919 resultados para Reputation


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The Social Web offers increasingly simple ways to publish and disseminate personal or opinionated information, which can rapidly exhibit a disastrous influence on the online reputation of organizations. Based on social Web data, this study describes the building of an ontology based on fuzzy sets. At the end of a recurring harvesting of folksonomies by Web agents, the aggregated tags are purified, linked, and transformed to a so-called fuzzy grassroots ontology by means of a fuzzy clustering algorithm. This self-updating ontology is used for online reputation analysis, a crucial task of reputation management, with the goal to follow the online conversation going on around an organization to discover and monitor its reputation. In addition, an application of the Fuzzy Online Reputation Analysis (FORA) framework, lesson learned, and potential extensions are discussed in this article.


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Reputation formation pervades human social life. In fact, many people go to great lengths to acquire a good reputation, even though building a good reputation is costly in many cases. Little is known about the neural underpinnings of this important social mechanism, however. In the present study, we show that disruption of the right, but not the left, lateral prefrontal cortex (PFC) with low-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) diminishes subjects' ability to build a favorable reputation. This effect occurs even though subjects' ability to behave altruistically in the absence of reputation incentives remains intact, and even though they are still able to recognize both the fairness standards necessary for acquiring and the future benefits of a good reputation. Thus, subjects with a disrupted right lateral PFC no longer seem to be able to resist the temptation to defect, even though they know that this has detrimental effects on their future reputation. This suggests an important dissociation between the knowledge about one's own best interests and the ability to act accordingly in social contexts. These results link findings on the neural underpinnings of self-control and temptation with the study of human social behavior, and they may help explain why reputation formation remains less prominent in most other species with less developed prefrontal cortices.


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BACKGROUND Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an accepted standard of care for locally advanced esophagogastric cancer. As only a subgroup benefits, a response-based tailored treatment would be of interest. The aim of our study was the evaluation of the prognostic and predictive value of clinical response in esophagogastric adenocarcinomas. METHODS Clinical response based on a combination of endoscopy and computed tomography (CT) scan was evaluated retrospectively within a prospective database in center A and then transferred to center B. A total of 686/740 (A) and 184/210 (B) patients, staged cT3/4, cN0/1 underwent neoadjuvant chemotherapy and were then re-staged by endoscopy and CT before undergoing tumor resection. Of 184 patients, 118 (B) additionally had an interim response assessment 4-6 weeks after the start of chemotherapy. RESULTS In A, 479 patients (70 %) were defined as clinical nonresponders, 207 (30 %) as responders. Median survival was 38 months (nonresponders: 27 months, responders: 108 months, log-rank, p < 0.001). Clinical and histopathological response correlated significantly (p < 0.001). In multivariate analysis, clinical response was an independent prognostic factor (HR for death 1.4, 95 %CI 1.0-1.8, p = 0.032). In B, 140 patients (76 %) were nonresponders and 44 (24 %) responded. Median survival was 33 months, (nonresponders: 27 months, responders: not reached, p = 0.003). Interim clinical response evaluation (118 patients) also had prognostic impact (p = 0.008). Interim, preoperative clinical response and histopathological response correlated strongly (p < 0.001). CONCLUSION Preoperative clinical response was an independent prognostic factor in center A, while in center B its prognostic value could only be confirmed in univariate analysis. The accordance with histopathological response was good in both centers, and interim clinical response evaluation showed comparable results to preoperative evaluation.


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OBJECTIVES Despite new treatment modalities, cyclophosphamide (CYC) remains a cornerstone in the treatment of organ or life-threatening vasculitides and connective tissue disorders. We aimed at analysing the short- and long-term side-effects of CYC treatment in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases. METHODS Chart review and phone interviews regarding side effects of CYC in patients with systemic autoimmune diseases treated between 1984 and 2011 in a single university centre. Adverse events were stratified according to the "Common Terminology Criteria for Adverse Events" version 4. RESULTS A total of 168 patients were included. Cumulative CYC dose was 7.45 g (range 0.5-205 g). Gastro-intestinal side effects were seen in 68 events, hair loss occurred in 38 events. A total of 58 infections were diagnosed in 44/168 patients (26.2%) with 9/44 suffering multiple infections. Severity grading of infections was low in 37/58 cases (63.8%). One CYC-related infection-induced death (0.6%) was registered. Amenorrhoea occurred in 7/92 females (7.6%) with 5/7 remaining irreversible. In females with reversible amenorrhoea, prophylaxis with nafarelin had been administered. Malignancy was registered in 19 patients after 4.7 years (median, range 0.25-22.25) presenting as 4 premalignancies and 18 malignancies, 3 patients suffered 2 premalignancies/malignancies each. Patients with malignancies were older with a higher cumulative CYC dose. Death was registered in 28 patients (16.6%) with 2/28 probably related to CYC. CONCLUSIONS Considering the organ or life-threatening conditions which indicate the use of CYC, severe drug-induced health problems were rare. Our data confirm the necessity to follow-up patients long-term for timely diagnosis of malignancies. CYC side-effects do not per se justify prescription of newer drugs or biologic agents in the treatment of autoimmune diseases.


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The central assumption in the literature on collaborative networks and policy networks is that political outcomes are affected by a variety of state and nonstate actors. Some of these actors are more powerful than others and can therefore have a considerable effect on decision making. In this article, we seek to provide a structural and institutional explanation for these power differentials in policy networks and support the explanation with empirical evidence. We use a dyadic measure of influence reputation as a proxy for power, and posit that influence reputation over the political outcome is related to vertical integration into the political system by means of formal decision-making authority, and to horizontal integration by means of being well embedded into the policy network. Hence, we argue that actors are perceived as influential because of two complementary factors: (a) their institutional roles and (b) their structural positions in the policy network. Based on temporal and cross-sectional exponential random graph models, we compare five cases about climate, telecommunications, flood prevention, and toxic chemicals politics in Switzerland and Germany. The five networks cover national and local networks at different stages of the policy cycle. The results confirm that institutional and structural drivers seem to have a crucial impact on how an actor is perceived in decision making and implementation and, therefore, their ability to significantly shape outputs and service delivery.


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Widely publicized reports of fresh MBAs receiving multiple job offers with six-figure annual salaries leave a long-lasting general impression about the high quality of selected business schools. Business Week reports on a regular basis ranking of MBA programs based on subjective surveys of students and employers. This paper ranks MBA programs using objective data from three different points of view students, employers, and MBA program administrators.


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Widely publicized reports of fresh MBAs getting multiple job offers with six-figure annual salaries leave a long-lasting general impression about the high quality of selected business schools. While such spectacular achievement in job placement rightly deserves recognition, one should not lose sight of the resources expended in order to accomplish this result. In this study, we employ a measure of Pareto-Koopmans global efficiency to evaluate the efficiency levels of the MBA programs in Business Week's top-rated list. We compute input- and output-oriented radial and non-radial efficiency measures for comparison. Among three tier groups, the schools from a higher tier group on average are more efficient than those from lower tiers, although variations in efficiency levels do occur within the same tier, which exist over different measures of efficiency.


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The study of online reputation systems and their importance for promoting trust and cooperation and, therefore, the smooth functioning of online markets has received considerable attention over the last few years. In the first part of our talk we will try to give a brief overview of the existing theoretical and empirical work in this field, summarize the main findings from this research and identify open questions where results are either controversial or do not yet exist. The second part of our talk will focus on one of these issues that deserve further research, namely the relation between online reputation systems and processes of "cumulative advantage." Cumulative advantage is the mechanism where a favorable relative position of having a good reputation becomes a resource for further relative gains. The process leads to increased status inequality and a heavily skewed distribution of number of feedbacks, i.e. the ties in the reputation network. We present empirical evidence for direct and indirect reputation effects on the micro level of an auction reputation system and discuss the distributional consequences for the market level.


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In this paper we present TRHIOS: a Trust and Reputation system for HIerarchical and quality-Oriented Societies. We focus our work on hierarchical medical organizations. The model estimates the reputation of an individual, RTRHIOS, taking into account information from three trust dimensions: the hierarchy of the system; the source of information; and the quality of the results. Besides the concrete reputation value, it is important to know how reliable that value is; for each of the three dimensions we calculate the reliability of the assessed reputations; and aggregating them, the reliability of the reputation of an individual. The modular approach followed in the definition of the different types of reputations provides the system with a high flexibility that allows adapting the model to the peculiarities of each society.


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Providing security to the emerging field of ambient intelligence will be difficult if we rely only on existing techniques, given their dynamic and heterogeneous nature. Moreover, security demands of these systems are expected to grow, as many applications will require accurate context modeling. In this work we propose an enhancement to the reputation systems traditionally deployed for securing these systems. Different anomaly detectors are combined using the immunological paradigm to optimize reputation system performance in response to evolving security requirements. As an example, the experiments show how a combination of detectors based on unsupervised techniques (self-organizing maps and genetic algorithms) can help to significantly reduce the global response time of the reputation system. The proposed solution offers many benefits: scalability, fast response to adversarial activities, ability to detect unknown attacks, high adaptability, and high ability in detecting and confining attacks. For these reasons, we believe that our solution is capable of coping with the dynamism of ambient intelligence systems and the growing requirements of security demands.


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It has been demonstrated that rating trust and reputation of individual nodes is an effective approach in distributed environments in order to improve security, support decision-making and promote node collaboration. Nevertheless, these systems are vulnerable to deliberate false or unfair testimonies. In one scenario, the attackers collude to give negative feedback on the victim in order to lower or destroy its reputation. This attack is known as bad mouthing attack. In another scenario, a number of entities agree to give positive feedback on an entity (often with adversarial intentions). This attack is known as ballot stuffing. Both attack types can significantly deteriorate the performances of the network. The existing solutions for coping with these attacks are mainly concentrated on prevention techniques. In this work, we propose a solution that detects and isolates the abovementioned attackers, impeding them in this way to further spread their malicious activity. The approach is based on detecting outliers using clustering, in this case self-organizing maps. An important advantage of this approach is that we have no restrictions on training data, and thus there is no need for any data pre-processing. Testing results demonstrate the capability of the approach in detecting both bad mouthing and ballot stuffing attack in various scenarios.


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This paper describes our participation at the RepLab 2014 reputation dimensions scenario. Our idea was to evaluate the best combination strategy of a machine learning classifier with a rule-based algorithm based on logical expressions of terms. Results show that our baseline experiment using just Naive Bayes Multinomial with a term vector model representation of the tweet text is ranked second among runs from all participants in terms of accuracy.


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El auge y penetración de las nuevas tecnologías junto con la llamada Web Social están cambiando la forma en la que accedemos a la medicina. Cada vez más pacientes y profesionales de la medicina están creando y consumiendo recursos digitales de contenido clínico a través de Internet, surgiendo el problema de cómo asegurar la fiabilidad de estos recursos. Además, un nuevo concepto está apareciendo, el de pervasive healthcare o sanidad ubicua, motivado por pacientes que demandan un acceso a los servicios sanitarios en todo momento y en todo lugar. Este nuevo escenario lleva aparejado un problema de confianza en los proveedores de servicios sanitarios. Las plataformas de eLearning se están erigiendo como paradigma de esta nueva Medicina 2.0 ya que proveen un servicio abierto a la vez que controlado/supervisado a recursos digitales, y facilitan las interacciones y consultas entre usuarios, suponiendo una buena aproximación para esta sanidad ubicua. En estos entornos los problemas de fiabilidad y confianza pueden ser solventados mediante la implementación de mecanismos de recomendación de recursos y personas de manera confiable. Tradicionalmente las plataformas de eLearning ya cuentan con mecanismos de recomendación, si bien están más enfocados a la recomendación de recursos. Para la recomendación de usuarios es necesario acudir a mecanismos más elaborados como son los sistemas de confianza y reputación (trust and reputation) En ambos casos, tanto la recomendación de recursos como el cálculo de la reputación de los usuarios se realiza teniendo en cuenta criterios principalmente subjetivos como son las opiniones de los usuarios. En esta tesis doctoral proponemos un nuevo modelo de confianza y reputación que combina evaluaciones automáticas de los recursos digitales en una plataforma de eLearning, con las opiniones vertidas por los usuarios como resultado de las interacciones con otros usuarios o después de consumir un recurso. El enfoque seguido presenta la novedad de la combinación de una parte objetiva con otra subjetiva, persiguiendo mitigar el efecto de posibles castigos subjetivos por parte de usuarios malintencionados, a la vez que enriquecer las evaluaciones objetivas con información adicional acerca de la capacidad pedagógica del recurso o de la persona. El resultado son recomendaciones siempre adaptadas a los requisitos de los usuarios, y de la máxima calidad tanto técnica como educativa. Esta nueva aproximación requiere una nueva herramienta para su validación in-silico, al no existir ninguna aplicación que permita la simulación de plataformas de eLearning con mecanismos de recomendación de recursos y personas, donde además los recursos sean evaluados objetivamente. Este trabajo de investigación propone pues una nueva herramienta, basada en el paradigma de programación orientada a agentes inteligentes para el modelado de comportamientos complejos de usuarios en plataformas de eLearning. Además, la herramienta permite también la simulación del funcionamiento de este tipo de entornos dedicados al intercambio de conocimiento. La evaluación del trabajo propuesto en este documento de tesis se ha realizado de manera iterativa a lo largo de diferentes escenarios en los que se ha situado al sistema frente a una amplia gama de comportamientos de usuarios. Se ha comparado el rendimiento del modelo de confianza y reputación propuesto frente a dos modos de recomendación tradicionales: a) utilizando sólo las opiniones subjetivas de los usuarios para el cálculo de la reputación y por extensión la recomendación; y b) teniendo en cuenta sólo la calidad objetiva del recurso sin hacer ningún cálculo de reputación. Los resultados obtenidos nos permiten afirmar que el modelo desarrollado mejora la recomendación ofrecida por las aproximaciones tradicionales, mostrando una mayor flexibilidad y capacidad de adaptación a diferentes situaciones. Además, el modelo propuesto es capaz de asegurar la recomendación de nuevos usuarios entrando al sistema frente a la nula recomendación para estos usuarios presentada por el modo de recomendación predominante en otras plataformas que basan la recomendación sólo en las opiniones de otros usuarios. Por último, el paradigma de agentes inteligentes ha probado su valía a la hora de modelar plataformas virtuales complejas orientadas al intercambio de conocimiento, especialmente a la hora de modelar y simular el comportamiento de los usuarios de estos entornos. La herramienta de simulación desarrollada ha permitido la evaluación del modelo de confianza y reputación propuesto en esta tesis en una amplia gama de situaciones diferentes. ABSTRACT Internet is changing everything, and this revolution is especially present in traditionally offline spaces such as medicine. In recent years health consumers and health service providers are actively creating and consuming Web contents stimulated by the emergence of the Social Web. Reliability stands out as the main concern when accessing the overwhelming amount of information available online. Along with this new way of accessing the medicine, new concepts like ubiquitous or pervasive healthcare are appearing. Trustworthiness assessment is gaining relevance: open health provisioning systems require mechanisms that help evaluating individuals’ reputation in pursuit of introducing safety to these open and dynamic environments. Technical Enhanced Learning (TEL) -commonly known as eLearning- platforms arise as a paradigm of this Medicine 2.0. They provide an open while controlled/supervised access to resources generated and shared by users, enhancing what it is being called informal learning. TEL systems also facilitate direct interactions amongst users for consultation, resulting in a good approach to ubiquitous healthcare. The aforementioned reliability and trustworthiness problems can be faced by the implementation of mechanisms for the trusted recommendation of both resources and healthcare services providers. Traditionally, eLearning platforms already integrate recommendation mechanisms, although this recommendations are basically focused on providing an ordered classifications of resources. For users’ recommendation, the implementation of trust and reputation systems appears as the best solution. Nevertheless, both approaches base the recommendation on the information from the subjective opinions of other users of the platform regarding the resources or the users. In this PhD work a novel approach is presented for the recommendation of both resources and users within open environments focused on knowledge exchange, as it is the case of TEL systems for ubiquitous healthcare. The proposed solution adds the objective evaluation of the resources to the traditional subjective personal opinions to estimate the reputation of the resources and of the users of the system. This combined measure, along with the reliability of that calculation, is used to provide trusted recommendations. The integration of opinions and evaluations, subjective and objective, allows the model to defend itself against misbehaviours. Furthermore, it also allows ‘colouring’ cold evaluation values by providing additional quality information such as the educational capacities of a digital resource in an eLearning system. As a result, the recommendations are always adapted to user requirements, and of the maximum technical and educational quality. To our knowledge, the combination of objective assessments and subjective opinions to provide recommendation has not been considered before in the literature. Therefore, for the evaluation of the trust and reputation model defined in this PhD thesis, a new simulation tool will be developed following the agent-oriented programming paradigm. The multi-agent approach allows an easy modelling of independent and proactive behaviours for the simulation of users of the system, conforming a faithful resemblance of real users of TEL platforms. For the evaluation of the proposed work, an iterative approach have been followed, testing the performance of the trust and reputation model while providing recommendation in a varied range of scenarios. A comparison with two traditional recommendation mechanisms was performed: a) using only users’ past opinions about a resource and/or other users; and b) not using any reputation assessment and providing the recommendation considering directly the objective quality of the resources. The results show that the developed model improves traditional approaches at providing recommendations in Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) platforms, presenting a higher adaptability to different situations, whereas traditional approaches only have good results under favourable conditions. Furthermore the promotion period mechanism implemented successfully helps new users in the system to be recommended for direct interactions as well as the resources created by them. On the contrary OnlyOpinions fails completely and new users are never recommended, while traditional approaches only work partially. Finally, the agent-oriented programming (AOP) paradigm has proven its validity at modelling users’ behaviours in TEL platforms. Intelligent software agents’ characteristics matched the main requirements of the simulation tool. The proactivity, sociability and adaptability of the developed agents allowed reproducing real users’ actions and attitudes through the diverse situations defined in the evaluation framework. The result were independent users, accessing to different resources and communicating amongst them to fulfil their needs, basing these interactions on the recommendations provided by the reputation engine.