964 resultados para Raman, espectroscopia de
La contrefaçon de médicaments est un délit qui n'a cessé d'augmenter ces dernières années. Diff érents spectromètres portables ont été proposés sur le marché afi n de permettre une détection rapide des contrefaçons sur le terrain. Les spectroscopies Raman, Infrarouge et Proche Infrarouge présentent des caractéristiques intéressantes pour l'analyse de médicaments douteux, propriétés qui sont exposées dans cet article. Une comparaison des diff érents instruments portables permet de présenter l'intérêt d'utiliser ces spectromètres pour la détection de contrefaçons.
A transportable Raman spectrometer was tested for the detection of illicit drugs seized during border controls. In a first step, the analysis methodology was optimized using reference substances such as diacetylmorphine (heroin), cocaine and amphetamine (as powder or liquid forms). Adequate focalisation distance and times of analysis, influence of daylight and artificial light sources, repeatability and limits of detection were studied. In a second step the applications and limitations of the technique to detect the illicit substances in different mixtures and containers was evaluated. Transportable Raman spectroscopy was found to be adequate for a rapid screen of liquids and powders for the detection and identification of controlled substances. Additionally, it had the advantage over other portable techniques, such as ion mobility spectrometry, of being non-destructive and capable of rapid analysis of large quantities of substances through containers such as plastic bags and glass bottles.
Raman spectroscopy has become an attractive tool for the analysis of pharmaceutical solid dosage forms. In the present study it is used to ensure the identity of tablets. The two main applications of this method are release of final products in quality control and detection of counterfeits. Twenty-five product families of tablets have been included in the spectral library and a non-linear classification method, the Support Vector Machines (SVMs), has been employed. Two calibrations have been developed in cascade: the first one identifies the product family while the second one specifies the formulation. A product family comprises different formulations that have the same active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) but in a different amount. Once the tablets have been classified by the SVM model, API peaks detection and correlation are applied in order to have a specific method for the identification and allow in the future to discriminate counterfeits from genuine products. This calibration strategy enables the identification of 25 product families without error and in the absence of prior information about the sample. Raman spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics is therefore a fast and accurate tool for the identification of pharmaceutical tablets.
Raman spectroscopy has become a widespread technique for the analysis ofpharmaceutical solid forms. The application proposed here is the investigationof counterfeit medicines. This serious global issue requires quick and accurateidentification methods to fight against this phenomenon. Thanks to its chemicalselectivity, rapidity of analysis and potential of generating repeatable spectralprofiles, Raman spectroscopy presents distinct advantages for the analysis ofcounterfeits. Combined with chemometric tools, the technique enablesthe detection, the determination of chemical composition and the profiling ofmedicine counterfeits.
RESUME La méthode de la spectroscopie Raman est une technique d'analyse chimique basée sur l'exploitation du phénomène de diffusion de la lumière (light scattering). Ce phénomène fut observé pour la première fois en 1928 par Raman et Krishnan. Ces observations permirent à Raman d'obtenir le Prix Nobel en physique en 1930. L'application de la spectroscopie Raman a été entreprise pour l'analyse du colorant de fibres textiles en acrylique, en coton et en laine de couleurs bleue, rouge et noire. Nous avons ainsi pu confirmer que la technique est adaptée pour l'analyse in situ de traces de taille microscopique. De plus, elle peut être qualifiée de rapide, non destructive et ne nécessite aucune préparation particulière des échantillons. Cependant, le phénomène de la fluorescence s'est révélé être l'inconvénient le plus important. Lors de l'analyse des fibres, différentes conditions analytiques ont été testées et il est apparu qu'elles dépendaient surtout du laser choisi. Son potentiel pour la détection et l'identification des colorants imprégnés dans les fibres a été confirmé dans cette étude. Une banque de données spectrale comprenant soixante colorants de référence a été réalisée dans le but d'identifier le colorant principal imprégné dans les fibres collectées. De plus, l'analyse de différents blocs de couleur, caractérisés par des échantillons d'origine inconnue demandés à diverses personnes, a permis de diviser ces derniers en plusieurs groupes et d'évaluer la rareté des configurations des spectres Raman obtenus. La capacité de la technique Raman à différencier ces échantillons a été évaluée et comparée à celle des méthodes conventionnelles pour l'analyse des fibres textiles, à savoir la micro spectrophotométrie UV-Vis (MSP) et la chromatographie sur couche mince (CCM). La technique Raman s'est révélée être moins discriminatoire que la MSP pour tous les blocs de couleurs considérés. C'est pourquoi dans le cadre d'une séquence analytique nous recommandons l'utilisation du Raman après celle de la méthode d'analyse de la couleur, à partir d'un nombre de sources lasers le plus élevé possible. Finalement, la possibilité de disposer d'instruments équipés avec plusieurs longueurs d'onde d'excitation, outre leur pouvoir de réduire la fluorescence, permet l'exploitation d'un plus grand nombre d'échantillons. ABSTRACT Raman spectroscopy allows for the measurement of the inelastic scattering of light due to the vibrational modes of a molecule when irradiated by an intense monochromatic source such as a laser. Such a phenomenon was observed for the first time by Raman and Krishnan in 1928. For this observation, Raman was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930. The application of Raman spectroscopy has been undertaken for the dye analysis of textile fibers. Blue, black and red acrylics, cottons and wools were examined. The Raman technique presents advantages such as non-destructive nature, fast analysis time, and the possibility of performing microscopic in situ analyses. However, the problem of fluorescence was often encountered. Several aspects were investigated according to the best analytical conditions for every type/color fiber combination. The potential of the technique for the detection and identification of dyes was confirmed. A spectral database of 60 reference dyes was built to detect the main dyes used for the coloration of fiber samples. Particular attention was placed on the discriminating power of the technique. Based on the results from the Raman analysis for the different blocs of color submitted to analyses, it was possible to obtain different classes of fibers according to the general shape of spectra. The ability of Raman spectroscopy to differentiate samples was compared to the one of the conventional techniques used for the analysis of textile fibers, like UV-Vis Microspectrophotometry (UV-Vis MSP) and thin layer chromatography (TLC). The Raman technique resulted to be less discriminative than MSP for every bloc of color considered in this study. Thus, it is recommended to use Raman spectroscopy after MSP and light microscopy to be considered for an analytical sequence. It was shown that using several laser wavelengths allowed for the reduction of fluorescence and for the exploitation of a higher number of samples.
A caracterização espectroscópica de substâncias húmicas do solo tem-se desenvolvido aceleradamente durante as últimas décadas. Entretanto, poucos são os trabalhos que associam esta técnica a estudos pedológicos envolvendo diferentes classes de solo, sobretudo em condições tropicais. Os ácidos húmicos extraídos de amostras de diferentes horizontes de um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo e de um Podzol, ambos situados na Serra do Brigadeiro, Araponga (MG), foram caracterizados, por meio da espectroscopia de absorção no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR) e por análise termodiferencial. Os espectros de infravermelho indicaram diferenças qualitativas entre os ácidos húmicos extraídos dos diferentes solos e entre os ácidos húmicos extraídos de diferentes horizontes de um mesmo solo. Observou-se a redução de intensidade dos picos relativos a estruturas alifáticas com o aprofundamento nos perfis, sendo evidentes os picos relativos a polissacarídeos nos horizontes orgânicos. Impurezas minerais foram observadas em todos os espectros de ácido húmico não purificado, indicando a necessidade do processo de purificação. O tratamento com HF-HCl demonstrou-se eficiente na remoção dessas impurezas, tendo os espectros diferenciais de ácidos húmicos antes e depois do processo de purificação apresentado o padrão típico de minerais secundários como caulinita e gibbsita. Após a purificação, observou-se um aumento na intensidade dos picos referentes aos grupos carboxílicos, evidenciando sua participação nas ligações entre os ácidos húmicos e a matriz mineral. A análise termodiferencial indicou maior resistência à termodegradação dos ácidos húmicos extraídos do horizonte Bhs do Podzol, em relação ao ácido húmico extraído do horizonte A do Latossolo, o que concorda com a feição mais aromática do primeiro, revelada pela análise dos espectros de infravermelho.
A cor é um dos principais atributos considerados na classificação dos solos, indicando a riqueza em matéria orgânica e a natureza mineralógica dos óxidos de ferro presentes. Este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a capacidade preditiva da cor do solo, determinada pela técnica de refletância difusa, na quantificação dos óxidos de Fe hematita e goethita em diferentes Latossolos brasileiros. Os espectros de refletância separaram os solos mais claros e amarelados dos mais escuros e de coloração vermelha mais intensa, indicando o aumento da refletividade decorrente da redução dos teores dos pigmentos hematita e matéria orgânica. A técnica espectroscópica permitiu a obtenção de valores de matizes mais precisos, com vantagem sobre a Caderneta de Munsell, que fornece dados a intervalos de 2,5 YR. A presença de hematita e goethita nas amostras foi facilmente identificada pela utilização da segunda derivada da função Kubelka-Munk. A similaridade dos espectros desta função, obtida para a terra fina, terra fina tratada com hipoclorito de sódio e fração argila, revela o pequeno efeito da matéria orgânica na expressão das curvas derivativas. Tais resultados indicam que esta técnica pode ser usada sem que seja necessária a separação da referida fração textural, como normalmente observado em outras técnicas de caracterização mineralógica. A segunda derivada da função Kubelka-Munk permitiu ainda a adequada estimativa dos teores de goethita e, principalmente, de hematita presentes nas diferentes amostras.
O aumento do interesse na produção dos alimentos denominados orgânicos fez crescer a demanda por insumos com características adequadas para atender a esse sistema de produção. Contudo, a qualidade dos denominados adubos orgânicos disponíveis para comercialização é, em alguns casos, questionável devido à falta de uma metodologia de análise que avalie o produto. Neste trabalho é apresentada uma proposta de metodologia baseada na avaliação do grau de humificação inferido por meio da quantificação dos radicais livres orgânicos (RLO), presentes na matéria orgânica, e que podem ser detectados por meio da espectroscopia de ressonância paramagnética eletrônica (RPE). Foram utilizadas nove amostras de adubos orgânicos de diferentes procedências e, como possíveis fontes de adulteração, dois solos e carvão vegetal. Os resultados mostraram significativa variação na concentração de RLO entre os diferentes adubos orgânicos analisados (de 0,10 × 10(18) spins g-1 a 1,84 × 10(18) spins g-1). A análise de componentes principais (PCA) confirmou a significância estatística entre as amostras com relação a esse parâmetro, podendo este ser utilizado para diferenciar os adubos orgânicos. Possíveis adulterações, provindas da adição de solos e carvão vegetal, foram detectadas pela observação de alterações nos espectros de RPE, como concentração de spins, largura de linha do sinal, fator g, forma de linha e surgimento de novos sinais. O limite de detecção de impurezas variou em torno de 5 e 10 %, dependendo do tipo de impureza adicionada e do parâmetro espectral analisado.
Thermal analysis, powder diffraction, and Raman scattering as a function of the temperature were carried out on K2BeF4. Moreover, the crystal structure was determined at 293 K from powder diffraction. The compound shows a transition from Pna21 to Pnam space group at 921 K with a transition enthalpy of 5 kJ/mol. The transition is assumed to be first order because the compound shows metastability. Structurally and spectroscopically the transition is similar to those observed in (NH4)2SO4, which suggests that the low-temperature phase is ferroelectric. In order to confirm it, the spontaneous polarization has been computed using an ionic model.
This article reports a detailed Raman scattering and microstructural characterization of S-rich CuIn(S,Se)2 absorbers produced by electrodeposition of nanocrystalline CuInSe2 precursors and subsequent reactive annealing under sulfurizing conditions. Surface and in-depth resolved Raman microprobe measurements have been correlated with the analysis of the layers by optical and scanning electron microscopy, x-ray diffraction, and in-depth Auger electron spectroscopy. This has allowed corroboration of the high crystalline quality of the sulfurized layers. The sulfurizing conditions used also lead to the formation of a relatively thick MoS2 intermediate layer between the absorber and the Mo back contact. The analysis of the absorbers has also allowed identification of the presence of In-rich secondary phases, which are likely related to the coexistence in the electrodeposited precursors of ordered vacancy compound domains with the main chalcopyrite phase, in spite of the Cu-rich conditions used in the growth. This points out the higher complexity of the electrodeposition and sulfurization processes in relation to those based in vacuum deposition techniques.
Stress in local isolation structures is studied by micro‐Raman spectroscopy. The results are correlated with predictions of an analytical model for the stress distribution and with cross‐sectional transmission electron microscopy observations. The measurements are performed on structures on which the Si3N4 oxidation mask is still present. The influence of the pitch of the periodic local isolation pattern, consisting of parallel lines, the thickness of the mask, and the length of the bird"s beak on the stress distribution are studied. It is found that compressive stress is present in the Si substrate under the center of the oxidation mask lines, with a magnitude dependent on the width of the lines. Large tensile stress is concentrated under the bird"s beak and is found to increase with decreasing length of the bird"s beak and with increasing thickness of the Si3N4 film.
An analysis of silicon on insulator structures obtained by single and multiple implants by means of Raman scattering and photoluminescence spectroscopy is reported. The Raman spectra obtained with different excitation powers and wavelengths indicate the presence of a tensile strain in the top silicon layer of the structures. The comparison between the spectra measured in both kinds of samples points out the existence in the multiple implant material of a lower strain for a penetration depth about 300 nm and a higher strain for higher penetration depths. These results have been correlated with transmission electron microscopy observations, which have allowed to associate the higher strain to the presence of SiO2 precipitates in the top silicon layer, close to the buried oxide. The found lower strain is in agreement with the better quality expected for this material, which is corroborated by the photoluminescence data.
In this paper we show that the orthorhombic phase of FeSi2 (stable at room temperature) displays a sizable anisotropy in the infrared spectra, with minor effects in the Raman data too. This fact is not trivial at all, since the crystal structure corresponds to a moderate distortion of the fluorite symmetry. Our analysis is carried out on small single crystals grown by flux transport, through polarization-resolved far-infrared reflectivity and Raman measurements. Their interpretation has been obtained by means of the simulated spectra with tight-binding molecular dynamics.
In this paper we present the Raman scattering of self-assembled InSb dots grown on (001) oriented InP substrates. The samples were grown by pulsed molecular beam epitaxy mode. Two types of samples have been investigated. In one type the InSb dots were capped with 200 monolayers of InP; in the other type no capping was deposited after the InSb dot formation. We observe two peaks in the Raman spectra of the uncapped dot, while only one peak is observed in the Raman spectra of the capped dots. In the case of the uncapped dots the peaks are attributed to LO-like and TO-like vibration of completely relaxed InSb dots, in agreement with high resolution transmission electron microscopy photographs. The Raman spectra of the capped dot suggest a different strain state in the dot due to the capping layer.