941 resultados para Quality-of-Service (QoS)


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[ES]Este proyecto tiene como objetivo el diseño e implementación de una herramienta para la integración de los datos de calidad de servicio (QoS) en Internet publicados por el regulador español. Se trata de una herramienta que pretende, por una parte, unificar los diferentes formatos en que se publican los datos de QoS y, por otra, facilitar la conservación de los datos favoreciendo la obtención de históricos, datos estadísticos e informes. En la página del regulador sólo se puede acceder a los datos de los 5 últimos trimestres y los datos anteriormente publicados no permanecen accesibles si no que son sustituidos por los más recientes por lo que, desde el punto de vista del usuario final, estos datos se pierden. La herramienta propuesta en este trabajo soluciona este problema además de unificar formatos y facilitar el acceso a los datos de interés. Para el diseño del sistema se han usado las últimas tecnologías en desarrollo de aplicaciones web con lo que la potencia y posibilidad de futuras ampliaciones son elevadas.


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[ES]En este documento se presenta el trabajo realizado para la integración de las distintas herramientas disponibles para la medición de la Calidad de Servicio (QoS) con el Contenedor que les da soporte dentro de la infraestructura QoSMETER desarrollada por el grupo de investigación NQaS de la UPV/EHU. Se analizan las distintas alternativas disponibles para resolver el problema y se plantea el diseño en base a la mejor de ellas.


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网络分布计算环境下应用系统的需求多样化和复杂性的增长,要求位于中间件层次的Web应用服务器(web application server,简称WAS)从原来的尽力而为服务模型转变为服务质量(quality of service,简称QoS)保障模型,为具有不同需求的应用分别提供适宜的服务质量保障.目前的WAS系统在此方面仍然比较薄弱.OnceAS/Q是一个面向QoS的WAS系统,它以QoS规约为基础,为不同应用提供不同的QoS保障能力.OnceAS/Q实现了一个应用QoS保障框架,提供了一组QoS服务组件支持具有QoS需求的应用开发和运行.介绍了OnceAS/Q的体系结构和主要组件,详细阐述了两个关键问题,一是QoS规约的定义及其映射,另一个是面向QoS的服务组件和资源的动态重配.OnceAS/Q原型在Ecperf测试基准下,对其QoS保障能力进行了实验.实验数据表明,在较大规模的应用环境下,OnceAS/Q能够提供更好的服务质量,并且开销是可接受的.


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To support the diverse Quality of Service (QoS) requirements of real-time (e.g. audio/video) applications in integrated services networks, several routing algorithms that allow for the reservation of the needed bandwidth over a Virtual Circuit (VC) established on one of several candidate routes have been proposed. Traditionally, such routing is done using the least-loaded concept, and thus results in balancing the load across the set of candidate routes. In a recent study, we have established the inadequacy of this load balancing practice and proposed the use of load profiling as an alternative. Load profiling techniques allow the distribution of "available" bandwidth across a set of candidate routes to match the characteristics of incoming VC QoS requests. In this paper we thoroughly characterize the performance of VC routing using load profiling and contrast it to routing using load balancing and load packing. We do so both analytically and via extensive simulations of multi-class traffic routing in Virtual Path (VP) based networks. Our findings confirm that for routing guaranteed bandwidth flows in VP networks, load balancing is not desirable as it results in VP bandwidth fragmentation, which adversely affects the likelihood of accepting new VC requests. This fragmentation is more pronounced when the granularity of VC requests is large. Typically, this occurs when a common VC is established to carry the aggregate traffic flow of many high-bandwidth real-time sources. For VP-based networks, our simulation results show that our load-profiling VC routing scheme performs better or as well as the traditional load-balancing VC routing in terms of revenue under both skewed and uniform workloads. Furthermore, load-profiling routing improves routing fairness by proactively increasing the chances of admitting high-bandwidth connections.


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The congestion control mechanisms of TCP make it vulnerable in an environment where flows with different congestion-sensitivity compete for scarce resources. With the increasing amount of unresponsive UDP traffic in today's Internet, new mechanisms are needed to enforce fairness in the core of the network. We propose a scalable Diffserv-like architecture, where flows with different characteristics are classified into separate service queues at the routers. Such class-based isolation provides protection so that flows with different characteristics do not negatively impact one another. In this study, we examine different aspects of UDP and TCP interaction and possible gains from segregating UDP and TCP into different classes. We also investigate the utility of further segregating TCP flows into two classes, which are class of short and class of long flows. Results are obtained analytically for both Tail-drop and Random Early Drop (RED) routers. Class-based isolation have the following salient features: (1) better fairness, (2) improved predictability for all kinds of flows, (3) lower transmission delay for delay-sensitive flows, and (4) better control over Quality of Service (QoS) of a particular traffic type.


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Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees are required by an increasing number of applications to ensure a minimal level of fidelity in the delivery of application data units through the network. Application-level QoS does not necessarily follow from any transport-level QoS guarantees regarding the delivery of the individual cells (e.g. ATM cells) which comprise the application's data units. The distinction between application-level and transport-level QoS guarantees is due primarily to the fragmentation that occurs when transmitting large application data units (e.g. IP packets, or video frames) using much smaller network cells, whereby the partial delivery of a data unit is useless; and, bandwidth spent to partially transmit the data unit is wasted. The data units transmitted by an application may vary in size while being constant in rate, which results in a variable bit rate (VBR) data flow. That data flow requires QoS guarantees. Statistical multiplexing is inadequate, because no guarantees can be made and no firewall property exists between different data flows. In this paper, we present a novel resource management paradigm for the maintenance of application-level QoS for VBR flows. Our paradigm is based on Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling (SRMS), in which (1) each application generates its variable-size data units at a fixed rate, (2) the partial delivery of data units is of no value to the application, and (3) the QoS guarantee extended to the application is the probability that an arbitrary data unit will be successfully transmitted through the network to/from the application.


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Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling (SRMS) is a generalization of the classical RMS results of Liu and Layland [LL73] for periodic tasks with highly variable execution times and statistical QoS requirements. The main tenet of SRMS is that the variability in task resource requirements could be smoothed through aggregation to yield guaranteed QoS. This aggregation is done over time for a given task and across multiple tasks for a given period of time. Similar to RMS, SRMS has two components: a feasibility test and a scheduling algorithm. SRMS feasibility test ensures that it is possible for a given periodic task set to share a given resource without violating any of the statistical QoS constraints imposed on each task in the set. The SRMS scheduling algorithm consists of two parts: a job admission controller and a scheduler. The SRMS scheduler is a simple, preemptive, fixed-priority scheduler. The SRMS job admission controller manages the QoS delivered to the various tasks through admit/reject and priority assignment decisions. In particular, it ensures the important property of task isolation, whereby tasks do not infringe on each other. In this paper we present the design and implementation of SRMS within the KURT Linux Operating System [HSPN98, SPH 98, Sri98]. KURT Linux supports conventional tasks as well as real-time tasks. It provides a mechanism for transitioning from normal Linux scheduling to a mixed scheduling of conventional and real-time tasks, and to a focused mode where only real-time tasks are scheduled. We overview the technical issues that we had to overcome in order to integrate SRMS into KURT Linux and present the API we have developed for scheduling periodic real-time tasks using SRMS.


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To provide real-time service or engineer constrained-based paths, networks require the underlying routing algorithm to be able to find low-cost paths that satisfy given Quality-of-Service (QoS) constraints. However, the problem of constrained shortest (least-cost) path routing is known to be NP-hard, and some heuristics have been proposed to find a near-optimal solution. However, these heuristics either impose relationships among the link metrics to reduce the complexity of the problem which may limit the general applicability of the heuristic, or are too costly in terms of execution time to be applicable to large networks. In this paper, we focus on solving the delay-constrained minimum-cost path problem, and present a fast algorithm to find a near-optimal solution. This algorithm, called DCCR (for Delay-Cost-Constrained Routing), is a variant of the k-shortest path algorithm. DCCR uses a new adaptive path weight function together with an additional constraint imposed on the path cost, to restrict the search space. Thus, DCCR can return a near-optimal solution in a very short time. Furthermore, we use the method proposed by Blokh and Gutin to further reduce the search space by using a tighter bound on path cost. This makes our algorithm more accurate and even faster. We call this improved algorithm SSR+DCCR (for Search Space Reduction+DCCR). Through extensive simulations, we confirm that SSR+DCCR performs very well compared to the optimal but very expensive solution.


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In this position paper, we review basic control strategies that machines acting as "traffic controllers" could deploy in order to improve the management of Internet services. Such traffic controllers are likely to spur the widespread emergence of advanced applications, which have (so far) been hindered by the inability of the networking infrastructure to deliver on the promise of Quality-of-Service (QoS).


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We present a generic Service Level Agreement (SLA)-driven service provisioning architecture, which enables dynamic and flexible bandwidth reservation schemes on a per-user or a per-application basis. Various session level SLA negotiation schemes involving bandwidth allocation, service start time and service duration parameters are introduced and analysed. The results show that these negotiation schemes can be utilised for the benefits of both end user and network provide such as getting the highest individual SLA optimisation in terms of Quality of Service (QoS) and price. A prototype based on an industrial agent platform has also been built to demonstrate the negotiation scenario and this is presented and discussed.


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This paper focuses on two main areas. We first investigate various aspects of subscription and session Service Level Agreement (SLA) issues such as negotiating and setting up network services with Quality of Service (QoS) and pricing preferences. We then introduce an agent-enhanced service architecture that facilitates these services. A prototype system consisting of real-time agents that represent various network stakeholders was developed. A novel approach is presented where the agent system is allowed to communicate with a simulated network. This allows functional and dynamic behaviour of the network to be investigated under various agent-supported scenarios. This paper also highlights the effects of SLA negotiation and dynamic pricing in a competitive multi-operator networks environment.


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Haptic information originates from a different human sense (touch), therefore the quality of service (QoS) required to supporthaptic traffic is significantly different from that used to support conventional real-time traffic such as voice or video. Each type ofnetwork impairment has different (and severe) impacts on the user’s haptic experience. There has been no specific provision of QoSparameters for haptic interaction. Previous research into distributed haptic virtual environments (DHVEs) have concentrated onsynchronization of positions (haptic device or virtual objects), and are based on client-server architectures.We present a new peerto-peer DHVE architecture that further extends this to enable force interactions between two users whereby force data are sent tothe remote peer in addition to positional information. The work presented involves both simulation and practical experimentationwhere multimodal data is transmitted over a QoS-enabled IP network. Both forms of experiment produce consistent results whichshow that the use of specific QoS classes for haptic traffic will reduce network delay and jitter, leading to improvements in users’haptic experiences with these types of applications.


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A full hardware implementation of a Weighted Fair Queuing (WFQ) packet scheduler is proposed. The circuit architecture presented has been implemented using Altera Stratix II FPGA technology, utilizing RLDII and QDRII memory components. The circuit can provide fine granularity Quality of Service (QoS) support at a line throughput rate of 12.8Gb/s in its current implementation. The authors suggest that, due to the flexible and scalable modular circuit design approach used, the current circuit architecture can be targeted for a full ASIC implementation to deliver 50 Gb/s throughput. The circuit itself comprises three main components; a WFQ algorithm computation circuit, a tag/time-stamp sort and retrieval circuit, and a high throughput shared buffer. The circuit targets the support of emerging wireline and wireless network nodes that focus on Service Level Agreements (SLA's) and Quality of Experience.


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We present a novel Service Level Agreement (SLA)-driven service provisioning architecture, which enables dynamic and flexible bandwidth reservation schemes on a per-user or per-application basis. Various session level SLA negotiation schemes involving bandwidth allocation, service start time and service duration parameters are introduced and analyzed. The results show that these negotiation schemes can be utilized for the benefit of both end users and network providers in achieving the highest individual SLA optimization in terms of key Quality of Service (QoS) metrics and price. The inherent characteristics of software agents such as autonomy, adaptability and social abilities offer many advantages in this dynamic, complex, and distributed network environment especially when performing Service Level Agreements (SLA) definition negotiations and brokering tasks. This article also presents a service broker prototype based on Fujitsu's Phoenix Open Agent Mediator (OAM) agent technology, which was used to demonstrate a range of SLA brokering scenarios.


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To cope with the rapid growth of multimedia applications that requires dynamic levels of quality of service (QoS), cross-layer (CL) design, where multiple protocol layers are jointly combined, has been considered to provide diverse QoS provisions for mobile multimedia networks. However, there is a lack of a general mathematical framework to model such CL scheme in wireless networks with different types of multimedia classes. In this paper, to overcome this shortcoming, we therefore propose a novel CL design for integrated real-time/non-real-time traffic with strict preemptive priority via a finite-state Markov chain. The main strategy of the CL scheme is to design a Markov model by explicitly including adaptive modulation and coding at the physical layer, queuing at the data link layer, and the bursty nature of multimedia traffic classes at the application layer. Utilizing this Markov model, several important performance metrics in terms of packet loss rate, delay, and throughput are examined. In addition, our proposed framework is exploited in various multimedia applications, for example, the end-to-end real-time video streaming and CL optimization, which require the priority-based QoS adaptation for different applications. More importantly, the CL framework reveals important guidelines as to optimize the network performance