915 resultados para RETINAL COLOBOMA


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To investigate changes in gene expression during aging of the retina in the mouse.

Total RNA was extracted from the neuroretina of young (3-month-old) and old (20-month-old) mice and processed for microarray analysis. Age-related, differentially expressed genes were assessed by the empiric Bayes shrinkagemoderated t-statistics method. Statistical significance was based on dual criteria of a ratio of change in gene expression >2 and a P < 0.01. Differential expression in 11 selected genes was further verified by real-time PCR. Functional pathways involved in retinal ageing were analyzed by an online software package (DAVID-2008) in differentially expressed gene lists. Age-related changes in differential expression in the identified retinal molecular pathways were further confirmed by immunohistochemical staining of retinal flat mounts and retinal cryosections.

With ageing of the retina, 298 genes were upregulated and 137 genes were downregulated. Functional annotation showed that genes linked to immune responses (Ir genes) and to tissue stress/injury responses (TS/I genes) were most likely to be modified by ageing. The Ir genes affected included those regulating leukocyte activation, chemotaxis, endocytosis, complement activation, phagocytosis, and myeloid cell differentiation, most of which were upregulated, with only a few downregulated. Increased microglial and complement activation in the aging retina was further confirmed by confocal microscopy of retinal tissues. The most strongly upregulated gene was the calcitonin receptor (Calcr; >40-fold in old versus young mice).

The results suggest that retinal ageing is accompanied by activation of gene sets, which are involved in local inflammatory responses. A modified form of low-grade chronic inflammation (para-inflammation) characterizes these aging changes and involves mainly the innate immune system. The marked upregulation of Calcr in ageing mice most likely reflects this chronic inflammatory/stress response, since calcitonin is a known systemic biomarker of inflammation/sepsis. © Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology.


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Image segmentation plays an important role in the analysis of retinal images as the extraction of the optic disk provides important cues for accurate diagnosis of various retinopathic diseases. In recent years, gradient vector flow (GVF) based algorithms have been used successfully to successfully segment a variety of medical imagery. However, due to the compromise of internal and external energy forces within the resulting partial differential equations, these methods can lead to less accurate segmentation results in certain cases. In this paper, we propose the use of a new mean shift-based GVF segmentation algorithm that drives the internal/external energies towards the correct direction. The proposed method incorporates a mean shift operation within the standard GVF cost function to arrive at a more accurate segmentation. Experimental results on a large dataset of retinal images demonstrate that the presented method optimally detects the border of the optic disc.


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Purpose: In our previous paper we undertook proteomic analysis of the normal developing chick retina to identify proteins that were differentially expressed during retinal development. In the present paper we use the same proteomic approach to analyze the development and onset of degeneration in the retinal dysplasia and degeneration (rdd) chick. The pathology displayed by the rdd chick resembles that observed in some of the more severe forms of human retinitis pigmentosa.


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To investigate the effect(s) of cataract surgery on the expression of pro-inflammatory genes and proteins in the retina using an experimental rodent model. An extracapsular lens extraction was performed in one eye of C57BL/6 mice (n=24); the contralateral unoperated eyes (n =24) as well as eyes from unoperated animals (n = 9) served as controls. The neurosensory retina and retinal pigment epithelium (RPE)/choroid were collected postoperatively. Expression of genes involved in the acute inflammatory/ injury response, including IL-1ß, fibroblast growth factor, transforming growth factor ß, chemokine CCL2, SDF-1, and complements C3, C4, and factor B (CFB), were examined by real-time PCR and, selectively, by immunohistochemistry. The expression of IL-1 ß and CCL2 genes was markedly upregulated (>0-fold, P >0.01) in the neurosensory retina 30 minutes postoperatively and maintained for the 2-week postoperative period of observation; IL-1 ß expression was also upregulated in RPE/choroid. The expression of complement C3 (>-fold) and CFB (>0-fold) genes in the neurosensory retina was also significantly upregulated (P


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PURPOSE: To investigate the effects of arginine vasopressin (AVP) on Ca(2+) sparks and oscillations and on sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) content in retinal arteriolar myocytes. METHODS: Fluo-4-loaded smooth muscle in intact segments of freshly isolated porcine retinal arteriole was imaged by confocal laser microscopy. SR Ca(2+) store content was assessed by recording caffeine-induced Ca(2+) transients with microfluorimetry and fura-2. RESULTS: The frequencies of Ca(2+) sparks and oscillations were increased both during exposure to, and 10 minutes after washout of AVP (10 nM). Caffeine transients were increased in amplitude 10 and 90 minutes after a 3-minute application of AVP. Both AVP-induced Ca(2+) transients and the enhancement of caffeine responses after AVP washout were inhibited by SR 49059, a V(1a) receptor blocker. Forskolin, an activator of adenylyl cyclase, also persistently enhanced caffeine transients. Rp-8-HA-cAMPS, a membrane-permeant PKA inhibitor, prevented enhancement of caffeine transients by both AVP and forskolin. Forskolin, but not AVP, produced a reversible, Rp-8-HA-cAMPS insensitive reduction in basal [Ca(2+)](i). CONCLUSIONS: AVP activates a cAMP/PKA-dependent pathway via V(1a) receptors in retinal arteriolar smooth muscle. This effect persistently increases SR Ca(2+) loading, upregulating Ca(2+) sparks and oscillations, and may favor prolonged agonist activity despite receptor desensitization.


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Drusen are small focal extracellular deposits underneath the retina, visible ophthalmoscopically as yellow dots. The more hard drusen there are, the greater the risk of developing soft drusen and retinal pigmentary changes, which in turn increase the risk of developing advanced age-related macular degeneration. Much remains to be discovered about drusen. For the patient with drusen, basic advice on diet and smoking and maintenance of a high level of vigilance for visual changes is appropriate management. © The Author 2009. Published by Oxford University Press [on behalf of the British Geriatrics Society]. All rights reserved.


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To investigate endothelin 1 (Et1)-dependent Ca(2+)-signaling at the cellular and subcellular levels in retinal arteriolar myocytes.
Et1 responses were imaged from Fluo-4-loaded smooth muscle in isolated segments of rat retinal arteriole using confocal laser microscopy.
Basal [Ca(2+)](i), subcellular Ca(2+)-sparks, and cellular Ca(2+)-oscillations were all increased during exposure to Et1 (10 nM). Ca(2+)-spark frequency was also increased by 90% by 10 nM Et1. The increase in oscillation frequency was concentration dependent and was inhibited by the EtA receptor (Et(A)R) blocker BQ123 but not by the EtB receptor antagonist BQ788. Stimulation of Ca(2+)-oscillations by Et1 was inhibited by a phospholipase C blocker (U73122; 10 µM), two inhibitors of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptors (IP(3)Rs), xestospongin C (10 µM), 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (100 µM), and tetracaine (100 µM), a blocker of ryanodine receptors (RyRs).
Et1 stimulates Ca(2+)-sparks and oscillations through Et(A)Rs. The underlying mechanism involves the activation of phospholipase C and both IP(3)Rs and RyRs, suggesting crosstalk between these Ca(2+)-release channels. These findings suggest that phasic Ca(2+)-oscillations play an important role in the smooth muscle response to Et1 within the retinal microvasculature and support an excitatory, proconstrictor role for Ca(2+)-sparks in these vessels.


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Purpose. The authors conducted an in vitro investigation of the role of Ca2+-dependent signaling in vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-induced angiogenesis in the retina.

Methods. Bovine retinal endothelial cells (BRECs) were stimulated with VEGF in the presence or absence of 1,2-bis(2-aminophenoxy)ethane-N,N,N',N'-tetraacetic acid-acetoxymethyl ester (BAPTA-AM; intracellular Ca2+ chelator), U73122 (phospholipase C (PLC) inhibitor), xestospongin C (Xe-C), and 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2APB) (inhibitors of inositol-1,4,5 triphosphate (IP3) signaling). Intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) was estimated using fura-2 Ca2+ microfluorometry, Akt phosphorylation quantified by Western blot analysis, and angiogenic responses assessed using cell migration, proliferation, tubulogenesis, and sprout formation assays. The effects of the Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II (CaMKII) inhibitor KN93 were also evaluated on VEGF-induced Akt signaling and angiogenic activity.

Results. Stimulation of BRECs with 25 ng/mL VEGF induced a biphasic increase in [Ca2+]i, with an initial transient peak followed by a sustained plateau phase. VEGF-induced [Ca2+]i increases were almost completely abolished by pretreating the cells with BAPTA-AM, U73122, Xe-C, or 2APB. These agents also inhibited VEGF-induced phosphorylation of Akt, cell migration, proliferation, tubulogenesis, and sprouting angiogenesis. KN93 was similarly effective at blocking the VEGF-induced activation of Akt and angiogenic responses.

Conclusions. VEGF increases [Ca2+]i in BRECs through activation of the PLC-IP3 signal transduction pathway. VEGF-induced phosphorylation of the proangiogenic protein Akt is critically dependent on this increase in [Ca2+]i and the subsequent activation of CaMKII. Pharmacologic inhibition of Ca2+-mediated signaling in retinal endothelial cells blocks VEGF-induced angiogenic responses. These results suggest that the PLC/IP3/Ca2+/CaMKII signaling pathway may be a rational target for the treatment of angiogenesis-related disorders of the eye.


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PURPOSE: To determine whether continuous monitoring of SYBR Green I fluorescence provides a reliable and flexible method of quantitative RT-PCR. Our aims were (i) to test whether SYBR Green I analysis could quantify a wide range of known VEGF template concentrations, (ii) to apply this method in an experimental model, and (iii) to determine whether 20 existing primer pairs could be used to quantify their cognate mRNAs.


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Endothelial cell association with vascular basement membranes is complex and plays a critical role in regulation of cell adhesion and proliferation. The interaction between the membrane-associated 67-kd receptor (67LR) and the basement membrane protein laminin has been studied in several cell systems where it was shown to be crucial for adhesion and attachment during angiogenesis. As angiogenesis in the pathological setting of proliferative retinopathy is a major cause of blindness in the Western world we examined the expression of 67LR in a murine model of hyperoxia-induced retinopathy that exhibits retinal neovascularization. Mice exposed to hyperoxia for 5 days starting at postnatal day 7 (P7) and returned to room air (at P12) showed closure of the central retinal vasculature. In response to the ensuing retinal ischemia, there was consistent preretinal neovascularization starting around P17, which persisted until P21, after which the new vessels regressed. Immunohistochemistry was performed on these retinas using an antibody specific for 67LR. At P12, immunoreactivity for 67LR was absent in the retina, but by P17 it was observed in preretinal proliferating vessels and also within the adjacent intraretinal vasculature. Intraretinal 67LR immunoreactivity diminished beyond P17 until by P21 immunoreactivity was almost completely absent, although it persisted in the preretinal vasculature. Control P17 mice (not exposed to hyperoxia) failed to demonstrate any 67LR immunoreactivity in their retinas. Parallel in situ hybridization studies demonstrated 67LR gene expression in the retinal ganglion cells of control and hyperoxia-exposed mice. In addition, the neovascular intra- and preretinal vessels of hyperoxia-treated P17 and P21 mice labeled strongly for 67LR mRNA. This study has characterized 67LR immunolocalization and gene expression in a murine model of ischemic retinopathy. Results suggest that, although the 67LR gene is expressed at high levels in the retinal ganglion cells, the mature receptor protein is preferentially localized to the proliferating retinal vasculature and is almost completely absent from quiescent vessels. The differential expression of 67LR between proliferating and quiescent retinal vessels suggests that this laminin receptor is an important and novel target for future chemotherapeutic intervention during proliferative vasculopathies.


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Pericytes are known to communicate with endothelial cells by direct contact and by releasing cytokines such as TGF-beta. There is also strong evidence that pericytes act as regulators of endothelial cell proliferation and differentiation. We have investigated the effect of pericyte-conditioned medium (PCM) on proliferation of human microvascular endothelial cells in vitro, together with the expression of the vasoregulatory molecules, constitutive and inducible nitric oxide synthases (ecNOS and iNOS), and endothelin-1 (ET-1). Expression was measured at the mRNA level using semiquantitative RT-PCR for all three genes and at the protein level for ecNOS and iNOS using Western blotting. Growth curves for HMECs showed that PCM inhibits proliferation, eventually leading to cell death. Exposure to PCM repressed iNOS mRNA expression fivefold after 6 h. A similar, though delayed, reduction in protein levels was observed. ecNOS mRNA was slightly induced at 6 h, though there was no significant change in ecNOS protein. By contrast, ET-1 mRNA was induced 2.3-fold after 6 h exposure to PCM. We conclude that pericytes release a soluble factor or factors that are potent inhibitors of endothelial cell growth and promote vasoconstriction by up-regulating endothelin-1 and down-regulating iNOS. (C) 2000 Academic Press.