887 resultados para Riordan, Michael: Crystal fire. The birth of the information age
This flyer promotes the event "A Conference on The 200th Anniversary of the Birth of Gertrud is Gómez de Avellaneda: A Celebration of Nineteenth-Century Cuban Literature" cosponsored by the Cuban Research Institute and the Department of Modern Languages at Florida International University.
Extended contribution to a roundtable on Mark A. Lause's Free Labor: The Civil War and the Making of an American Working Class, emphasizing the wartime labor movement's great difficulty in responding to rapid industrialization brought on by the war, and to the increasing diversity of the labor force brought about by mass immigration.
This thesis explores the relationship of the actress Hedwig Raabe’s 1866 performance in Charlotte Birch-Pfeiffer’s play Die Grille to the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche’s 1872 book The Birth of Tragedy. This exploration is structured by theatre scholar Marvin Carlson’s concept of haunting. I conclude that the haunting of Nietzsche’s text by Raabe’s performance destabilizes the former and points towards new ways of understanding The Birth of Tragedy in the fields of theatre and performance studies.
‘The Influence of British Rule on Elite Indian Menswear: The Birth of the Sherwani’ is a study of the influence of politics on fashion and the resulting development of new garments. This research is designed to demonstrate the effect on elite Indian menswear of the two centuries of British rule in India. It is an effort to understand how the flowing garments worn by elite Indian men in the 18th century gradually became more tailored and fitted with the passage of time. The study uses multiple sources to bring to light lesser known facts about Indian menswear, the evolution of different garments and especially of the sherwani. The sherwani is a knee-length upper garment worn by South-Asian men, and is considered to be India’s traditional menswear. My study highlights the factors responsible for the birth of the sherwani and dispels the myth that it was a garment worn by the Mughals. Simultaneously, this study examines the concept and value of ‘tradition’ in cultures. It scrutinises the reasons for the sherwani being labelled as a traditional Indian garment associated with the Mughal era, when in fact it was born towards the end of the 19th century. The study also analyses the role of the sherwani as a garment of distinction in pre- and post-independence India.
The idea of the tragic is unthinkable. It is precisely within the moment in which an ordinary human being, a heroine or a hero – incapable of scrutinizing fully their own position within the whole – is invited to respond, to accept or refuse it all, that the tragic unfolds, changing their life irremediably. What are the causes and the consequences of "god’s arrival", as in case of Dionysus who visits Pentheus’ home in Euripides’ "The Bacchae"? Through episodes in the stories of characters from Ancient Greek dramas – such as Oedipus, Antigone, Ajax, Io, through Dostoevsky’s or Kafka’s imagery, in Prince Myshkin’s, the Ridiculous Man’s or Gregor Samsa’s experiences, this doctoral research proposes to examine the aspects which compete in the creation of a tragic hero. Theatrical performances – such as Jan Fabre’s "Mount Olympus: To Glorify the Cult of Tragedy, a 24-Hour Performance", immersed in a cycle of life, death and re-birth; Oliver Frljić’s "Trilogija o hrvatskom fašizmu", in its careful analysis of the wounds of a heritage of war; and Cristian Ceresoli’s and Silvia Gallerano’s tragic testimony of an estranged, almost soulless body in "La Merda" – open up the dialogue on our contemporary idea of the tragic. This doctoral work chooses excess as its privileged channel through which to approach the concept of the tragic – by its nature elusive, hostile to any definition, strictly personal and, thus, visible only through one’s own lens. In an excess of pain, devotion, desire, rage, arrogance or beauty, opposites collide, time concentrates into a moment and the hero is invited to choose, to live or die, to transform.
OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between growth patterns in early childhood and the onset of menarche before age 12. METHODS: The study included 2,083 women from a birth cohort study conducted in the city of Pelotas, Southern Brazil, starting in 1982. Anthropometric, behavioral, and pregnancy-related variables were collected through home interviews. Statistical analyses were performed using Pearson's chi-square and chi-square test for linear trends. A multivariable analysis was carried out using Poisson regression based on a hierarchical model. RESULTS: Mean age of menarche was 12.4 years old and the prevalence of menarche before age 12 was 24.3%. Higher weight-for-age, height-for-age, and weight-for-height z-scores at 19.4 and 43.1 months of age were associated with linear tendencies of increased prevalence and relative risks of the onset of menarche before age 12. Girls who experienced rapid growth in weight-for-age z-score from birth to 19.4 months of age and in weight-for-age or height-for-age z-scores from 19.4 to 43.1 months of age also showed higher risk of menarche before age 12. Higher risk was seen when rapid growth in weight-for-age z-score was seen during these age intervals and the highest risk was found among those in the first tertile of Williams' curve at birth. Rapid growth in weight-for-height z-score was not associated with menarche before age 12. CONCLUSIONS: Menarche is affected by nutritional status and growth patterns during early childhood. Preventing overweight and obesity during early childhood and keeping a "normal" growth pattern seem crucial for the prevention of health conditions during adulthood.
BACKGROUND: Healthcare professionals regularly read the summary of product characteristics (SmPC) as one of the various sources of information on the risks of drug use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy. The aim of this article is to present an overview of the teratogenic potential of various antiepileptic drugs and to compare these data with the information provided by the SmPCs. METHODS: A literature search on the teratogenic risks of 19 antiepileptic agents was conducted and the results were compared with the information on the use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy provided by the SmPCs of 38 commercial products available in Switzerland and Germany. RESULTS: The teratogenic risk is discussed in all available SmPCs. Quantification of the risk for birth defects and the numbers of documented pregnancies are mostly missing. Reproductive safety information in SmPCs showed poor concordance with risk levels reported in the literature. Recommendations concerning the need to monitor plasma levels and possibly perform dose adjustments during pregnancy to prevent treatment failure were missing in five Swiss and two German SmPCs. DISCUSSION: The information regarding use in women of childbearing age and during pregnancy provided by the SmPCs is heterogeneous and poorly reflects the current state of knowledge. Regular updates of SmPCs are warranted in order for these documents to be of reliable use for health care professionals.
Two new complex salts of the form (Bu4N)(2)[Ni(L)(2)] (1) and (Ph4P)(2)[Ni(L)(2)] (2) and four heteroleptic complexes cis-M(PPh3)(2)(L) [M = Ni(II) (3), Pd(II) (4), L = 4-CH3OC6H4SO2N=CS2] and cis-M(PPh3)(2)(L') [M = Pd(II) (5), Pt(II) (6), L' = C6H5SO2N=CS2] were prepared and characterized by elemental analyses, IR, H-1, C-13 and P-31 NMR and UV-Vis spectra, solution and solid phase conductivity measurements and X-ray crystallography. A minor product trans-Pd(PPh3)(2)(SH)(2), 4a was also obtained with the synthesis of 4. The NiS4 and MP2S2 core in the complex salts and heteroleptic complexes are in the distorted square-plane whereas in the trans complex, 4a the centrosymmetric PdS2P2 core is perforce square planar. X-ray crystallography revealed the proximity of the ortho phenyl proton of the PPh3 ligand to Pd(II) showing rare intramolecular C-H center dot center dot center dot Pd anagostic binding interactions in the palladium cis-5 and trans-4a complexes. The complex salts with sigma(rt) values similar to 10 (5) S cm (1) show semi-conductor behaviors. The palladium and platinum complexes show photoluminescence properties in solution at room temperature.
Three novel heteroleptic complexes of the type cis- [ML(dppe)] [M = Ni(II), Pd(II), Pt(II); L = p-tolylsulfonyl dithiocarbimate; dppe = 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane] have been prepared and characterized. X-ray crystallography revealed the close proximity of one of the ortho phenyl protons of the dppe ligand to the metal in the Ni(II) complex showing existence of the less common C-H center dot center dot center dot Ni anagostic interactions observed for the first time in the dithio-phosphine mixed-ligand systems. The platinum complex showed a strong photoluminescence emission near visible region in CH(2)Cl(2) solution.