973 resultados para Real-time performance


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This paper describes the design, implementation and testing of a high speed controlled stereo “head/eye” platform which facilitates the rapid redirection of gaze in response to visual input. It details the mechanical device, which is based around geared DC motors, and describes hardware aspects of the controller and vision system, which are implemented on a reconfigurable network of general purpose parallel processors. The servo-controller is described in detail and higher level gaze and vision constructs outlined. The paper gives performance figures gained both from mechanical tests on the platform alone, and from closed loop tests on the entire system using visual feedback from a feature detector.


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The real time hardware architecture of a deterministic video echo canceller (deghoster) system is presented. The deghoster is capable of calculating all the multipath channel distortion characteristics from terrestrial and cable television in one single pass while performing real time video in-line ghost cancellation. The results from the actual system are also presented in this paper.


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This paper describes an experimental application of constrained predictive control and feedback linearisation based on dynamic neural networks. It also verifies experimentally a method for handling input constraints, which are transformed by the feedback linearisation mappings. A performance comparison with a PID controller is also provided. The experimental system consists of a laboratory based single link manipulator arm, which is controlled in real time using MATLAB/SIMULINK together with data acquisition equipment.


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The authors present an active vision system which performs a surveillance task in everyday dynamic scenes. The system is based around simple, rapid motion processors and a control strategy which uses both position and velocity information. The surveillance task is defined in terms of two separate behavioral subsystems, saccade and smooth pursuit, which are demonstrated individually on the system. It is shown how these and other elementary responses to 2D motion can be built up into behavior sequences, and how judicious close cooperation between vision and control results in smooth transitions between the behaviors. These ideas are demonstrated by an implementation of a saccade to smooth pursuit surveillance system on a high-performance robotic hand/eye platform.


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We present the first climate prediction of the coming decade made with multiple models, initialized with prior observations. This prediction accrues from an international activity to exchange decadal predictions in near real-time, in order to assess differences and similarities, provide a consensus view to prevent over-confidence in forecasts from any single model, and establish current collective capability. We stress that the forecast is experimental, since the skill of the multi-model system is as yet unknown. Nevertheless, the forecast systems used here are based on models that have undergone rigorous evaluation and individually have been evaluated for forecast skill. Moreover, it is important to publish forecasts to enable open evaluation, and to provide a focus on climate change in the coming decade. Initialized forecasts of the year 2011 agree well with observations, with a pattern correlation of 0.62 compared to 0.31 for uninitialized projections. In particular, the forecast correctly predicted La Niña in the Pacific, and warm conditions in the north Atlantic and USA. A similar pattern is predicted for 2012 but with a weaker La Niña. Indices of Atlantic multi-decadal variability and Pacific decadal variability show no signal beyond climatology after 2015, while temperature in the Niño3 region is predicted to warm slightly by about 0.5 °C over the coming decade. However, uncertainties are large for individual years and initialization has little impact beyond the first 4 years in most regions. Relative to uninitialized forecasts, initialized forecasts are significantly warmer in the north Atlantic sub-polar gyre and cooler in the north Pacific throughout the decade. They are also significantly cooler in the global average and over most land and ocean regions out to several years ahead. However, in the absence of volcanic eruptions, global temperature is predicted to continue to rise, with each year from 2013 onwards having a 50 % chance of exceeding the current observed record. Verification of these forecasts will provide an important opportunity to test the performance of models and our understanding and knowledge of the drivers of climate change.


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This research presents a novel multi-functional system for medical Imaging-enabled Assistive Diagnosis (IAD). Although the IAD demonstrator has focused on abdominal images and supports the clinical diagnosis of kidneys using CT/MRI imaging, it can be adapted to work on image delineation, annotation and 3D real-size volumetric modelling of other organ structures such as the brain, spine, etc. The IAD provides advanced real-time 3D visualisation and measurements with fully automated functionalities as developed in two stages. In the first stage, via the clinically driven user interface, specialist clinicians use CT/MRI imaging datasets to accurately delineate and annotate the kidneys and their possible abnormalities, thus creating “3D Golden Standard Models”. Based on these models, in the second stage, clinical support staff i.e. medical technicians interactively define model-based rules and parameters for the integrated “Automatic Recognition Framework” to achieve results which are closest to that of the clinicians. These specific rules and parameters are stored in “Templates” and can later be used by any clinician to automatically identify organ structures i.e. kidneys and their possible abnormalities. The system also supports the transmission of these “Templates” to another expert for a second opinion. A 3D model of the body, the organs and their possible pathology with real metrics is also integrated. The automatic functionality was tested on eleven MRI datasets (comprising of 286 images) and the 3D models were validated by comparing them with the metrics from the corresponding “3D Golden Standard Models”. The system provides metrics for the evaluation of the results, in terms of Accuracy, Precision, Sensitivity, Specificity and Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) so as to enable benchmarking of its performance. The first IAD prototype has produced promising results as its performance accuracy based on the most widely deployed evaluation metric, DSC, yields 97% for the recognition of kidneys and 96% for their abnormalities; whilst across all the above evaluation metrics its performance ranges between 96% and 100%. Further development of the IAD system is in progress to extend and evaluate its clinical diagnostic support capability through development and integration of additional algorithms to offer fully computer-aided identification of other organs and their abnormalities based on CT/MRI/Ultra-sound Imaging.


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Energy storage is a potential alternative to conventional network reinforcementof the low voltage (LV) distribution network to ensure the grid’s infrastructure remainswithin its operating constraints. This paper presents a study on the control of such storagedevices, owned by distribution network operators. A deterministic model predictive control (MPC) controller and a stochastic receding horizon controller (SRHC) are presented, wherethe objective is to achieve the greatest peak reduction in demand, for a given storagedevice specification, taking into account the high level of uncertainty in the prediction of LV demand. The algorithms presented in this paper are compared to a standard set-pointcontroller and bench marked against a control algorithm with a perfect forecast. A specificcase study, using storage on the LV network, is presented, and the results of each algorithmare compared. A comprehensive analysis is then carried out simulating a large number of LV networks of varying numbers of households. The results show that the performance of each algorithm is dependent on the number of aggregated households. However, on a typical aggregation, the novel SRHC algorithm presented in this paper is shown to outperform each of the comparable storage control techniques.


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Factor forecasting models are shown to deliver real-time gains over autoregressive models for US real activity variables during the recent period, but are less successful for nominal variables. The gains are largely due to the Financial Crisis period, and are primarily at the shortest (one quarter ahead) horizon. Excluding the pre-Great Moderation years from the factor forecasting model estimation period (but not from the data used to extract factors) results in a marked fillip in factor model forecast accuracy, but does the same for the AR model forecasts. The relative performance of the factor models compared to the AR models is largely unaffected by whether the exercise is in real time or is pseudo out-of-sample.


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The real-time quality control (RTQC) methods applied to Argo profiling float data by the United Kingdom (UK) Met Office, the United States (US) Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Centre, the Australian Bureau of Meteorology and the Coriolis Centre are compared and contrasted. Data are taken from the period 2007 to 2011 inclusive and RTQC performance is assessed with respect to Argo delayed-mode quality control (DMQC). An intercomparison of RTQC techniques is performed using a common data set of profiles from 2010 and 2011. The RTQC systems are found to have similar power in identifying faulty Argo profiles but to vary widely in the number of good profiles incorrectly rejected. The efficacy of individual QC tests are inferred from the results of the intercomparison. Techniques to increase QC performance are discussed.


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Aura explored the potential of motion capture and 3D stereo projection to visualize 1950's dance philosopher, Susanne K. Langer's notion of 'virtual force'.


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Providing real-time or continuous media (CM) application services in wireless networks poses a significant challenge, as it requires timely delivery of data in a best-effort network. In this paper, we propose a cache-based scheme for mobility-aware, CM applications. The proposed scheme exploits a previously proposed caching strategy to complement Mobile-IP by placing services closer to migrated mobile nodes. The central idea of this work is based on the migration of sessions in order to facilitate uninterrupted delivery of CM in mobile environments. The performance of the proposed scheme is investigated by simulation studies. In particular, the effect of the proposed scheme on several QoS parameters under varying conditions of mobility and CM data is measured.


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We present a system to detect parked vehicles in a typical parking complex using multiple streams of images captured through IP connected devices. Compared to traditional object detection techniques and machine learning methods, our approach is significantly faster in detection speed in the presence of multiple image streams. It is also capable of comparable accuracy when put to test against existing methods. And this is achieved without the need to train the system that machine learning methods require. Our approach uses a combination of psychological insights obtained from human detection and an algorithm replicating the outcomes of a SVM learner but without the noise that compromises accuracy in the normal learning process. Performance enhancements are made on the algorithm so that it operates well in the context of multiple image streams. The result is faster detection with comparable accuracy. Our experiments on images captured from a local test site shows very promising results for an implementation that is not only effective and low cost but also opens doors to new parking applications when combined with other technologies.


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'The First Time' is a performance about twelve beginning teachers' first experiences, and is constructed from data generated throughout 2011 for my PhD through a theatre-based research approach. ‘The First Time’ is performed by teachers - most of whom are drama teachers - in order to sensitively represent the real stories of the research participants. 'The First Time' centers around first experiences in teaching, and while it is primarily about beginning teachers' experiences, the idea of firsts in teaching is a universal one, and one through which teachers share their experiences, knowledge and understanding of the ways of becoming a teacher. The workshop includes a performance of 'The First Time' and a discussion of the themes that have been raised through the staging of this performance - such as beginning teacher's experiences, performing the stories of real people, teachers' experiences as performers, and the uses of theatre-based research methods. The workshop also includes the opportunity for participants to experiment with the theatre-based research method.


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The success of cloud computing makes an increasing number of real-time applications such as signal processing and weather forecasting run in the cloud. Meanwhile, scheduling for real-time tasks is playing an essential role for a cloud provider to maintain its quality of service and enhance the system's performance. In this paper, we devise a novel agent-based scheduling mechanism in cloud computing environment to allocate real-time tasks and dynamically provision resources. In contrast to traditional contract net protocols, we employ a bidirectional announcement-bidding mechanism and the collaborative process consists of three phases, i.e., basic matching phase, forward announcement-bidding phase and backward announcement-bidding phase. Moreover, the elasticity is sufficiently considered while scheduling by dynamically adding virtual machines to improve schedulability. Furthermore, we design calculation rules of the bidding values in both forward and backward announcement-bidding phases and two heuristics for selecting contractors. On the basis of the bidirectional announcement-bidding mechanism, we propose an agent-based dynamic scheduling algorithm named ANGEL for real-time, independent and aperiodic tasks in clouds. Extensive experiments are conducted on CloudSim platform by injecting random synthetic workloads and the workloads from the last version of the Google cloud tracelogs to evaluate the performance of our ANGEL. The experimental results indicate that ANGEL can efficiently solve the real-time task scheduling problem in virtualized clouds.


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As clouds have been deployed widely in various fields, the reliability and availability of clouds become the major concern of cloud service providers and users. Thereby, fault tolerance in clouds receives a great deal of attention in both industry and academia, especially for real-time applications due to their safety critical nature. Large amounts of researches have been conducted to realize fault tolerance in distributed systems, among which fault-tolerant scheduling plays a significant role. However, few researches on the fault-tolerant scheduling study the virtualization and the elasticity, two key features of clouds, sufficiently. To address this issue, this paper presents a fault-tolerant mechanism which extends the primary-backup model to incorporate the features of clouds. Meanwhile, for the first time, we propose an elastic resource provisioning mechanism in the fault-tolerant context to improve the resource utilization. On the basis of the fault-tolerant mechanism and the elastic resource provisioning mechanism, we design novel fault-tolerant elastic scheduling algorithms for real-time tasks in clouds named FESTAL, aiming at achieving both fault tolerance and high resource utilization in clouds. Extensive experiments injecting with random synthetic workloads as well as the workload from the latest version of the Google cloud tracelogs are conducted by CloudSim to compare FESTAL with three baseline algorithms, i.e., Non-M igration-FESTAL (NMFESTAL), Non-Overlapping-FESTAL (NOFESTAL), and Elastic First Fit (EFF). The experimental results demonstrate that FESTAL is able to effectively enhance the performance of virtualized clouds.