147 resultados para RFR A1192


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The research project was designed to study soybean plant and yield responses to certain products. Soybean producers generally look to maximize profit, and with increased soybean prices, financial returns have been obtained from even smaller yield responses. The project began in 2011 as a two-year study designed to look at the effects of both seed and foliar treatments applied to soybeans.


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of Bt corn and soil insecticides, either alone or in combination, for the control of corn rootworm. Evaluation of Bt hybrids included SmartStax, SmartStax with a blended refuge (refuge in the bag), and Herculex XTRA. Soil insecticides evaluated were SmartChoice-SB, Counter-SB, Aztec, and Force.


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With the introduction of soybean aphid-resistant varieties, growers have another option for controlling the pest. This study was designed to see how each variety responded to Headline® fungicide at different application timings.


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The 30 × 12 × 96 ft (W × H × L, 2,880 ft 2 ) high tunnel was planted and maintained as part of a high tunnel production budget project funded by a Specialty Crop Grant through the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship. Six growers throughout the state participated in the project with the objectives of creating an enterprise budgeting tool that estimates the costs and revenues associated with producing specific crops in a high tunnel, either as a single crop or multi-crop system. The budgeting tool will estimate the production cost and net profit per square foot in a high tunnel from mono-culture (one crop per tunnel) or multi-cropping, successionplanted systems. This report summarizes the findings from the high tunnel at the ISU Horticulture Research Station. The plantings in this high tunnel were used to collect labor and yield data as well as demonstrate a continuous, multi-cropping production system. A publication containing the enterprise budgeting tool, using this data and data collected from the other six farms, will be available through Iowa State University Extension and Outreach in the fall of 2012.


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Includes Ag Engineering and Agronomy Farm Farm and Weather Summary, Central Iowa Farms Farm and Weather Summary and Project Lists


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The production of local fruit and vegetables is a rapidly expanding segment of Iowa agriculture. The new ISU AgEdS/Hort 465 class trains future growers in the management and operation of diversified horticultural enterprises on an Iowa farm situation. Management of the finances, production, and marketing is performed by the students. The course is structured as a business and is guided through decisions made by student committees (finance, operations, production, and marketing committees). Each committee investigates the feasibility of a desired enterprise before coming together to make a final decision. The course was offered for the first time in 2011.


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Plant-parasitic nematodes are microscopic worms that feed on plants. Almost every nematode that feeds on corn is capable of feeding on many other plants. These nematode parasites are thought to be native to most Iowa soils and to have fed on native plants before corn was grown as a cultivated crop. Population densities (numbers) of most species of plant-parasitic nematodes that feed on corn have to increase to damaging levels (called damage thresholds) before yield loss occurs.


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The strip trial was designed to evaluate new drought tolerant corn hybrids for yield. Three of these drought tolerant hybrids were planted with other hybrids for comparison.


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Seed treatment options are available to manage various fungi, insects, and nematodes that can damage soybeans before, during, and after emergence. These treatments are potentially beneficial for stand establishment and for protection against soybean cyst nematode (SCN). However, these seed treatments represent an additional cost to the producer.


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Past research by Iowa State University has shown that the optimum planting date for soybeans, assuming favorable soil conditions, is the first week in May for the northern third of Iowa. The optimum date for the southern two thirds of Iowa is the last week of April. Given that rapidly changing soybean genetics have shown improvements in both yield and disease resistance, this trial was designed to demonstrate the planting recommendation under local conditions.


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More pigs are being produced in bedded systems such as hoop barns due to the increase in demand for niche pork. Most of the current swine nutrition information has been generated in confinement settings without bedding. As omnivores, pigs ingest some bedding. There are questions about the effects of the ingested bedding on growth and feed utilization by the modern market pig. More knowledge in this area will allow for more accurate feed formulation in bedded systems.


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Soybean (Glycine max), grown in Iowa and most of the north central region of the United States, has not required regular insecticide use. The soybean aphid, Aphis glycines (Hemiptera: Aphididae), causes yield losses from direct plant feeding, and has been shown to transmit several plant viruses. In Iowa, soybean aphid can colonize soybean fields in June and has developed into outbreaks in July and August capable of reducing yields by nearly 40 percent.


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Two studies were conducted at the ISU Horticulture Station to evaluate potential limitations on yield and atmospheric nitrogen fixation by common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). This legume is a food staple for small landholder farm families worldwide. But it has a limited capacity for nitrogen fixation and often yields only a fraction of its genetic potential. In these studies, we examined the dependence of pod filling on current assimilate supply, as well as the potential to improve nitrogen fixation using an inoculant shown to enhance biological nitrogen fixation under stressful conditions.


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Themes for the 2010 Home Demonstration Garden Field Days were several newer cultivars of annual flowers (zinnia, four o’clocks, gazania, gaillardia, petunia, coleus, and vinca), a blooming quilt block, eggplant cultivars (including an inedible eggplant), and a compost trial.


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Fungicide use on hybrid corn has increased considerably in the past three growing seasons primarily due to reports of increased yields, even in the absence of disease and higher corn prices. A number of fungicides are registered for use on corn. The objectives of this project were to 1) evaluate the yield response of hybrid corn to foliar fungicide application, 2) compare the yield response of various products and timing of application, and 3) to assess the effect of fungicide application on stalk rot development.