187 resultados para Radiografía bitewing


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the depth of carious lesions on bitewing radiographs. Methods Recently extracted primary molars had their proximal surfaces evaluated visually (EC) and classified as healthy surface (0), signs that suggest the presence of carious lesions in enamel (1), signs of a superficial lesion in dentin (2) and carious lesions in deep dentin (3). Results The results were obtained by consensus between the investigators. The gold standard was determined by histological analysis. The values of sensitivity, specificity, accuracy and area under the ROC (Receiver Operating Characteristic) curve were evaluated. There was equilibrium between sensitivity (76.92% EC and 88.46% ER) and specificity (95.83% EC and 95.83% ER). Accuracy was 86.01% (EC) and 88.46% (ER). The Spearman correlation test was used to prove the correlation between clinical and radiographic examinations (0.886), for clinical and histological (0.736) and for radiographic and histological analysis (0.843).


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To evaluate the influence of examiner's clinical experience on detection and treatment decision of caries lesions in primary molars. Design Three experienced dentists (Group A) and three undergraduate students (Group B) used the International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) criteria and bitewing radiographs (BW) to perform examinations twice in 77 primary molars that presented a sound or carious occlusal surface. For the treatment decision (TD), the examiners attributed scores, analyzing the teeth in conjunction with the radiographs. The presence and the depth of lesion were validated histologically, and reproducibility was evaluated. The sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, and area under the ROC curve values were calculated for ICDAS and BW. The associations between ICDAS, BW, and TD were analyzed by means of contingency tables. Results Interexaminer agreement for ICDAS, BW, and TD were excellent for Group B and moderate for Group A. The two groups presented similar and satisfactory performance for caries lesion detection using ICDAS and BW. In the treatment decision, Group A was shown to have a less invasive approach than Group B. Conclusion The examiner's experience was not determinant for the clinical and radiographic detection of occlusal lesions in primary teeth but influenced the treatment decision of initial lesions.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES


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Hidden caries is a type of lesion visualized in dentin, mainly by means of bitewing radiographs, in which, clinically, the occlusal enamel appears healthy or minimally demineralized and radiographically presents progressive demineralization in dentin, which may progress and compromise the pulp-dentin complex. Although the etiology of hidden caries is unknown, many theories have been studied, including structural and anatomical defects of enamel, their specific microbiota and the use of fluoride, which is most accepted theory. Considering the clinical concern, since these lesions have a silent progression and often are not detected on routine clinical examinations, this study aims to conduct a critical discussion of the etiology, prevalence, diagnostic methods and treatment decision for lesions of hidden caries, alerting professionals about the importance of routine use of bitewing radiographs even in patients considered “cariesfree” or low risk of caries, for more effective diagnosis.


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The apical surgery with simultaneous root filling consists in the elimination of the local etiologic factors concomitant with the shaping and obturation of the root canal system. This technique is indicated when there is no possibility of obturating the root canal by conventional methods. Some adverse factors may difficult the clinical procedures, such as the radiographic interpretation. Periapical radiographs must not be used as the main diagnostic resource due to their inherent disadvantages, such as distortion and superimposition with other anatomical structures. The aim of this clinical case report is to show the limitations of radiographic examination in an apical surgery in which a root perforation was not visible in the radiographic image, as well as the gutta-percha was not related to its real clinical location.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Radiography is usually the primary method of diagnosis to be used in the initial evaluation of the chest. In view of recent technological advances in ultrasound machines, noncardiac transthoracic ultrasound has become an important method of diagnosis for diseases of the lung, pleura, mediastinum and chest wall. Despite limitations due to the difficulty of efficient sound propagation in air, this exam allows fast decisions and makes sample collection safer and more effective. Knowledge of the sonographic chest anatomy is however restricted because of the artifact caused by the presence of air in lungs. When absent, it facilitates the detection of thoracic alterations. The aim of this review is to present the main abnormalities that are likely to be detected by ultrasonography.


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The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of interdental spacing on the performance of proximal caries detection methods in primary molars. In addition, aspects related to temporary tooth separation with orthodontic separators were evaluated. The proximal spaces between the posterior primary teeth (n = 344) of 76 children (4-12 years old) were evaluated before and after temporary separation. Stainless steel strips with different standardized thicknesses were used to measure the presence of biological spacing and the spacing obtained after temporary separation with orthodontic rubber rings. First, the presence of proximal caries lesions was assessed by visual inspection, bitewing radiographs and a pen-type laser fluorescence device (DIAGNOdent pen). Visual inspection after temporary separation with separators was the reference standard method in checking the actual presence of caries. Multilevel analyses were performed considering different outcomes: the performance of the methods in detecting caries lesions and the spacing after temporary separation. The spacing did not influence the performance of the caries detection methods. The maximum spacing obtained with temporary tooth separation was 0.80 mm (mean +/- standard deviation = 0.46 +/- 0.13 mm). The temporary separation was more effective in the upper arch and less effective when an initial biological interdental spacing was present. The biological interdental spacing does not influence the performance of proximal caries detection methods in primary molars, and temporary tooth separation provides spacing narrower than 1.0 mm.


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Mini-implant insertion requires accurate surgical technique. This study shows an insertion technique using only tooth crown references; its scientific basis is evaluated radiographically. The sample consisted of 213 inter-radicular septa, evaluated in 53 bitewing radiographs. The proximal contour of adjacent tooth crowns was used to define septum width. The midpoint of the septum width was linked to the interdental contact point to determine septum midline. The distances from septum midline to "mesial and distal teeth were measured to evaluate the septum midline centralization degree in two different septum heights. The difference between mesial and distal distances represented the septum midline deviation degree. The mesial and distal distances were compared by t-tests, and the septum midline deviation was correlated with septum height using Pearson's correlation test. The mesial and distal distances were not statistically different in the midpoint of the septum height, but they were different at the apical septum height. There was a moderate correlation (r = 0.45) between septum midline deviation and septum height. The tooth crown references evaluated on interproximal radiographs determine a high centralization degree of the septum midline on which the insertion site could be defined. The greater centralization degree was observed at the coronal septum area.


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Because discomfort caused by different approximal caries detection methods can influence their performance, the assessment of this discomfort is important. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the discomfort reported by children after the use of different diagnostic methods to detect approximal caries lesions in primary teeth: visual inspection, bitewing radiography, laser fluorescence (DIAGNOdent pen - LFpen) and temporary separation with orthodontic rubbers. Seventy-six children aged 4 to 12 years were examined using these methods. Their discomfort was assessed using the Wong-Baker scale and compared among the methods. Visual inspection caused less discomfort than did other methods. Radiography and the LFpen presented similar levels of discomfort. Older children reported higher discomfort using temporary separation, whereas younger children reported less discomfort with the LFpen. In conclusion, radiographic, temporary separation and LFpen methods provoke higher discomfort than visual inspection.


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OBJETIVO: Avaliar a posição das estruturas anatômicas em risco durante a inserção de parafusos pediculares na coluna torácica e sua relação com a variação do ângulo de Cobb. MÉTODOS: Os parâmetros estudados foram: a medida do ângulo de Cobb nas radiografias e a posição da medula espinhal, da cavidade pleural e aorta na ressonância nuclear magnética em relação a uma linha de 40mm criada para simular o parafuso pedicular nas cinco vértebras apicais. RESULTADOS: A distância da aorta ao corpo vertebral e o ângulo de segurança do lado convexo apresentaram diferença estatística quando relacionados com a variação do ângulo de Cobb medido. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados apresentados sugerem maior risco de lesão da artéria aorta com o aumento do ângulo de Cobb e aumento do risco na inserção de parafusos pediculares no lado convexo da curvatura, quando se considera o ângulo de segurança.


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Esta investigación planteó la consecución de dos objetivos: mostrarnos la radiografía de las características de los educadores sociales que ejerce la profesión en los recursos residenciales de atención a la infancia y adolescencia en situación de riesgo social y conocer el nivel de desarrollo de las funciones educativas que estos profesionales tienen atribuidas en el marco residencial. El marco teórico que enmarca la investigación se estructura en dos bloques temáticos complementarios, uno primero que presenta un recorrido histórico de la profesionalización de la educación social según las dimensiones que transforman una ocupación en una profesión: corporativa, formativa, social y laboral. Con relación al segundo bloque, se estructura en el marco jurídico, el administrativo y el educativo que recogen las funciones que tiene atribuidas el educador social en los recursos residenciales. La comparación entre estos tres marcos permite plantear una clasificación de las funciones en cinco áreas: atención educativa individual, atención educativa grupal, en relación con el equipo educativo, en relación con el entorno social/red extensa y las funciones en relación con los servicios sociales de protección. Finalmente presenta las conclusiones como resultado de la pasación de un cuestionario autoadminsitrado a un universo poblacional de 600 educadores de centros de acogida y centros residenciales de atención educativa de Barcelona y provincia. Describe las características de estos profesionales: perfil demográfico, perfil formativo y perfil laboral y, propone una nueva clasificación de funciones atendiendo su desarrollo actual: funciones de atención directa, funciones de sistematización de la información e intervención educativa y funciones del trabajo en equipo.


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Scoprire come funziona la natura non è fine a se stesso. A volte ci vogliono anni, decenni o ancora di più per comprendere che una scoperta, che può risultare agli occhi dei più inutile, è in grado di cambiar la vita di molti. Può sembrare di aver buttato via soldi, tempo e intelletto. Ma la ricerca e lo studio pagano sempre. La qualità della vita è migliorata e migliorerà notevolmente grazie a chi si è impegnato e si impegna nella ricerca. Basti pensare alla corrente elettrica e al riscaldamento nelle nostre case; ai mezzi che ci permettono di spostarci sempre più velocemente in posti sempre più lontani; a modi di comunicare anch’essi più veloci e più fruibili. Anche la medicina ha fatto passi da gigante, spesso grazie alle applicazioni della fisica, soprattutto nel settore della fisica nucleare. Oggi sentiamo parlare di PET, di risonanza magnetica; tutti nella nostra vita abbiamo fatto una radiografa, ma pochi conoscono i principi che ci sono dietro queste tecniche mediche. In questa tesi sarà discusso in modo più accurato l’utilizzo della fissione nucleare e la sua storia.