924 resultados para Psychoactive substance abuse


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L’objectif principal du présent mémoire réside dans l’exploration des liens concomitants existant entre les trois dimensions de l’épuisement professionnel telles que définies par Maslach (1981) et la consommation de substances psychoactives, plus précisément au niveau de la consommation épisodique excessive et hebdomadaire à risque d’alcool et de la consommation de médicaments psychotropes. À partir d’un échantillon composé de 1809 travailleurs provenant de 83 milieux de travail québécois, des profils-types correspondant à des formes particulières de comorbidité de santé mentale au travail sont identifiés grâce à la méthode d’analyse en classes latentes. Ainsi quatre profils-types sont dégagés: un premier regroupant les individus dits «sains», dont les scores aux différentes dimensions de l’épuisement professionnel sont faibles et dont la consommation de substances psychoactives est modérée; deux autres correspondant à des formes intermédiaires de risques; et un quatrième rassemblant des travailleurs dits «fragiles» dont les scores pour chacune des dimensions de l’épuisement professionnel se situent dans le quintile le plus élevé et dont les probabilités de consommation de substances psychoactives sont grandes. De plus, cette recherche s’est penchée sur l’identification de facteurs de risque et de protection associés à chacun des profils-types. À cet effet, les résultats des analyses corroborent la plupart des associations retrouvées au sein de la littérature quant aux facteurs du travail (composantes des modèles du stress professionnel de Karasek et Theorell (1990) ainsi que de Siegrist (1990)), hors travail (statut matrimonial, obligations parentales, revenu du ménage) et certaines caractéristiques individuelles (âge et genre). De faibles récompenses et un fort degré de surinvestissement de la part de l’individu se révèlent être des facteurs de risque particulièrement significatifs pour les formes intermédiaires et à risque de comorbidité de la santé mentale au travail. Dans une moindre mesure, une faible utilisation des compétences, des demandes psychologiques élevées, un soutien social inadéquat et le jeune âge expliquent une part de la variation observée entre les différents profils-types. Enfin, les résultats soutiennent une conceptualisation tridimensionnelle de l’épuisement professionnel.


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Essai présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l'obtention du grade de Maîtrise en service social


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Introducción: Es una necesidad para los países del mundo, tener información epidemiológica mucho más precisa y oportuna sobre las sustancias psicoactivas (SPA), partiendo del conocimiento científico de porqué unas personas abusan de las sustancias y otras no. El objetivo de investigación es establecer el perfil epidemiológico y evolución de los pacientes consumidores de SPA que acuden al servicio de toxicología de Colsubsidio durante el 2011 y 2012. Caracterizar la población, identificar su patrón de consumo y explorar las tendencias, para poder generar estrategias dirigidas de atención y prevención. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo observacional exploratorio retrospectivo. 610 historias clínicas fueron analizadas para variables epidemiológicas y clínicas, por medio de análisis univariados acorde al tipo de variable y análisis bivariados exploratorios en los cuales se compararon proporciones. Resultados: Se evaluaron un total de 610 pacientes, 475 hombres y 135 mujeres. El promedio de edad, la mediana y la moda fue de 24,9, 17 y 16 años respectivamente; la mayoría solteros y cursando bachillerato; la mayoría menores de 18 años fueron remitidos por ICBF y psiquiatría. Los patrones de abuso y dependencia representaron los porcentajes más elevados. Las sustancias más consumidas fueron marihuana, etanol y tabaco. El tratamiento para el 44,3% de los pacientes fue valoración por especialidades, seguido de básico (33,1%), y sólo 1,1% asistieron para prevención en el consumo de SPA. Discusión: Es necesario dirigir los esfuerzos y recursos a la generación de campañas de diagnóstico temprano y prevención en el consumo de SPA principalmente para la población adolescente.


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I look for classroom peer effects for psychoactive substance consumption among Colombian high school students and attempt to identify channels that rationalize for these effects. To do so, I use data for Colombian schools from 2011. I identify peer effects using household consumption behavior to instrument average classroom consumption. I find that an increase of 10% in the proportion of classroom users of alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine increases the probability of students to use alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine in 3.14%, 4.29%, and 2.38% respectively. I find no significant effect on cigarette smoking for the full sample but after exploring heterogeneous effects I find suggestive evidence that the effect is positive in some grades. I find some evidence that indicate that peer effects on alcohol, cannabis, and cocaine consumption operate through risk perception and easiness of access to psychoactive substances, meaning that the increase of likelihood of consumption could be explained because it is easier to access to drugs for students that interact with consumers or because a decrease in the risk students perceive of consuming these substances. Finally, through the use of a SUR and a 3SLS estimator I find strong correlations between smoking cigarettes and consuming cannabis (55 %), and cocaine (60 %).


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Introducción: El consumo de sustancias psicoactivas como problema de salud pública, debe ser abordado desde diferentes perspectivas. En la literatura se evidencia factores involucrados como, edad de inicio de consumo, información de riesgo, círculo social y antecedentes personales. Igualmente se ha mostrado la asociación con el deterioro de las capacidades de aprendizaje y la farmacodependencia. En este estudio se determinó la asociación del consumo de inhalantes, cannabis y etanol y el nivel de escolaridad alcanzado. Metodología: Estudio observacional transversal, cross sectional, de los casos reportados al sistema único de indicadores de consumo de sustancias psicoactivas en Colombia en 2014. Muestra 6804 casos. Se realizó análisis univariado y bivariado con valores de p, para significancia estadística. Resultados y discusión: Se identificó comportamiento epidemiológico similar, en concordancia con otros estudios, evidenciándose población entre los 15 y 35 años de edad (76,7%), predominantemente hombres (83,9%) y consumo principal de cannabis (43,9%) y alcohol (23,1%). Se determina asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el consumo de inhalantes, etanol y marihuana y la finalización incompleta de estudios de secundaria (p<0,005), el cannabis con asocio a culminación incompleta de estudios universitarios (p<0,005). Hay plausibilidad biológica y epidemiológica con los hallazgos del estudio y otros trabajos desarrollados con anterioridad.


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To examine the relationship between sexual abuse and academic achievement in an adolescent inpatient psychiatric population. Individual factors expected to influence this relationship were measured to explore the way they each interacted with sexual abuse and its relationship to academic achievement.

Eighty-one adolescent psychiatric inpatients participated in the study (aged 12–18 years: M = 16.0). Participants were administered tests of academic achievement (dependent variable) and intelligence, and completed a number of self-report measures of their experience of different types of maltreatment, their perception of the parenting they received, socio-economic status, substance abuse, and psychopathology.

Hierarchical regression analysis revealed that intelligence was the main predictor of academic achievement (uniquely explaining 26% of the variance). A number of interaction effects were also significant indicating that intelligence, substance abuse, internalizing behavior problems, externalizing behavior problems all influenced the relationship between sexual abuse and academic achievement.


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In Victoria (a southern Australian state) in 1995, Narcotics Anonymous had a small but growing membership providing an opportunity to study the early experience of new self-help members. Ninety-one new members were interviewed and 62 (68%) were reinterviewed after 12 months. Three measures of self-help participation were examined: service role involvement, step work, and stable meeting attendance. Lower prior involvement in treatment services and greater participation in self-help predicted subsequent self-help participation. Higher levels of secondary school education predicted service role involvement and longer periods in stable meeting attendance. Higher self-help participation through the 12 months prior to follow-up was associated with lower levels of hazardous alcohol use and higher emotional support at reinterview. Multivariate regression analysis suggested stable self-help meeting attendance and step work continued to predict reductions in hazardous alcohol use and improvements in social support, after controlling for a range of alternative predictors.


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The Best plus program is a whole-of-family therapy option for families to address not only youth substance abuse issues, but also challenging and antisocial adolescent behaviours. It uses an evidence-based strategy that can be implemented widely in the community, and is proving to be a popular and relevant framework for professionals to engage and assist families in reducing adolescent problem behaviours. Evaluations indicate that the program is an effective forum for parents and siblings of adolescent drug abusers to redevelop positive family environments that encourage responsible behaviour and recovery from drug abuse.


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Adolescent substance abuse is a prevalent problem and both individual and group family interventions are increasingly being used to assist families to cope. A literature review was conducted to identify whether individual and group family interventions for adolescent substance abuse enhance the mental health of parents and other family members. The review also sought to identify direct and indirect effects of family intervention processes on depressive symptoms and general distress. Based on quality criteria a total of nine studies were included. Of these, six quantitatively examined family intervention outcomes on family member mental health, with all six reporting positive effects. Four of the nine studies measured levels of depressive symptoms and three of these four studies reported significant direct effects of family intervention on parental depression. The positive effects were also found in the three qualitative studies included in the review. Indirect therapeutic mechanisms that contributed to mental health improvements included: reduction of stress symptoms, improved coping, improved family functioning, more effective parenting behaviours, attitude changes, perceived changes in relative’s substance use, and improved social support. The available literature suggests that a number of determinants of family mental health may potentially be impacted through family intervention for adolescent substance abuse. However, definitive conclusions cannot be made at this point as the literature is mostly descriptive and there have been few longitudinal studies or randomised controlled trials.


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This paper presents a review of the literature of service trends and practice recommendations for management of those with the dual diagnosis of mental illness and substance abuse. The method for the review was to search bibliographical data bases and hand held literature published in English between 1990 and 2007. Using the search terms dual diagnosis, and co-morbidity and mental illness, 93 abstracts were selected and reviewed. The authors concluded that a collaborative approach to care with better integration of drug and alcohol services within mental health would benefit clients with a dual diagnosis. Improved education to enhance the assessment and diagnosis of this client group is also considered essential for clinicians in both mental health and alcohol and drugs services.


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High rates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have been reported among people seeking treatment for substance use disorders (SUDs), although few studies have examined the relationship between PTSD and substance use in young drug users. This study compared levels of substance use, coping styles, and high-risk triggers for substance use among 66 young adults with SUD, with or without comorbid PTSD. Young people with current SUD–PTSD (n = 36) reported significantly higher levels of substance use in negative situations, as well as emotion-focused coping, compared to the current SUD-only group (n = 30). Severity of PTSD was a significant predictor of negative situational drug use, and emotion-focused coping was found to mediate this relationship. The findings underscore the need for youth substance abuse treatment programs to include coping skills training and management of affect regulation for those individuals with comorbid SUD–PTSD.


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This study examined factors expected to influence the relationship between sexual abuse and academic achievement in an adolescent inpatient psychiatric population. It was found that sexual abuse combined with either low intelligence, substance abuse, internalising behaviour problems or externalising behaviour problems predicted poor academic achievement. The supporting portfolio aims to discuss the proposed relationship between attachment and adolescent depression, highlighting the clinical relevance of this body of research with four cases of adolescent depression.


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Adolescent substance abuse is a prevalent problem and family interventions are increasingly used to prevent this problem and to assist family coping. The effectiveness of a prevention-focussed family intervention was evaluated within a randomised school trial for its secondary impacts on improving parental mental health and family functioning.


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This study investigated laypersons' perceptions of memory evidence in a mock childhood sexual abuse trial. Results indicated that delay, memory type (continuous vs. recovered) and the nature of the alleged sexual assault (penetrative vs. fondling) influenced both how witnesses were perceived and the outcome of the trial.