142 resultados para RHEOMETER
Compósitos de polímeros de polietileno linear de baixa densidade (LLDPE) possuem baixo desempenho mecânico devido principalmente à sua fraca interação, intermolecular, entre a cadeia polimérica e a carga. Uma maneira de minimizar esse baixo desempenho mecânico se faz com a mudança da estrutura química da poliolefina com a inserção de um grupo polar a sua cadeia, ou seja, faz-se a funcionalização das poliolefinas. O sistema de funcionalização adotado foi o processamento reativo, no qual foi utilizado para este sistema de processamento o misturador de dupla rosca acoplado a um reâmetro de torque. Neste trabalho, os grupos polares inseridos à cadeia dos polímeros de LLDPE\'s de copolímeros 1-buteno e 1-octeno (LLDPE-but e LLDPE-oct) foram o anidrido maléico (AM) e o anidrido tetrahidroftálico (ATF). Para a confecção dos compósitos foram utilizadas as cargas de microesferas de sílica modificada, no qual foi inserido compostos silanados em sua superfície (3-aminopropilsilano - APS - e trimetoxiclorosilano TMCISi) para estudo de interação com as poliolefinas funcionalizadas. Neste trabalho foram realizados ensaios de caracterização térmica, vibracional além de análises de torque do polímero fundido, análises do grau de reticulação e ensaios mecânicos de tração por elongação. Na caracterização térmica foram utilizadas as técnicas: termogravimetria (TG) e calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC). Na caracterização vibracional utilizou-se a espectroscopia fotoacústica no infravermelho (PAS-IR) e a espectroscopia de espalhamento Raman. Pela técnica PAS-IR foi possível comprovar a inserção dos anidridos à cadeia das poliolefinas assim como foi possível verificar a interação entre o polímero funcionalizado e a carga. Pelas técnicas térmicas de DSC e TG foi possível verificar mudanças das propriedades do compósito frente aos polímeros originais ou funcionalizados. Os ensaios mecânicos comprovaram que os compósitos de polímeros funcionalizados possuem maior elongação e tensão à ruptura comparada aos compósitos dos LLDPE\'s não funcionalizados
O amido resistente de milho (ARM) não é digerido em humanos fornecendo benefícios para a saúde tais como redução do colesterol, do índice glicêmico e fermentação no cólon. Porém, a substituição parcial de farinha de trigo (FT) por ARM em massa de pão resulta na diluição do glúten prejudicando a qualidade do produto. Massa de pão foi produzida com 12,5 g/100g de ARM e os efeitos das enzimas glicose-oxidase (Gox), tranglutaminase (TG) e xilanase (HE) na massa foram estudados. Massa produzida sem ARM e sem enzimas foi considerada padrão e massa produzida com ARM e sem enzimas foi considerada controle para comparação. Uma metodologia foi desenvolvida para medir o torque durante o amassamento em grande escala, utilizando um reômetro dinâmico adaptado. As propriedades reológicas foram avaliadas nos testes de medidas descritivas de textura, adesividade Chen-Hoseney, extensão uniaxial Kieffer, extensão biaxial e testes oscilatórios em reômetro. Pão produzido de acordo com as formulações padrão, controle e ótima foi avaliado com relação ao volume específico (VEP), firmeza do miolo, cor e análise sensorial para o atributo preferência. As três enzimas testadas influenciaram positivamente o torque máximo atingido durante o amassamento que variou entre (8,36 e 9,38) N m. Gox e TG apresentaram efeito positivo na altura máxima desenvolvida pela massa medida em reofermentógrafo enquanto que o efeito da HE foi negativo. Uma formulação com ARM e enzimas apresentou desempenho de panificação similar a massa padrão (altura máxima ajustada igual a (45,5 ± 3,9) mm), correspondente a adição de (4, 2,5 e 0,5) mg/100g de TG, Gox e HE respectivamente (ótima). A formulação ótima apresentou adesividade, trabalho de adesão, coesividade, dureza, resiliência, resistência à extensão e extensibilidade similares a massa padrão e diferentes da massa controle. As enzimas aumentaram o índice de strain hardening reduzido pela adição de ARM. Para o pão de forma, o VEP variou entre (3,16 e 3,64) cm3/g (diferença não significativa) e o pão produzido com a formulação ótima foi o mais escolhido como preferido. Durante o armazenamento por até 7 dias, o ARM diminuiu a taxa de envelhecimento do pão enquanto que as enzimas apresentaram efeito oposto. Em geral, a substituição parcial de FT por ARM reduziu a elasticidade da massa diminuindo a qualidade do pão enquanto que as enzimas minimizaram esse efeito.
A ciência na qual se estuda a deformação de um fluido no qual é aplicada uma tensão de cisalhamento é conhecida como reologia e o equipamento utilizado para a realização dos ensaios é chamado de reômetro. Devido a impraticabilidade de uso de reômetros comerciais, diversos pesquisadores desenvolveram reômetros capazes de analisar suspensões de macropartículas, baseados nos mesmos princípios de funcionamento dos equipamentos já existentes. Em alguns casos, a medição do torque do motor é realizada pela aquisição da tensão, uma vez que esta é proporcional ao torque. Entretanto, para melhor compreensão do resultado e para evitar a possibilidade de conclusões precipitadas, vê-se necessária correta interpretação do sinal elétrico, precisando avaliar qual frequência do sinal é relevante para o ensaio e, também, qual a melhor taxa de amostragem. Além da aquisição, para que o ensaio reológico seja realizado com precisão, é indispensável ótimo controle da taxa ou tensão do motor e uma alternativa é a utilização de um servomotor e um servoconversor. No caso desse ser comercial é essencial saber configurá-lo. Para facilitar o usuário leigo, alguns pesquisadores desenvolveram softwares para controle do equipamento e análise dos dados. Assim, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo propor uma metodologia para compreender o sinal aquisitado de um reômetro servo controlado e desenvolvimento do software de análise para o tratamento dos dados obtidos a partir de ensaios reológicos. Verificou-se a melhor configuração do servocontrolador, a melhor taxa de amostragem, de no mínimo 20 amostras/segundo, e, também, desenvolveu-se um filtro digital passa-baixa do tipo FIR para remover a frequência indesejada. Além disso, foi desenvolvido um software utilizando uma rotina em Matlab e uma interface gráfica do usuário (Graphical User Interface - GUI), para o pós-processamento dos dados para auxiliar o usuário leigo no tratamento e interpretação do resultado, que se mostrou eficaz.
Neste trabalho compósitos foram obtidos a partir da blenda comercial 100% biodegradável Ecovio® C2224 da BASF, uma blenda formada por 55% em massa de um copoliéster biodegradável, o Ecoflex® (poli[(adipato de butileno)-co-(tereftalato de butileno)]) e 45% em massa de PLA poli(ácido láctico). Como carga, utilizaram-se dois tipos de argilas comerciais do grupo das esmectitas, ambas predominantemente montmorilonitas: Cloisite Sódica® e Cloisite 30B®. Também foi utilizado como carga a sílica coloidal comercial Aerosil 200®, com área superficial de 200 m2/g e diâmetro médio de partícula 12nm. Os compósitos estudados, ambos contendo 5% e 10% em massa de cargas, foram preparados em uma extrusora de rosca dupla, acoplada a um reômetro de torque. O estudo foi dividido em três etapas: 1ª) etapa: Obtenção e caracterização dos compósitos de Ecovio®/ argila e Ecovio® / sílica; 2ª) etapa: Avaliação da fotodegradação do Ecovio® puro e dos compósitos obtidos; 3ª) etapa: Avaliação da biodegradabilidade do Ecovio® puro e dos compósitos após exposição em câmara de UV. As propriedades mecânicas dos compósitos antes e depois de serem submetidos à exposição em câmara de UV foram avaliadas por ensaios de resistência à tração e resistência ao impacto Izod. Os resultados obtidos na 1ª etapa deste trabalho indicaram aumento nos valores de módulo de elasticidade de todos os compósitos, em relação à blenda pura. Destacam-se as composições com 5% e 10% em massa de sílica coloidal, que apresentaram aumentos de até 115% nos valores de módulo de elasticidade, sem perdas significativas em resistência à tração, alongamento e resistência ao impacto, quando comparadas à fase matriz. Na 2ª etapa, a partir de 20 dias de exposição, todas as composições (blendas e compósitos) apresentam redução nas propriedades mecânicas em função do aumento do tempo de exposição à radiação UV. Na 3ª etapa, independente do tipo ou teor de carga presente na blenda, todas as composições apresentaram índices de biodegradabilidade, depois de 120 dias, de 40 a 60%, devido à prévia exposição à radiação UV.
Dynamic rheological behaviour of starch-honey systems was studied using a strain-controlled rheometer. A dynamic temperature (30-130 degreesC) ramp test was used at 10 rad s(-1) frequency, 1% strain, 2 degreesC min(-1) ramp rate, 25 mm parallel plate, and 1.5 min gap, using Wheaten cornflour(TM) and five honeys to generate 25 formulations (0.34-0.80 g water/g dry starch). G', G, and eta* increased upon gelatinisation, and they reduced as the honey content was increased. For all the formulations, G' was higher than G, and tan 6 was generally less than 1.0. Key gelatinisation characterising temperatures (onset, peak and end) ranged from 96.0 to 122.3 degreesC, but did not vary much (CV < 5%) for each honey irrespective of the concentration. The influence of water, fructose and glucose, singly and in combination, on gelatinisation indices (temperature and rheological parameters) was investigated. An exponential equation was employed to describe the relationship, and relevant parameters were obtained. The consequences of the observations in the study are discussed particularly as they relate to extrusion of such systems, and possible interactions between fructose and glucose in the starch-honey systems. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The rheology of 10 Australian honeys was investigated at temperatures -15C to 0C by a strain-controlled rheometer. The honeys exhibited Newtonian behavior irrespective of the temperature, and follow the Cox-Merz rule. G/G' and omega are quadratically related, and the crossover frequencies for liquid to solid transformation and relaxation times were obtained. The composition of the honeys correlates well (r(2) > 0.83) with the viscosity, and with 24 7 data sets (Australian and Greek honeys), the following equation was obtained: mu = 1.41 x 10(-17) exp [-1.20M + 0.01F - 0.0G + (18.6 X 10(3)/T)] The viscosity of the honeys showed a strong dependence on temperature, and four models were examined to describe this. The models gave good fits (r(2) > 0.95), but better fits were obtained for the WLF model using T-g of the honeys and mu(g) = 10(11) Pa.s. The WLF model with its universal values poorly predicted the viscosity, and the implications of the measured rheological behaviors of the honeys in their processing and handling are discussed.
We investigate the dynamics of the capillary thinning and break-up process for low viscosity elastic fluids such as dilute polymer solutions. Standard measurements of the evolution of the midpoint diameter of the necking fluid filament are augmented by high speed digital video images of the break up dynamics. We show that the successful operation of a capillary thinning device is governed by three important time scales (which characterize the relative importance of inertial, viscous and elastic processes), and also by two important length scales (which specify the initial sample size and the total stretch imposed on the sample). By optimizing the ranges of these geometric parameters, we are able to measure characteristic time scales for tensile stress growth as small as 1 millisecond for a number of model dilute and semi-dilute solutions of polyethylene oxide (PEO) in water and glycerol. If the final aspect ratio of the sample is too small, or the total axial stretch is too great, measurements are limited, respectively, by inertial oscillations of the liquid bridge or by the development of the well-known beads-on-a-string morphology which disrupt the formation of a uniform necking filament. By considering the magnitudes of the natural time scales associated with viscous flow, elastic stress growth and inertial oscillations it is possible to construct an operability diagram characterizing successful operation of a capillary break-up extensional rheometer. For Newtonian fluids, viscosities greater than approximately 70 mPas are required; however for dilute solutions of high molecular weight polymer, the minimum Viscosity is substantially lower due to the additional elastic stresses arising from molecular extension. For PEO of molecular weight 2.10(6) g/mol, it is possible to measure relaxation times of order 1 ms in dilute polymer solutions with zero-shear-rate viscosities on the order of 2-10 mPas.
We explore both the rheology and complex flow behavior of monodisperse polymer melts. Adequate quantities of monodisperse polymer were synthesized in order that both the materials rheology and microprocessing behavior could be established. In parallel, we employ a molecular theory for the polymer rheology that is suitable for comparison with experimental rheometric data and numerical simulation for microprocessing flows. The model is capable of matching both shear and extensional data with minimal parameter fitting. Experimental data for the processing behavior of monodisperse polymers are presented for the first time as flow birefringence and pressure difference data obtained using a Multipass Rheometer with an 11:1 constriction entry and exit flow. Matching of experimental processing data was obtained using the constitutive equation with the Lagrangian numerical solver, FLOWSOLVE. The results show the direct coupling between molecular constitutive response and macroscopic processing behavior, and differentiate flow effects that arise separately from orientation and stretch. (c) 2005 The Society of Rheology.
The dynamics of drop formation and pinch-off have been investigated for a series of low viscosity elastic fluids possessing similar shear viscosities, but differing substantially in elastic properties. On initial approach to the pinch region, the viscoelastic fluids all exhibit the same global necking behavior that is observed for a Newtonian fluid of equivalent shear viscosity. For these low viscosity dilute polymer solutions, inertial and capillary forces form the dominant balance in this potential flow regime, with the viscous force being negligible. The approach to the pinch point, which corresponds to the point of rupture for a Newtonian fluid, is extremely rapid in such solutions, with the sudden increase in curvature producing very large extension rates at this location. In this region the polymer molecules are significantly extended, causing a localized increase in the elastic stresses, which grow to balance the capillary pressure. This prevents the necked fluid from breaking off, as would occur in the equivalent Newtonian fluid. Alternatively, a cylindrical filament forms in which elastic stresses and capillary pressure balance, and the radius decreases exponentially with time. A (0+1)-dimensional finitely extensible nonlinear elastic dumbbell theory incorporating inertial, capillary, and elastic stresses is able to capture the basic features of the experimental observations. Before the critical "pinch time" t(p), an inertial-capillary balance leads to the expected 2/3-power scaling of the minimum radius with time: R-min similar to(t(p)-t)(2/3). However, the diverging deformation rate results in large molecular deformations and rapid crossover to an elastocapillary balance for times t>t(p). In this region, the filament radius decreases exponentially with time R-min similar to exp[(t(p)-t)/lambda(1)], where lambda(1) is the characteristic time constant of the polymer molecules. Measurements of the relaxation times of polyethylene oxide solutions of varying concentrations and molecular weights obtained from high speed imaging of the rate of change of filament radius are significantly higher than the relaxation times estimated from Rouse-Zimm theory, even though the solutions are within the dilute concentration region as determined using intrinsic viscosity measurements. The effective relaxation times exhibit the expected scaling with molecular weight but with an additional dependence on the concentration of the polymer in solution. This is consistent with the expectation that the polymer molecules are in fact highly extended during the approach to the pinch region (i.e., prior to the elastocapillary filament thinning regime) and subsequently as the filament is formed they are further extended by filament stretching at a constant rate until full extension of the polymer coil is achieved. In this highly extended state, intermolecular interactions become significant, producing relaxation times far above theoretical predictions for dilute polymer solutions under equilibrium conditions. (C) 2006 American Institute of Physics
Metallocene catalyzed linear low density polyethylene (m-LLDPE) is a new generation of olefin copolymer. Based on the more recently developed metallocene-type catalysts, m-LLDPE can be synthesized with exactly controlled short chain branches and stereo-regular microstructure. The unique properties of these polymers have led to their applications in many areas. As a result, it is important to have a good understanding of the oxidation mechanism of m-LLDPE during melt processing in order to develop more effective stabilisation systems and continue to increase the performance of the material. The primary objectives of this work were, firstly, to investigate the oxidative degradation mechanisms of m-LLDPE polymers having different comonomer (I-octene) content during melt processing. Secondly, to examine the effectiveness of some commercial antioxidants on the stabilisation of m-LLDPE melt. A Ziegler-polymerized LLDPE (z-LLDPE) based on the same comonomer was chosen and processed under the same conditions for comparison with the metallocene polymers. The LLDPE polymers were processed using an internal mixer (torque rheometer, TR) and a co-rotating twin-screw extruder (TSE). The effects of processing variables (time, temperature) on the rheological (MI, MWD, rheometry) and molecular (unsaturation type and content, carbonyl compounds, chain branching) characteristics of the processed polymers were examined. It was found that the catalyst type (metallocene or Ziegler) and comonomer content of the polymers have great impact on their oxidative degradation behavior (crosslinking or chain scission) during melt processing. The metallocene polymers mainly underwent chain scission at lower temperature (<220°C) but crosslinking became predominant at higher temperature for both TR and TSE processed polymers. Generally, the more comonomers the m-LLDPE contains, a larger extent of chain scission can be expected. In contrast, crosslinking reactions were shown to be always dominant in the case of the Ziegler LLDPE. Furthermore, it is clear that the molecular weight distribution (MWD) of all LLDPE became broader after processing and tended generally to be broader at elevated temperatures and more extrusion passes. So, it can be concluded that crosslinking and chain scission are temperature dependent and occur simultaneously as competing reactions during melt processing. Vinyl is considered to be the most important unsaturated group leading to polymer crosslinking as its concentration in all the LLDPE decreased after processing. Carbonyl compounds were produced during LLDPE melt processing and ketones were shown to be the most imp0l1ant carbonyl-containing products in all processed polymers. The carbonyl concentration generally increased with temperature and extrusion passes, and the higher carbonyl content fonned in processed z-LLDPE and m-LLDPE polymers having higher comonomer content indicates their higher susceptibility of oxidative degradation. Hindered phenol and lactone antioxidants were shown to be effective in the stabilization of m-LLDPE melt when they were singly used in TSE extrusion. The combination of hindered phenol and phosphite has synergistic effect on m-LLDPE stabilization and the phenol-phosphite-Iactone mixture imparted the polymers with good stability during extrusion, especially for m-LLDPE with higher comonomer content.
The two main objectives of the research work conducted were firstly, to investigate the processing and rheological characteristics of a new generation metallocene catalysed linear low density polyethylene (m-LLDPE), in order to establish the thermal oxidative degradation mechanism, and secondly, to examine the role of selected commercial stabilisers on the melt stability of the polymers. The unstabilised m-LLDPE polymer was extruded (pass I) using a twin screw extruder, at different temperatures (210-285°C) and screw speeds (50-20rpm) and was subjected to multiple extrusions (passes, 2-5) carried out under the same processing conditions used in the first pass. A traditional Ziegler/Natta catalysed linear low density polyethylene (z-LLDPE) produced by the same manufacturer was also subjected to a similar processing regime in order to compare the processability and the oxidative degradation mechanism (s) of the new m-LLDPE with that of the more traditional z-LLDPE. The effect of some of the main extrusion characteristics of the polymers (m-LLDPE and z-LLDPE) on their melt rheological behaviour was investigated by examining their melt flow performance monitored at two fixed low shear rate values, and their rheological behaviour investigated over the entire shear rates experienced during extrusion using a twin-bore capillary rheometer. Capillary rheometric measurements, which determine the viscous and elastic properties of polymers, have shown that both polymers are shear thinning but the m-LLDPE has a higher viscosity than z-LLDPE and the extent of reduction in viscosity of the former when the extrusion temperature was increased from 210°C to 285°C was much higher than in the case of the z-LLDPE polymer. This was supplied by the findings that the m-LLDPE polymer required higher power consumption under all extrusion conditions examined. It was fUliher revealed that the m-LLDPE undergoes a higher extent of melt fracture, the onset of which occurs under much lower shear rates than the Ziegler-based polymer and this was attributed to its higher shear viscosity and narrower molecular weight distribution (MWD). Melt flow measurements and GPC have shown that after the first extrusion pass, the initial narrower MWD of m-LLDPE is retained (compared to z-LLDPE), but upon further multiple extrusion passes it undergoes much faster broadening of its MWD which shifts to higher Mw polymer fractions, paliicularly at the high screw speeds. The MWD of z-LLDPE polymer on the other hand shifts towards the lower Mw end. All the evidence suggest therefore the m-LLDPE undergoes predominantly cross-linking reactions under all processing conditions whereas z-LLDPE undergoes both cross-linking and chain scission reactions with the latter occurring predominantly under more severe processing conditions (higher temperatures and screw speeds, 285°CI200rpm). The stabilisation of both polymers with synergistic combinations of a hindered phenol (Irganox 1076) and a phosphite (Weston 399) at low concentrations has shown a high extent of melt stabilisation in both polymers (extrusion temperatures 210-285°C and screw speeds 50-200rpm). The best Irganox 1076/Weston 399 system was found to be at an optimum 1:4 w/w ratio, respectively and was found to be most effective in the z-LLDPE polymer. The melt stabilising effectiveness of a Vitamin E/Ultranox 626 system used at a fraction of the total concentration of Irganox 1076/Weston 399 system was found to be higher in both polymers (under all extrusion conditions). It was found that AOs which operate primarily as alkyl (Re) radical scavengers are the most effective in inhibiting the thermal oxidative degradation of m-LLDPE in the melt; this polymer was shown to degrade in the melt primarily via alky radicals resulting in crosslinking. Metallocene polymers stabilised with single antioxidants of Irganox HP 136 (a lactone) and Irganox E201 (vitamin E) produced the highest extent of melt stability and the least discolouration during processing (260°C/1 OOrpm). Furthermore, synergistic combinations of Irganox HP I 36/Ultranox 626 (XP-60) system produced very high levels of melt and colour stability (comparable to the Vitamin E based systems) in the mLLDPE polymer. The addition of Irganox 1076 to an Irganox HP 136/Ultranox 626 system was found not to result in increasing melt stability but gave rise to increasing discolouration of the m-LLDPE polymer. The blending of a hydroxylamine (lrgastab FS042) with a lactone and Vitamin E (in combination with a phosphite) did not increase melt stability but induced severe discolouration of resultant polymer samples.
This thesis presents an effective methodology for the generation of a simulation which can be used to increase the understanding of viscous fluid processing equipment and aid in their development, design and optimisation. The Hampden RAPRA Torque Rheometer internal batch twin rotor mixer has been simulated with a view to establishing model accuracies, limitations, practicalities and uses. As this research progressed, via the analyses several 'snap-shot' analysis of several rotor configurations using the commercial code Polyflow, it was evident that the model was of some worth and its predictions are in good agreement with the validation experiments, however, several major restrictions were identified. These included poor element form, high man-hour requirements for the construction of each geometry and the absence of the transient term in these models. All, or at least some, of these limitations apply to the numerous attempts to model internal mixes by other researchers and it was clear that there was no generally accepted methodology to provide a practical three-dimensional model which has been adequately validated. This research, unlike others, presents a full complex three-dimensional, transient, non-isothermal, generalised non-Newtonian simulation with wall slip which overcomes these limitations using unmatched ridding and sliding mesh technology adapted from CFX codes. This method yields good element form and, since only one geometry has to be constructed to represent the entire rotor cycle, is extremely beneficial for detailed flow field analysis when used in conjunction with user defined programmes and automatic geometry parameterisation (AGP), and improves accuracy for investigating equipment design and operation conditions. Model validation has been identified as an area which has been neglected by other researchers in this field, especially for time dependent geometries, and has been rigorously pursued in terms of qualitative and quantitative velocity vector analysis of the isothermal, full fill mixing of generalised non-Newtonian fluids, as well as torque comparison, with a relatively high degree of success. This indicates that CFD models of this type can be accurate and perhaps have not been validated to this extent previously because of the inherent difficulties arising from most real processes.
Introduction: Lower back pain treatment and compensation costs >$80 billion overall in the US. 75% of back pain is due to disc degeneration in the lumbar region of the spine. Current treatment comprises of painkillers and bed rest or as a more radical solution – interbody cage fusion. In the early stages of disc degeneration the patient would benefit from addition of an injectable gel which polymerises in situ to support the degenerated nucleus pulposus. This involves a material which is an analogue of the natural tissue capable of restoring the biomechanical properties of the natural disc. The nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc is an example of a natural proteoglycan consisting of a protein core with negatively charged keratin and chondroitin sulphate attached. As a result of the high fixed charge density of the proteoglycan, the matrix exerts an osmotic swelling pressure drawing sufficient water into support the spinal system. Materials and Methods: NaAMPs (sodium 2- acrylamido 2-methyl propane sulphonic acid) and KSPA (potassium 3- sulphopropyl acrylate) were selected as monomers, the sulphonate group being used to mimic the natural sulphate group. These are used in dermal applications involving chronic wounds and have acceptably low cytotoxicity. Other hydrophilic carboxyl, amide and hydroxyl monomers such as 2-hydroxyethyl acrylamide, ß-carboxyethyl acrylate, acryloyl morpholine, and polyethylene glycol (meth)acrylate were used as diluents together with polyethyleneglycol di(meth)acrylate and hydrophilic multifunctional macromers as cross-linker. Redox was the chosen method of polymerisation and a range of initiators were investigated. Components were packaged in two solutions each containing a redox pair. A dual syringe method of injection into the cavity was used, the required time for polymerisation is circa 3-7 minutes. The final materials were tested using a Bohlin CVO Rheometer cycling from 0.5-25Hz at 37oC to measure the modulus. An in-house compression testing method was developed, using dialysis tubing to mimic the cavity, the gels were swelled in solutions of various osmolarity and compressed to ~ 20%. The pre-gel has also been injected into sheep spinal segments for mechanical compression testing to demonstrate the restoration of properties upon use of the gel. Results and Discussion: Two systems resulted using similar monomer compositions but different initiation and crosslinking agents. NaAMPs and KSPA were used together at a ratio of ~1:1 in both systems with 0.25-2% crosslinking agent, diacrylate or methacrylate. The two initiation systems were ascorbic acid/oxone, and N,N,N,N - tetramethylethylenediamine (TEMED)/ potassium persulphate. These systems produced gelation within 3-7 and 3-5 minutes respectively. Storage of the two component systems was shown to be stable for approximately one month after mixing, in the dark, refrigerated at 1-4oC. The gelation was carried out at 37oC. Literature values for the natural disc give elastic constants ranging from 3-8kPa. The properties of the polymer can be tailored by altering crosslink density and monomer composition and are able to match those of the natural disc. It is possible to incorporate a radio-opaque (histodenz) to enable x-ray luminescence during and after injection. At an inclusion level of 5% the gel is clearly visible and polymerisation and mechanical properties are not altered. Conclusion: A two-pac injection system which will polymerise in situ, that can incorporate a radio-opaque, has been developed. This will reinforce the damaged nucleus pulposus in degenerative disc disease restoring adequate hydration and thus biomechanical properties. Tests on sheep spine segments are currently being carried out to demonstrate that a disc containing the gel has similar properties to an intact disc in comparison to one with a damaged nucleus.
Thermal and fatigue cracking are the major pavement distresses that contribute to a drastic reduction of the pavement’s service life and performance in Ontario. Chemical oxidation and hardening of asphalt binders deteriorates its physical properties since physical properties of asphalts depend on its chemical composition. This thesis is aimed to establish a relationship between physical and chemical properties of asphalt binders. A secondary objective is to show the strong correlation between CTOD and temperature. All recovered and straight Ministry of Transportation of Ontario (MTO) samples were investigated using conventional Superpave® test method dynamic shear rheometer (DSR) as well as improved MTO test methods such as extended bending beam rheometer (eBBR) and double-edge-notched tension (DENT) test. DENT test was conducted for all Ontario contract samples at three different temperatures based on their performance grade after three hours of thermal conditioning and compared the results in terms of essential work of fracture, plastic work of fracture and CTOD at different temperatures. Good correlation exists between CTOD and temperature according to the DENT data. X-ray fluorescence (XRF) analysis was conducted to detect the presence of heavy metals such as zinc and molybdenum believed to have originated from waste engine oil. Fourier transform infra-red spectroscopy (FTIR) was performed to determine the abundance of functional groups such as carbonyl, sulfoxides, polyisobutylene, etc. XRF and FTIR analysis confirmed that most of the samples contain waste engine oil and/or oxidized residues, which is believed to be a root cause of premature pavement failures.
Thermal and fatigue cracking are the two of the major pavement distress phenomena that contribute significantly towards increased premature pavement failures in Ontario. This in turn puts a massive burden on the provincial budgets as the government spends huge sums of money on the repair and rehabilitation of roads every year. Governments therefore need to rethink and re-evaluate their current measures in order to prevent it in future. The main objectives of this study include: the investigation of fatigue distress of 11 contract samples at 10oC, 15oC, 20oC and 25oC and the use of crack-tip-opening-displacement (CTOD) requirements at temperatures other than 15oC; investigation of thermal and fatigue distress of the comparative analysis of 8 Ministry of Transportation (MTO) recovered and straight asphalt samples through double-edge-notched-tension test (DENT) and extended bending beam rheometry (EBBR); chemical testing of all samples though X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) and Fourier transform infrared analysis (FTIR); Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) higher and intermediate temperature grading; and the case study of a local Kingston road. Majority of 11 contract samples showed satisfactory performance at all temperatures except one sample. Study of CTOD at various temperatures found a strong correlation between the two variables. All recovered samples showed poor performance in terms of their ability to resist thermal and fatigue distress relative to their corresponding straight asphalt as evident in DENT test and EBBR results. XRF and FTIR testing of all samples showed the addition of waste engine oil (WEO) to be the root cause of pavement failures. DSR high temperature grading showed superior performance of recovered binders relative to straight asphalt. The local Kingston road showed extensive signs of damage due to thermal and fatigue distress as evident from DENT test, EBBR results and pictures taken in the field. In the light of these facts, the use of waste engine oil and recycled asphalt in pavements should be avoided as these have been shown to cause premature failure in pavements. The DENT test existing CTOD requirements should be implemented at other temperatures in order to prevent the occurrences of premature pavement failures in future.