioambientais do município.