990 resultados para Quantum Noise


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Circuit QED is a promising solid-state quantum computing architecture. It also has excellent potential as a platform for quantum control-especially quantum feedback control-experiments. However, the current scheme for measurement in circuit QED is low efficiency and has low signal-to-noise ratio for single-shot measurements. The low quality of this measurement makes the implementation of feedback difficult, and here we propose two schemes for measurement in circuit QED architectures that can significantly improve signal-to-noise ratio and potentially achieve quantum-limited measurement. Such measurements would enable the implementation of quantum feedback protocols and we illustrate this with a simple entanglement-stabilization scheme.


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First principles simulations of the quantum dynamics of interacting Bose gases using the stochastic gauge representation are analysed. In a companion paper, we showed how the positive-P representation can be applied to these problems using stochastic differential equations. That method, however, is limited by increased sampling error as time evolves. Here, we show how the sampling error can be greatly reduced and the simulation time significantly extended using stochastic gauges. In particular, local stochastic gauges (a subset) are investigated. Improvements are confirmed in numerical calculations of single-, double- and multi-mode systems in the weak-mode coupling regime. Convergence issues are investigated, including the recognition of two modes by which stochastic equations produced by phase-space methods in general can diverge: movable singularities and a noise-weight relationship. The example calculated here displays wave-like behaviour in spatial correlation functions propagating in a uniform 1D gas after a sudden change in the coupling constant. This could in principle be tested experimentally using Feshbach resonance methods.


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The performance of the positive P phase-space representation for exact many- body quantum dynamics is investigated. Gases of interacting bosons are considered, where the full quantum equations to simulate are of a Gross-Pitaevskii form with added Gaussian noise. This method gives tractable simulations of many-body systems because the number of variables scales linearly with the spatial lattice size. An expression for the useful simulation time is obtained, and checked in numerical simulations. The dynamics of first-, second- and third-order spatial correlations are calculated for a uniform interacting 1D Bose gas subjected to a change in scattering length. Propagation of correlations is seen. A comparison is made with other recent methods. The positive P method is particularly well suited to open systems as no conservation laws are hard-wired into the calculation. It also differs from most other recent approaches in that there is no truncation of any kind.


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We study the electrical transport of a harmonically bound, single-molecule C-60 shuttle operating in the Coulomb blockade regime, i.e. single electron shuttling. In particular, we examine the dependance of the tunnel current on an ultra-small stationary force exerted on the shuttle. As an example, we consider the force exerted on an endohedral N@C-60 by the magnetic field gradient generated by a nearby nanomagnet. We derive a Hamiltonian for the full shuttle system which includes the metallic contacts, the spatially dependent tunnel couplings to the shuttle, the electronic and motional degrees of freedom of the shuttle itself and a coupling of the shuttle's motion to a phonon bath. We analyse the resulting quantum master equation and find that, due to the exponential dependence of the tunnel probability on the shuttle-contact separation, the current is highly sensitive to very small forces. In particular, we predict that the spin state of the endohedral electrons of N@C-60 in a large magnetic gradient field can be distinguished from the resulting current signals within a few tens of nanoseconds. This effect could prove useful for the detection of the endohedral spin-state of individual paramagnetic molecules such as N@C-60 and P@C-60, or the detection of very small static forces acting on a C-60 shuttle.


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In the absence of an external frame of reference-i.e., in background independent theories such as general relativity-physical degrees of freedom must describe relations between systems. Using a simple model, we investigate how such a relational quantum theory naturally arises by promoting reference systems to the status of dynamical entities. Our goal is twofold. First, we demonstrate using elementary quantum theory how any quantum mechanical experiment admits a purely relational description at a fundamental. Second, we describe how the original non-relational theory approximately emerges from the fully relational theory when reference systems become semi-classical. Our technique is motivated by a Bayesian approach to quantum mechanics, and relies on the noiseless subsystem method of quantum information science used to protect quantum states against undesired noise. The relational theory naturally predicts a fundamental decoherence mechanism, so an arrow of time emerges from a time-symmetric theory. Moreover, our model circumvents the problem of the collapse of the wave packet as the probability interpretation is only ever applied to diagonal density operators. Finally, the physical states of the relational theory can be described in terms of spin networks introduced by Penrose as a combinatorial description of geometry, and widely studied in the loop formulation of quantum gravity. Thus, our simple bottom-up approach (starting from the semiclassical limit to derive the fully relational quantum theory) may offer interesting insights on the low energy limit of quantum gravity.


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This paper presents the current status of our research in mode-locked quantum-dot edge-emitting laser diodes, particularly highlighting the recent progress in spectral and temporal versatility of both monolithic and external-cavity laser configurations. Spectral versatility is demonstrated through broadband tunability and novel mode-locking regimes that involve distinct spectral bands, such as dual-wavelength mode-locking, and robust high-power wavelength bistability. Broad tunability of the pulse repetition rate is also demonstrated for an external-cavity mode-locked quantum-dot laser, revealing a nearly constant pulse peak power at different pulse repetition rates. High-energy and low-noise pulse generations are demonstrated for low-pulse repetition rates. These recent advances confirm the potential of quantum-dot lasers as versatile, compact, and low-cost sources of ultrashort pulses. © 2011 IEEE.


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We study a periodic Raman amplified dispersion-managed system with backward-pumping configuration, considering noise and nonlinear impairments. A general optimization method based on nonlinearity management is applied in order to find the configuration that maximizes the system performance. The system is later tested using a full numerical implementation of the nonlinear Schrödinger equation and shown to effectively deliver its longest propagation distance in the same optimal region.


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In the present paper we numerically study instrumental impact on statistical properties of quasi-CW Raman fiber laser using a simple model of multimode laser radiation. Effects, that have the most influence, are limited electrical bandwidth of measurement equipment and noise. To check this influence, we developed a simple model of the multimode quasi- CW generation with exponential statistics (i.e. uncorrelated modes). We found that the area near zero intensity in probability density function (PDF) is strongly affected by both factors, for example both lead to formation of a negative wing of intensity distribution. But far wing slope of PDF is not affected by noise and, for moderate mismatch between optical and electrical bandwidth, is only slightly affected by bandwidth limitation. The generation spectrum often becomes broader at higher power in experiments, so the spectral/electrical bandwidth mismatch factor increases over the power that can lead to artificial dependence of the PDF slope over the power. It was also found that both effects influence the ACF background level: noise impact decreases it, while limited bandwidth leads to its increase. © (2014) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


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We study the effect of noise on the dynamics of passively mode-locked semiconductor lasers both experimentally and theoretically. A method combining analytical and numerical approaches for estimation of pulse timing jitter is proposed. We investigate how the presence of dynamical features such as wavelength bistability in a quantum-dot laser affects timing jitter.


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We describe the technique allowing generation of wider frequency combs with low phase noise and pulses of shorter duration in quantum-dot mode-locked lasers. The devices are stabilized using coherent sidebands optical injection. © 2014 OSA.


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As the development of a viable quantum computer nears, existing widely used public-key cryptosystems, such as RSA, will no longer be secure. Thus, significant effort is being invested into post-quantum cryptography (PQC). Lattice-based cryptography (LBC) is one such promising area of PQC, which offers versatile, efficient, and high performance security services. However, the vulnerabilities of these implementations against side-channel attacks (SCA) remain significantly understudied. Most, if not all, lattice-based cryptosystems require noise samples generated from a discrete Gaussian distribution, and a successful timing analysis attack can render the whole cryptosystem broken, making the discrete Gaussian sampler the most vulnerable module to SCA. This research proposes countermeasures against timing information leakage with FPGA-based designs of the CDT-based discrete Gaussian samplers with constant response time, targeting encryption and signature scheme parameters. The proposed designs are compared against the state-of-the-art and are shown to significantly outperform existing implementations. For encryption, the proposed sampler is 9x faster in comparison to the only other existing time-independent CDT sampler design. For signatures, the first time-independent CDT sampler in hardware is proposed. 


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Una detallada descripción de la dinámica de bajas energías del entrelazamiento multipartito es proporcionada para sistemas armónicos en una gran variedad de escenarios disipativos. Sin hacer ninguna aproximación central, esta descripción yace principalmente sobre un conjunto razonable de hipótesis acerca del entorno e interacción entorno-sistema, ambas consistente con un análisis lineal de la dinámica disipativa. En la primera parte se deriva un criterio de inseparabilidad capaz de detectar el entrelazamiento k-partito de una extensa clase de estados gausianos y no-gausianos en sistemas de variable continua. Este criterio se emplea para monitorizar la dinámica transitiva del entrelazamiento, mostrando que los estados no-gausianos pueden ser tan robustos frente a los efectos disipativos como los gausianos. Especial atención se dedicada a la dinámica estacionaria del entrelazamiento entre tres osciladores interaccionando con el mismo entorno o diferentes entornos a distintas temperaturas. Este estudio contribuye a dilucidar el papel de las correlaciones cuánticas en el comportamiento de la corrientes energéticas.


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Entanglement distribution between distant parties is an essential component to most quantum communication protocols. Unfortunately, decoherence effects such as phase noise in optical fibres are known to demolish entanglement. Iterative (multistep) entanglement distillation protocols have long been proposed to overcome decoherence, but their probabilistic nature makes them inefficient since the success probability decays exponentially with the number of steps. Quantum memories have been contemplated to make entanglement distillation practical, but suitable quantum memories are not realised to date. Here, we present the theory for an efficient iterative entanglement distillation protocol without quantum memories and provide a proof-of-principle experimental demonstration. The scheme is applied to phase-diffused two-mode-squeezed states and proven to distil entanglement for up to three iteration steps. The data are indistinguishable from those that an efficient scheme using quantum memories would produce. Since our protocol includes the final measurement it is particularly promising for enhancing continuous-variable quantum key distribution.


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The accuracy in determining the quantum state of a system depends on the type of measurement performed. Homodyne and heterodyne detection are the two main schemes in continuous-variable quantum information. The former leads to a direct reconstruction of the Wigner function of the state, whereas the latter samples its Husimi Q function. We experimentally demonstrate that heterodyne detection outperforms homodyne detection for almost all Gaussian states, the details of which depend on the squeezing strength and thermal noise.