241 resultados para Ribulose-Bisphosphate Carboxylase


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The cell envelope of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tuberculosis) is composed of a variety of lipids including mycolic acids, sulpholipids, lipoarabinomannans, etc., which impart rigidity crucial for its survival and pathogenesis. Acyl CoA carboxylase (ACC) provides malonyl-CoA and methylmalonyl-CoA, committed precursors for fatty acid and essential for mycolic acid synthesis respectively. Biotin Protein Ligase (BPL/BirA) activates apo-biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) by biotinylating it to an active holo-BCCP. A minimal peptide (Schatz), an efficient substrate for Escherichia coli BirA, failed to serve as substrate for M. tuberculosis Biotin Protein Ligase (MtBPL). MtBPL specifically biotinylates homologous BCCP domain, MtBCCP87, but not EcBCCP87. This is a unique feature of MtBPL as EcBirA lacks such a stringent substrate specificity. This feature is also reflected in the lack of self/promiscuous biotinylation by MtBPL. The N-terminus/HTH domain of EcBirA has the selfbiotinable lysine residue that is inhibited in the presence of Schatz peptide, a peptide designed to act as a universal acceptor for EcBirA. This suggests that when biotin is limiting, EcBirA preferentially catalyzes, biotinylation of BCCP over selfbiotinylation. R118G mutant of EcBirA showed enhanced self and promiscuous biotinylation but its homologue, R69A MtBPL did not exhibit these properties. The catalytic domain of MtBPL was characterized further by limited proteolysis. Holo-MtBPL is protected from proteolysis by biotinyl-59 AMP, an intermediate of MtBPL catalyzed reaction. In contrast, apo-MtBPL is completely digested by trypsin within 20 min of co-incubation. Substrate selectivity and inability to promote self biotinylation are exquisite features of MtBPL and are a consequence of the unique molecular mechanism of an enzyme adapted for the high turnover of fatty acid biosynthesis.


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Background: A remarkable range of biological functions have been ascribed to resveratrol. Recently, this polyphenol has been shown to have body fat lowering effects. The aim of the present study was to assess some of the potential underlying mechanisms of action which take place in adipose tissue. Methods: Sixteen male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into two groups: control and treated with 30 mg resveratrol/kg body weight/d. All rats were fed an obesogenic diet and after six weeks of treatment white adipose tissues were dissected. Lipoprotein lipase activity was assessed by fluorimetry, acetyl-CoA carboxylase by radiometry, and malic enzyme, glucose-6P-dehydrogenase and fatty acid synthase by spectrophotometry. Gene expression levels of acetyl-CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, lipoprotein lipase, hormone-sensitive lipase, adipose triglyceride lipase, PPAR-gamma, SREBP-1c and perilipin were assessed by Real time RT-PCR. The amount of resveratrol metabolites in adipose tissue was measured by chromatography. Results: There was no difference in the final body weight of the rats; however, adipose tissues were significantly decreased in the resveratrol-treated group. Resveratrol reduced the activity of lipogenic enzymes, as well as that of heparin-releasable lipoprotein lipase. Moreover, a significant reduction was induced by this polyphenol in hormone-sensitive lipase mRNA levels. No significant changes were observed in other genes. Total amount of resveratrol metabolites in adipose tissue was 2.66 +/- 0.55 nmol/g tissue. Conclusions: It can be proposed that the body fat-lowering effect of resveratrol is mediated, at least in part, by a reduction in fatty acid uptake from circulating triacylglycerols and also in de novo lipogenesis.


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玉米(Zea mays L.)是我国十分重要粮食、饲料和工业原料作物,种植区域覆盖我国大部分农业区。随着玉米品种改良和新栽培技术的应用,我国玉米产量大幅度增加。自1950s以来,我国玉米产量递增幅度为126kg/hm2/yr。在玉米产量提高过程中,单叶光合作用与产量之间存在什么样的关系?当代玉米品种的品质和养分利用效率如何?高密度种植条件下是否存在“根系拥挤”及如何调控等。为探讨上述科学问题,本研究选择中国北方常见的大田玉米品种,在高肥力自然光照条件下,探讨玉米高产优质栽培过程中生理生态特征的变化趋势,以指导科学育种和栽培。主要研究结果如下:   1)光合与产量的演变我国 1950s、1970s、1990s等不同年代推广的玉米品种中,当代品种叶片光合速率高且高值持续期长,光合色素叶绿素a、叶绿素b、类胡萝卜素等的含量高且持续时间长,与光合有关的蒸腾速率(E.)、细胞间隙CO2浓度(Ci.)、气孔导度(gs)等也有较大改良,中下部叶片尤其明显;在生育后期,当代品种具有更高的光合优势。老品种饱和光合速率(Psat)在灌浆期下降,并非RuBPCase 和PEPCase的活性降低,而是由于叶绿素含量和可溶性蛋白含量的降低。在花后期间,由于PS2功能的下降,造成了光合能力下降,而现代品种的PS2 功能在衰老前一致保持旺盛状态。   老品种光合特征对缺氮的反应表现更敏感。花后缺氮光合作用下降是非气孔限制的,因为气孔导度和胞间CO2浓度没有发生明显的变化。其主要原因是缺素造成老品种叶片早衰,叶绿素含量、可溶性蛋白含量、PEP羧化酶活性下降。现代品种表现较强的抗衰老能力,其N素利用效用高于老品种。我国玉米产量的大幅度提高在很大程度上应归功于叶片光合性能的改良。   随玉米品种更替,群体光合速率增强,群体光合衰减率降低,呼吸消耗所占总光合的百分率下降。灌浆期当代品种中下部叶片的群体光合速率明显高于老品种。种植密度是影响玉米群体光合速率的主要因素,在高中低三种密度条件下,当代品种均有较高的群体光合速率,表现出耐密性强、适应性广、源足库大、产量高的特点。   2)高油玉米的产量受到叶源大小和叶源活力的双重限制在 1.5 株/m2密度下,与普通玉米相比较,高油玉米单株籽粒产量显著低于普通玉米,产量构成中穗粒数差异不显著,千粒重较低(P<0.01);两类型玉米的单株库容量相当,高油玉米籽粒灌浆速率小,籽粒充实度低,单粒重对叶源相对减少(剪叶)或相对增多(疏库)的反应比普通玉米更为敏感,其产量受到同化产物供应(叶源)相对不足的限制。高油玉米授粉后的叶面积、叶面积持续期小,叶片含氮量和光合速率较低,说明高油玉米的产量受到叶源活力(光合速率)小和叶源数量少的双重限制。   3)我国北方玉米品种的个体产量潜力、氮素利用效率及籽粒与秸秆粗蛋白质含量在充分发挥个体生产潜力的低密度条件下,我国北方1990s 以来大面积种植的50个玉米主栽品种中,个体产量潜力和氮素利用效率高度正相关(P=0.01),而子粒千粒重与NUE 呈显著性负相关(P=0.002)。对玉米产量和氮素利用效率进行分层聚类,可将北方玉米品种划分为高产高NUE 型、低产低NUE 型和中间型,高产高NUE 型玉米品种相对较少,仅占24%。籽粒粗蛋白质含量(CPC)与秸秆CPC 相关性不显著(P>0.05)。对籽粒和秸秆的CPC 进行分层聚类,将北方玉米品种划分为籽粒高秸秆低型、籽粒与秸秆双低型和籽粒与秸秆双高型,CPC 双高型品种相对较少,仅占20%。   4)玉米根系拥挤效应对产量影响的生理生态机制及其调控随玉米品种更替根系的空间分布呈“横向紧缩,纵向延伸”的特点。当代三类型玉米根系分布特性与株型、穗型相关。紧凑型品种根系分布深,下层根系所占比率大,适合密植,群体产量潜力大;平展大穗型品种根量多,分布较浅,在低密度下可获得较高的个体生产力,但不适合密植,群体产量潜力小。   “根系拥挤”显著影响玉米产量,减小根系横向伸展空间,下层土壤中的根系分配比率增多。在地上部充分生长条件下,紧凑型品种横向空间为30-50cm即可满足要求,平展型品种大于50cm;紧凑型品种对纵向空间受限制的反应更为敏感,平展型品种对横向空间受限制的反应更为敏感。“根系拥挤”影响根系活性、分布、氮素吸收利用和花后光合与14C同化物的分配。   在根系受限制条件下,增施肥料产量提高,根系总重增加,增加了根系在深层土壤(60-100cm)中的根系比率,显著增加了根系的TTC 还原量、SOD、CAT、POD活性。土壤加沙,根量减少,但根系TTC 还原量增加、产量提高,提高幅度以大穗型品种更为显著。   随种植密度增加耕层根系密度与群体产量同步增大,各类品种均在最高根系密度下获得最高产量。根系负荷的籽粒产量潜力三类型品种存在极大差异,在一定范围内增大种植密度,根系伸展空间减小,群体产量提高,紧凑大穗型品种产量最高,品种的耐密性是限制根系负荷籽粒产量潜力的主导因素。因此,培育株型紧凑、耐密性强、大穗玉米良种,采取有效的调控措施是玉米进一步高产的主攻方向。   5)我国夏玉米高产田的培创理论研究与实践相结合,2005 年在我国华北地区的山东莱州培创出籽粒实产21 042.9kg/hm2 ( 14% 含水量, 实收面积=45.7m×15.9m=726.63m2)的夏玉米高产纪录。主要采用以增加密度为保障的“群体结构性挖潜”和以提高整齐度为保障的“个体功能性挖潜”途径,生理生态指标包括:选用紧凑抗倒耐密植品种DH3719,种植密度102 030 株/hm2,收获密度98 610 株/hm2,花后具有较长的叶面积高值持续期,达60d以上,叶面积指数最大为6.53,收获2.59。上部叶片光合值对外界光强度变化敏感,其光合峰值出现时间提前,而后迅速衰减;中部叶片光合值的降低较慢,下部叶片变幅最小,可能是长期处于争光环境表现出的生态适应性。粒叶比0.32,经济系数0.542,单株产量216g,千粒重375.1g。


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水稻是我国重要的粮食作物之一,它是一种典型的C3植物。与其它C3作物不一样的是,水稻的生长需要相对较高的温度和充足的阳光照射。然而高温和高光强的生长环境更加适合于C4植物的生长,更加有利于发挥C4植物高光合效率的特点。因此本论文希望将C4植物中固定CO2的酶磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶基因导入水稻,获得一种更加适合高温和高光强生活环境的“C4型”水稻,这对于提高水稻的产量,满足人口增长对粮食需求具有重大意义。 本论文从C4植物谷子和甘蔗中克隆了其C4型磷酸烯醇式丙酮酸羧化酶cDNA基因,获得了具有自主知识产权的基因克隆,并将它们导入粳稻品种中花8号,进而对转基因材料的光合生理特性进行了研究。结果如下: 首次从谷子中得到了ppc基因两个cDNA克隆,分别命名为Mppc1和Mppc2。前者是一个C3型的ppc基因,它可能属于在根中特异表达的C3-2型ppc基因;后者是在绿色叶片中大量表达的C4型ppc基因。它们所编码的蛋白的氨基酸残基数分别为961和964,序列同源性为82.5%。C4型PEPC多出的3个氨基酸位于N末端。利用RACE的方法我们得到了谷子C4型ppc基因完整的cDNA序列,包括63bp的5'非编码区,2895bp的编码区和256bp的3'非编码区。 首次获得了甘蔗C4型ppc基因完整的cDNA序列的克隆,命名为Sppc。它包括95bp的5'非编码区、2886bp的编码区,和224bp的3'非编码区。 利用所克隆的基因,分别连上强组成型启动子Ubiquitin启动子和强光调控启动子Rubisco小亚基启动子后,再插入两个标记基因不同的表达载体pCB和pPCB的多克隆位点中,构建了八个含有外源ppc基因的植物表达载体pCB-Pubi-Mppc、pCB-Pubi-Sppc、pCB-PrbcS-Mppc、pCB-PrbcS-Sppc、pPCB-Pubi-Mppc、pPCB-Pubi-Sppc、pPCB-PrbcS-Mppc和pPCB-PrbcS-Sppc。再加上含有玉米完整的C4型ppc 核基因的载体pCB-ZMppc,共有9个载体。利用农杆菌介导法进行了水稻的转化,各个载体都获得了大量的转基因植株。对标记基因潮霉素磷酸转移酶基因hpt和磷酸甘露糖异构酶基因pmi以及导入的目的ppc基因的PCR扩增检测,结果显示绝大多数转基因植株都能扩增出目的片段,而未转化的植株则没有扩增产物。对部分转基因水稻的Southern和Western杂交以及RT-PCR分析都表明,无论从DNA水平、mRNA水平,还是从蛋白质水平上都证明外源ppc基因都成功地导入了水稻,并获得了正确的表达。 对各载体转基因植株PEPC活性大规模的测定表明,转入玉米完整C4型PEPC核基因(有内含子)的水稻表现出极大的表达效率,大多数转基因材料的PEPC活性为对照的10-20倍,其活性最高可达到对照的44倍。转入谷子和甘蔗PEPC基因cDNA的水稻,表达的效率很低,多数材料活性增加仅为对照的2-5倍,但也有极少数材料活性增加了10倍以上。用Rubisco小亚基启动子控制的ppc基因在水稻的表达活性要略高于Ubiquitin启动子控制的ppc基因。以上结果说明ppc基因的内含子在其转录或mRNA的稳定上起着重要作用。 对部分转基因材料气体交换特征的研究发现,随着转基因水稻PEPC活性的增加,净光合速率也有逐渐增加的趋势。其中PEPC活性最大的ZM24株系的三个单株净光合速率比对照增加了39.8%、13.7%和28.6%,而它们的PEPC活性比对照分别增加了21.2、21.9和23.6倍。 转PEPC水稻的净光合速率与气孔导度具有显著的相关性。这说明表达的外源ppc 基因产物PEPC参与了转基因水稻的气孔运动,使气孔开放程度增加。更有意义的是过表达PEPC的水稻具有更高的水分利用效率,这就增加了其耐旱能力。在光抑制条件下转基因水稻也具有更高的光合能力。这些特征表明转ppc基因的水稻比对照更加适合于水稻高温高光强和干旱的原生环境。


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紫菜是一类海洋藻类研究的模式系统,具有重要的经济价值和理论研究意义。本研究基于紫菜的世代交替生活史,对其壳孢子萌发过程进行了研究,并对丝状孢子体与叶状配子体的世代差异进行了分析,主要包括以下三部分: 1) 对紫菜丝状孢子体与叶状配子体的连接枢纽——壳孢子的发育过程及其光影响进行了研究与讨论,发现壳孢子只有在附着后才能形成细胞壁并发育,说明壳孢子的附着是触发了壳孢子细胞壁的形成以及后期发育的开关,亦即附着是触发紫菜世代交替过程中配子体转录组表达的开关;纤维素酶和果胶酶均能抑制壳孢子附着,但影响机制各不相同,推测果胶质主要介导壳孢子的初始附着,而纤维素则与永久附着相关;波长≥580 nm的高强度(200 μmol•m-2•s-1)可见光有利于壳孢子早期发育。 2) 结合现有藻类数据,对坛紫菜丝状孢子体阶段11000 EST数据进行了大规模的生物信息学分析,结果首次发现坛紫菜丝状孢子体中可能存在PCK型C4光合固碳途径,并筛选出44条在紫菜孢子体中表达上调的代表基因。 3) 结合坛紫菜、条斑紫菜、海带和红毛菜,对红藻和褐藻等大型海藻孢子体与配子体阶段代表基因Rubisco的表达与羧化酶活性差异进行了研究分析,结果表明Rubisco的表达量和初始羧化酶活在其配子体中均显著高于其孢子体世代,即与藻体不同世代的相对复杂度无关,而与染色体倍性相关,说明Rubisco的世代差异极有可能与染色体倍性相连锁,因而可能是海藻世代交替过程中的重要功能基因。


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This thesis has been focused on the proteomic characterization of human saliva from donors of different ages, starting from birth up to adult age, and pediatric brain tumor tissues. The first study has been performed in order to compare the acid-insoluble fraction of saliva from preterm with at-term newborns and adults and establish if differences exist. In the second study medulloblastoma and pilocytic astrocytoma pediatric brain tumor extracts have been compared. In both studies 2- DE analysis was coupled with high resolution tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The proteomic characterization of the acid-insoluble fractions of saliva from preterm newborns allowed to integrate data previously obtained on the acid-soluble fraction by HPLC-electrospray ionization (ESI)-mass spectrometry (MS), and to evidence several differences between preterm newborns, at-term newborns and adults. Spots differentially expressed between the three groups, according to image analysis of the gels, were submitted to in-gel tryptic digestion and the peptide mixture analyzed by high performance HPLC-ESI-MS/MS for their characterization. By this strategy, we identified three over-expressed proteins in atterm newborns with respect to preterm newborns and adults (BPI fold-containing family A member 1, two proteoforms of annexin A1, and keratin type 1 cytoskeletal 13), and several over-expressed proteins in adults (fatty acid-binding protein, S100A6, S100A7, two proteoforms of S100A9, several proteoforms of prolactin-inducible protein, Ig kappa chain, two proteoforms of cystatin SN, one proteoform of cystatin S and several proteoforms of α-amylase 1). Moreover, for the first time, it was possible to assign by MS/MS four spots of human saliva 2-DE, already detected by other authors, to different proteoforms of S100A9. The strategy applied used a sequential staining protocol to the 2-DE gels, first with Pro-Q Diamond, that allows specific detection of phosphoproteins, and successively with total protein SYPRO Ruby stain. In the second study, proteomic analysis of two pediatric brain tumor tissues pointed out differences between medulloblastoma, the prevalent malignant tumor in childhood, and pilocytic astrocytoma, the most common, that only rarely shows a malignant progression. Due to the limited availability of bioptic tissue, the study was performed on pooled tumor tissues, and was focused on acid-insoluble fraction to integrate the characterization performed by a group of colleagues in Rome on the acid-soluble fraction by high performance HPLC-ESI-MS/MS. The results indicated that the two tumors exhibit different proteomic profiles and evidenced interesting differential expression of several proteins. Among them, peroxiredoxin- 1, peptidyl-prolyl cis–trans isomerase A, heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2/B1, mitochondrial isoform of malate dehydrogenase, nucleoside diphosphate kinase A, glutathione S-transferase P and fructose bisphosphate aldolase A resulted significantly over-expressed in medulloblastoma while glial fibrillary acidic protein, serotransferrin, α crystallin B chain, ferritin light chain, annexin A5, fatty acid-binding protein (brain), sorcin and apolipoprotein A-I resulted significantly over-expressed in pilocytic astrocytoma. In conclusion, the work done allowed to evidence the usefulness of using an integrated bottom-up/top-down approach, based on 2-DE-MS analysis and high performance MS in order to obtain a complete characterization of the proteome under investigation, revealing and identifying, not only peptides and small proteins, but also proteins with higher MW, that often it is not possible to identify by using exclusively a top-down ESI-MS approach.


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Molecular chaperones are a highly diverse group of proteins that recognize and bind unfolded proteins to facilitate protein folding and prevent nonspecific protein aggregation. The mechanisms by which chaperones bind their protein substrates have been studied for decades. However, there are few reports about the affinity of molecular chaperones for their unfolded protein substrates. Thus, little is known about the relative binding affinities of different chaperones and about the relative binding affinities of chaperones for different unfolded protein substrates. Here we describe the application of SUPREX (stability of unpurified proteins from rates of H-D exchange), an H-D exchange and MALDI-based technique, in studying the binding interaction between the molecular chaperone Hsp33 and four different unfolded protein substrates, including citrate synthase, lactate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, and aldolase. The results of our studies suggest that the cooperativity of the Hsp33 folding-unfolding reaction increases upon binding with denatured protein substrates. This is consistent with the burial of significant hydrophobic surface area in Hsp33 when it interacts with its substrate proteins. The SUPREX-derived K(d) values for Hsp33 complexes with four different substrates were all found to be within the range of 3-300 nM.


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We previously showed inhibition of Kir2 inward rectifier K+ channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes by the mitochondrial agents carbonyl cyanide p-trifluoromethoxyphenylhydrazone (FCCP) and sodium azide. Mutagenesis studies suggested that FCCP may act via phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2) depletion. This mechanism could be reversible in intact cells but not in excised membrane patches which preclude PIP2 regeneration. This prediction was tested by investigating the reversibility of the inhibition of Kir2.2 by FCCP in intact cells and excised patches. We also investigated the effect of FCCP on Kir2.2 expressed in human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells. Kir2.2 current, expressed in Xenopus oocytes, increased in inside-out patches from FCCP-treated and untreated oocytes. The fraction of total current that increased was 0.79?±?0.05 in control and 0.89?±?0.03 in 10 µM FCCP-treated (P?>?.05). Following “run-up,” Kir2.2 current was re-inhibited by “cramming” inside-out patches into oocytes. Therefore, run-up reflected not reversal of inhibition by FCCP, but washout of an endogenous inhibitor. Kir2.2 current recovered in intact oocytes within 26.5 h of FCCP removal. Injection of oocytes with 0.1 U apyrase completely depleted ATP (P?<?.001) but did not inhibit Kir2.2 and inhibited Kir2.1 by 35% (P?<?.05). FCCP only partially reduced [ATP] (P?<?.001), despite inhibiting Kir2.2 by 75% (P?<?.01) but not Kir2.1. FCCP inhibited Kir2.2 expressed in HEK cells. The recovery of Kir2.2 from inhibition by FCCP requires intracellular components, but direct depletion of ATP does not reproduce the differential inhibitory effect of FCCP. Inhibition of Kir2.2 by FCCP is not unique to Xenopus oocytes. J. Cell. Physiol. 219: 8–13, 2009. © 2008 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Background and purpose: Galegine and guanidine, originally isolated from Galega officinalis, led to the development of the biguanides. The weight-reducing effects of galegine have not previously been studied and the present investigation was undertaken to determine its mechanism(s) of action.

Experimental approach: Body weight and food intake were examined in mice. Glucose uptake and acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity were studied in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and L6 myotubes and AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) activity was examined in cell lines. The gene expression of some enzymes involved in fat metabolism was examined in 3T3-L1 adipocytes.

Key results: Galegine administered in the diet reduced body weight in mice. Pair-feeding indicated that at least part of this effect was independent of reduced food intake. In 3T3-L1 adipocytes and L6 myotubes, galegine (50 µm-3 mm) stimulated glucose uptake. Galegine (1–300 µm) also reduced isoprenaline-mediated lipolysis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and inhibited acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity in 3T3-L1 adipocytes and L6 myotubes. Galegine (500 µm) down-regulated genes concerned with fatty acid synthesis, including fatty acid synthase and its upstream regulator SREBP. Galegine (10 µm and above) produced a concentration-dependent activation of AMP activated protein kinase (AMPK) in H4IIE rat hepatoma, HEK293 human kidney cells, 3T3-L1 adipocytes and L6 myotubes.

Conclusions and implications: Activation of AMPK can explain many of the effects of galegine, including enhanced glucose uptake and inhibition of acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Inhibition of acetyl-CoA carboxylase both inhibits fatty acid synthesis and stimulates fatty acid oxidation, and this may to contribute to the in vivo effect of galegine on body weight.


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The steps involved in the biosynthesis of the ADP-L-glycero-beta-D-manno-heptose (ADP-L-beta-D-heptose) precursor of the inner core lipopolysaccharide (LPS) have not been completely elucidated. In this work, we have purified the enzymes involved in catalyzing the intermediate steps leading to the synthesis of ADP-D-beta-D-heptose and have biochemically characterized the reaction products by high-performance anion-exchange chromatography. We have also constructed a deletion in a novel gene, gmhB (formerly yaeD), which results in the formation of an altered LPS core. This mutation confirms that the GmhB protein is required for the formation of ADP-D-beta-D-heptose. Our results demonstrate that the synthesis of ADP-D-beta-D-heptose in Escherichia coli requires three proteins, GmhA (sedoheptulose 7-phosphate isomerase), HldE (bifunctional D-beta-D-heptose 7-phosphate kinase/D-beta-D-heptose 1-phosphate adenylyltransferase), and GmhB (D,D-heptose 1,7-bisphosphate phosphatase), as well as ATP and the ketose phosphate precursor sedoheptulose 7-phosphate. A previously characterized epimerase, formerly named WaaD (RfaD) and now renamed HldD, completes the pathway to form the ADP-L-beta-D-heptose precursor utilized in the assembly of inner core LPS.


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Rab GTPases of the Arabidopsis Rab-E subclass are related to mammalian Rab8 and are implicated in membrane trafficking from the Golgi to the plasma membrane. Using a yeast two-hybrid assay, Arabidopsis phosphatidylinositol-4-phosphate 5-kinase 2 (PtdIns(4)P 5-kinase 2; also known as PIP5K2), was shown to interact with all five members of the Rab-E subclass but not with other Rab subclasses residing at the Golgi or trans-Golgi network. Interactions in yeast and in vitro were strongest with RAB-E1d[Q74L] and weakest with the RAB-E1d[S29N] suggesting that PIP5K2 interacts with the GTP-bound form. PIP5K2 exhibited kinase activity towards phosphatidylinositol phosphates with a free 5-hydroxyl group, consistent with PtdIns(4)P 5-kinase activity and this activity was stimulated by Rab binding. Rab-E proteins interacted with PIP5K2 via its membrane occupancy and recognition nexus (MORN) domain which is missing from animal and fungal PtdIns(4)P 5-kinases. In plant cells, GFP:PIP5K2 accumulated at the plasma membrane and caused YFP:RAB-E1d to relocate there from its usual position at the Golgi. GFP:PIP5K2 was rapidly turned over by proteasomal activity in planta, and overexpression of YFP:PIP5K2 caused pleiotropic growth abnormalities in transgenic Arabidopsis. We propose that plant cells exhibit a novel interaction in which PIP5K2 binds GTP-bound Rab-E proteins, which may stimulate temporally or spatially localized PtdIns(4,5)P(2) production at the plasma membrane.


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Clathrin-mediated endocytosis involves cargo selection and membrane budding into vesicles with the aid of a protein coat. Formation of invaginated pits on the plasma membrane and subsequent budding of vesicles is an energetically demanding process that involves the cooperation of clathrin with many different proteins. Here we investigate the role of the brain-enriched protein epsin 1 in this process. Epsin is targeted to areas of endocytosis by binding the membrane lipid phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P(2)). We show here that epsin 1 directly modifies membrane curvature on binding to PtdIns(4,5)P(2) in conjunction with clathrin polymerization. We have discovered that formation of an amphipathic alpha-helix in epsin is coupled to PtdIns(4,5)P(2) binding. Mutation of residues on the hydrophobic region of this helix abolishes the ability to curve membranes. We propose that this helix is inserted into one leaflet of the lipid bilayer, inducing curvature. On lipid monolayers epsin alone is sufficient to facilitate the formation of clathrin-coated invaginations.


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The evolution of calcified tissues is a defining feature in vertebrate evolution. Investigating the evolution of proteins involved in tissue calcification should help elucidate how calcified tissues have evolved. The purpose of this study was to collect and compare sequences of matrix and bone γ-carboxyglutamic acid proteins (MGP and BGP, respectively) to identify common features and determine the evolutionary relationship between MGP and BGP. Thirteen cDNAs and genes were cloned using standard methods or reconstructed through the use of comparative genomics and data mining. These sequences were compared with available annotated sequences (a total of 48 complete or nearly complete sequences, 28 BGPs and 20 MGPs) have been identified across 32 different species (representing most classes of vertebrates), and evolutionarily conserved features in both MGP and BGP were analyzed using bioinformatic tools and the Tree-Puzzle software. We propose that: 1) MGP and BGP genes originated from two genome duplications that occurred around 500 and 400 million years ago before jawless and jawed fish evolved, respectively; 2) MGP appeared first concomitantly with the emergence of cartilaginous structures, and BGP appeared thereafter along with bony structures; and 3) BGP derives from MGP. We also propose a highly specific pattern definition for the Gla domain of BGP and MGP. Previous Section Next Section BGP1 (bone Gla protein or osteocalcin) and MGP (matrix Gla protein) belong to the growing family of vitamin K-dependent (VKD) proteins, the members of which are involved in a broad range of biological functions such as skeletogenesis and bone maintenance (BGP and MGP), hemostasis (prothrombin, clotting factors VII, IX, and X, and proteins C, S, and Z), growth control (gas6), and potentially signal transduction (proline-rich Gla proteins 1 and 2). VKD proteins are characterized by the presence of several Gla residues resulting from the post-translational vitamin K-dependent γ-carboxylation of specific glutamates, through which they can bind to calcium-containing mineral such as hydroxyapatite. To date, VKD proteins have only been clearly identified in vertebrates (1) although the presence of a γ-glutamyl carboxylase has been reported in the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster (2) and in marine snails belonging to the genus Conus (3). Gla residues have also been found in neuropeptides from Conus venoms (4), suggesting a wider prevalence of γ-carboxylation.


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Disertação de mestrado, Ciências Biomédicas, Departamento de Ciências Biomédicas e Medicina, Universidade do Algarve, 2015