995 resultados para Rua do Souto
In order to reduce the sedentarism and to improve population's health condition, many physical activity incentive programs have been stimulated. As a result, many people have adhered to street racing, but their health condition is almost always ignored. The aim of this study was to evaluate street racers' health condition, identifying the presence of cardiovascular risk factors as well as problems associated to street racing. The study case was composed by 111 racers from the town of Bauru (94 men and 17 women) aged in average 39±13 years old, who were evaluated in 4 street race competitions. The subjects answered to an anamnesis with questions about their socioeconomic status, medicine use, cardiovascular risk, physical exercise practices, and issues related to racing and injury. Weight (kg) and height (m) were measured to calculate the body mass index (BMI, kg/m²) as well as systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR), abdominal circumference (AC), and flexibility. It could be observed that the majority of racers were Caucasian, married and belonged to social classes over C. The prevalent age was between 18 and 35 years old (42%). Among the participants, 38.7% have already undergone some kind of surgery and 13% declared having some health problem. The questionnaire pointed out that 36% had low and moderate cardiovascular risk. It could be noticed from the AC that 10% of men and 18% of women had high cardiac risk. Among the tested, 43.2% (24.3% altered and 18.9% borderline) showed high BP on the day of the test, but only 2.7% had self-declared hypertensive. In relation to injury, 36% had already had lesions of some kind, 27.5% of which had occurred in the last 8 months. 66.6% had derived from training or racing competitions and the knee was the mostly affected body part. Only 43% had professional orientation by a physical education teacher during their training and the main reasons for them to begin racing practice were...
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS
This paper aims to present a study about the importance of Education as a public policy for the integral development of children and adolescents in street situation. As theoretical foundation, the authors used constructs from the National Policy of Special Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education, the Statute of the Child and Adolescent emphasizing the importance of family and social networks as a way to protect children and adolescents who left school and live under the precarious situation of street. In this sense, the National Policy of Special Education in the perspective of Inclusive Education has just pointed to the issues that pass by the inclusion of these children and adolescents to put them back to school. To do this, it is necessary to implement policies designed to the care of children and adolescents victimized by the living on the streets.
OBJETIVO: Analisar a prevalência e o perfil de vulnerabilidade ao HIV de moradores de rua. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostra não probabilística de 1.405 moradores de rua usuários de instituições de acolhimento de São Paulo, SP, de 2006 a 2007. Foi realizado teste anti-HIV e aplicado questionário estruturado. O perfil de vulnerabilidade foi analisado pela frequência do uso do preservativo, considerando mais vulneráveis os que referiram o uso nunca ou às vezes. Foram utilizadas regressões logística e multinomial para estimar as medidas de efeito e intervalos de 95% de confiança. RESULTADOS: Houve predominância do sexo masculino (85,6%), média de 40,9 anos, ter cursado o ensino fundamental (72,0%) e cor não branca (71,5%). A prática homo/bissexual foi referida por 15,7% e a parceria ocasional por 62,0%. O número médio de parcerias em um ano foi de 5,4 e mais da metade (55,7%) referiu uso de drogas na vida, dos quais 25,7% relataram uso frequente. No total, 39,6% mencionaram ter tido uma doença sexualmente transmissível e 38,3% relataram o uso do preservativo em todas as relações sexuais. A prevalência do HIV foi de 4,9% (17,4% dos quais apresentaram também sorologia positiva para sífilis). Pouco mais da metade (55,4%) tinha acesso a ações de prevenção. A maior prevalência do HIV esteve associada a ser mais jovem (OR 18 a 29 anos = 4,0 [IC95% 1,54;10,46]), história de doença sexualmente transmissível (OR = 3,3 [IC95% 1,87;5,73]); prática homossexual (OR = 3,0 [IC95% 1,28;6,92]) e à presença de sífilis (OR = 2,4 [IC95% 1,13;4,93]). O grupo de maior vulnerabilidade foi caracterizado por ser mulher, jovem, ter prática homossexual, número reduzido de parcerias, parceria fixa, uso de drogas e álcool e não ter acesso a ações de prevenção e apoio social. CONCLUSÕES: O impacto da epidemia entre moradores de rua é elevado, refletindo um ciclo que conjuga exclusão, vulnerabilidade social e acesso limitado à prevenção.
Parte 1:Indagine teorica che riflette il tema del progetto di architettura nel rapporto specifico tra nuovo intervento e preesistenza, nel lavoro dei massimi architetti contemporanei di Porto. Parte 2: Progetto di riabilitazione di una serie di case della borghesia settecentesca nel centro storico di Porto.