999 resultados para Roberto Schwarz


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In der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit erfolgte die Beobachtung von Eisströmen und Schelfeisen an der Küste der Amundsen See in der West-Antarktis, unter Verwendung von ERS-SAR-Amplitudenbildprodukten. Bestandteile dieser Beobachtung waren die Erstellung eines Gletscherinventares, die Erstellung von Multitemporalbildern, die Auswertung von Veränderungen der Eisfronpositionen und - schwerpunktmäßig - die Bestimmung von Eisfließgeschwindigkeiten und deren räumlicher und zeitlicher Vergleich.


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La produzione Dalla-Roversi si iscrive nella cornice storica degli anni’70, quelli che nell'immaginario comune vengono chiamato “anni piombo”. In realtà gli anni ’70, in particolare il Settantasette bolognese, sono molto altro: sono anni di fervore culturale e di sperimentazione del linguaggio, grazie anche alla nascita delle radio libere. La collaborazione tra i due artisti dura tre anni, dal 1973 al 1976, e porterà alla pubblicazione di tre album: Il giorno aveva cinque teste, Anidride solforosa e Automobili. I tre dischi cambieranno la vita di Lucio Dalla, sia dal punto di vista professionale che personale. Nel 1977, infatti, dopo la “rottura” con Roversi, Dalla pubblicherà il suo capolavoro: Come è profondo il mare, primo album scritto e musicato interamente dal cantautore. A questo punto della sua carriera può essere definito tale, in quanto dimostra di essere capace di scrivere testi che possono essere considerati e poetici e di musicarli in maniera consapevole.


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OBJECT: In this study, the authors prospectively evaluated long-term psychosocial and neurocognitive performance in patients suffering from nonaneurysmal, nontraumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) and investigated the association between the APOE-epsilon4 genotype and outcome in these patients. METHODS: All patients admitted to the authors' institution between January 2001 and January 2003 with spontaneous nonaneurysmal SAH were prospectively examined (mean follow-up 59.8 months). The APOE genotype was determined in all patients by polymerase chain reaction from a blood sample. Of the 30 patients included in this study, 11 were carriers of the epsilon4 allele. RESULTS: All patients showed a good recovery and regained full independence with no persisting neurological deficits. The patients with the epsilon4 allele, however, scored significantly higher on the Beck Depression Inventory (22.1 +/- 6.3 vs 14.1 +/- 5.1). At follow-up, depression was more persistent in the group with the epsilon4 allele compared with the group that lacked the allele. This finding reached statistical significance (p < 0.05). Selective attention was impaired in all patients during the first year of follow-up, with an earlier recovery noted in the patients without the epsilon4 allele. Moreover, there was a tendency toward a linear relationship between the Beck Depression Inventory and the d2 Test of Attention. Two patients who carried the epsilon4 allele did not return to their employment even after 5 years. CONCLUSIONS: The findings in this study suggest that the APOE genotypes may be associated with the psychosocial and neurocognitive performance after spontaneous nonaneurysmal SAH, even in the absence of neurological impairment. Physicians should consider patient genotype in assessing the long-term consequences of nonaneurysmal SAH.


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In modern implant dentistry there are several clinical indications for laser surgery. Different laser systems have a considerable spectrum of application in soft and hard peri-implant tissues. The literature was searched for clinical application of different laser wavelengths in peri-implant tissues: second-stage surgery of submerged implants, treatment of infrabony defects, removal of peri-implant hyperplastic overgrowths, and, possibly, the preparation of bone cavities for implant placement. This report describes the state-of-the-art application of different laser systems in modern implant dentistry for the treatment of peri-implant lesions and decontamination of implant surfaces. Our study evaluated in vitro examinations, clinical experience and long-term clinical studies. The exact selection of the appropriate laser system and wavelength was dependent on the scientific evaluation of recent literature and the level of changes in implant and tissue temperatures during laser application. The significant reduction in bacteria on the implant surface and the peri-implant tissues during irradiation and the cutting effects associated with the coagulation properties of the lasers are the main reasons for laser application in the treatment of peri-implant lesions and the successful long-term prognosis of failing oral implants. The various applications of lasers in implant dentistry are dependent on the wavelength and laser-tissue interactions.


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Fotobuch anlässlich des Firmenjubiläums von Pneu Fahrni und der Ausstellung der Fotografien in der Zone Contemporaine, Niederwangen bei Bern


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Boberach: Mit zwei kolorierten Illustrationen auf Umschlag und Umschlagrücken: Deutscher Doppeladler mit Krone, Fahnenträger einer Bürgerwehr. - Welsch (Projektbearbeiter): Abdruck von insgesamt 71 Liedern, u.a.: 'Was ist des Deutschen Vaterland?'. 'Freiheit, die ich meine', 'Der Gott, der Eisen wachsen ließ', 'Frisch auf, mein Volk!', 'Stimmt an mit hellem, hohem Klang' und 'Schleswig-Holstein, meerumschlungen'