979 resultados para Psychology, Behavioral|Psychology, Clinical


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L’aliénation parentale (AP) est un phénomène connu des intervenants sociolégaux œuvrant auprès des familles éclatées chez lesquelles on retrouve un haut niveau de conflits parentaux. Ce phénomène est peu étudié empiriquement et sa définition et les balises l’entourant demeurent à ce jour non circonscrites et suscitent confusion et controverse. Cette recherche n’a pas comme objectif de trancher sur ce qui est ou n’est pas de l’aliénation parentale, mais porte plutôt sur l’étude du phénomène de Détérioration du lien parent-enfant (DLPE), qui inclut une rupture complète du lien comme dans les cas d’AP, lors de séparations conjugales litigieuses. Cette thèse doctorale a pour objectif principal d’élargir notre compréhension sur les différents facteurs qui interagissent et qui mettent en place une situation familiale de DLPE. Le présent ouvrage est composé de quatre articles, dont trois sont empiriques. Le premier article est une synthèse critique des écrits théoriques et empiriques permettant de dégager les différents facteurs, conduites ou contextes individuels et relationnels associés à une DLPE. Il ressort que la plupart des écrits proviennent de comptes rendus cliniques. De plus, peu d’auteurs abordent ce phénomène dans une perspective systémique incluant une vision multifactorielle de cette situation. Plusieurs aspects demandent à être étudiés davantage : les caractéristiques individuelles, les comportements inappropriés des acteurs et les dynamiques familiales. En définitive, il importe d’établir les facteurs de résilience. Les articles 2, 3 et 4 ont été réalisés suite à une analyse qualitative de 17 dossiers d’expertise psychosociale de familles séparées en litige autour des accès des enfants. Le second article a pour objectif d’apporter un éclairage fouillé sur les structures de personnalité des parents impliqués dans de tels litiges. Il se dégage de cette analyse que les parents contribuent différemment à la dynamique familiale en fonction de leur profil de personnalité. Quatre profils parentaux ont émergé et permettent de discerner en quoi les parents aux conduites aliénantes se distinguent des parents dénigrés au niveau des profils de personnalité et en quoi la personnalité de ces parents est respectivement différente selon qu’ils maintiennent ou pas la relation avec leur enfant. L’analyse approfondie des profils parentaux a permis de formuler certains facteurs de risque et de protection relatifs à la structure de la personnalité des parents à risque d’une DLPE. Le troisième article a pour objectif d’évaluer par une lecture psychodynamique les différentes caractéristiques individuelles des enfants dans l’optique d’établir des pistes pouvant élucider pourquoi un enfant est résistant à une DLPE ou, au contraire, ne l’est pas. L’analyse qualitative fouillée des dossiers d’expertise a permis d’extraire différents facteurs de risque et de protection d’une DLPE chez ces enfants. Le quatrième article cherche à modéliser les différents facteurs de risque ou, au contraire, qui atténuent le risque de DLPE. Trois trajectoires dénotant une dynamique de DLPE ont émergé. Une modélisation systémique reprend l’ensemble des facteurs (dynamiques personnelles et relationnelles, contexte familial, système sociojuridique, personnes tierces et temps) émergeant de l’analyse et leur déploiement spécifique à chaque trajectoire.


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An alternative to the Stroop Color-Word Test (SCWT), denominated the Colored Numbers Test (CNT), was developed to evaluate the selective attention of illiterate individuals. A total of 30 volunteers with basic education (control group) and 30 illiterate volunteers (experimental group) performed the SCWT and the CNT. Volunteers had to name the color of the rectangles in the CNT neutral condition, and in the critical condition they had to either name the color of the numbers or, when the numbers were black, read the numbers. An interference index (II) was calculated for both tests by subtracting the time taken to complete the task in the neutral condition from the time taken to complete the task in the critical condition. The control group showed an II of 14.9s in the SCWT and of 19.1s in the CNT, and the experimental group, which practically presented no interference in the SCWT (II = 0.2s), showed an II of 18.7s in the CNT. These findings suggest that the CNT can he used to evaluate selective attention. Further work should confirm its validity. Its advantage over the SCWT is that it does not depend on the ability to read words, being then suitable for illiterate individuals.


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Objective: The purpose of the present study was to investigate the influence that education and depression have on the performance of elderly people in neuropsychological tests. Methods: The study was conducted at the Institute of Psychiatry, University of Sao Paulo School of Medicine, Hospital das Clinicas. All of the individuals evaluated were aged 60 or older. The study sample consisted of 59 outpatients with depressive disorders and 51 healthy controls. We stratified the sample by level of education: low = 1-4 years of schooling; high = 5 or more years of schooling. Evaluations consisted of psychiatric assessment, cognitive assessment, laboratory tests and cerebral magnetic resonance imaging. Results: We found that level of education influenced all the measures of cognitive domains investigated (intellectual efficiency, processing speed, attention, executive function and memory) except the Digit Span Forward and Fuld Object Memory Evaluation (immediate and delayed recall), whereas depressive symptoms influenced some measures of memory, attention, executive function and processing speed. Although the combination of a low level of education and depression had a significant negative influence on Stroop Test part B, Trail Making Test part B and Logical Memory (immediate recall), we found no other significant effects of the interaction between level of education and depression. Conclusion: The results of this study underscore the importance of considering the level of education in the analysis of cognitive performance in depressed elderly patients, as well as the relevance of developing new cognitive function tests in which level of education has a reduced impact on the results.


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The evidence linking the personality trait of impulsivity and substance misuse is well established. Importantly, impulsivity not only predicts substance misuse problems but has an association with duration in treatment, likelihood of completing treatment and time to relapse. Treatment that focuses on increasing awareness and acceptance of thoughts and emotions may potentially address impulsive behaviour and in this respect improve treatment outcomes for substance misuse. The current paper investigated the relationship between the facet of impulsivity that taps into poor inhibitory control and treatment outcome. In addition, there was a specific focus on ascertaining the impact of an increase in awareness and attentional control measured in 144 adult substance users receiving treatment in a residential therapeutic community. Impulsivity predicted poorer treatment outcome (measured as drug use severity). Increases in awareness and acceptance of emotions and thoughts during treatment were related to better outcome although this was not associated with baseline levels of impulsivity. Clinical and theoretical implications are discussed.


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Compulsive buying is a disabling condition, where individuals are unable to resist or control their buying behavior, leading to substantial social and financial problems. Cognitive models implicate the role of beliefs as one factor in buying behavior, for example, "this item is unique and will help me improve my life".


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This study investigates risk and protective factors for substance abuse in a sample of 1778 students attending technical colleges in Bangkok and Nakhon Ratchasima provinces of Thailand using a self-report questionnaire modified from the Communities That Care youth survey. Low school commitment was strongly associated with illicit drug use, with adjusted odds ratios ranging from 2.84 (glue sniffing) to 10.06 (ecstasy). Having friends using drugs, and friends with delinquent behaviors increased the risk of using alcohol and illegal drugs, with adjusted odds ratios of 6.84 and 6.72 respectively for marijuana use. For protective factors, approximately 40-60% of students with high levels of moral belief, participation in religious activities, and social skills were less likely to use alcohol. It is concluded that peer influence is a significant contributor to Thai adolescents' participation in substance abuse and that engaging in religiosity may assist adolescents to internalize negative aspects of harmful drugs into positive perceptions and encourage them to avoid alcohol and illegal drugs.


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Perceptions surrounding the underlying causes of accidents and injuries may be a key mechanism influencing postaccident health and functional outcomes among people injured in road crashes. In particular, attributions of responsibility may influence rates of postcrash depressive symptomatology and return-to-work.


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Adolescent alcohol use remains an important public health concern. One of the most salient and consistent predictors for drinking behaviour among young people is peer influence. A systematic review of longitudinal studies that examined the effect of peer influence on adolescent alcohol use between January 1997 and February 2011 is presented. Twenty-two studies fulfilled inclusion criteria and were reviewed. All but one study confirmed affiliation with alcohol-using or deviant peers as prospective predictors for the development of adolescent alcohol use. Findings revealed that existing longitudinal studies that have used multivariate analytic techniques to segregate peer influence (whereby adolescents start drinking after exposure to alcohol-using friends) and peer selection (whereby adolescents that start drinking without alcohol-using friends subsequently seek out drinking peers) effects consistently report significant peer influence effects. However, studies are unable to elucidate the relative contribution and developmental sequence of peer influence and selection. Existing research is synthesised to model the developmental influence of peer processes on adolescent alcohol use. Future research directions are recommended to inform better designed investigations that can lead to more effective endeavours to address peer processes in prevention efforts.


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To explore the extent to which parent-adolescent emotional closeness, family conflict, and parental permissiveness moderate the association of puberty and alcohol use in adolescents (aged 10-14).


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Randomized controlled trials show that therapist-assisted Internet cognitive behavior therapy (ICBT) is efficacious in the treatment of depression. Given that this is a novel way of delivering cognitive behavior therapy, however, clinical service providers may have questions about how to provide therapist-assisted ICBT in clinical practice, particularly with respect to therapist assistance. To exemplify this approach, we present a case study of an older adult male who received 12 modules of therapist-assisted ICBT for depression over the course of 5. months. Highlights of the therapeutic exchanges that occurred over email are provided to illustrate the type of information clients may share with therapists and the nature of therapist assistance. Treatment progress was assessed via self-report questionnaires measuring depression, anxiety, and adjustment. Consistent with the research evidence, significant improvement was observed on all symptom measures at posttreatment. Satisfaction with the therapist-assisted ICBT program and a strong therapeutic alliance was also reported. The case will expand clinician understanding of therapist-assisted ICBT and may serve to stimulate clinician interest in the provision of therapist-assisted ICBT. Future research directions stemming from this case are presented. © 2013 .


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Evidence of the antidepressant efficacy of lamotrigine is increasing, although there are no placebo-controlled trials of lamotrigine augmentation in depression. The aim of this study was to assess if augmentation with lamotrigine was superior to placebo in patients who were receiving fluoxetine for resistant major depressive episodes.


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Isolated case reports have appeared implicating fluoxetine as a cause of impaired hemostatic function. The authors attempted to investigate this phenomenon.