907 resultados para Publishers and publishing.


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‘The good editor,’ suggests Thomas McCormack in his Fiction Editor, the Novel and the Novelist, ‘reads, and … responds aptly’ to the writer’s work, ‘where “aptly” means “as the ideal appropriate reader would”.’ McCormack develops an argument that encompasses the dual ideas of sensibility and craft as essential characteristics of the fiction editor. But at an historical juncture that has seen increasing interest in the publication of Indigenous writing, and when Indigenous writers themselves may envisage a multiplicity of readers (writing, for instance, for family and community, and to educate a wider white audience), who is the ‘ideal appropriate reader’ for the literary works of the current generation of Australian Indigenous writers? And what should the work of this ‘good editor’ be when engaging with the text of an Indigenous writer? This paper examines such questions using the work of Margaret McDonell and Jennifer Jones, among others, to explore ways in which non-Indigenous editors may apply aspects of McCormack’s ‘apt response’ to the editing of Indigenous texts.


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Book reviews of 
- Colomer, Teresa, Bettina Kümmerling-Meibauer, and Cecilia Silva-Diaz, eds. New Directions in Picturebook Research. New York: Routledge, 2010
- Edwards, Gail, and Judith Saltman. Picturing Canada: A History of Canadian Children’s Illustrated Books and Publishing. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2010
- Harding, Jennifer, and Pat Pinsent, eds. What Do You See? International Perspectives on Children’s Book Illustration. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2008
- Lerner, Loren, ed. Depicting Canada’s Children. Waterloo: Wilfrid Laurier UP, 2009
- Pantaleo, Sylvia. Exploring Student Response to Contemporary Picturebooks. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2009


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Three significant events at the start of 2015 have put freedom of speech firmly on the global agenda. The first was the carry-over from the December 2014 illegal entry to the Sony Corporation’s file servers by anonymous hackers, believed to be linked to the North Korean regime. The second was the horrible attack on journalists, editors, and cartoonists at the French satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo on 7 January. The third was the election of leftwing anti-austerity party Syrzia in Greece on 25 January.While each event is different in scope and size, they are important to scholars of the political economy of communication because they all speak to ongoing debates about freedom of expression, freedom of speech and freedom of the press. I name each of these concepts separately because, despite popular confusion, they are not the same thing (Patching and Hirst, 2014) . Freedom of expression is the right to individual self-expression through any means; it is an inalienable human right. Freedom of speech refers to the right (and the physical ability) to utter political speech, to say what others wish to repress and to demand a voice with which to express a range of social and political thoughts. Freedom of the press is a very particular version of freedom of expression that is intimately bound with the political economy of speech and of the printing press. Freedom of the press is impossible without the press and, despite its theoretical availability to all of us, this principle is impossible to articulate without the material means (usually money) to actually deploy a printing press (or the electronic means of broadcasting and publishing).Freedom of expression is immutable; freedom of speech subject to legal, ethical and ideological restriction (for better, or worse) and freedom of the press is peculiar to bourgeois society in that it entails the freedom to own and operate a press, not the right to say or publish on a level playing field. Access to freedom of the press is determined in the marketplace and is subject to the unequal power relationships that such determination implies.It is fitting to start with the Charlie Hebdo massacre because the loss of 17 lives makes this the most chilling of the three events and demands that it be given prominence in any analysis. No lives have been lost yet because Sony’s computers were hacked and the election of Syriza has not (yet) led to mass deaths in Greece.


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Open-data has created an unprecedented opportunity with new challenges for ecosystem scientists. Skills in data management are essential to acquire, manage, publish, access and re-use data. These skills span many disciplines and require trans-disciplinary collaboration. Science synthesis centres support analysis and synthesis through collaborative 'Working Groups' where domain specialists work together to synthesise existing information to provide insight into critical problems. The Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis (ACEAS) served a wide range of stakeholders, from scientists to policy-makers to managers. This paper investigates the level of sophistication in data management in the ecosystem science community through the lens of the ACEAS experience, and identifies the important factors required to enable us to benefit from this new data-world and produce innovative science. ACEAS promoted the analysis and synthesis of data to solve transdisciplinary questions, and promoted the publication of the synthesised data. To do so, it provided support in many of the key skillsets required. Analysis and synthesis in multi-disciplinary and multi-organisational teams, and publishing data were new for most. Data were difficult to discover and access, and to make ready for analysis, largely due to lack of metadata. Data use and publication were hampered by concerns about data ownership and a desire for data citation. A web portal was created to visualise geospatial datasets to maximise data interpretation. By the end of the experience there was a significant increase in appreciation of the importance of a Data Management Plan. It is extremely doubtful that the work would have occurred or data delivered without the support of the Synthesis centre, as few of the participants had the necessary networks or skills. It is argued that participation in the Centre provided an important learning opportunity, and has resulted in improved knowledge and understanding of good data management practices.


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Este trabalho parte de pesquisas realizadas no periódico Diário de Notícias, de Belém, Pará, no período que vai de 1881 a 1893, com o objetivo de recuperar textos ficcionais em prosa, em especial, o romance-folhetim, gênero que surge da relação próxima entre literatura e jornal, muito intensa no decorrer do século XIX. Nesse período, o jornal aparece como importante meio de divulgação política e cultural nas várias regiões do país, considerando que seu custo era bem mais acessível que o do livro. O romance-folhetim alcança, nesse veículo, uma grande popularidade entre os leitores. Dentre os romances-folhetins catalogados, optamos por analisar o Negro e cor de rosa: o canto do cysne, do francês Georges Ohnet, publicado no período de julho a agosto de 1887, na coluna Folhetim do já citado periódico. A análise foi baseada nos estudos de Jésus Martín-Barbero sobre os dispositivos de enunciação do gênero folhetim. A partir de nossa pesquisa, procuramos investigar como se caracterizava o circuito editorial da Belém oitocentista, averiguando a relação entre o gosto do público e a presença ostensiva de narrativas francesas, bem como, a relação mercadológica entre editores e livreiros. Assim, ressalta-se a relevância dos estudos da História do Livro e da Leitura no Brasil por permitir-nos a recuperação de informações que contribuirão para o registro da História da Literatura Brasileira.


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Pós-graduação em Letras - FCLAS


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The paper presents and discusses business strategies based on the association from journalistic content to new commercial practices in digital media. We describe selected examples from Folha de S. Paulo and El País involving service guides, links and ecommerce advertisements. The employed method provides content analysis to illustrate how the search for new business models in journalism may conduct its commercial activities beyond the conventional sale of advertising and subscriptions, including a discussion on the challenges and implications of this practice. The hypothesis is demonstrated by describing operations for the sale of tickets, books, music, and films related to news features and service journalism contents. The text finally wonders and discusses how such commercial actions may affect editorial autonomy and publishing exemption.


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Differentiating salient histopathologic changes from normal anatomic features or tissue artifacts can be decidedly challenging, especially for the novice fish pathologist. As a consequence, findings of questionable accuracy may be reported inadvertently, and the potential negative impacts of publishing inaccurate histopathologic interpretations are not always fully appreciated. The objectives of this article are to illustrate a number of specific morphologic findings in commonly examined fish tissues (e.g., gills, liver, kidney, and gonads) that are frequently either misdiagnosed or underdiagnosed, and to address related issues involving the interpretation of histopathologic data. To enhance the utility of this article as a guide, photomicrographs of normal and abnormal specimens are presented. General recommendations for generating and publishing results from histopathology studies are additionally provided. It is hoped that the furnished information will be a useful resource for manuscript generation, by helping authors, reviewers, and readers to critically assess fish histopathologic data.


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El desarrollo sostenido de edición de revistas científicas ha abierto un campo de análisis y aplicación de conocimientos específicos para los bibliotecarios. El trabajo en cooperación con los editores enriquece a ambos actores pues, mientras los bibliotecarios conocen los estándares de normalización de la información y difusión del conocimiento científico, los editores se centran en las tareas académicas -pertinencia temática, relación con autores y evaluadores, revisión por pares. Los indicadores de evaluación de revistas científicas, tanto regionales como internacionales, se han afianzado en las últimas décadas a partir de acuerdos interinstitucionales y de la aceptación de los propios editores, aplicándose criterios de gestión y criterios formales de edición y evaluación. En este contexto, los editores necesitan un apoyo especializado que los acompañe en el proceso de desarrollo científico y técnico para conseguir que sus revistas se inserten en los principales núcleos de publicaciones científicas de cada disciplina. En este trabajo se presenta la experiencia de la Coordinación del Área de Publicaciones, en la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, que edita actualmente más de 20 revistas


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El desarrollo sostenido de edición de revistas científicas ha abierto un campo de análisis y aplicación de conocimientos específicos para los bibliotecarios. El trabajo en cooperación con los editores enriquece a ambos actores pues, mientras los bibliotecarios conocen los estándares de normalización de la información y difusión del conocimiento científico, los editores se centran en las tareas académicas -pertinencia temática, relación con autores y evaluadores, revisión por pares. Los indicadores de evaluación de revistas científicas, tanto regionales como internacionales, se han afianzado en las últimas décadas a partir de acuerdos interinstitucionales y de la aceptación de los propios editores, aplicándose criterios de gestión y criterios formales de edición y evaluación. En este contexto, los editores necesitan un apoyo especializado que los acompañe en el proceso de desarrollo científico y técnico para conseguir que sus revistas se inserten en los principales núcleos de publicaciones científicas de cada disciplina. En este trabajo se presenta la experiencia de la Coordinación del Área de Publicaciones, en la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, que edita actualmente más de 20 revistas


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El desarrollo sostenido de edición de revistas científicas ha abierto un campo de análisis y aplicación de conocimientos específicos para los bibliotecarios. El trabajo en cooperación con los editores enriquece a ambos actores pues, mientras los bibliotecarios conocen los estándares de normalización de la información y difusión del conocimiento científico, los editores se centran en las tareas académicas -pertinencia temática, relación con autores y evaluadores, revisión por pares. Los indicadores de evaluación de revistas científicas, tanto regionales como internacionales, se han afianzado en las últimas décadas a partir de acuerdos interinstitucionales y de la aceptación de los propios editores, aplicándose criterios de gestión y criterios formales de edición y evaluación. En este contexto, los editores necesitan un apoyo especializado que los acompañe en el proceso de desarrollo científico y técnico para conseguir que sus revistas se inserten en los principales núcleos de publicaciones científicas de cada disciplina. En este trabajo se presenta la experiencia de la Coordinación del Área de Publicaciones, en la Biblioteca de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, que edita actualmente más de 20 revistas


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Linked Data is the key paradigm of the Semantic Web, a new generation of the World Wide Web that promises to bring meaning (semantics) to data. A large number of both public and private organizations have published their data following the Linked Data principles, or have done so with data from other organizations. To this extent, since the generation and publication of Linked Data are intensive engineering processes that require high attention in order to achieve high quality, and since experience has shown that existing general guidelines are not always sufficient to be applied to every domain, this paper presents a set of guidelines for generating and publishing Linked Data in the context of energy consumption in buildings (one aspect of Building Information Models). These guidelines offer a comprehensive description of the tasks to perform, including a list of steps, tools that help in achieving the task, various alternatives for performing the task, and best practices and recommendations. Furthermore, this paper presents a complete example on the generation and publication of Linked Data about energy consumption in buildings, following the presented guidelines, in which the energy consumption data of council sites (e.g., buildings and lights) belonging to the Leeds City Council jurisdiction have been generated and published as Linked Data.


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pt. 1. Food and kindred products; tobacco manufactures.--pt. 2. Textile mill products; apparel and related products; leather and leather goods.--pt. 3. Lumber and wood products; furniture and fixtures.--pt. 4. Pulp, paper, and products; printing and publishing.--pt. 5. Chemical and products: petroleum and coal products; rubber products.--pt. 6. Stone, clay, and glass products; miscellaneous manufactures.--pt. 7. Primary metal industries; fabricated metal products.--pt. 8. Machinery, except electrical; electrical machinery.--pt. 9. Transportation equipment; instruments and related products.


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Different edition published under title: Acts and proceedings of the General assemblies of the Kirk of Scotland, from the year M.D. LX.