970 resultados para SDN OpenFlow Internet ONF Cisco HP Google


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Document reference number R9-ONF-CRM-002-94"--Cover.


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Evaluation of the Internet Initial Claim process based on data collected during the first quarter of calendar year 2002 in Colorado, Missouri, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Utah.


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Issued on shipping list no. 2006-0110-P after being pulled from original shipping list no. 2006-0011-P.


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The substantial increase in the number of applications offered through the computer networks, as well as in the volume of traffic forwarded through the network, have hampered to assure adequate service level to users. The Quality of Service (QoS) offer, honoring specified parameters in Service Level Agreements (SLA), established between the service providers and their clients, composes a traditional and extensive computer networks’ research area. Several schemes proposals for the provision of QoS were presented in the last three decades, but the acting scope of these proposals is always limited due to some factors, including the limited development of the network hardware and software, generally belonging to a single manufacturer. The advent of Software Defined Networking (SDN), along with the maturation of its main materialization, the OpenFlow protocol, allowed the decoupling between network hardware and software, through an architecture which provides a control plane and a data plane. This eases the computer networks scenario, allowing that new abstractions are applied in the hardware composing the data plane, through the development of new software pieces which are executed in the control plane. This dissertation investigates the QoS offer through the use and extension of the SDN architecture. Based on the proposal of two new modules, one to perform the data plane monitoring, SDNMon, and the second, MP-ROUTING, developed to determine the use of multiple paths in the forwarding of data referring to a flow, we demonstrated in this work that some QoS metrics specified in the SLAs, such as bandwidth, can be honored. Both modules were implemented and evaluated through a prototype. The evaluation results referring to several aspects of both proposed modules are presented in this dissertation, showing the obtained accuracy of the monitoring module SDNMon and the QoS gains due to the utilization of multiple paths defined by the MP-Routing, when forwarding data flow through the SDN.


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Current and future applications pose new requirements that Internet architecture is not able to satisfy, like Mobility, Multicast, Multihoming, Bandwidth Guarantee and so on. The Internet architecture has some limitations which do not allow all future requirements to be covered. New architectures were proposed considering these requirements when a communication is established. ETArch (Entity Title Architecture) is a new Internet architecture, clean slate, able to use application’s requirements on each communication, and flexible to work with several layers. The Routing has an important role on Internet, because it decides the best way to forward primitives through the network. In Future Internet, all requirements depend on the routing. Routing is responsible for deciding the best path and, in the future, a better route can consider Mobility aspects or Energy Consumption, for instance. In the dawn of ETArch, the Routing has not been defined. This work provides intra and inter-domain routing algorithms to be used in the ETArch. It is considered that the route should be defined completely before the data start to traffic, to ensure that the requirements are met. In the Internet, the Routing has two distinct functions: (i) run specific algorithms to define the best route; and (ii) to forward data primitives to the correct link. In traditional Internet architecture, the two Routing functions are performed in all routers everytime that a packet arrives. This work allows that the complete route is defined before the communication starts, like in the telecommunication systems. This work determined the Routing for ETArch and experiments were performed to demonstrate the control plane routing viability. The initial setup before a communication takes longer, then only forwarding of primitives is performed, saving processing time.


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Com a evolução da Informática e com o aparecimento de novos dispositivos com acesso à Internet, o número destes dispositivos subiu acentuadamente, logo, o fluxo de tráfego na rede também. Apesar deste aumento de fluxo, os utilizadores desejam, cada vez mais, que o seu acesso à Internet e os conteúdos que utilizam sejam rápidos e que haja inovações nos serviços das operadoras a que estão associados. Por isso, é importante simplificar a rede tradicional. Esta simplificação leva à programação de redes que, por sua vez, está diretamente relacionada com o SDN. Também a virtualização de redes está relacionada com este tema da programação de redes, visto terem surgido duas abordagens que são convergentes e que se podem complementar: SDN e NFV. Tendo em conta a vantagem e o potencial do SDN, a sua utilização na gestão de serviços de comunicação veio a revelar-se muito útil para colmatar alguns dos problemas até aí encontrados. Por isso propõe-se a criação de uma solução de apoio ao desenvolvimento e teste de redes e serviços de comunicação antes de estes serem colocados em produção. A automatização de processos ou utilização de ferramentas de apoio à evolução e otimização da rede fazem com que a mesma se torne mais rápida, intuitiva e menos suscetível a falhas. Estes fatores levam a que novos serviços possam ser criados e colocados mais rapidamente em produção, como é desejo de consumidores e operadoras de telecomunicação. Assim, tanto os recursos humanos como os recursos materiais serão muito mais bem aproveitados. Tudo isto, tendencialmente, levará a uma melhoria dos resultados financeiros das operadoras.


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Aims: 1. To investigate the reliability and readability of information on the Internet on adult orthodontics. 2. To evaluate the profile and treatment of adults by specialist orthodontists in the Republic of Ireland (ROI). Materials and methods: 1. An Internet search was conducted in May 2015 using three search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing), with two search terms (“adult orthodontics” and “adult braces”). The first 50 websites from each engine were screened and exclusion criteria applied. Included websites were then assessed for reliability using the JAMA benchmarks, the DISCERN and LIDA tools and the presence of the HON seal. Readability was assessed using the FRES. 2. A pilot-tested questionnaire about adult orthodontics was distributed to 122 eligible specialist orthodontists in the ROI. Questions addressed general and treatment information about adult orthodontic patients, methods of information provision and respondent demographics. Results: 1. Thirteen websites met the inclusion criteria. Three websites contained all JAMA benchmarks and one displayed the HON Seal. The mean overall score for DISCERN was 3.9/5 and the mean total LIDA score was 115/120. The average FRES score was 63.1. 2. The questionnaire yielded a response rate of 83%. The typical demographic profile of adult orthodontic patients was professional females between 25-35 years. The most common incisor relationship and skeletal base was Class II, division 1 (51%) and Class II (61%) respectively. Aesthetic upper brackets and metal lower brackets were the most frequently used appliances. Only 30% of orthodontists advise their adult patients to find extra information on the Internet. Conclusions: 1. The reliability and readability of information on the Internet on adult orthodontics is of moderate quality. 2. The provision of adult orthodontic treatment is common among specialist orthodontists in the Republic of Ireland.


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Gracias al crecimiento, expansión y popularización de la World Wide Web, su desarrollo tecnológico tiene una creciente importancia en la sociedad. La simbiosis que protagonizan estos dos entornos ha propiciado una mayor influencia social en las innovaciones de la plataforma y un enfoque mucho más práctico. Nuestro objetivo en este artículo es describir, caracterizar y analizar el surgimiento y difusión del nuevo estándar de hipertexto que rige la Web; HTML5. Al mismo tiempo exploramos este proceso a la luz de varias teorías que aúnan tecnología y sociedad. Dedicamos especial atención a los usuarios de la World Wide Web y al uso genérico que realizan de los Medios Sociales o "Social Media". Sugerimos que el desarrollo de los estándares web está influenciado por el uso cotidiano de este nuevo tipo de tecnologías y aplicaciones. 


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Nowadays there is almost no crime committed without a trace of digital evidence, and since the advanced functionality of mobile devices today can be exploited to assist in crime, the need for mobile forensics is imperative. Many of the mobile applications available today, including internet browsers, will request the user’s permission to access their current location when in use. This geolocation data is subsequently stored and managed by that application's underlying database files. If recovered from a device during a forensic investigation, such GPS evidence and track points could hold major evidentiary value for a case. The aim of this paper is to examine and compare to what extent geolocation data is available from the iOS and Android operating systems. We focus particularly on geolocation data recovered from internet browsing applications, comparing the native Safari and Browser apps with Google Chrome, downloaded on to both platforms. All browsers were used over a period of several days at various locations to generate comparable test data for analysis. Results show considerable differences not only in the storage locations and formats, but also in the amount of geolocation data stored by different browsers and on different operating systems.


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Throughout the last years technologic improvements have enabled internet users to analyze and retrieve data regarding Internet searches. In several fields of study this data has been used. Some authors have been using search engine query data to forecast economic variables, to detect influenza areas or to demonstrate that it is possible to capture some patterns in stock markets indexes. In this paper one investment strategy is presented using Google Trends’ weekly query data from major global stock market indexes’ constituents. The results suggest that it is indeed possible to achieve higher Info Sharpe ratios, especially for the major European stock market indexes in comparison to those provided by a buy-and-hold strategy for the period considered.


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O presente estudo tem por objetivo perceber quais os efeitos que a internet, as redes sociais e os videojogos (adiante também designados por Mundo Digital) podem ter nas crianças com Perturbação de Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção (PHDA), quando usadas como ferramentas pedagógicas em contexto de sala de aula. Pretende-se verificar em que medida o seu uso pode influenciar positiva ou negativamente o comportamento e o sucesso escolar destas crianças. A metodologia é quantitativa e a recolha de dados fez-se através de um inquérito por questionário que foi enviado por e-mail (tecnologia Google Drive). A amostra é não probabilística de conveniência da população alvo - professores do 3º ciclo e secundário a lecionar em escolas públicas do distrito do Porto. A área disciplinar e/ou de formação dos sujeitos é diversa, com o intuito de aferir da transversalidade dos eventuais efeitos destas ferramentas digitais enquanto metodologias pedagógicas em diferentes áreas do saber. Os resultados, na opinião dos inquiridos, foram tendencialmente indicadores do potencial pedagógico que este tipo de tecnologias pode constituir no processo de ensino e aprendizagem das crianças com PHDA, no entanto, simultaneamente, apontam para os riscos que essa utilização, quando excessiva, indiscriminada e sem supervisão pode acarretar, nomeadamente fora do contexto escolar, na medida em que consideram que se pode refletir e traduzir em problemas comportamentais que, por sua vez, geram e/ou ampliam dificuldade de concentração e interesses paralelos às atividades escolares. A esse alerta soma-se, ainda, a ideia generalizada de que é imperioso limitar o seu tempo de acesso/uso. Julga-se que este estudo possa contribuir para ajudar e clarificar a ação e práticas dos professores e educadores, mas também dos encarregados de educação, visando, não só o sucesso escolar destes alunos, mas também oferecendo-lhes oportunidades para se sentirem bem e felizes com a sua diferença.


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Antecedentes y objetivos: La hiperhidrosis primaria afecta el 2,8% de la población de Estados Unidos. Condición que impacta el desarrollo social de los individuos afectados, ocasionando fobia social. Existen opciones disponibles para el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis incluyendo medicamentos tópico, sistémico, inyectable y quirúrgico. El objetivo de ésta revisión sistemática de la literatura es determinar la efectividad y seguridad de los dispositivos de emisión de microondas, radiofrecuencia no ablativa y sistema de ultrasonido microfocalizado para el tratamiento de la hiperhidrosis primaria. Materiales y métodos: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura de artículos obtenidos de bases de datos: Medline, Cochrane, Embase, Ovid y Scielo. Se incluyeron ensayos clínicos aleatorizados controlados, ensayos cuasiexperimentales desde el 2011; donde evaluaran el uso de estos dispositivos en el manejo de hiperhidrosis primaria. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 21 artículos en total. Se encontró que con los tres dispositivos se logra una reducción significativa a puntajes entre 1 y 2 de la escala de Severidad de la Hiperhidrosis; en 3 estudios se encontró mejoría en la calidad de vida; los eventos adversos fueron transitorios, siendo más frecuentes con el dispositivo de emisión de microondas. Conclusión: Primera revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre el efecto de estos tres dispositivos en el manejo de hiperhidrosis. Se espera aportar a la literatura existente una recomendación acerca de la efectividad y seguridad de estos dispositivos para que sea aplicado en los pacientes con diagnóstico de hiperhidrosis primaria.