982 resultados para RAFT biomedicale polimeri micelle FRET DLS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Lipid rafts are highly ordered membrane domains rich in cholesterol and sphingolipids that provide a scaffold for signal transduction proteins; altered raft structure has also been implicated in cancer progression. We have shown that 25 mu M 10-(octyloxy) decyl-2-(trimethylammonium) ethyl phosphate (ODPC), an alkylphospholipid, targets high cholesterol domains in model membranes and induces apoptosis in leukemia cells but spares normal hematopoietic and epithelial cells under the same conditions. We performed a quantitative (SILAC) proteomic screening of ODPC targets in a lipid-raft-enriched fraction of leukemic cells to identify early events prior to the initiation of apoptosis. Six proteins, three with demonstrated palmitoylation sites, were reduced in abundance. One, the linker for activation of T-cell family member 2 (LAT2), is an adaptor protein associated with lipid rafts in its palmitoylated form and is specifically expressed in B lymphocytes and myeloid cells. Interestingly, LAT2 is not expressed in K562, a cell line more resistant to ODPC-induced apoptosis. There was an early loss of LAT2 in the lipid-raft-enriched fraction of NB4 cells within 3 h following treatment with 25 mu M ODPC. Subsequent degradation of LAT2 by proteasomes was observed. Twenty-five mu M ODPC inhibited AKT activation via myeloid growth factors, and LAT2 knockdown in NB4 cells by shRNA reproduced this effect. LAT2 knockdown in NB4 cells also decreased cell proliferation and increased cell sensitivity to ODPC (7.5X), perifosine (3X), and arsenic trioxide (8.5X). Taken together, these data indicate that LAT2 is an early mediator of the anti-leukemic activity of alkylphospholipids and arsenic trioxide. Thus, LAT2 may be used as a target for the design of drugs for cancer therapy. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics 11: 10.1074/mcp.M112.019661, 1898-1912, 2012.


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Glossoscolex paulistus hemoglobin (HbGp) was studied by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). DLS melting curves were measured for met-HbGp at different concentrations. SAXS temperature studies were performed for oxy-, cyanomet- and met-HbGp forms, at several pH values. At pH 5.0 and 6.0, the scattering curves are identical from 20 to 60 degrees C, and R-g is 108 angstrom, independent of the oxidation form. At pH 7.0, protein denaturation and aggregation occurs above 55 degrees C and 60 degrees C, for oxy and met-HbGp, respectively. Cyanomet-HbGp, at pH 7.0, is stable up to 60 degrees C. At alkaline pH (8.0-9.0) and higher temperature, an irreversible dissociation process is observed, with a decrease of R-g, D-max and I(0). Analysis by p(r), obtained from GNOM, and OLIGOMER, was used to fit the SAXS experimental scattering curves by a combination of theoretical curves obtained for HbLt fragments from the crystal structure. Our results show clearly the increasing contribution of smaller molecular weight fragments, as a function of increasing pH and temperature, as well as, the order of thermal stabilities: cyanomet-> oxy- > met-HbGp. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Research for new biocompatible and easily implantable materials continuously proposes new molecules and new substances with biological, chemical and physical characteristics, that are more and more adapted to aesthetic and reconstructive surgery and to the development of biomedical devices such as cardiovascular prostheses. Two classes of polymeric biomaterials seem to meet better these requirements: “hydrogels” , which includes polyalkylimide (PAI) and polyvinylalcohol (PVA) and “elastomers”, which includes polyurethanes (PUs). The first ones in the last decade have had a great application for soft tissue augmentation, due to their similarity to this tissue for their high water content, elasticity and oxygen permeability (Dini et al., 2005). The second ones, on the contrary, are widely used in cardiovascular applications (catheters, vascular grafts, ventricular assist devices, total artificial hearts) due to their good mechanical properties and hemocompatibility (Zdrahala R.J. and Zdrahala I.J., 1999). In the biocompatibility evaluation of these synthetic polymers, that is important for its potential use in clinical applications, a fundamental aspect is the knowledge of the polymers cytotoxicity and the effect of their interaction with cells, in particular with the cell populations involved in the inflammatory responses, i.e. monocyte/macrophages. In consideration of what above said, the aim of this study is the comprehension of the in vitro effect of PAI, PVA and PU on three cell lines that represent three different stages of macrophagic differentiation: U937 pro-monocytes, THP-1 monocytes and RAW 264.7 macrophages. Cytotoxicity was evaluated by measuring the rate of viability with MTT, Neutral Red and morphological analysis at light microscope in time-course dependent experiments. The influence of these polymers on monocyte/macrophage activation in terms of cells adhesion, monocyte differentiation in macrophages, antigens distribution, aspecific phagocytosis, fluid-phase endocitosis, pro-inflammatory cytokine (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6) and nitric oxide (NO) release was evaluated. In conclusion, our studies have indicated that the three different polymeric biomaterials are highly biocompatible, since they scarcely affected viability of U937, THP-1 and RAW 264.7 cells. Moreover, we have found that even though hydrogels and polyurethane influences monocyte/macrophage differentiation (depending on the particular type of cell and polymer), they are immunocompatible since they not induced significantly high cytokine release. For these reasons their clinical applications are strongly encouraged.


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Questo lavoro di tesi rientra nel progetto europeo SaveMe, al quale partecipa il gruppo di ricerca del dipartimento di chimica organica nel quale ho svolto l’attività di tirocinio. Obiettivo finale di tale progetto è la sintesi di nanoparticelle a base di PLGA (acido poli(D,L-lattico-co-glicolico)) superficialmente funzionalizzate con biomolecole, per l’impiego nel trattamento e nella diagnosi del cancro al pancreas. L’obiettivo da raggiungere nel primo anno di ricerca per il mio gruppo era la sintesi delle nanoparticelle centrali (core nanosystems). Nel presente lavoro sono quindi riportati i metodi di sintesi di polimeri derivati da PLGA e suoi copolimeri con PEG (polietilenglicole) aventi vari gruppi funzionali terminali: acidi idrossamici, amminici e acidi carbossilici. I polimeri sintetizzati sono stati caratterizzati tramite test colorimetrici qualitativi, 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, spettrometria IR e TGA. Sono state sintetizzate nanoparticelle polimeriche (PNPs), con le tecniche Oil/Water (O/W) e nanoprecipitazione (NP), basate sui polimeri ottenuti, aventi quindi funzioni acide, idrossamiche ed amminiche sulla superficie. Su queste PNPs è stato effettuata una decorazione superficiale con nanoparticelle metalliche di maghemite (CAN-Maghemite). Le nanoparticelle polimeriche sono state caratterizzate tramite DLS e delle PNPs decorate sono state ottenute immagini TEM. Sono riportati inoltre i test di viabilità cellulare delle nanoparticelle ottenute.


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Il seguente lavoro è stato condotto con lo scopo di sviluppare una nano-piattaforma per imaging multimodale MRI/SPECT e MRI/PET. Nanoparticelle magnetiche sono state intrappolate in un polimero biocompatibile, e la superficie delle nanostrutture risultanti è stata funzionalizzata con un agente chelante per radioisotopi.


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„Untersuchung des Aggregationsverhaltens amphiphiler Diblockcopolymere in überkritischem Kohlendioxid mittels dynamischer Lichtstreuung“ In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die Mizellenbildung von Diblockcopolymeren des Typs PS-b-PDMS in überkritischem Kohlendioxid (CO2,SC) mittels dynamischer Lichtstreuung (DLS) charakterisiert. Zu diesem Zweck wurden Mischungen aus den Diblockcopolymeren in CO2,SC mit Styrol als Monomer druckabhängig auf diese Fähigkeit hin untersucht. Eine Mizellenbildung konnte anhand der gemessenen hydrodynamischen Radien Rh gezeigt werden. Um eine Vergleichsmöglichkeit gegenüber den mit Styrol gefüllten Kern-Hüllen-Mizellen zu bekommen, wurde das Diblockcopolymer PS-b-PDMS (9/27) zunächst ohne Styrol auf die Fähigkeit hin untersucht ungefüllte Mizellen zu bilden. Durch Druckvariation konnte ein kritischer Mizellendruck von ca. 46,7 MPa bei einer Temperatur von 338 K im Experiment bestätigt werden, der gefundene Rh liegt bei ca. 34 nm. Dagegen setzt die Aggregation bei einer PS-b-PDMS (9/27)/Styrol/CO2,SC- Mischung bei einem wesentlich niedrigeren Druck ein. Durch Druckvariation zwischen 38 MPa und 45,7 MPa wurde eine Größenänderung der Mizellen beobachtet. Durch zeitabhängige-DLS-Messungen am gleichen System bei einem bestimmten Druck wurde ein langsames Schrumpfen der Mizellen gefunden. Um den Einfluß der Blockgröße der verwendeten Amphiphile auf die Mizellenbildung zu untersuchen wurde das System PS-b-PDMS(6/37)/Styrol/CO2,SC mit Hilfe der DLS im Bereich zwischen 39,4 MPa und 43,1 MPa untersucht. Die Druckänderung zeigte für Rh ein nahezu invariantes Verhalten, daß durch eine verlängerte PDMS-Blocklänge und eine damit verbundene Kompensation der verschiedenen Wechselwirkungskräfte zwischen Mizellenkern, -hülle und CO2,SC erklärt werden kann. Im System PS-b-PDMS(6/16)/Styrol/CO2,SC konnte experimentell mit Hilfe der DLS erst nach einer ver-änderten molaren Zusammensetzung eine Mizellenbildung ab 40 MPa ermöglicht werden. Allerdings ändert sich auch in diesem System der hydrodynamische Radius ebenfalls mit dem Druck. Je nach Druck-, Temperatur- und molarer Zusammensetzung variiert die Tendenz der Systeme, Mizellen zu bilden die eine Emulsion stabilisieren können. Für die in Dispersions-Polymerisationsreaktionen eingesetzten Diblockcopolymere bedeutet dieses Ergebnis differenzierte Applikationsmöglichkeiten. Mit den ermittelten Konzentrationsverhältnissen an Amphiphil und Monomer konnte ein Bereich gefunden werden, in dem die thermodynamischen Bedingungen für die Mizellenbildung einerseits und die Vorraussetzungen für die DLS andererseits gegeben sind.


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Polymeric adhesives have been used for many applications like suture and embolization, instead of classic surgical methods or as for dental uses. In this work both subjects have been investigated and the results separated in two parts. In the first, new dentinal adhesives with different polymerizable groups (methacrylic or vinyl-ethereal) were synthesized. A low sensitivity to hydrolysis and equal or enhanced properties, compared to existing commercial products, were considered essentials. Moreover, these monomers need to polymerize by radical photopolymerization and functional groups of different characteristics were tested. All these products were characterized by microtensile bond strength test to determine the bonding strength between the adhesive and tooth. Concerning embolization, cyanoacrylates are nowadays the most-used adhesives in surgery. Thus, they must respond to several requirements. For instance, polymerization time and adhesive strength need to be low, to avoid diffusion of the products in the body and adhesion to the catheter. In order to overcome these problems we developed new cyanoacrylates, which practically instantly polymerize upon contact with blood but do not demonstrate strong adhesion to the catheter, thank to the presence of fluorine atoms, linked to the ester chain. The synthesis of these products was carried out in several steps, such as the depolymerization of the corresponding oligomers at high temperature in acid conditions. Two types of adhesion strengths were determined. Bonding strength between human veins and a microcatheter was determined in vitro by using organic materials as the most realistic model. Another test, on two layers of skin, was conducted to verify the possible use of these new cyanoacrylates as a glue for sutures. As a conclusion, we were able to demonstrate that some of the prepared monomers posses adhesive strength and polymerization time lower than the commercial product Glubran2.


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Utilizzo di laser portatili per la creazione di piste conduttive su polimeri coniugati.


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Membrane lipid rafts are detergent-resistant microdomains containing glycosphingolipids, cholesterol and glycosylphosphatidylinositol-linked proteins; they seem to be actively involved in many cellular processes including signal transduction, apoptosis, cell adhesion and migration. Lipid rafts may represent important functional platforms where redox signals are produced and transmitted in response to various agonists or stimuli. In addition, a new concept is emerging that could be used to define the interactions or amplification of both redox signalling and lipid raft-associated signalling. This concept is characterized by redox-mediated feed forward amplification in lipid platforms. It is proposed that lipid rafts are formed in response to various stimuli; for instance, NAD(P)H oxidase (Nox) subunits are aggregated or recruited in these platforms, increasing Nox activity. Superoxide and hydrogen peroxide generation could induce various regulatory activities, such as the induction of glucose transport activity and proliferation in leukaemia cells. The aim of our study is to probe: i) the involvement of lipid rafts in the modulation of the glucose transporter Glut1 in human acute leukemia cells; ii) the involvement of plasma membrane caveolae/lipid rafts in VEGF-mediated redox signaling via Nox activation in human leukemic cells; iii) the role of p66shc, an adaptor protein, in VEGF signaling and ROS production in endothelial cells (ECs); iv) the role of Sindecan-2, a transmembrane heparan sulphate proteoglycan, in VEGF signaling and physiological response in ECs and v) the antioxidant and pro-apoptotic activities of simple dietary phenolic acids, i. e. caffeic, syringic and protocatechuic acids in leukemia cells, characterized by a very high ROS content. Our results suggest that the role played by NAD(P)H oxidase-derived ROS in the regulation of glucose uptake, proliferation and migration of leukaemia and endothelial cells could likely occur through the control of lipid raft-associated signalling.