599 resultados para Rebecca Salsburry


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Avaliou-se o efeito da endotoxemia sobre a atividade antioxidante de macrófagos alveolares em ratos da linhagem Wistar. Foram utilizados 24 ratos machos, com idade entre 90 e 120 dias, os quais foram divididos em dois grupos: controle e endotoxêmico. O grupo endotoxêmico foi submetido à injeção intraperitonial de lipopolissacarídio na dose de 1mg/kg de peso corporal. Após 24 h, coletou-se sangue para contagem total e diferencial de leucócitos; lavado broncoalveolar para contagem total e diferencial dos leucócitos e, a partir de macrófagos isolados deste lavado, foram realizadas as dosagens de superóxido e superóxido dismutase. A endotoxemia aumentou a contagem total de leucócitos e o número de neutrófilos no sangue periférico, no lavado broncoalveolar, e aumentou a produção de superóxido sem modificar a produção da superóxido dismutase. Esses resultados sugerem que a endotoxemia induz a uma resposta inflamatória no pulmão. Contudo, não altera a atividade antioxidante em ratos adultos. Tal fato potencializa a resposta contra agentes infecciosos pelo hospedeiro, mas também pode contribuir na patogênese de injúria pulmonar.


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Resumo: A cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) é a principal cardiopatia dos felinos e é caracterizada por hipertrofia miocárdica concêntrica, sem dilatação ventricular. O ecocardiograma é o melhor meio diagnóstico não invasivo para a diferenciação das cardiomiopatias e é considerado padrão ouro para a detecção de hipertrofia ventricular presente na CMH. Alterações eletrocardiográficas também são comuns em animais com CMH e o eletrocardiograma (ECG) é um teste de triagem para detecção de hipertrofia ventricular em humanos, sendo um exame rápido e facilmente disponível. Em gatos, poucos estudos foram realizados quanto à sensibilidade e especificidade do ECG na detecção de hipertrofia ventricular. Com a intenção de avaliar o uso do ECG como ferramenta de triagem para diagnóstico de CMH em felinos, gatos da raça Persa (n=82) foram avaliados por meio de exames ecocardiográfico e eletrocardiográfico. Animais com bloqueios e/ou distúrbios de condução foram excluídos da análise estatística (n=22). Posteriormente, os animais incluídos foram classificados em: normais (n=38), suspeitos (n=6) e acometidos pela CMH (n=16). Observaram-se diferenças estatísticas na amplitude da onda P em DII e na amplitude de onda R em DII, CV6LL e CV6LU, com valores maiores nos animais com CMH; e nos valores ecocardiográficos de velocidade e gradiente de pressão do fluxo aórtico, diâmetro do átrio esquerdo (AE) e relação AE/Ao, com valores maiores nos gatos com CMH. Dentre os animais com alterações eletrocardiográficas sugestivas de sobrecarga atrial esquerda (n=7), apenas dois realmente apresentavam aumento do AE no ecocardiograma; e dentre os animais com aumento atrial esquerdo ao ecocardiograma (n=7), apenas dois apresentavam alterações eletrocardiográficas sugestivas de sobrecarga do AE (sensibilidade de 40,40% e especificidade de 90,90%). Dentre os gatos com alterações eletrocardiográficas sugestivas de sobrecarga ventricular esquerda (n=6), cinco realmente apresentavam hipertrofia ventricular ao ecocardiograma; e dentre os animais com CMH ao ecocardiograma (n=16), apenas cinco apresentaram alterações eletrocardiográficas sugestivas de sobrecarga do VE (sensibilidade de 31,25% e especificidade de 97,72%). Observou-se correlação positiva entre espessura diastólica do septo interventricular e/ou da parede livre do ventrículo esquerdo e a amplitude da onda R em derivações DII e CV6LU. O eletrocardiograma é um exame rápido e de fácil execução, apresenta boa especificidade na detecção de hipertrofia ventricular em felinos, porém, possui baixa sensibilidade, com grande número de falsos negativos. Desta forma, o ECG auxilia no diagnóstico, mas não substitui o ecocardiograma na confirmação da hipertrofia ventricular.


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Workshop at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Syftet med den här pro gradu avhandlingen är att bidra med kunskap om hur storyline som undervisningsmetod kan användas i nybörjarundervisning. Klassläraren i undersökningen använder storyline som en av sina undervisningsmetoder i åk 1–3. Utgående från det övergripande syftet har följande huvudsakliga forskningsfråga utformats: ‐ Hur används storylinemetoden i nybörjarundervisning? Forskningen är kvalitativ och fenomenologi är forskningsansatsen som ligger till grund för avhandlingen. Till forskningsmetod valdes fallstudie. För att få en helhetsbild av storylineanvändningen har en intervju och en granskning av två av respondentens storylinesekvensplaner använts som datainsamlingsmetoder. Genom intervjun strävades efter att ta reda på bakgrund och motiv till lärarens storylineanvändning, planering av sekvenserna, karakteristiska drag för storylineanvändningen, ämnen integrerade i sekvenserna och sekvensernas innehåll. Respondenten använder storyline eftersom hon anser att elevernas motivation ökar då allt som görs kan kopplas till en berättelse. Elevernas fantasi och kreativitet utvecklas också genom att de är med och skapar berättelsens innehåll. Elevernas egen aktivitet motiverar också respondentens storylineanvändning. En storylinesekvens är vanligtvis fem till sex veckor lång, den tiden är optimal eftersom klassen behöver tid för fördjupa sig i sekvensen ordentligt. Under en storylinesekvens arbetar klassen i medeltal fem lektioner per vecka. För att förtydliga storylinesekvensens miljö görs en fris (en bakgrundsbild) längs hela bakre väggen i klassen. Frisen fylls på längs med storylinearbetet. En storyline består av många olika delar. Syftet med inledningen är att väcka elevernas intresse och uppehålla motivationen. Varje storylinesekvens har också karaktärer som eleverna tillverkar. Karaktärerna är viktiga eftersom de bildar en röd tråd genom berättelsen. I en storylinesekvens händer det mycket. Oftast är det så att eleverna skickas ut med sin karaktär på något uppdrag. Storylinesekvenser avslutas alltid på ett speciellt sätt. En ordentlig avslutning är viktig för att eleverna ska känna att sekvensen är slut och kan lämna berättelsen och karaktärerna bakom sig.


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This thesis explores the relationship between exercises of disciplinary power and acts of resistance as they relate to the negotiation of identities at Spanish Residential School between the years of 1878 and 1930. The school itself, originally Wikwemikong Industrial School, was administered by the Jesuits and the Daughters of the Heart of Mary and relocated to Spanish, Ontario in 1913. Various archival and printed sources have been used to reveal methods of disciplinary power that administrators used to reshape the Aboriginal students. However, despite their incessant efforts, the administrators of Spanish Residential School did not succeed in completely reforming their pupils. The documentary record, then, also suggests that students at Spanish Residential School, although confined in a very oppressive institution, creatively used opportunities to alter their circumstances.


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This qualitative exploratory research investigates how Canadian Jewish girls understand the discursive stereotype of the Jewish American Princess (JAP), and how they take up these understandings of the J AP in relation to their identities. Three focus groups and six interviews were conducted with girls attending Jewish high schools in Toronto, Canada to explore these questions. From a third wave Jewish feminist perspective, and taking a mediated action approach to identity, two analyses were conducted. A thematic analysis of peer relations, gender, community, and religious understandings demonstrates how aspects of individual identities mediate interpretations of the JAP. A series ofpor t rai t s of JAP-related identity were constructed to analyze how the JAP discursive stereotype also functions as a cultural tool that is taken up by the participants to mediate expressions of their identities. These findings establish the contradictory ways these Jewish girls describe, interpret, and utilize the JAP discursive stereotype, and the complex roles it plays in their social worlds.


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William Van Every, son of McGregory and Mary Wilcox (Jaycocks) Van Every, was born in New York state in 1765. During the Revolutionary War he joined Butler’s Rangers and served under Captain John McDonnell. He was granted three lots of land in the Township of Niagara, with additional lands granted at later dates. William married Elizabeth, daughter of George Young. Elizabeth was the widow of Col. Frederick Dochstader and mother of Catherine Dochstader, b. 1781. William Van Every died in 1832, his wife Elizabeth in 1851. Both are buried in the Warner Cemetery, in present day Niagara Falls. The children of William Van Every and Elizabeth Young were Mary, Elizabeth, Phoebe, John, Peter, William, Rebecca, Samuel and Joseph. Source: Mary Blackadar Piersol, The Records of the Van Every Family, Toronto : Best Printing, 1947. And, Patricia M. Orr, Historic Woodend, sponsored by Niagara Peninsula Conservation Authority, 1980?


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This thesis investigated the subcellular location of skeletal muscle PLIN proteins (PLIN2, PLIN3, and PLIN5) as well as protein interactions with ATGL and HSL at rest and following lipolytic stimulation. In addition, the serine phosphorylation state of PLIN2, PLIN3, and PLIN5 was determined at rest and following lipolytic stimulation. An isolated whole muscle technique was used to study the effects of contraction and epinephrine-induced lipolysis. This method allowed for the examination of the effects of contraction and epinephrine alone and in combination. Further, the soleus was chosen for investigating the role of PLIN proteins in skeletal muscle lipolysis due to its suitability for isolated incubation, and the fact that it is primarily oxidative in nature (~80% type I fibres). It has also been previously shown to have the greatest reliance on lipid metabolism and for this reason is ideal for investigating the role of PLIN proteins in lipolysis. Immunofluorescence microscopy revealed that skeletal muscle lipid droplets are partially co-localized to both PLIN2 and PLIN5 and that contraction does not affect the amount of colocalization, indicating that PLIN5 is not recruited to lipid droplets with contraction (PLIN2 ~65%; PLIN5 ~56%). Results from the immunoprecipitation studies revealed that with lipolysis in skeletal muscle the interaction between ATGL and CGI-58 is increased (study 2: 128% with contraction, p<0.05; study 3: 50% with contraction, 25% epinephrine, 80% contraction + epinephrine, p>0.05). Further PLIN2, PLIN3, and PLIN5 all interact with ATGL and HSL, while only PLIN3 and PLIN5 interact with CGI-58. Among these interactions, the association between PLIN2 and ATGL decreases with lipolytic stimulation (study 2: 21% with contraction, p<0.05). Finally our results demonstrate that PLIN3 and PLIN5 are serine phosphorylated at rest and that the level of phosphorylation remains unchanged in the face of either contractile or adrenergic stimulation. In summary, the regulation of skeletal muscle lipolysis is a complex process involving multiple proteins and enzymes. The skeletal muscle PLIN proteins likely play a role in skeletal muscle lipid droplet dynamics, and the data from this thesis indicate that these proteins may work together in regulating lipolysis by interaction with both ATGL and HSL.


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Estelle Cuffe Hawley (1894-1995) was an educator, businesswoman and politician, who became the first woman alderman on the St. Catharines City Council. She began her career as a teacher in Peterborough in 1913, and later taught in St. Catharines at Connaught School and St. Paul’s Ward School, where she served as Principal for six years. In 1928-29, she worked as an exchange teacher in Edmonton, Alberta. This would be Estelle’s last year in the teaching profession. She moved back to St. Catharines in 1930 and began a career in business, as an employee of Sun Life Assurance Co. She remained in this profession until around 1952. It was during this period that she became very active in the community and local politics. In 1934 she was elected to the St. Catharines Board of Education, where she advocated for the improvement of teachers’ salaries, the introduction of nursing services in schools, and the inclusion of music in the curriculum. She served as a member of the school board until 1937. The following year, she became the first woman elected to the St. Catharines City Council. As an alderman, she worked to improve the community's social welfare services, serving consecutively as chairman of all committees. She established comprehensive health services (including medical, dental and nursing), in the public, separate and secondary schools of St. Catharines, the first program of its kind in Canada. She was also instrumental in establishing minimum housing standards and engaging the public in local government by arranging a series of lectures by city officials. She remained a member of City Council until 1943. The following year she campaigned unsuccessfully for the mayoralty. In 1953 she married Hubert Hawley and moved to Orillia. She continued to remain active in the community, serving as President of the Ontario Recreation Association from 1950-1953, and editor of their Bulletin from 1955-1961. During the 1960s, she worked with various groups, including the Voice of Women, the Mental Health Association and the Freedom from Hunger Campaign. In addition to this work, Estelle wrote poetry and short stories, some of which were published in the Peterborough Review, the Globe and Mail and the Canadian Churchman. Some of her short stories (often about her childhood experiences) were broadcast on the CBC, as well as her experiences as a Town Councillor (under the pseudonym Rebecca Johnson in 1961). She also broadcast a segment that was part of a series called “Winning the Peace” in April 1944. Estelle was a sought-after public speaker, speaking on topics such as peace, democracy, citizenship, education, and women’s rights. In 1976, Brock University conferred an honorary Doctor of Law degree to Estelle for her leadership as an educator, businesswoman and a stateswoman. Her husband Hubert died that same year, and Estelle subsequently moved to Mississauga. With the assistance of an Ontario Heritage Foundation grant, she began work on her memoir. She later moved back to Orillia and died there in 1995, at the age of 101.