370 resultados para Retificador PWM trifásico


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En la actualidad se está desarrollando la electrónica para el diseño de sistemas de conversión de potencia de alta frecuencia, que reduce notablemente el peso y el ruido de los dispositivos convertidores y aumenta a su vez la densidad de potencia sin afectar negativamente al rendimiento, coste o fiabilidad de dichos dispositivos. La disciplina que se encarga de investigar y crear estos sistemas es la electrónica de potencia. Este documento recoge la metodología empleada para el diseño, análisis y simulación de un convertidor DC/DC de 10 kW de aplicación aeronáutica. Este dispositivo forma parte de un proyecto en el que colaboran el Centro de Electrónica Industrial de la Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (CEI - UPM) y las empresas Indra y Airbus. Su objetivo es el diseño y construcción de un rectificador trifásico que proporcione una salida continua de 28 V y 10 kW de potencia. Durante su aplicación final, se dispondrá de dos dispositivos idénticos al diseñado en este proyecto, aportando cada uno de ellos 5 kW, sin embargo, debido a la importancia en seguridad en las aplicaciones aeronáuticas, cada rectificador debe ser capaz de aportar 10 kW de potencia en caso de fallo en uno de ellos. En primer lugar, este trabajo explica el diseño elegido para dicho convertidor, que sigue una topología Dual Active Bridge (DAB), en creciente interés para el desarrollo de dispositivos de potencia en alta frecuencia por sus mejoras en eficiencia y densidad de potencia. Esta topología consiste en dos puentes completos de dispositivos de conmutación, en este caso MOSFET, con un transformador entre medias diseñado para proporcionar la tensión de salida deseada. La topología ha sido modificada para satisfacer especificaciones del proyecto y cumplir las expectativas del diseño preliminar, que se centra en la transición suave de corriente en el transformador, siendo clave el diseño de un filtro resonante en serie con el transformador que proporciona una corriente senoidal con valor nulo en los instantes de conmutación de los MOSFET. Una vez introducida la topología, el siguiente capítulo se centra en el procedimiento de selección de componentes internos del convertidor: destacando el análisis de condensadores y MOSFET. Para su selección, se han estudiado las exigencias eléctricas en los puntos en los que estarán instalados, conociendo así las tensiones y corrientes que deberán soportar. Para asegurar un diseño seguro, los componentes han sido seleccionados de forma que durante su funcionamiento se les exija como máximo el 70% de sus capacidades eléctricas y físicas. Además, a partir de los datos aportados por los fabricantes ha sido posible estimar las pérdidas durante su funcionamiento. Este proyecto tiene un enfoque de aplicación aeronáutica, lo que exige un diseño robusto y seguro, que debe garantizar una detección rápida de fallos, de modo que sea capaz de aislar la anomalía de forma eficaz y no se propague a otros componentes del dispositivo. Para asegurarlo, se ha realizado la selección de sensores de tensión y corriente, que permiten la detección de fallos y la monitorización del convertidor. Al final de este apartado se muestra el esquema de alimentación, se analiza el consumo de los MOSFET y los sensores y se recopilan las pérdidas estimadas por los componentes internos del convertidor. Una vez terminado el diseño y selección de componentes, se muestran las simulaciones realizadas para prever el comportamiento del convertidor. Se presenta el modelo construido y las modificaciones instaladas para las diferentes simulaciones. Se destacan el diseño del regulador que introduce la entrada de corriente del convertidor para analizar su arranque, la construcción de una máquina de estados para analizar la detección de tensiones y corrientes fuera del intervalo correspondiente del correcto funcionamiento, y el modelo de MOSFET para simular los fallos posibles en estos dispositivos. También se analiza la influencia de la oscilación de la carga en los valores de tensión y en la resonancia del convertidor. Tras la simulación del equipo se describen las pruebas realizadas en los componentes magnéticos construidos dentro del periodo de elaboración de este trabajo: el transformador y la bobina externa, diseñada para mejorar el filtro resonante. La etapa final de este trabajo se ha centrado en la elaboración de un código de generación de señales PWM que controlen el funcionamiento de los MOSFET. Para esto se ha programado una tarjeta de control del procesador digital de señales (DSP)Delfino (TMS320F28335) instalado en una placa de experimentación (TMS320C2000), desarrollado por la empresa Texas Instruments, que facilita el acceso a los terminales GPIO y ADC del DSP durante el desarrollo del código, anexo a este documento.


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A hybrid passive-active damping solution with improved system stability margin and enhanced dynamic performance is proposed for high power grid interactive converters. In grid connected active rectifier/inverter application, line side LCL filter improves the high frequency attenuation and makes the converter compatible with the stringent grid power quality regulations. Passive damping though offers a simple and reliable solution but it reduces overall converter efficiency. Active damping solutions do not increase the system losses but can guarantee the stable operation up to a certain speed of dynamic response which is limited by the maximum bandwidth of the current controller. This paper examines this limit and introduces a concept of hybrid passive-active damping solution with improved stability margin and high dynamic performance for line side LCL filter based active rectifier/inverter applications. A detailed design, analysis of the hybrid approach and trade-off between system losses and dynamic performance in grid connected applications are reported. Simulation and experimental results from a 10 kVA prototype demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed solution. An analytical study on system stability and dynamic response with the variations of various controller and passive filter parameters is presented.


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The scope of this paper is to present the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) based method for Active Power (AP) and Reactive Power (RP) measurements as can be applied in Power Meters. Necessarily, the main aim of the material presented is a twofold, first to present a realization methodology of the proposed algorithm, and second to verify the algorithm’s robustness and validity. The method takes advantage of the fact that frequencies present in a power line are of a specific fundamental frequency range (a range centred on the 50 Hz or 60 Hz) and that in case of the presence of harmonics the frequencies of those dominating in the power line spectrum can be specified on the basis of the fundamental. In contrast to a number of existing methods a time delay or shifting of the input signal is not required by the method presented and the time delay by n/2 of the Current signal with respect to the Voltage signal required by many of the existing measurement techniques, does not apply in the case of the PWM method as well.


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Switched mode power supplies (SMPSs) are essential components in many applications, and electromagnetic interference is an important consideration in the SMPS design. Spread spectrum based PWM strategies have been used in SMPS designs to reduce the switching harmonics. This paper proposes a novel method to integrate a communication function into spread spectrum based PWM strategy without extra hardware costs. Direct sequence spread spectrum (DSSS) and phase shift keying (PSK) data modulation are employed to the PWM of the SMPS, so that it has reduced switching harmonics and the input and output power line voltage ripples contain data. A data demodulation algorithm has been developed for receivers, and code division multiple access (CDMA) concept is employed as communication method for a system with multiple SMPSs. The proposed method has been implemented in both Buck and Boost converters. The experimental results validated the proposed DSSS based PWM strategy for both harmonic reduction and communication.


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Distributed generation systems must fulfill standards specifications of current harmonics injected to the grid. In order to satisfy these grid requirements, passive filters are connected between inverter and grid. This work compares the characteristic response of the traditional inductive (L) filter with the inductive-capacitive-inductive (LCL) filter. It is shown that increasing the inductance L leads to a good ripple current suppression around the inverter switching frequency. The LCL filter provides better harmonic attenuation and reduces the filter size. The main drawback is the LCL filter impedance, which is characterized by a typical resonance peak, which must be damped to avoid instability. Passive or active techniques can be used to damp the LCL resonance. To address this issue, this dissertation presents a comparison of current control for PV grid-tied inverters with L filter and LCL filter and also discuss the use of active and passive damping for different regions of resonance frequency. From the mathematical models, a design methodology of the controllers was developed and the dynamic behavior of the system operating in closed loop was investigated. To validate the studies developed during this work, experimental results are presented using a three-phase 5kW experimental platform. The main components and their functions are discussed in this work. Experimental results are given to support the theoretical analysis and to illustrate the performance of grid-connected PV inverter system. It is shown that the resonant frequency of the system, and sampling frequency can be associated in order to calculate a critical frequency, below which is essential to perform the damping of the LCL filter. Also, the experimental results show that the active buffer per virtual resistor, although with a simple development, is effective to damp the resonance of the LCL filter and allow the system to operate stable within predetermined parameters.


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Este artículo presenta un resultado de investigación financiado con recursos propios en el que se expone un modelo en espacio de estados de un rectificador trifásico controlado active front end. Utilizando este modelo se deriva una ley de control orientado al voltaje (VOC), enfocado en el comportamiento como carga resistiva, factor de potencia unitario, el cual es probado mediante simulación usando el Toolbox SimPowerSystem en Simulink de Matlab®.


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The worldwide organ shortage occurs despite people’s positive organ donation attitudes. The discrepancy between attitudes and behaviour is evident in Australia particularly, with widespread public support for organ donation but low donation and communication rates. This problem is compounded further by the paucity of theoretically based research to improve our understanding of people’s organ donation decisions. This program of research contributes to our knowledge of individual decision making processes for three aspects of organ donation: (1) posthumous (upon death) donation, (2) living donation (to a known and unknown recipient), and (3) providing consent for donation by communicating donation wishes on an organ donor consent register (registering) and discussing the donation decision with significant others (discussing). The research program used extended versions of the Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) and the Prototype/Willingness Model (PWM), incorporating additional influences (moral norm, self-identity, organ recipient prototypes), to explicate the relationship between people’s positive attitudes and low rates of organ donation behaviours. Adopting the TPB and PWM (and their extensions) as a theoretical basis overcomes several key limitations of the extant organ donation literature including the often atheoretical nature of organ donation research, thefocus on individual difference factors to construct organ donor profiles and the omission of important psychosocial influences (e.g., control perceptions, moral values) that may impact on people’s decision-making in this context. In addition, the use of the TPB and PWM adds further to our understanding of the decision making process for communicating organ donation wishes. Specifically, the extent to which people’s registering and discussing decisions may be explained by a reasoned and/or a reactive decision making pathway is examined (Stage 3) with the novel application of the TPB augmented with the social reaction pathway in the PWM. This program of research was conducted in three discrete stages: a qualitative stage (Stage 1), a quantitative stage with extended models (Stage 2), and a quantitative stage with augmented models (Stage 3). The findings of the research program are reported in nine papers which are presented according to the three aspects of organ donation examined (posthumous donation, living donation, and providing consent for donation by registering or discussing the donation preference). Stage One of the research program comprised qualitative focus groups/interviews with university students and community members (N = 54) (Papers 1 and 2). Drawing broadly on the TPB framework (Paper 1), content analysed responses revealed people’s commonly held beliefs about the advantages and disadvantages (e.g., prolonging/saving life), important people or groups (e.g., family), and barriers and motivators (e.g., a family’s objection to donation), related to living and posthumous organ donation. Guided by a PWM perspective, Paper Two identified people’s commonly held perceptions of organ donors (e.g., altruistic and giving), non-donors (e.g., self-absorbed and unaware), and transplant recipients (e.g., unfortunate, and in some cases responsible/blameworthy for their predicament). Stage Two encompassed quantitative examinations of people’s decision makingfor living (Papers 3 and 4) and posthumous (Paper 5) organ donation, and for registering and discussing donation wishes (Papers 6 to 8) to test extensions to both the TPB and PWM. Comparisons of health students’ (N = 487) motivations and willingness for living related and anonymous donation (Paper 3) revealed that a person’s donor identity, attitude, past blood donation, and knowing a posthumous donor were four common determinants of willingness, with the results highlighting students’ identification as a living donor as an important motive. An extended PWM is presented in Papers Four and Five. University students’ (N = 284) willingness for living related and anonymous donation was tested in Paper Four with attitude, subjective norm, donor prototype similarity, and moral norm (but not donor prototype favourability) predicting students’ willingness to donate organs in both living situations. Students’ and community members’ (N = 471) posthumous organ donation willingness was assessed in Paper Five with attitude, subjective norm, past behaviour, moral norm, self-identity, and prior blood donation all significantly directly predicting posthumous donation willingness, with only an indirect role for organ donor prototype evaluations. The results of two studies examining people’s decisions to register and/or discuss their organ donation wishes are reported in Paper Six. People’s (N = 24) commonly held beliefs about communicating their organ donation wishes were explored initially in a TPB based qualitative elicitation study. The TPB belief determinants of intentions to register and discuss the donation preference were then assessed for people who had not previously communicated their donation wishes (N = 123). Behavioural and normative beliefs were important determinants of registering and discussing intentions; however, control beliefs influenced people’s registering intentions only. Paper Seven represented the first empirical test of the role of organ transplant recipient prototypes (i.e., perceptions of organ transplant recipients) in people’s (N = 465) decisions to register consent for organ donation. Two factors, Substance Use and Responsibility, were identified and Responsibility predicted people’s organ donor registration status. Results demonstrated that unregistered respondents were the most likely to evaluate transplant recipients negatively. Paper Eight established the role of organ donor prototype evaluations, within an extended TPB model, in predicting students’ and community members’ registering (n = 359) and discussing (n = 282) decisions. Results supported the utility of an extended TPB and suggested a role for donor prototype evaluations in predicting people’s discussing intentions only. Strong intentions to discuss donation wishes increased the likelihood that respondents reported discussing their decision 1-month later. Stage Three of the research program comprised an examination of augmented models (Paper 9). A test of the TPB augmented with elements from the social reaction pathway in the PWM, and extensions to these models was conducted to explore whether people’s registering (N = 339) and discussing (N = 315) decisions are explained via a reasoned (intention) and/or social reaction (willingness) pathway. Results suggested that people’s decisions to communicate their organ donation wishes may be better explained via the reasoned pathway, particularly for registering consent; however, discussing also involves reactive elements. Overall, the current research program represents an important step toward clarifying the relationship between people’s positive organ donation attitudes but low rates of organ donation and communication behaviours. Support has been demonstrated for the use of extensions to two complementary theories, the TPB and PWM, which can inform future research aiming to explicate further the organ donation attitude-behaviour relationship. The focus on a range of organ donation behaviours enables the identification of key targets for future interventions encouraging people’s posthumous and living donation decisions, and communication of their organ donation preference.


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This paper presents the analysis of shaft voltage in different configurations of a doubly fed induction generator (DFIG) and an induction generator (IG) with a back-to-back inverter in wind turbine applications. Detailed high frequency model of the proposed systems have been developed based on existing capacitive couplings in IG & DFIG structures and common mode voltage sources. In this research work, several arrangements of DFIG based wind energy conversion systems (WES) are investigated in case of shaft voltage calculation and its mitigation techniques. Placements of an LC line filter in different locations and its effects on shaft voltage elimination are studied via Mathematical analysis and simulations. A pulse width modulation (PWM) technique and a back-to-back inverter with a bidirectional buck converter have been presented to eliminate the shaft voltage in a DFIG wind turbine.


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This paper presents several shaft voltage reduction techniques for doubly-fed induction generators in wind turbine applications. These techniques includes: pulse width modulated voltage without zero vectors, multi-level inverters with proper PWM strategy, better generator design to minimize effective capacitive couplings in shaft voltage, active common-mode filter, reducing dc-link voltage and increasing modulation index. These methods have been verified with mathematical analysis and simulations.


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A novel H-bridge multilevel PWM converter topology based on a series connection of a high voltage (HV) diode-clamped inverter and a low voltage (LV) conventional inverter is proposed. A DC link voltage arrangement for the new hybrid and asymmetric solution is presented to have a maximum number of output voltage levels by preserving the adjacent switching vectors between voltage levels. Hence, a fifteen-level hybrid converter can be attained with a minimum number of power components. A comparative study has been carried out to present high performance of the proposed configuration to approach a very low THD of voltage and current, which leads to the possible elimination of output filter. Regarding the proposed configuration, a new cascade inverter is verified by cascading an asymmetrical diode-clamped inverter, in which nineteen levels can be synthesized in output voltage with the same number of components. To balance the DC link capacitor voltages for the maximum output voltage resolution as well as synthesise asymmetrical DC link combination, a new Multi-output Boost (MOB) converter is utilised at the DC link voltage of a seven-level H-bridge diode-clamped inverter. Simulation and hardware results based on different modulations are presented to confirm the validity of the proposed approach to achieve a high quality output voltage.


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Objectives: To explore whether people's organ donation consent decisions occur via a reasoned and/or social reaction pathway. --------- Design: We examined prospectively students' and community members' decisions to register consent on a donor register and discuss organ donation wishes with family. --------- Method: Participants completed items assessing theory of planned behaviour (TPB; attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavioural control (PBC)), prototype/willingness model (PWM; donor prototype favourability/similarity, past behaviour), and proposed additional influences (moral norm, self-identity, recipient prototypes) for registering (N=339) and discussing (N=315) intentions/willingness. Participants self-reported their registering (N=177) and discussing (N=166) behaviour 1 month later. The utility of the (1) TPB, (2) PWM, (3) augmented TPB with PWM, and (4) augmented TPB with PWM and extensions was tested using structural equation modelling for registering and discussing intentions/willingness, and logistic regression for behaviour. --------- Results: While the TPB proved a more parsimonious model, fit indices suggested that the other proposed models offered viable options, explaining greater variance in communication intentions/willingness. The TPB, augmented TPB with PWM, and extended augmented TPB with PWM best explained registering and discussing decisions. The proposed and revised PWM also proved an adequate fit for discussing decisions. Respondents with stronger intentions (and PBC for registering) had a higher likelihood of registering and discussing. --------- Conclusions: People's decisions to communicate donation wishes may be better explained via a reasoned pathway (especially for registering); however, discussing involves more reactive elements. The role of moral norm, self-identity, and prototypes as influences predicting communication decisions were highlighted also.


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The Queensland University of Technology (QUT) allows the presentation of theses for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the format of published or submitted papers, where such papers have been published, accepted or submitted during the period of candidature. This thesis is composed of ten published /submitted papers and book chapters of which nine have been published and one is under review. This project is financially supported by an Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Grant with the aim of investigating multilevel topologies for high quality and high power applications, with specific emphasis on renewable energy systems. The rapid evolution of renewable energy within the last several years has resulted in the design of efficient power converters suitable for medium and high-power applications such as wind turbine and photovoltaic (PV) systems. Today, the industrial trend is moving away from heavy and bulky passive components to power converter systems that use more and more semiconductor elements controlled by powerful processor systems. However, it is hard to connect the traditional converters to the high and medium voltage grids, as a single power switch cannot stand at high voltage. For these reasons, a new family of multilevel inverters has appeared as a solution for working with higher voltage levels. Besides this important feature, multilevel converters have the capability to generate stepped waveforms. Consequently, in comparison with conventional two-level inverters, they present lower switching losses, lower voltage stress across loads, lower electromagnetic interference (EMI) and higher quality output waveforms. These properties enable the connection of renewable energy sources directly to the grid without using expensive, bulky, heavy line transformers. Additionally, they minimize the size of the passive filter and increase the durability of electrical devices. However, multilevel converters have only been utilised in very particular applications, mainly due to the structural limitations, high cost and complexity of the multilevel converter system and control. New developments in the fields of power semiconductor switches and processors will favor the multilevel converters for many other fields of application. The main application for the multilevel converter presented in this work is the front-end power converter in renewable energy systems. Diode-clamped and cascade converters are the most common type of multilevel converters widely used in different renewable energy system applications. However, some drawbacks – such as capacitor voltage imbalance, number of components, and complexity of the control system – still exist, and these are investigated in the framework of this thesis. Various simulations using software simulation tools are undertaken and are used to study different cases. The feasibility of the developments is underlined with a series of experimental results. This thesis is divided into two main sections. The first section focuses on solving the capacitor voltage imbalance for a wide range of applications, and on decreasing the complexity of the control strategy on the inverter side. The idea of using sharing switches at the output structure of the DC-DC front-end converters is proposed to balance the series DC link capacitors. A new family of multioutput DC-DC converters is proposed for renewable energy systems connected to the DC link voltage of diode-clamped converters. The main objective of this type of converter is the sharing of the total output voltage into several series voltage levels using sharing switches. This solves the problems associated with capacitor voltage imbalance in diode-clamped multilevel converters. These converters adjust the variable and unregulated DC voltage generated by renewable energy systems (such as PV) to the desirable series multiple voltage levels at the inverter DC side. A multi-output boost (MOB) converter, with one inductor and series output voltage, is presented. This converter is suitable for renewable energy systems based on diode-clamped converters because it boosts the low output voltage and provides the series capacitor at the output side. A simple control strategy using cross voltage control with internal current loop is presented to obtain the desired voltage levels at the output voltage. The proposed topology and control strategy are validated by simulation and hardware results. Using the idea of voltage sharing switches, the circuit structure of different topologies of multi-output DC-DC converters – or multi-output voltage sharing (MOVS) converters – have been proposed. In order to verify the feasibility of this topology and its application, steady state and dynamic analyses have been carried out. Simulation and experiments using the proposed control strategy have verified the mathematical analysis. The second part of this thesis addresses the second problem of multilevel converters: the need to improve their quality with minimum cost and complexity. This is related to utilising asymmetrical multilevel topologies instead of conventional multilevel converters; this can increase the quality of output waveforms with a minimum number of components. It also allows for a reduction in the cost and complexity of systems while maintaining the same output quality, or for an increase in the quality while maintaining the same cost and complexity. Therefore, the asymmetrical configuration for two common types of multilevel converters – diode-clamped and cascade converters – is investigated. Also, as well as addressing the maximisation of the output voltage resolution, some technical issues – such as adjacent switching vectors – should be taken into account in asymmetrical multilevel configurations to keep the total harmonic distortion (THD) and switching losses to a minimum. Thus, the asymmetrical diode-clamped converter is proposed. An appropriate asymmetrical DC link arrangement is presented for four-level diode-clamped converters by keeping adjacent switching vectors. In this way, five-level inverter performance is achieved for the same level of complexity of the four-level inverter. Dealing with the capacitor voltage imbalance problem in asymmetrical diodeclamped converters has inspired the proposal for two different DC-DC topologies with a suitable control strategy. A Triple-Output Boost (TOB) converter and a Boost 3-Output Voltage Sharing (Boost-3OVS) converter connected to the four-level diode-clamped converter are proposed to arrange the proposed asymmetrical DC link for the high modulation indices and unity power factor. Cascade converters have shown their abilities and strengths in medium and high power applications. Using asymmetrical H-bridge inverters, more voltage levels can be generated in output voltage with the same number of components as the symmetrical converters. The concept of cascading multilevel H-bridge cells is used to propose a fifteen-level cascade inverter using a four-level H-bridge symmetrical diode-clamped converter, cascaded with classical two-level Hbridge inverters. A DC voltage ratio of cells is presented to obtain maximum voltage levels on output voltage, with adjacent switching vectors between all possible voltage levels; this can minimize the switching losses. This structure can save five isolated DC sources and twelve switches in comparison to conventional cascade converters with series two-level H bridge inverters. To increase the quality in presented hybrid topology with minimum number of components, a new cascade inverter is verified by cascading an asymmetrical four-level H-bridge diode-clamped inverter. An inverter with nineteen-level performance was achieved. This synthesizes more voltage levels with lower voltage and current THD, rather than using a symmetrical diode-clamped inverter with the same configuration and equivalent number of power components. Two different predictive current control methods for the switching states selection are proposed to minimise either losses or THD of voltage in hybrid converters. High voltage spikes at switching time in experimental results and investigation of a diode-clamped inverter structure raised another problem associated with high-level high voltage multilevel converters. Power switching components with fast switching, combined with hard switched-converters, produce high di/dt during turn off time. Thus, stray inductance of interconnections becomes an important issue and raises overvoltage and EMI issues correlated to the number of components. Planar busbar is a good candidate to reduce interconnection inductance in high power inverters compared with cables. The effect of different transient current loops on busbar physical structure of the high-voltage highlevel diode-clamped converters is highlighted. Design considerations of proper planar busbar are also presented to optimise the overall design of diode-clamped converters.


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Various load compensation schemes proposed in literature assume that voltage source at point of common coupling (PCC) is stiff. In practice, however, the load is remote from a distribution substation and is supplied by a feeder. In the presence of feeder impedance, the PWM inverter switchings distort both the PCC voltage and the source currents. In this paper load compensation with such a non-stiff source is considered. A switching control of the voltage source inverter (VSI) based on state feedback is used for load compensation with non-stiff source. The design of the state feedback controller requires careful considerations in choosing a gain matrix and in the generation of reference quantities. These aspects are considered in this paper. Detailed simulation and experimental results are given to support the control design.


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Bearing damage in modern inverter-fed AC drive systems is more common than in motors working with 50 or 60 Hz power supply. Fast switching transients and common mode voltage generated by a PWM inverter cause unwanted shaft voltage and resultant bearing currents. Parasitic capacitive coupling creates a path to discharge current in rotors and bearings. In order to analyze bearing current discharges and their effect on bearing damage under different conditions, calculation of the capacitive coupling between the outer and inner races is needed. During motor operation, the distances between the balls and races may change the capacitance values. Due to changing of the thickness and spatial distribution of the lubricating grease, this capacitance does not have a constant value and is known to change with speed and load. Thus, the resultant electric field between the races and balls varies with motor speed. The lubricating grease in the ball bearing cannot withstand high voltages and a short circuit through the lubricated grease can occur. At low speeds, because of gravity, balls and shaft voltage may shift down and the system (ball positions and shaft) will be asymmetric. In this study, two different asymmetric cases (asymmetric ball position, asymmetric shaft position) are analyzed and the results are compared with the symmetric case. The objective of this paper is to calculate the capacitive coupling and electric fields between the outer and inner races and the balls at different motor speeds in symmetrical and asymmetrical shaft and balls positions. The analysis is carried out using finite element simulations to determine the conditions which will increase the probability of high rates of bearing failure due to current discharges through the balls and races.