999 resultados para Rashba spin splitting


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Motivated by recent experimental observation of spin-orbit coupling in carbon nanotube quantum dots [F. Kuemmeth , Nature (London) 452, 448 (2008)], we investigate in detail its influence on the Kondo effect. The spin-orbit coupling intrinsically lifts out the fourfold degeneracy of a single electron in the dot, thereby breaking the SU(4) symmetry and splitting the Kondo resonance even at zero magnetic field. When the field is applied, the Kondo resonance further splits and exhibits fine multipeak structures resulting from the interplay of spin-orbit coupling and the Zeeman effect. A microscopic cotunneling process for each peak can be uniquely identified. Finally, a purely orbital Kondo effect in the two-electron regime is also predicted.


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The high-spin states of Pm-140 have been investigated through the reaction Te-126(F-19, 5n) at a beam energy of 90 MeV. A previous level scheme based on the 8(-) isomer has been updated with spin up to 23 (h) over bar. A total of 22 new levels and 41 new transitions were identified. Six collective bands were observed. Five of them were expanded or re-constructed, and one of them was newly identified. The systematic signature splitting and inversion of the yrast pi h(11/2)circle times vh(11/2) band in Pr and Pm odd-odd isotopes has been discussed. Based on the systematic comparison, two Delta I = 2 bands were proposed as double-decoupled bands; other two bands with strong Delta I = 1 M1 transitions inside the bands were suggested as oblate bands with gamma similar to -60 degrees; another band with large signature splitting has been proposed with oblate-triaxial deformation with gamma similar to -90 degrees. The characteristics for these bands have been discussed.


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The singlet-triplet splitting energy gap DeltaE(S.T) = E-S - E-T is calculated for the ortho-, meta-, and para-xylylenes and their heteroatomic analogous by means of AM1-CI approach. It is shown that when the radical centers R-.(R-.=H2C.-,H2N.+- or HN.-) are twisted sufficiently Tar out of conjugation with the benzene ring, DeltaE(S.T) tends to zero or is negative, i.e, ortho-, meta-, and para-phenylenes turn into weak ferromagnetic or antiferromagnetic coupling unit, while they are strong ferromagnetic (meta-isomers) or antiferromagnetic (ortho-, para-isomers) coupling units under planar conformation. It is suggested that serious twisted conformation is not recommended candidate for the design of novel high-spin molecules with stable high-spin ground states by ortho- or para-phenylene coupling unit.


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The series of biradicals with m-phenylene coupling unit and hetero-spin centers were calculated compared with those possessing home-spin centers using AM1-CI method. A simple rule was proposed to design high spin molecules with ferromagnetic coupling unit and hetero-spin centers. Two neutral (or charged) hetero-spin centers resulted in high spin ground state, one neutral and another charged hetero-spin centers correspond to low spin ground state. The latter was ascribed to the huge splitting of two partially occupied molecular orbitals.


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We have determined photoionization spectra of Ar with excitation of the 3p(4)(P-3)4p states emphasizing the effects of two different classes of Ar+ spin-orbit interactions. The spin-orbit splitting of each Ar+ state adequately describes the resonant excitation of the quartet states of Ar+, and gives Ar photoionization cross sections with excitation of the 3p4(3P)4p P-2(3/2)o and P-4(5/2)o levels of Ar+ in sufficiently good agreement with experiment to identify the observed resonances and to estimate the excitation strengths. In addition, we demonstrate the importance of spin-orbit induced mixing of different Ar+ LS-coupled states for observables such as the alignment of the 3p(4)(P-3)4p P-4(5/2)o level and the excitation of Rydberg series converging to the 3p(4)(P-3)4p S-2(o) and S-4(o) thresholds.


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Les transitions de spin provoquent des changements de propriétés physiques des complexes de métaux du bloc d les subissant, notamment de leur structure et propriétés spectroscopiques. Ce mémoire porte sur la spectroscopie Raman de composés du fer(II) et du fer(III), pour lesquels on induit une transition de spin par variation de la température ou de la pression. Trois complexes de fer(II) de type FeN4(NCS)2 avec des comportements de transition de spin différents ont été étudiés : Fe(Phen)2(NCS)2 (Phen : 1,10-Phénanthroline), Fe(Btz)2(NCS)2 (Btz : 2,2’-bi-4,5-dihydrothiazine) et Fe(pyridine)4(NCS)2. Un décalage de l’ordre de 50 cm-1 est observable pour la fréquence d’étirement C-N du ligand thiocyanate des complexes FeN4(NCS)2, lors de la transition de spin induite par variation de la température ou de la pression. Il est possible d’utiliser cette variation de fréquence afin de tracer un profil de transition. Quatre complexes isomères de type FeL222(CN)2 (L222 : 2,13- diméthyl-6,9-dioxa-3,12,18-triazabicyclo[12.3.1]-octadéca-1(18),2,12,14,16-pentaène) ont également été étudiés. Un taux de décalage de l’ordre d’environ 0,03 cm-1/K est observé pour plusieurs bandes du complexe FeL222(CN)2. La bande à 1415 cm-1 disparaît à plus haute température au profit d’une bande à 1400 cm-1. Pour le complexe de chiralité R,R’, les bandes à 1008 cm-1 et 1140 cm-1 se déplacent vers des fréquences plus élevées à partir de 223 K. Les transitions de spin sont observées dans certains complexes de fer(III). Dans cette famille de composés, le complexe Fe(EtDTC)3 (EtDTC : N,N-diéthyldithiocarbamate) a été étudié . Aucun changement n’a été observé dans l’intensité des bandes d’étirement fer-soufre sur les spectres à température variable. Cependant, la bande Fe-S associée à la forme bas-spin à 530 cm-1 augmente en intensité au profit de la bande associée à la forme haut-spin à 350 cm-1 lors des mesures à haute pression, passant d’un rapport d’amplitude de 50% à pression ambiante à 80% à 21 kbar. Un dédoublement de la bande d’étirement C-N du ligand dithiocarbamate à 1495 cm-1 est également observé à des pressions supérieures à 5 kbar. Une comparaison des changements des fréquences de vibration de tous les complexes est effectuée.


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Within the noncollinear local spin-density approximation, we have studied the ground state structure of a parabolically confined quantum wire submitted to an in-plane magnetic field, including both Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions. We have explored a wide range of linear electronic densities in the weak (strong) coupling regimes that appear when the ratio of spin-orbit to confining energy is small (large). These results are used to obtain the conductance of the wire. In the strong coupling limit, the interplay between the applied magnetic field¿irrespective of the in-plane direction, the exchange-correlation energy, and the spin-orbit energy-produces anomalous plateaus in the conductance vs linear density plots that are otherwise absent, or washes out plateaus that appear when the exchange-correlation energy is not taken into account.


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We investigate the spin Hall conductivity sigma (xy) (z) of a clean 2D electron gas formed in a two-subband well. We determine sigma (xy) (z) as arising from the inter-subband induced spin-orbit (SO) coupling eta (Calsaverini et al., Phys. Rev. B 78:155313, 2008) via a linear-response approach due to Rashba. By self-consistently calculating eta for realistic wells, we find that sigma (xy) (z) presents a non-monotonic (and non-universal) behavior and a sign change as the Fermi energy varies between the subband edges. Although our sigma (xy) (z) is very small (i.e., a parts per thousand(a)`` e/4 pi aEuro(3)), it is non-zero as opposed to linear-in-k SO models.


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Spin polarization is a key characteristic in developing spintronic devices. Diluted magnetic heterostructures (DMH), where subsequent layers of conventional and diluted magnetic semiconductors (DMS) are alternate, are one of the possible ways to obtain it. Si being the basis of modern electronics, Si or other group-IV DMH can be used to build spintronic devices directly integrated with conventional ones. In this work we study the physical properties and the spin-polarization effects of p-type DMH based in group-IV semiconductors (Si, Ge, SiGe, and SiC), by performing self-consistent (k) over right arrow . (p) over right arrow calculations in the local spin density approximation. We show that high spin polarization can be maintained in these structures below certain values of the carrier concentrations. Full spin polarization is attained in the low carrier concentration regime for carrier concentrations in the DMS layer up to similar to 2.0 x 10(19) cm(-3) for Si and up to similar to 6.0 x 10(19) cm(-3) for SiC. Partial, but still important spin polarization can be achieved for all studied group-IV DMH, with the exception of Ge for carrier concentrations up to 6.0 x 10(19) cm(-3). The role played by the effective masses and the energy splitting of the spin-orbit split-off hole bands is also discussed throughout the paper.


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Spin coherence generation in an ensemble of negatively charged (In,Ga)As/GaAs quantum dots was investigated by picosecond time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy measuring ellipticity. Robust coherence of the ground-state electron spins is generated by pumping excited charged exciton (trion) states. The phase of the coherent state, as evidenced by the spin ensemble precession about an external magnetic field, varies relative to spin coherence generation resonant with the ground state. The phase variation depends on the pump photon energy. It is determined by (a) pumping dominantly either singlet or triplet excited states, leading to a phase inversion, and (b) the subsequent carrier relaxation into the ground states. From the dependence of the precession phase and the measured g factors, information about the quantum dot shell splitting and the exchange energy splitting between triplet and singlet states can be extracted in the ensemble.


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The excitonic S1/S2 state splitting and the localization/delocalization of the S1 and S2 electronic states are investigated in the benzonitrile dimer (BN)2 and its 13C and d5 isotopomers by mass-resolved two-color resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy in a supersonic jet, complemented by calculations. The doubly hydrogen-bonded (BN-h5)2 and (BN-d5)2 dimers are C2h symmetric with equivalent BN moieties. Only the S0 → S2 electronic origin is observed, while the S0 → S1 excitonic component is electric-dipole forbidden. A single 12C/13C or 5-fold h5/d5 isotopic substitution reduce the dimer symmetry to Cs, so that the heteroisotopic dimers (BN)2-(h5 – h513C), (BN)2-(h5 – d5), and (BN)2-(h5 – h513C) exhibit both S0 → S1 and S0 → S2 origins. Isotope-dependent contributions Δiso to the excitonic splittings arise from the changes of the BN monomer zero-point vibrational energies; these range from Δiso(12C/13C) = 3.3 cm–1 to Δiso(h5/d5) = 155.6 cm–1. The analysis of the experimental S1/S2 splittings of six different isotopomeric dimers yields the S1/S2 exciton splitting Δexc = 2.1 ± 0.1 cm–1. Since Δiso(h5/d5) ≫ Δexc and Δiso(12C/13C) > Δexc, complete and near-complete exciton localization occurs upon 12C/13C and h5/d5 substitutions, respectively, as diagnosed by the relative S0 → S1 and S0 → S2 origin band intensities. The S1/S2 electronic energy gap of (BN)2 calculated by the spin-component scaled approximate second-order coupled-cluster (SCS-CC2) method is Δelcalc = 10 cm–1. This electronic splitting is reduced by the vibronic quenching factor Γ. The vibronically quenched exciton splitting Δelcalc·Γ = Δvibroncalc = 2.13 cm–1 is in excellent agreement with the observed splitting Δexc = 2.1 cm–1. The excitonic splittings can be converted to semiclassical exciton hopping times; the shortest hopping time is 8 ps for the homodimer (BN-h5)2, the longest is 600 ps for the (BN)2(h5 – d5) heterodimer.


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We observe the weak S 0 → S 2 transitions of the T-shaped benzene dimers (Bz)2 and (Bz-d 6)2 about 250 cm−1 and 220 cm−1 above their respective S 0 → S 1 electronic origins using two-color resonant two-photon ionization spectroscopy. Spin-component scaled (SCS) second-order approximate coupled-cluster (CC2) calculations predict that for the tipped T-shaped geometry, the S 0 → S 2 electronic oscillator strength f el (S 2) is ∼10 times smaller than f el (S 1) and the S 2 state lies ∼240 cm−1 above S 1, in excellent agreement with experiment. The S 0 → S 1 (ππ ∗) transition is mainly localized on the “stem” benzene, with a minor stem → cap charge-transfer contribution; the S 0 → S 2 transition is mainly localized on the “cap” benzene. The orbitals, electronic oscillator strengths f el (S 1) and f el (S 2), and transition frequencies depend strongly on the tipping angle ω between the two Bz moieties. The SCS-CC2 calculated S 1 and S 2 excitation energies at different T-shaped, stacked-parallel and parallel-displaced stationary points of the (Bz)2 ground-state surface allow to construct approximate S 1 and S 2 potential energy surfaces and reveal their relation to the “excimer” states at the stacked-parallel geometry. The f el (S 1) and f el (S 2) transition dipole moments at the C 2v -symmetric T-shape, parallel-displaced and stacked-parallel geometries are either zero or ∼10 times smaller than at the tipped T-shaped geometry. This unusual property of the S 0 → S 1 and S 0 → S 2 transition-dipole moment surfaces of (Bz)2 restricts its observation by electronic spectroscopy to the tipped and tilted T-shaped geometries; the other ground-state geometries are impossible or extremely difficult to observe. The S 0 → S 1/S 2 spectra of (Bz)2 are compared to those of imidazole ⋅ (Bz)2, which has a rigid triangular structure with a tilted (Bz)2 subunit. The S 0 → S 1/ S 2 transitions of imidazole-(benzene)2 lie at similar energies as those of (Bz)2, confirming our assignment of the (Bz)2 S 0 → S 2 transition.


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We study the optically induced coupling between spins mediated by polaritons in a planar microcavity. In the strong-coupling regime, the vacuum Rabi splitting introduces anisotropies in the spin coupling. Moreover, due to their photonlike mass, polaritons provide an extremely long spin coupling range. This suggests the realization of two-qubit all-optical quantum operations within tens of picoseconds with spins localized as far as hundreds of nanometers apart.


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We study single electron transport across a single Bi dopant in a silicon nanotransistor to assess how the strong hyperfine coupling with the Bi nuclear spin I = 9/2 affects the transport characteristics of the device. In the sequential tunneling regime we find that at, temperatures in the range of 100 mK, dI/dV curves reflect the zero field hyperfine splitting as well as its evolution under an applied magnetic field. Our non-equilibrium quantum simulations show that nuclear spins can be partially polarized parallel or antiparallel to the electronic spin just tuning the applied bias.