822 resultados para Rinite Alérgica Sazonal
The Curimataú estuary is located in the oriental coast of Rio Grande do Norte State in Brazil. Its importance resides in the fact that this region possesses one of the last portions of preserved mangrove in the Rio Grande do Norte State. Nevertheless, it has been severely affected by many anthropogenic activities, as sugarcane monoculture and shrimp farming. Former works demonstrated that an accumulation of heavy metals is occurring in oysters in this estuary, and perhaps it could be explained by the input of metals in this ecosystem deriving from the shrimp farming. To better understanding the origin of these metals, bottom sediment samples, cores and suspended particulate matter were collected for a characterization of metal concentrations (Al, Ba, Cd, Cu, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Zn) and to determine the potentially bioavailable metals. Additionally, the enrichment ratio for each element analyzed was calculated. The mineralogical composition of sediment samples and cores were obtained by X-ray diffraction. Moreover, data of orbital remote sensing were used in order to detect and quantify suspended matter by applying a logarithmic algorithm. Geochemical data of bottom sediments and cores revealed that, excepting Ba and Pb, the elements analyzed presented concentrations characteristic of an unpolluted ecosystem (Al: 0,25 - 8,76 %; Ba: 3,03 - 870 µg.g-1; Cd: < 0,25 µg.g-1; Cr: 1,72 - 82,4 µg.g-1; Cu: 0,12 -25,3 µg.g-1; Pb: 0,38 - 23,7 µg.g-1; Fe: 0,10 - 5,82 %; Mn: 15,1 - 815 µg.g-1; Ni: 0,14 - 36,1 µg.g-1; Zn: 1,37 - 113 µg.g-1). During the dry season a distribution pattern was observed, with higher metal concentrations in the margins, decreasing toward the central portion of the channel. These metal concentrations were well correlated with mineralogical compositions, with clay minerals prevailing at the margins, and quartz and feldspar in the center. However, this pattern was not observed during the wet season, probably because of the high water flux that disturbed bottom sediments. But, as observed for the dry season, a good correlation between metal concentrations and mineralogical composition was also observed for the wet season, with high metal concentrations where there were high quantities of clay minerals. Low enrichment ratios were obtained for the majority of elements analyzed, excepting for Mn, Ba and Pb. Manganese presented the higher ratios downstream for both seasons, and it can be an evidence of anthropogenic impact by shrimp farming. As barium and lead concentrations in sediment samples presented analytical problems during the total sample digestion, one cannot be sure that the ratios obtained correspond to the reality. The highest metal concentrations in particulate matter were obtained in the portion dominated by fluvial transport for all metals analyzed, excepting for copper. Barium and zinc were the only elements that presented elevated concentrations that are not common of unpolluted ecosystems (Ba: 5730 - 8355 µg.g-1; Zn: 3899 - 4348 µg.g-1). However, these high concentrations could not be related to the shrimp farming and waste waters from the town of Canguaretama, once they were obtained from the fluvial particulate matter, that is upstream from the activities above mentioned. The application of the logarithmic algorithm to the processed LANDSAT image was well succeeded, although the acquired image does not correspond exactly to the field campaigns. The IKONOS image provided very detailed views of the suspended sediment concentration at the estuary, as the mixture of distinct water flows at the confluence of Cunhaú and Curimataú rivers, with more turbid waters from Cunhaú river, that is directly affected by effluents from shrimp farming and urban waste waters deriving from the town of Canguaretama
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O bioma Cerrado encontra-se descaracterizado e menos de três por cento de suas áreas originais está legalmente protegida. A anurofauna desse bioma não é muito rica quando comparado a outros biomas, porém há um grande número de espécies endêmicas. Aqui apresentamos uma lista de espécies de anuros registrados em uma lagoa em área de cerrado aberto do município de Borebi, região Centro-Oeste do estado de São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. Durante 24 meses de estudo (2008 e 2009) caracterizamos a distribuição das espécies na lagoa estudada e descrevemos a variação sazonal das espécies. Foram registradas 27 espécies pertencentes a seis famílias: Bufonidae (duas espécies), Cycloramphidae (uma espécie), Hylidae (13 espécies), Leiuperidae (quatro espécies), Leptodactylidae (cinco espécies) e Microhylidae (duas espécies). A riqueza de espécies e abundância estiveram relacionadas com a precipitação. Dendropsophus minutus foi a espécie mais abundante e com registro de vocalização durante o ano inteiro. Rhinella ornata e Odontophrynus americanus foram restritas ao período seco e frio (abril a agosto). As outras espécies tiveram seu período de maior atividade nos meses chuvosos e quentes (setembro a março). A ocupação da lagoa variou com o tipo de vegetação e conforme a variação do seu volume de água, principalmente nos período de estiagem. A alta riqueza e abundância de anuros da lagoa pode ser resultado da ausência de peixes predadores, dos diversos tipos de microambientes do local e da ausência de outros corpos d'água próximos.
A aceroleira produz durante o ano inteiro, e seus frutos são ricos em vitaminas e sais minerais. Para a obtenção de produções elevadas e frutos de boa qualidade, é necessário conhecer as necessidades nutricionais e as épocas mais apropriadas para a adubação das plantas. Este trabalho, conduzido em área do Campo Experimental da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) Agroindústria Tropical, em Pacajus, Ceará, de dezembro de 1999 a outubro de 2000, teve por objetivo estudar a variação sazonal dos teores de nutrientes (N, P, K, Ca, Mg e S) e determinar a época mais indicada para a análise foliar de seis genótipos (P 52, P 66, P 78, P 91, P 93 e P 97) de aceroleira (Malpighia emarginata D.C.). Adotou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em esquema de parcelas subdivididas no tempo, com 4 repetições e uma planta por unidade experimental. Existem poucas diferenças no teor de macronutrientes das folhas de distintos genótipos de aceroleiras. O mês de dezembro é a época mais apropriada para diagnosticar os teores de macronutrientes em genótipos de aceroleira no Estado do Ceará, pois é o período menos influenciado pela falta ou excesso de chuva ou pela demanda dos órgãos em formação na planta.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
No presente trabalho, mostram-se equações de estimativa da irradiação solar global (R G), por meio do modelo de Angstrom, com partições sazonal e mensal para a região de Cascavel - PR. Os dados experimentais foram cedidos pelo IAPAR, coletados na sua estação meteorológica localizada na COODETEC/Cascavel - PR, no período de 1983 a 1998. Dos 16 anos de dados, 12 anos foram utilizados para cálculo dos coeficientes (a e b) e quatro anos para a validação das equações. Os coeficientes de determinação encontrados foram superiores a 80% para as duas partições. O mínimo da R G é superestimado e o máximo é subestimado quando comparados com o mínimo e o máximo para dados reais, sendo esses encontrados no solstício de inverno e equinócio de primavera, respectivamente. A variação sazonal e mensal do coeficiente a foi menor (0,16 a 0,19 e 0,14 a 0,21) e do coeficiente b maior (0,34 a 0,43 e 0,32 a 0,44). As maiores variações dos erros médios diários ocorreram no equinócio de primavera (-19,45% a 27,28%) e as menores no equinócio de outono (-11,32% a 10,61%). O ajuste mais eficaz das equações foi encontrado para a partição mensal.
Avaliaram-se as concentrações hormonais e os parâmetros de desenvolvimento folicular de vacas leiteiras expostas ao calor sazonal e agudo. Dividiram-se os animais em quatro grupos: verão (n=5), outono (n=5), inverno com hipertermia aguda (grupo câmara climática, (CC), n=5) e inverno (n=9). Os animais foram abatidos no sétimo dia após a ovulação, e os parâmetros de desenvolvimento folicular avaliados. O líquido folicular do maior folículo foi aspirado e armazenado para posterior análise de hormônios esteróides e inibina. O número de células da granulosa vivas no verão e no outono foi 40 e 45% respectivamente, menor que no inverno (P<0,05). A concentração de estradiol (E2) no inverno foi 62% maior que no outono (P<0,05) e 34% superior ao grupo verão (P<0,06). Houve um aumento na quantidade de androstenediona no verão em relação aos grupos inverno (P<0,08) e outono (P<0,05). A concentração de inibina foi maior no inverno do que no verão e CC (P<0,05). A exposição ao calor sazonal e agudo modificou os parâmetros de desenvolvimento do folículo e as concentrações hormonais no líquido folicular, podendo explicar em parte a queda nas taxas de concepção no verão.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The experiment had the aim of quantifying seasonal chlorophyll variation on leaves of Anadenanthera colubrina and Tabebuia avellanedae. The experiment used a randomized block design established as a 2 x 3 factorial (two species and three sampling seasons) with 5 replications. The concentrations of chlorophyll in leaves were performed at the end of winter, late spring, and summer. The content of chlorophyll a changed only for A. colubrina, bringing up from spring (117.52 mu g mL(-1)) to summer (151.13 mu g mL(-1)). For the two species, the proportion of chlorophyll b was higher between periods at the end of spring (average of 29.31 mu g mL(-1)) to the end of summer (average of 74.96 mu g mL(-1)) with close relationship with the decrease in global solar irradiance. The chlorophyll a/b relationship increased in late spring due to reduction of chlorophyll b content. A. colubrina showed greater adaptation to the studied environment.
This study was accomplished with the objective of knowing the seasonal distribution of the main species of parasites causes of branchial damages to the fish from fee-fishing at Guariba, State of São Paulo. This city is situated at 21 degrees 15'22'' S, 48 degrees 18'58'' W, in altitude 595 meters. This research was conducted between April, 1997 to March, 1999. From 408 fishes examined, 29.1% of them were infested by the protozoans e metazoans. Leporinus macrocephalus showed the highest parasitism by Trichodina sp., although Piaractus mesopotamicus and Cyprinus carpio were also parasited. Piscinoodinium pillulare infestation were found in L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus, C. carpio e Colossoma macropomum. Monogenetics metazoan have largely been observed in L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus, C. carpio, C. macropomum e cross-bred tambacu. The incidence of this parasite was elevated in the summer for L. macrocephalus, spring for P. mesopotamicus and C. macropomum, and both seasons for cross-bred tambacu. Lernaea cyprinacea copepodes were observed in L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus, C. carpio and cross- breeding tambacu, in spite of the fact that C. carpio has demonstrated high parasitism of adult form. The fish L. macrocephalus, P. mesopotamicus and C. carpio were sponged intensely by Dolops carvalhoi, in situation of high population density. Piaractus mesopotamicus was considered the species more parasited by myxosporídeos, that were also observed in L. macrocephalus and cross-breeding tambacu.
This is a case report of a patient with Down's syndrome with an important mechanical ectropion and elongation of the lower lid related to chronic allergic conjunctivitis, besides cataract and keratoconus. The tarsal strip technique and ressection of redundant and thick conjunctiva was the surgical approach chosen for this case. Functional and cosmetic outcomes were considered satisfactory.
Three small rivers belonging to the Rio das Pedras basin, located in the mid-southern region of Paraná state, were studied in order to evaluate the seasonal variation pattern of some physical and chemical parameters. Monthly samplings were carried out from April 2004 to March 2005. The following limnological parameters were measured: water temperature, specific conductance, oxygen saturation, pH, turbidity, current velocity and depth. The waters of the Rio das Pedras basin presented very peculiar characteristics, showing typical seasonal patterns for some of the studied limnological variables. An Analysis of Variance (Anova) showed significant differences only for pH and depth among streams. A Principal Component Analysis (PCA) showed a weak tendency to form groups based on seasons instead of sampling sites. The results, in general, indicate that temporal variations of the environmental parameters analyzed were not sufficient to draw a clear seasonal pattern in the Rio das Pedras basin. Most likely, the lack of an obvious seasonal pattern has been provoked by a particular regional precipitation regime, where rains are frequent and well-distributed throughout the year.
The Tanque Grande Reservoir is located at the Serra da Cantereira, Guarulhos (SP), and provides 3% of the municipal drinking water. In the last years, the urban zone has expanded towards the reservoir and has significantly altered the land use. In this work, water samples from three stations were monitored from August/2007 up to July/2008 in terms of the Water Quality Index (IQA) adopted by CETESB. The waters were usually classified in the band Good during the study period. Nevertheless, termotolerants coliforms, BOD and total phosphorus have exceeded the legal limits several times. Such occurrences may be related to the economical activities at the sub-watersheds in addition to changes in the land use of the surroundings of the reservoir.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Pós-graduação em Biologia Animal - IBILCE