959 resultados para Real Estate Commission of the District of Columbia (Proposed)
Using a variation of the Nelson-Siegel term structure model we examine the sensitivity of real estate securities in six key global markets to unexpected changes in the level, slop and curvature of the yield curve. Our results confirm the time-sensitive nature of the exposure and sensitivity to interest rates and highlight the importance of considering the entire term structure of interest rates. One issue that is of particular of interest is that despite the 2007-9 financial crisis the importance of unanticipated interest rate risk weakens post 2003. Although the analysis does examine a range of markets the empirical analysis is unable to provide definitive evidence as to whether REIT and property-company markets display heightened or reduced exposure.
A FTC-DOJ study argues that state laws and regulations may inhibit the unbundling of real estate brokerage services in response to new technology. Our data show that 18 states have changed laws in ways that promote unbundling since 2000. We model brokerage costs as measured by number of agents in a state-level annual panel vector autoregressive framework, a novel way of analyzing wasteful competition. Our findings support a positive relationship between brokerage costs and lagged house price and transactions. We find that change in full-service brokers responds negatively (by well over two percentage points per year) to legal changes facilitating unbundling
We evaluate the profitability of investments in residential property in Germany after unification with a focus on the comparison of East and West Germany. Calculations are carried out for (1) the after-tax return an investor might have expected at the beginning of the 1990s, and (2) the after-tax return that has been realized ten years after. We compare a set of statistical data for investments in fifty major cities by using complete financial budgeting. The results show that tax subsidies could not always protect investors from losing money, but they have boosted realized returns after tax considerably. Therefore, it was indeed the taxpayers, not the investors, who have borne the cost of reconstructing East Germany.
Two leaves of a draft of a letter in Eliphalet Pearson's hand addressed to "Gentleman,"detailing the Committee of the town of Cambridge's attempts to tax real estate owned the College.
Four folio-sized leaves containing a handwritten copy of a petition to the Massachusetts General Court from the Harvard Corporation requesting the College's amount of tax exempt real estate be enlarged.
One octavo-sized leaf containing a short handwritten list of accounting figures.
Analisamos os determinantes de precificação de Certificados de Recebíveis Imobiliários (CRIs) com relação ao ativo objeto e níveis de garantias, controlando por variáveis de tamanho, prazo e rating. Verifica-se um prêmio médio adicional em CRIs de 1,0 p.p. quando comparados com debêntures de prazos semelhantes e de mesmo rating. A justificativa desse prêmio é analisada em duas frentes: (a) apesar de CRI seguir relativa padronização, encontramos que o papel pode representar diferentes níveis de risco e ativos-objeto; e (b) essa falta de padronização leva a níveis de precificação diferenciados por suas características específicas de riscos. Os diferentes níveis de risco são percebidos pelas diversas garantias utilizadas sendo que 41% das emissões possuem garantias pessoais de originadores (aval ou fiança). Conclui-se que existe, em geral, uma diferença de retornos positiva (o spread médio na emissão dos CRIs indexados à inflação foi de 321 bps superior à curva de juros de mercado), sendo mais preponderante a depender do segmento (prêmio para os segmentos residencial e loteamentos) e mitigado pelo nível de garantias oferecido. É possível verificar um prêmio médio de 1,4 p.p. para os segmentos residencial e de loteamentos. Algumas características das emissões foram analisadas como controle (tamanho, prazo e, por fim, das notas e origem da agência avaliadora de rating). Os CRIs de maior volume e maior prazo apresentam spreads menores. Quanto ao rating, os CRIs apresentam efeitos diversos a depender do segmento. Para CRIs residenciais, o efeito é positivo (redução de spread) caso a emissão seja avaliada por alguma agência de rating, enquanto que para os CRIs comerciais, o efeito é negativo. O efeito pode ser positivo para os CRIs comerciais (redução de spread) em caso de avaliação por agência de rating internacional ou possuir notas de rating superiores à nota ‘A’.
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Shipping list no.: 98-0336-P.
Shipping list no.: 2000-0347-P.
Shipping list no.: 2000-0347-P.
Shipping list no.: 2001-0042-P.
Cover title: Airport study, 1960.