972 resultados para Radial Capillary


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The authors compared radial steady-state free precession (SSFP) coronary magnetic resonance (MR) angiography, cartesian k-space sampling SSFP coronary MR angiography, and gradient-echo coronary MR angiography in 16 healthy adults and four pilot study patients. Standard gradient-echo MR imaging with a T2 preparatory pulse and cartesian k-space sampling was the reference technique. Image quality was compared by using subjective motion artifact level and objective contrast-to-noise ratio and vessel sharpness. Radial SSFP, compared with cartesian SSFP and gradient-echo MR angiography, resulted in reduced motion artifacts and superior vessel sharpness. Cartesian SSFP resulted in increased motion artifacts (P <.05). Contrast-to-noise ratio with radial SSFP was lower than that with cartesian SSFP and similar to that with the reference technique. Radial SSFP coronary MR angiography appears preferable because of improved definition of vessel borders.


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O trabalho foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de avaliar a evolução física do processo de remoção de água das sementes em secador estacionário, com cilindro central perfurado e distribuição radical de ar. A pesquisa foi conduzida com sementes de soja, variando o fluxo (26,9, 28,4 e 33,2 m³/minuto/t) e a temperatura do ar insuflado (42, 46 e 50ºC), considerando a posição das sementes (17, 34 e 51 cm em relação ao cilindro de insuflação) e o tempo de secagem (zero a doze horas, com intervalos de duas horas). Foram caracterizados o ar ambiente, o ar insuflado, as temperaturas e os teores de água da massa, as velocidades e curvas de secagem. As avaliações realizadas destacaram vantagens físicas operacionais da combinação de 28,4 m³/minuto/t com 46ºC e o contrário, com a combinação de 26,9 m³/minuto/t com 42ºC.


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O trabalho avaliou, em sementes de soja, as conseqüências qualitativas provenientes da secagem estacionária com distribuição radial de ar, variando o fluxo (26,9, 28,4 e 33,2 m³/minuto/t) e a temperatura do ar insuflado (42, 46 e 50ºC), considerando a posição das sementes na massa (17, 34 e 51 cm em relação ao cilindro de insuflação) e o tempo de secagem (0 a 12 horas, com intervalos de quatro horas). Para tanto, além das determinações das temperaturas e dos teores de água da massa, foi avaliado o desempenho fisiológico das sementes no início e ao final de seis meses de armazenamento. Apesar das vantagens físicas operacionais resultantes da combinação entre o fluxo e a temperatura intermediários (28,4 m³/minuto/t e 46ºC), a qualidade fisiológica foi menos prejudicada nas combinações dos menores fluxos (26,9 e 28,4 m³/minuto/t) com a maior temperatura (50ºC) e do maior fluxo (33,2 m³/minuto/t) com as menores temperaturas (42 e 46ºC); entre estas, levando em conta os aspectos físico-operacionais, a associação de 28,4 m³/minuto/t com 50ºC foi a mais eficiente na retirada de água das sementes. Assim, admitindo os intervalos de fluxo (26,9 a 33,2 m³/minuto/t) e de temperatura (42 a 50ºC) estudados, conclui-se que a elevação na temperatura demanda redução no fluxo e, inversamente, o aumento no fluxo demanda redução na temperatura.


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OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to investigate the impact of radial k-space sampling and steady-state free precession (SSFP) imaging on image quality in MRI of coronary vessel walls. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Eleven subjects were examined on a 1.5-T MR system using three high-resolution navigator-gated and cardiac-triggered 3D black blood sequences (cartesian gradient-echo [GRE], radial GRE, and radial SSFP) with identical spatial resolution (0.9 x 0.9 x 2.4 mm3). The signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), contrast-to-noise ratio (CNR), vessel wall sharpness, and motion artifacts were analyzed. RESULTS: The mean SNR and CNR of the coronary vessel wall were improved using radial imaging and were best using radial k-space sampling combined with SSFP imaging. Vessel border definition was similar for all three sequences. Radial k-space sampling was found to be less sensitive to motion. Consistently good image quality was seen with the radial GRE sequence. CONCLUSION: Radial k-space sampling in MRI of coronary vessel walls resulted in fewer motion artifacts and improved SNR and CNR. The use of SSFP imaging, however, did not result in improved coronary vessel wall visualization.


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Capillary electrophoresis has drawn considerable attention in the past few years, particularly in the field of chiral separations because of its high separation efficiency. However, its routine use in therapeutic drug monitoring is hampered by its low sensitivity due to a short optical path. We have developed a capillary zone electrophoresis (CZE) method using 2mM of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin as a chiral selector, which allows base-to-base separation of the enantiomers of mianserin (MIA), desmethylmianserin (DMIA), and 8-hydroxymianserin (OHMIA). Through the use of an on-column sample concentration step after liquid-liquid extraction from plasma and through the presence of an internal standard, the quantitation limits were found to be 5 ng/mL for each enantiomer of MIA and DMIA and 15 ng/mL for each enantiomer of OHMIA. To our knowledge, this is the first published CE method that allows its use for therapeutic monitoring of antidepressants due to its sensitivity down to the low nanogram range. The variability of the assays, as assessed by the coefficients of variation (CV) measured at two concentrations for each substance, ranged from 2 to 14% for the intraday (eight replicates) and from 5 to 14% for the interday (eight replicates) experiments. The deviations from the theoretical concentrations, which represent the accuracy of the method, were all within 12.5%. A linear response was obtained for all compounds within the range of concentrations used for the calibration curves (10-150 ng/mL for each enantiomer of MIA and DMIA and 20-300 ng/mL for each enantiomer of OHMIA). Good correlations were calculated between [(R) + (S)]-MIA and DMIA concentrations measured in plasma samples of 20 patients by a nonchiral gas chromatography method and CZE, and between the (R)- and (S)-concentrations of MIA and DMIA measured in plasma samples of 37 patients by a previously described chiral high-performance liquid chromatography method and CZE. Finally, no interference was noted from more than 20 other psychotropic drugs. Thus, this method, which is both sensitive and selective, can be routinely used for therapeutic monitoring of the enantiomers of MIA and its metabolites. It could be very useful due to the demonstrated interindividual variability of the stereoselective metabolism of MIA.


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The flow of two immiscible fluids through a porous medium depends on the complex interplay between gravity, capillarity, and viscous forces. The interaction between these forces and the geometry of the medium gives rise to a variety of complex flow regimes that are difficult to describe using continuum models. Although a number of pore-scale models have been employed, a careful investigation of the macroscopic effects of pore-scale processes requires methods based on conservation principles in order to reduce the number of modeling assumptions. In this work we perform direct numerical simulations of drainage by solving Navier-Stokes equations in the pore space and employing the Volume Of Fluid (VOF) method to track the evolution of the fluid-fluid interface. After demonstrating that the method is able to deal with large viscosity contrasts and model the transition from stable flow to viscous fingering, we focus on the macroscopic capillary pressure and we compare different definitions of this quantity under quasi-static and dynamic conditions. We show that the difference between the intrinsic phase-average pressures, which is commonly used as definition of Darcy-scale capillary pressure, is subject to several limitations and it is not accurate in presence of viscous effects or trapping. In contrast, a definition based on the variation of the total surface energy provides an accurate estimate of the macroscopic capillary pressure. This definition, which links the capillary pressure to its physical origin, allows a better separation of viscous effects and does not depend on the presence of trapped fluid clusters.


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The velocity of a liquid slug falling in a capillary tube is lower than predicted for Poiseuille flow due to presence of menisci, whose shapes are determined by the complex interplay of capillary, viscous, and gravitational forces. Due to the presence of menisci, a capillary pressure proportional to surface curvature acts on the slug and streamlines are bent close to the interface, resulting in enhanced viscous dissipation at the wedges. To determine the origin of drag-force increase relative to Poiseuille flow, we compute the force resultant acting on the slug by integrating Navier-Stokes equations over the liquid volume. Invoking relationships from differential geometry we demonstrate that the additional drag is due to viscous forces only and that no capillary drag of hydrodynamic origin exists (i.e., due to hydrodynamic deformation of the interface). Requiring that the force resultant is zero, we derive scaling laws for the steady velocity in the limit of small capillary numbers by estimating the leading order viscous dissipation in the different regions of the slug (i.e., the unperturbed Poiseuille-like bulk, the static menisci close to the tube axis and the dynamic regions close to the contact lines). Considering both partial and complete wetting, we find that the relationship between dimensionless velocity and weight is, in general, nonlinear. Whereas the relationship obtained for complete-wetting conditions is found in agreement with the experimental data of Bico and Quere [J. Bico and D. Quere, J. Colloid Interface Sci. 243, 262 (2001)], the scaling law under partial-wetting conditions is validated by numerical simulations performed with the Volume of Fluid method. The simulated steady velocities agree with the behavior predicted by the theoretical scaling laws in presence and in absence of static contact angle hysteresis. The numerical simulations suggest that wedge-flow dissipation alone cannot account for the entire additional drag and that the non-Poiseuille dissipation in the static menisci (not considered in previous studies) has to be considered for large contact angles.


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BACKGROUND: The radial artery is routinely used as a graft for surgical arterial myocardial revascularization. The proximal radial artery anastomosis site remains unknown. In this study, we analyzed the short-term results and the operative risk determinants after having used four different common techniques for radial artery implantation. METHODS: From January 2000 to December 2004, 571 patients underwent coronary artery bypass grafting with radial arteries. Data were analyzed for the entire population and for subgroups following the proximal radial artery anastomosis site: 140 T-graft with the mammary artery (group A), 316 free-grafts with the proximal anastomosis to the ascending aorta (group B), 55 mammary arteries in situ elongated with the radial artery (group C) and 60 radial arteries elongated with a piece of mammary artery and anastomosed to the ascending aorta (group D). RESULTS: The mean age was 53.8 +/- 7.7 years; 55.5% of patients had a previous myocardial infarction and 73% presented with a satisfactory left ventricular function. A complete arterial myocardial revascularization was achieved in 532 cases (93.2%) and 90.2% of the procedures were performed under cardiopulmonary bypass and cardioplegic arrest. The operative mortality rate was 0.9%, a postoperative myocardial infarction was diagnosed in 19 patients (3.3%), an intra-aortic balloon pump was used in 10 patients (1.7%) and a mechanical circulatory device was implanted in 2 patients. The radial artery harvesting site remained always free from complications. The proximal radial artery anastomosis site was not a determinant of early hospital mortality. Group C showed a higher risk of postoperative myocardial infarction (p = 0.09), together with female gender (p = 0.003), hypertension (p = 0.059) and a longer cardiopulmonary bypass time. CONCLUSIONS: The radial artery and the mammary artery can guarantee multiple arterial revascularization also for patients with contraindications to double mammary artery use. The four most common techniques for proximal radial artery anastomosis are not related to a higher operative risk and they can be used alternatively to reach the best surgical results


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Le but de ce travail doctoral était le développement de méthodes analytiques pour la détermination dethyl glucuronide et dethyl sulfate. Ces deux substances sont des métabolites directs de lethanol qui peuvent être détectées pendant des heures jusqu'à des jours dans des fluides corporels, après que léthanol ait été complètement éliminé du corps humain. Ce sont donc des marqueurs de consommation récente d'alcool.La majorité des expériences ont été effectuées en utilisant l'électrophorèse capillaire. Il était envisagé de fournir des méthodes utilisables dans des laboratoires de routine. Des méthodes électrophorétiques ont été développées et optimisées pour la détermination dethyl sulfate dans le sérum et l'urine ainsi que pour lethyl glucuronide dans le sérum. Lethyl glucuronide urinaire a pu être déterminé par un immunoassay commerciale qui a en plus été adapté avec succès pour des échantillons de sérum. Avec toutes ces méthodes d'analyse il était possible d'observer les deux marqueurs de consommation d'alcool récente, même une consommation aussi basse qu'un verre de boissons alcooliques.Finalement, une étude englobant plus de 100 échantillons aété effectuée avec l'ambition de déterminer les valeurs de référence pour lethyl glucuronide dans le sérum et l'urine. De plus, la nécessité de normaliser les échantillons d'urine par rapport à la dilution a été investiguée. Grâce à cette étude des valeurs de cut-off et une base statistique pour l'interprétation probabiliste ont pu être proposées.


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Respiratory motion is a major source of artifacts in cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Free-breathing techniques with pencil-beam navigators efficiently suppress respiratory motion and minimize the need for patient cooperation. However, the correlation between the measured navigator position and the actual position of the heart may be adversely affected by hysteretic effects, navigator position, and temporal delays between the navigators and the image acquisition. In addition, irregular breathing patterns during navigator-gated scanning may result in low scan efficiency and prolonged scan time. The purpose of this study was to develop and implement a self-navigated, free-breathing, whole-heart 3D coronary MRI technique that would overcome these shortcomings and improve the ease-of-use of coronary MRI. A signal synchronous with respiration was extracted directly from the echoes acquired for imaging, and the motion information was used for retrospective, rigid-body, through-plane motion correction. The images obtained from the self-navigated reconstruction were compared with the results from conventional, prospective, pencil-beam navigator tracking. Image quality was improved in phantom studies using self-navigation, while equivalent results were obtained with both techniques in preliminary in vivo studies.


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The aim of this study was to assess the prognostic significance of scleroderma capillary pattern (SD-pattern) in patients with Raynaud's phenomenon. Thirty patients with a capillaroscopy examination suggestive of scleroderma (megacapillaries and/or avascularity) but without clinical criteria of scleroderma (ARA criteria) were reevaluated 6 years after the initial clinical and capillaroscopy examinations. SD-pattern abnormalities were classified according to a semiquantitative method. Eight out of the 28 evaluated patients (28%) developed a scleroderma spectrum disorder (SDS). The presence of avascularity and/or a mean of more than two megacapillaries digit greatly enhanced the percentage of evolution toward SDS (70%/88% respectively). Most of the patients with few enlarged capillaries and no capillary rarefaction at entry had primary acrocyanosis (11/15). None of them developed SDS. The microangiopathy disappeared during the follow-up period in most of these patients (14/15). These results confirm the prognostic value of SD-pattern capillary abnormalities for SDS. Primary acrocyanosis, a benign clinical entity should be considered in presence of few megacapillaries and without capillary rarefaction.


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BACKGROUND: The epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) is composed of three homologous subunits: alpha, beta, and gamma. Mutations in the Scnn1b and Scnn1g genes, which encode the beta and the gamma subunits of ENaC, cause a severe form of hypertension (Liddle syndrome). The contribution of genetic variants within the Scnn1a gene, which codes for the alpha subunit, has not been investigated. METHODS: We screened for mutations in the COOH termini of the alpha and beta subunits of ENaC. Blood from 184 individuals from 31 families participating in a study on the genetics of hypertension were analyzed. Exons 13 of Scnn1a and Scnn1b, which encode the second transmembrane segment and the COOH termini of alpha- and beta-ENaC, respectively, were amplified from pooled DNA samples of members of each family by PCR. Constant denaturant capillary electrophoresis (CDCE) was used to detect mutations in PCR products of the pooled DNA samples. RESULTS: The detection limit of CDCE for ENaC variants was 1%, indicating that all members of any family or up to 100 individuals can be analyzed in one CDCE run. CDCE profiles of the COOH terminus of alpha-ENaC in pooled family members showed that the 31 families belonged to four groups and identified families with genetic variants. Using this approach, we analyzed 31 rather than 184 samples. Individual CDCE analysis of members from families with different pooled CDCE profiles revealed five genotypes containing 1853G-->T and 1987A-->G polymorphisms. The presence of the mutations was confirmed by DNA sequencing. For the COOH terminus of beta-ENaC, only one family showed a different CDCE profile. Two members of this family (n = 5) were heterozygous at 1781C-->T (T594M). CONCLUSION: CDCE rapidly detects point mutations in these candidate disease genes.