880 resultados para Retail trade -- Catalonia -- Barcelona -- 13th century
Senator Elizabeth Warren fights the White House over the secret Trans-Pacific Partnership #TPP #TPPA
In his visit to the G20 in Brisbane, President Barack Obama sought to promote his ambitious Pacific Rim trade agreement — the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). He told an audience at the University of Queensland: We’ll keep leading the effort to realize the Trans-Pacific Partnership to lower barriers, open markets, export goods, and create good jobs for our people. But with the 12 countries of the TPP making up nearly 40 percent of the global economy, this is also about something bigger. It is our chance to put in place new, high standards for trade in the 21st century that uphold our values. So, for example, we are pushing new standards in this trade agreement, requiring countries that participate to protect their workers better and to protect the environment better, and protect intellectual property that unleashes innovation, and baseline standards to ensure transparency and rule of law.
My Ph.D. dissertation presents a multi-disciplinary analysis of the mortuary practices of the Tiwanaku culture of the Bolivian high plateau, situated at an altitude of c. 3800 m above sea level. The Tiwanaku State (c. AD 500-1150) was one of the most important pre-Inca civilisations of the South Central Andes. The book begins with a brief introductory chapter. In chapter 2 I discuss methodological and theoretical developments in archaeological mortuary studies from the late 1960s until the turn of the millennium. I am especially interested in the issue how archaeological burial data can be used to draw inferences on the social structure of prehistoric societies. Chapter 3 deals with the early historic sources written in the 16th and 17th centuries, following the Spanish Conquest of the Incas. In particular, I review information on how the Incas manifested status differences between and within social classes and what kinds of burial treatments they applied. In chapter 4 I compare the Inca case with 20th century ethnographic data on the Aymara Indians of the Bolivian high plateau. Even if Christianity has affected virtually every level of Aymara religion, surprisingly many traditional features can still be observed in present day Aymara mortuary ceremonies. The archaeological part of my book begins with chapter 5, which is an introduction into Tiwanaku archaeology. In the next chapter, I present an overview of previously reported Tiwanaku cemeteries and burials. Chapter 7 deals with my own excavations at the Late Tiwanaku/early post-Tiwanaku cemetery site of Tiraska, located on the south-eastern shore of Lake Titicaca. During the 1998, 2002, and 2003 field seasons, a total of 32 burials were investigated at Tiraska. The great majority of these were subterranean stone-lined tombs, each containing the skeletal remains of 1 individual and 1-2 ceramic vessels. Nine burials have been radiocarbon dated, the dates in question indicating that the cemetery was in use from the 10th until the 13th century AD. In chapter 8 I point out that considerable regional and/or ethnic differences can be noted between studied Tiwanaku cemetery sites. Because of the mentioned differences, and a general lack of securely dated burial contexts, I feel that at present we can do no better than to classify most studied Tiwanaku burials into three broad categories: (1) elite and/or priests, (2) "commoners", and (3) sacrificial victims and/or slaves and/or prisoners of war. On the basis of such indicators as monumental architecture and occupational specialisation we would expect to find considerable status-related differences in tomb size, grave goods, etc. among the Tiwanaku. Interestingly, however, such variation is rather modest, and the Tiwanaku seem to have been a lot less interested in expending considerable labour and resources in burial facilities than their pre-Columbian contemporaries of many parts of the Central Andes.
A retail precinct along James Street in Brisbane is made more permeable by Richards and Spence.
Obverse: Silver 5 Lirot coin, in the right side olive branch. Reverse: A stylized reproduction of an ancient Holy Ark which appears on a gold-vessel painted in the 13th century C.E.
Consumer Sentiment fell by 4.8% in December, but despite the drop other indicators still point toward a robust Christmas period for retailers. Retail trade recorded its strongest result for three consecutive months to October, with Queensland and Western Australia leading the way. A closer inspection of ABS Retail figures indicate six consecutive months of positive results and this suggests consumer confidence has finally returned to the market. But it may not be a rosy outlook for all retail sectors. Overall we are spending more, but not where we once traditionally did.
The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship between merit pay system and work environment and foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation. There has been a lot of investigation on rewarding. Less research has been done on previous surveys among the merit pay systems and motivation investigations. According to former surveys, rewarding systems cannot be released from its context. Therefore this survey expanded to deal with work environment. It was also essential to investigate different dimensions of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation and equity of rewarding. Investigation or work motivation and work satisfaction was challenging because both of these concepts have been investigated under quite traditional frame of reference of work motivation theories. In some surveys, the concepts have not been even separated or they have been used even as synonyms. The data were collected with the 193 foremen working in the profit centers of the different chains of the company in the field of retail trade. The questions were: Are the experiences of merit pay system and work environment related to foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation? Are the backround variables related to foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation? The data collection was carried out by an electronic inquiry during May 2010. 137 replied from foremen working under merit pay system. The research material was analyzed with PASW-software. Various analyzing methods were used: factor analyses, regression analyses and group of different parametric and non-parametric analyses. In contrast to theoretical framework in the factor analyses work satisfaction and work motivation clustered into the same dimension. As a main result the atmosphere, possibilities to influence and the atmosphere of leading were strongly positively related to foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation. According to regression analyses these factors were able to explain 55 % of the foremen´s work satisfaction and work motivation. The best explanatory variable was atmosphere. Instead, the backround variables (age, sex, working years, group of profession, education) were not associated with work satisfaction and work motivation.
Resumen: El presente trabajo se propone analizar el sentido y la funcionalidad del tema de la muerte del santo en el contexto de la crisis que afecta a Europa en el siglo XIV, a través de la muerte de Santa María Egipciaca –una de las santas medievales más populares– narrada en la Vida de Santa María Egipciaca, un poema castellano compuesto en el temprano siglo XIII pero transmitido a fines del siglo XIV en el manuscrito K-III-4 de la Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial.
Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.
Resumen: Un tipo de literatura latina no narrativa, asimilable más bien al discurso doctrinal teológico y mariológico y, por otro lado, a la himnodia litúrgica, deja entrever su influencia en las colecciones ibéricas de milagros marianos en verso del siglo XIII, las Cantigas de Santa María de Alfonso X y los Milagros de Nuestra Señora de Gonzalo de Berceo. Las muy escasas menciones a fuentes en las Cantigas de Santa María no invalidan la evidencia de múltiples “citas” reconocibles. Así, por ejemplo, es posible encontrar himnos y antífonas explícitamente citados (Te Deum laudamus, Salve Regina, Ave Maris Stella, además de glosas al Ave María) y, más allá de estos, se perciben otros modos de inserción de la lírica himnódica en la narración de los milagros. Se propone, entonces, iluminar estos loci donde parece haber un texto aludido o “escondido”, para considerar sus diversos modos de traducción, adopción y reelaboración.
Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.
Integran este número de la revista ponencias presentadas en Studia Hispanica Medievalia VIII: Actas de las IX Jornadas Internacionales de Literatura Española Medieval, 2008, y de Homenaje al Quinto Centenario de Amadis de Gaula.
Resumen: La muerte de Alfonso X no significó el cese total de la actividad historiográfica castellana, sino más bien su continuación en una diversidad mayor de centros de producción, no necesariamente impulsados por una figura regia. Si bien hoy no existen testimonios de trabajos cronísticos del período que va desde 1284 hasta mediados del siglo XIII en donde se haga referencia a los reinados de Alfonso X, Sancho IV y Fernando IV, tenemos al menos cuatro crónicas distintas que refieren los hechos ocurridos en esos años, cuyas fuentes deberían haberse redactado en el lapso de tiempo mencionado: la Crónica de tres reyes, la Crónica de los reyes de Castilla de Jofré de Loaysa, la *Historia hasta 1288 dialogada, y la versión que transmite el manuscrito 1342 de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid (N3) que Catalán llama Historia en décadas. La enorme diferencia que existe entre estas obras vuelve discutible cualquier aseveración que pretenda establecer una relación genealógica entre unas y otras, lo cual nos obliga a pensar en la existencia de una abundante documentación preexistente en la que los autores se habrían basado para redactar textos que ostensiblemente develan, en un trabajo comparativo que el presente trabajo pretende realizar, orientaciones políticas diversas
Resumen: En la Edad Media castellana, el motivo del viaje aparece en el siglo XIII en las colecciones de sentencias de procedencia oriental. Constituye generalmente una introducción narrativa que justifica la recopilación de los proverbios. En tanto estos constituyen enseñanzas de sabios antiguos, también se asocia en algunas ocasiones al tópico de la “translatio studii”, como se observa en la traducción castellana de Walter Burley, Vida y costumbres de los viejos filósofos. Además interesa la tematización del viaje en las mismas sentencias compiladas en las que se muestra, por ejemplo, la concepción medieval del “homo viator”, peregrino terrenal. Las sentencias de El conde Lucanor de Don Juan Manuel ilustran particularmente esta idea con la imagen de la “carrera” o camino que el hombre debe elegir para alcanzar la salvación eterna y las honras mundanas.
Resumen: Los personajes de los tres poemas castellanos del temprano siglo XIII que componen el manuscrito K-III-4 de la Biblioteca de San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Libro de Apolonio, Vida de Santa María Egipciaca, Libro de los tres reyes de Oriente) viajan lamentando aquello que han perdido a causa de la ira regia, el propio pecado o la amenaza de muerte inminente, pero también para superar esas pérdidas. Esos viajes representan la medida de una aventura medieval cuya dinámica expresa la concepción profunda de la trayectoria vital como prueba cristiana, según se analizará en el presente trabajo.