999 resultados para Relevância social
This study deals with the rural social security Universalist established by the Constitution of 1988 and its importance in the economy of the municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte. In this context, the study seeks to satisfy two important criteria that guide the selection of objects of social science research: a consideration of issues that have relevance to the real world and the intention to make the contribution to the scholarly literature on theoretical and empirical aspects. The research seeks to reveal what is the economic importance of the subsystem of social security for rural municipalities in RN. The hypothesis is that the transfer of income received by beneficiaries from the rural social security tax exceeds the explicit mechanisms for most municipalities in RN, in many cases significantly, proving the importance of this policy as a mechanism for combating poverty and reducing social inequality, especially before the fragility of the federal system on the national political entity hall. The study presents theoretical cores - chapters 1-3 - and empirical - Chapter 4. The first core is about the evolution of social protection as a state policy, addressing the influential theories and typologies of the State of Social Welfare and the characteristics of the Brazilian social security model, but mainly, its rural social security subsystem, its history until universalistic model inaugurated by the Federal Constitution of 1988. The second begins with an overview of studies that have emphasized the impact of Social Security on the local economy of small municipalities, then passing data and statistics in order to gauge the socioeconomic importance of pension income in the rural municipalities of Rio Grande do Norte. To this end, the final chapter provides a comparison of the monetary value transferred by the payment of social security benefits - rural and urban - to each of the 167 municipalities in RN with the equally important sources of income in the budget of municipal entities. Apart from their own tax revenues, are objects of comparison with the value of pension benefits awarded in RN, transfer quota state relating to the municipality on the federal ICMS and the transfer on the FPM
The fundamental social right to education has a lengthy constitutional argument, having been declared as a right to everyone in the Title dedicated to the fundamental rights and warrants and, later, scrutinized in the Social Order Chapter exclusively devoted to this theme, where specific rights are guaranteed and fundamental duties are imposed to family, society, and state. In that which concerns education, the 1988 Constitution is the result of a historical-normative process which, since the days of the Lusitanian Empire wavering between distinct levels of protection warrants in some way the educational process. Nevertheless, not even the State s oldest commitment to education has been fully achieved, namely, the annihilation of illiteracy. Even as other fundamental social rights, education is inflicted with the lack of effective political will to reach its fulfillment, and this is reflected in the production of doctrine and jurisprudence which reduce the efficacy of these rights. The objective of this work is to analyze what part is to be played by the constitutional jurisdiction in the reversal of this picture in regards to the fulfillment of the fundamental social right to education. Therefore it is indispensable to present a proper conception of constitutional jurisdiction its objectives, boundaries and procedures and that of the social rights in the Brazilian context so as to establish its relationship from the prism of the right to education. The main existing obstacles to the effective action of constitutional jurisdiction on the ground of social rights are identified and then proposals so as to overcome them are presented. The contemplative and constructive importance of education in the shaping of the individual as well as its instrumental relevance to the achievement of the democratic ideal through the means of the shaping of the citizen is taken into account. The historical context which leads to the current Brazilian educational system is analyzed, tracing the normative area and the essential content of the fundamental right to education aiming to delineate parameters for the adequate development of the constitutional jurisdiction in the field. This jurisdiction must be neither larger nor narrower than that which has been determined by the Constitution itself. Its activity has been in turns based on a demagogic rhetoric of those fundamental rights which present a doubtful applicability, or falling short of that which has been established showing an excessive reverence to the constituent powers. It is necessary to establish dogmatic parameters for a good action of this important tool of constitutional democracy, notably in regards to the fundamental social right to education, for the sake of its instrumental role in the achievement of the democratic ideals of liberty and equality
Teaching formation has been the target of many changes, having been forged according to numerous formats and models through different times and spaces, composing thus, different codes and curricular proposals for different levels of qualification. We've tried in this work to pinpoint the main discussions which take place in the area of the teaching formation, based in the views of modern writers. We ve also tried, through the Social Representations Theory, to reveal and learn how the agents directly involved in this process realize and react, that is, the teachers who cope with the beginning stages of the Fundamental Teaching in the public school system in Natal/RN, taking into account that, in many cases, such formation demands the rethinking of the very formation policies. We've also adopted the concepts of field and educational field introduced by the praxiology of Pierre Bourdieu. It s been considered a fundamental theoretical reference which enables the understanding of social phenomena, both in macro and micro viewpoints. Thus, we do not neglect the whole, and particularly, the nuances of each context or specific situation. In the methodological track we ve used for data gathering the Free Word Association Test, and the Semi-Structured Interview, and also secondary sources for the characterization of the research spectre. Data treatment and analysis were performed with the help of the following software: SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences and EVOC; and the method of Content Category Analysis. The combination of the concepts and techniques mentioned above was necessary to cope with the qualitative and quantitative aspects, in our attempt to offer a wider range of contributions and outcome validations, which have shown, among other less explicit elements, the existence of a social representation of the teaching formation such as: knowledge theoretical and practical; a necessity imposed by the symbolical conflicts of the social field; capacitation and compromisse. We acknowledge the relevance of the thoughts discussed here, though aware that this is just one of the possible approaches to the theme
Mães de neonatos pré-termo hospitalizados: avaliação do apoio social e da sintomatologia ansiogênica
Social support is an important factor throughout one s life, especially in times of crisis. Premature delivery can be considered a crisis, followed by neonatal hospitalization. This type of birth is associated with elevated anxiety, representing risks to maternal mental health and mother-infant relationship. This research aims to investigate whether a relationship exists between perceived social support and the expression of anxiety in mothers of premature, hospitalized newborns. This is a cross-sectional, correlational study, conducted during the period of April to October 2011, using a convenience sample. The sample consisted of seventy mothers with preterm, hospitalized newborns and seventy mothers of full-term newborns. The instruments used were the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Social Support Scale. The results demonstrated a weak negative relationship between intensity-State Anxiety and emotional support as well as a negative relationship in intensity between low to moderate-Trait Anxiety, social support and its dimensions (material support, emotional, information, interaction positive social and emotional). These suggest that the better the perception of social support, the less severe anxiogenic symptoms will be, and the converse is also true. It is noteworthy, therefore, the importance of social support, as well as the importance of health professionals to be aware not only of the physical health of the newborn, but also the psychosocial aspects that pervade the context of preterm birth followed by hospitalization
The study does a analysis about the social participation of teenagers in the healthy sexual and reproductive Programs in Natal/RN city, in the perspective of Protagonism Juvenile, that presuppose the teenager condition like main actor and subject of the right and obligations. In front of this, the aim this search is to discuss and analyse the juvenile protagonism and theirpolitic , pedagogics and soscial means, to go off on to the participation of teenagers like social subject in the healthy sexual and reproductive Programs in Natal/Rn city. The way to the teoric reflexion this study privileged the approach historic-member, being assisted by quality methodology, to making useful an interview semistructured with teenagers, families and co-ordinators of the Programs. The social participation of the teenagers, in these programs, reaffirm itself like a proposal politic-pedagogical that contribute to the development of competences of the teenagers and improvement of habilities in the treatment of the questions about heathy sexual and reprodutive,valorizing the condition of the social subjects, in the perspective of the protagonism juvenile. The relevance this study to be detached by the contribution in the building and implementation of the programs politic-pedagogical, that affirm to the teenagers the condition of the right and obligations
This dissertation aims to analyze the social direction in which the Student Movement in Social Work in Brazil (ENESSO) has gone through. This is done considering how the functioning of the National Executive, the Brazilian Social Work Student union has operated. The research analyzed their political position regarding the university as well as professional education in the period of 2003 to 2008. The study s theoretical and methodological object was obtained according to its structural, juncture, and time determinants. All of the mentioned elements considered the contemporary capital crisis and its implications towards the State and Society emphasizing specifically the changes that occurred in the University regarding professional education. For the purpose of data collection and production, a documental and field research was realized. Thus, interviews were done considering one manager of each management period of the ENESSO group in the time span of 2003 to 2008. Some subjects that represented the Brazilian Social Work Teaching and Research Association (ABEPSS) as well as were also interviewed. These subjects have had a relevant role in partnership with these entities and represented students in the contemporary scene. Results suggest that ENESSO has developed work that defends a project of a public, free and laic quality university. This entity also defends a project that considers the 1996 Curricular Guidelines. Currently, there is internal dispute in the social direction of the MESS, this is seen amongst political groups that diverge in opinions related to the analysis done by the Lula government regarding the political role that the National Student Union-UNE has taken in the counter-reform of higher education. This current juncture is seen as extremely individualist and it results as in unfavorable for the collective organization of the working class, especially regarding student movement. MESS has been going through a moment of profound instability and this dimension is being expressed by the absence of national coordinator for the 2008/2009 management period at ENESSO. Even though there are difficulties, it is possible to point out partnership of the entities that represent the national Social Work in Brazil. These partnerships are all related to a struggle and search for the development of a professional project that leads towards the sociability awareness that goes beyond capital.
A presente pesquisa tem como objeto de estudo o campo religioso espírita no aspecto de sócio-espiritual, junto aos trabalhadores do Departamento de Assistência Social em duas instituições: O Centro Espírita Irmãos do Caminho e Grupo Espírita Oscar Nelson, para tanto analisando comparativamente aspectos de duas instituições espíritas na cidade de Natal, respectivamente com 27 e 46 anos de funcionamento. O critério de escolha das referidas casas foi pela relevância das atividades sociais e assistenciais desenvolvidas pelas mesmas. O que se quer é verificar se existe a consciência desses trabalhadores em relação à universalidade na sua prática de acolher a todos que adentram em suas instituições, independente de religião que professem ou se expressam preconceitos ou qualquer intolerância em relação aos assistidos no Departamento de Assistência Social. Assim, compreender as casas espíritas como sistema de apoio para as pessoas em suas enfermidades quer sejam físicas, psicológicas ou espirituais, levando em conta princípios de moralidade
Autism constitutes one of the most important pathologies of the pervasive developmental disorders (PDDs). It has early age-onset and is characterized by delay and deviance of social, communicative and cognitive development. Today, the presence of genetic factors in its etiology is well known, with familial recurrence of autism and other psychiatric conditions. Autism does not have usual Mendelian inheritence and presents genetic heterogeneity. Strong association has been found between autism and the fragile X syndrome (FMR-1 gene) and with tuberous sclerosis (Bourneville's syndrome). However, many different chromosomal abnormalities were recently described in autistic patients, mainly of chromosome 7 and 15. There are some genes on 15q11-q13 whose products have expression in the central nervous system, mainly synapses, which are subunits of neurotransmitters or ion channels (UBE3A, GABRA5, GABRB3, GABRG3, CHRNA7 e ITO). Some regions of chromosome 7 also have important developmental genes, as EN-2 and HOXA, which act on central nervous system formation. There seems then to exist genes associated with autism etiology on chromosomes 7,15 and X. The detailed study of these chromosomes can produce knowledgment about the biological mechanisms involved in this disturbance.
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Since the 1990s, research into indigenous history has grown both quantitatively and qualitatively in Brazilian academia. Nevertheless the concepts of ethnohistory and indigenous history have been frequently used imprecisely. This article discusses the concept of ethnohistory and its development. Also, it discusses the interdisciplinary character of research into indigenous history and its social relevance. Questions are also raised about the training of human resources for teaching, the research into indigenous history, the teaching of it in the context of basic education and the professional ethics of the researcher.
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