988 resultados para Proteus vulgaris
Abstract Animal behaviours or structures are used by senders as signals to try to increase their fitness by altering the behaviour of receivers. A large fraction of studies on sexual selection have focussed on male ornaments and have demonstrated that these ornaments signal the quality of their owner and are used by female for mate choice. Although females can also exhibit conspicuous traits, studies on female ornaments are markedly lacking. In chapter 1, we show that female starlings are showier on chest whiteness than males and that females' whiteness may potentially indicate female condition at the start of breeding and provide fitness advantages to breeding birds. Furthermore we point out that feather density and abrasion are important factors shaping the expression of chest whiteness. This suggests that further understanding of the evolution of chest whiteness in Starlings requires to examine the environmental and physiological factors that shape feather condition. Plumage may suffer from damage through abrasion and bacterial activity. In chapter 2, we focus on factors that influence feather-degrading bacterial communities. Within the hypothesis that parental care can be trade-off against the demands of self-maintenance, we show that a brood size manipulation modifies the structure of feather-degrading bacterial communities and the density of free- living bacteria. Thus we have pointed out a potentially poorly known cost of reproduction. In the same context of a trade-off between reproductive activities and individual self-maintenance, chapter 3 shows that at a proximate level in females but not in males, the individual variation in time and/or energy allocated in reproductive activities is associated with prolactin hormone levels. Our study provides evidence for the existence of a sex related difference in the relationship between brood size and prolactin levels. Birds have evolved sanitation behaviours and preen gland secretions to preserve the condition of their plumage. In chapter 4, we describe a method that allows to measure preen gland in situ. Then we use this method to characterize a number of phenotypic and ecological factors that explain variation in preen gland size in free-living individuals. In parent-offspring interactions, parents use offspring signals to provision their brood. In chapter 5, we demonstrate that nestling flanges and body skin reflect in the ultra-violet (UV) wavelengths ant that parents use this UV reflectance in food allocation decisions. Résumé Certains comportements et structures chez les animaux agissent, pour ceux qui les émettent, comme des signaux permettant d'augmenter leur fitness en altérant les comportements de ceux qui les perçoivent. Une grande partie des études sur la sélection sexuelle s'est focalisée sur les ornements mâles. Ces études ont démontré que ces ornements pouvaient signaler la qualité de celui qui les porte et influencer le choix des femelles. Bien que les femelles puissent aussi présenter des traits voyants, les études sur leurs ornements font défaut. Dans le chapitre 1 de ce travail, nous montrons que les étourneaux femelles sont plus voyantes que les mâles sur la base de la blancheur de la poitrine. De plus la blancheur des femelles peut signaler leur condition au début de la saison de reproduction et ainsi être corrélée avec leur fitness. Nous mettons aussi en évidence que la densité et l'abrasion des plumes sont des facteurs importants, contrôlant l'expression de la blancheur de la poitrine. Ceci suggère que des études futures pourraient examiner le rôle des facteurs environnementaux et physiologiques qui influencent la condition des plumes pour mieux comprendre l'évolution de la blancheur chez les étourneaux. Le plumage subit des dommages à travers l'abrasion et probablement aussi par l'activité de dégradation de bactéries. Dans le chapitre 2 de ce travail, nous nous intéressons aux facteurs qui influencent les communautés de bactéries dégradant les plumes. Nous basant sur l'hypothèse selon laquelle il existe un compromis entre les soins parentaux et la maintenance corporelle, nous montrons qu'une manipulation de la taille de nichée modifie la structure des communautés de bactéries dégradant les plumes ainsi que les densités de bactéries libres présentes sur le plumage. Ainsi nous mettons en évidence un coût encore peu connu des activités de reproduction. Dans le même contexte, nous montrons, dans le chapitre 3, que des variations individuelles dans l'énergie et/ou le temps alloué dans les activités de reproduction sont associés, chez les femelles, à un niveau proximal à l'hormone prolactine. Cette relation n'est pas présente chez les mâles. Cette étude montre que la relation entre la taille de nichée et les niveaux de prolactine diffère avec le sexe des individus. Les oiseaux utilisent des comportements de nettoyage associés aux sécrétions de la glande uropygiale afin de préserver la condition de leurs plumes. Dans le chapitre 4 de ce travail, nous décrivons une méthode qui permet de mesurer la taille de la glande in situ. Puis nous caractérisons certains facteurs écologiques et physiologiques qui expliquent les variations de la taille de la glande chez des individus capturés dans leur environnement. Les parents nourrissent leur progéniture en réponse à des signaux émis par ceux-ci. Dans le chapitre 5 de ce travail, nous démontrons que les commissures et la peau sur le corps des oisillons reflètent la lumière dans l'ultraviolet. Nous montrons que les parents utilisent cette réflexion dans l'ultraviolet lors de l'allocation de nourriture pour leurs jeunes.
This study reports the isolation and characterization of seven highly polymorphic microsatellite loci in Silene vulgaris (Caryophyllaceae). The loci were isolated from two libraries constructed from genomic DNA enriched for CA and GA repeats. These markers yielded nine to 40 alleles per locus (mean 22.1) in a survey of 45 individuals from a single population located in the western Swiss Alps. Average observed heterozygosity ranged from 16.2 to 77.4%. These microsatellite loci should be valuable tools for studying fine-scale genetic structure.
Summary Gynodioecy, the joint occurrence of females and hermaphrodites within natural populations, is a widely studied mating system ever since Darwin (1877). It is an exceptional mating system because continuous selection is necessary to maintain it. Since females only reproduce through ovules whereas hermaphrodites transmit genes through ovules and pollen, larger female fitness, in terms of seed output, is required to allow their maintenance. Two non-exclusive mechanisms can account for the maintenance of females. First, as females do not produce pollen they can reallocate their resources towards a higher ovule production. Second, hermaphrodites can self- and cross-fertilize whereas females are obligate outcrossers. Thus hermaphrodites should partly suffer from inbreeding depression (i.e.: the fitness decline of inbred relative to outbred individuals) and thereby produce less fit progeny than females. This thesis investigated the effects of self- and cross-fertilization of heimaphrodites over two consecutive generations. Inbreeding depression increased across the successive stages of the life- cycle (i.e.: from "seed traits" to "reproductive traits") displaying large inbreeding depression estimates (up to 0.76). This investigation not only detected large inbreeding depression estimates but also detected mechanisms involved in the maintenance of inbreeding depression. For instance cryptic self-incompatibility which is here a larger in vivo pollen performance of distant pollen compared to self-pollen; the expression of inbreeding depression especially in late life-cycle stages, and the appearance of females in the progeny of selfed hermaphrodites. The female biased sex ratio in the progeny of selfed hermaphrodites was a surprising result and could either come from the sex determining mechanisms (complex nucleo-cytoplasmic interaction(s)) and/or from inbreeding depression. Indeed, we not only got females and hermaphrodites but also partial male-sterile (PMS) individuals (i.e.: individuals with differing number of viable stamens). We detected that inbred pollen bearing plants (excluding females) have less viable stamens per flower than outbred plants. A positive correlation was detected between inbreeding depression for the number of viable stamens per flower and the difference in sex ratio between inbred and outbred individuals. A positive relationship was also detected between inbreeding depression for pollen viability and inbreeding depression for number of viable stamens per flower. Each correlation can either account for pleiotropic effects (a major gene acting on the two considered traits) or linkage disequilibrium between genes controlling each of the two related traits. If we hypothesize that these correlations are due to a major gene with pleiotropic effects, the positive relationship between inbreeding depression for number of viable stamens per flower and inbreeding depression for pollen viability showed that deleterious alleles present on a major gene coding for pollen production and viability depressed male fitness within inbred plants. The positive relationship between sex ratio difference between inbred and outbred individuals and inbreeding depression for number of viable stamens per flower indicates that (1) either number of viable stamens per flower is, in addition to inbreeding, also affected by the loci coding for sex determinism or, (2) the presence of females within the progeny of selfed hermaphrodites is a consequence of large inbreeding depression inhibiting pollen production, or (3) sex is here determined by a combination of loci coding for sex expression and inbreeding depression for male reproductive traits. In conclusion, Silene vulgaris has been shown to be a good model for understanding the evolution of mating systems that promote outbreeding. Résumé La gynodïoécie est définie comme étant la présence simultanée d'hermaphrodites et de femelles au sein de populations naturelles d'une même espèce. Ce système de reproduction a toujours fasciné le monde scientifique depuis Darwin, comme en témoigne ses écrits (1876, 1877) sur les systèmes de reproduction chez les plantes. Les femelles ne transmettent leurs gènes qu'à travers leurs ovules alors que les hermaphrodites transmettent leurs gènes à la fois par la voie mâle (le pollen) et la voie femelle (les ovules). La condition pour que la gynodïoécie se maintienne nécessite donc une fitness de la fonction femelle plus élevée chez les femelles que chez les hermaphrodites. Deux mécanismes mutuellement non exclusifs peuvent expliquer le maintien des femelles au sein de ces populations gynodioïques. D'une part, les femelles peuvent réallouer les ressources non utilisées pour la production de pollen et peuvent par conséquent produire plus d'ovules. D'autre part, la reproduction des femelles ne peut se faire que par allo-fécondation alors que les hermaphrodites, peuvent se reproduire à la fois par auto- et allo-fécondation. L'autofécondation s'accompagne en général d'une diminution de fitness de la descendance relativement à la progéniture issue d'allo-fécondation ; ce phénomène est connu sous le nom de dépression de consanguinité. Cette thèse avait pour but de mettre en évidence une éventuelle dépression de consanguinité chez Silene vulgaris, une espèce gynodioïque. Des hermaphrodites, issus de trois vallées alpines, ont été auto- et allo¬fécondés sur deux générations successives. La dépression de consanguinité pouvant s'exprimer à tous les stades de vie d'un individu, plusieurs traits de fitness, allant du nombre de graines par fruit à la production de gamètes ont été mesurés sur différents stades de vie successifs. L'estimation de la dépression de consanguinité totale atteignait des valeurs allant de 0.52 à 0.76 selon la vallée considérée, ce qui indiquerait que les hermaphrodites ont tout intérêt à limiter l'autofécondation et que les femelles ne devraient pas avoir de peine à subsister dans les vallées étudiées. Par la même occasion des mécanismes diminuant la purge potentielle du fardeau génétique, et permettant ainsi le maintien du « niveau » de dépression de consanguinité et par conséquence le maintien de la gynodïoécie ont été mis en évidence. En effet, nos résultats montrent que la dépression de consanguinité s'exprimait tard dans le cycle de vie permettant ainsi à un certain nombre individus consanguins de transmettre leurs allèles délétères à la génération suivante. D'autre part, la croissance in vivo des tubes polliniques d'auto-pollen était plus lente que celle de l'allo-pollen et donc en situation de compétition directe, les ovules devraient plutôt être issus d'allo-fécondation, diminuant ainsi les chances de purges d'allèles délétères. Enfin, l'apparition de femelles dans la progéniture d'hermaphrodites autofécondés diminue aussi les chances de purge d'allèles délétères. Il nous a été impossible de déterminer si l'apparition de femelles dans la descendance d'hermaphrodites autofécondés était due au déterminisme génétique du sexe ou si la différence de sexe ratio entre la descendance auto- et allo-fécondée était due à une éventuelle dépression de consanguinité inhibant la production de pollen. Nous avons observé que S. vulgaris ne présentaient pas uniquement des hermaphrodites et des femelles mais aussi toute sorte d'individus intermédiaires avec un nombre variable d'étamines viables. Nous avons pu mettre' en évidence des corrélations positives entre (1) la différence de sexe ratio (la proportion d'individus produisant du pollen) entre individus consanguins et non consanguins et une estimation de la dépression de consanguinité pour le nombre d'étamines viables d'individus produisant du pollen, ainsi qu'entre (2) la dépression de consanguinité pour le nombre d'étamines viables et celle estimée pour la viabilité du pollen. Chaque corrélation indique soit l'effet d'un (ou plusieurs) gène(s) pléiotropique(s), soit un déséquilibre de liaison entre les gènes. En considérant que ces corrélations sont le résultat d'effet pléiotropiques, la relation entre le nombre d'étamines viables par fleur et la viabilité du pollen, indiquerait un effet négatif de la consanguinité sur la production et la viabilité du pollen due partiellement à un gène majeur. La seconde corrélation indiquerait soit que les gènes responsables de la détermination du sexe agissent aussi sur l'expression de la fonction mâle soit que l'expression du sexe est sujette à la dépression de consanguinité, ou encore un mélange des deux. Aux regards de ces résultats, Silene vulgaris s'est avéré être un bon modèle de compréhension de l'évolution des systèmes de reproduction vers la séparation des sexes.
The objective of this work was to study the activity of sucrose metabolizing enzymes in extracts of cell suspension cultures of Bauhinia forficata Link, Curcuma zedoaria Roscoe and Phaseolus vulgaris L. Invertase pathway was identified in the three studied species. Sucrose synthase pathway was also responsible for sucrose metabolism in Curcuma zedoaria and Phaseolus vulgaris cells. Activity values higher than 300 nmol min-1 mg-1 of protein were found for acid and neutral invertases, UDPglucose pyrophosphorylase and phosphoglucomutase in the cell extract of the three plant species. Sucrose synthase showed low activity in Bauhinia forficata cells. As sucrose concentration in the culture medium decreased, sucrose synthase activity increased in C. zedoaria and P. vulgaris cells. The glycolytic enzymes activity gradually reduced at the end of the culture period, when carbohydrate was limited.
Sugar beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. vulgaris) is an important crop of temperate climates which provides nearly 30% of the world's annual sugar production and is a source for bioethanol and animal feed. The species belongs to the order of Caryophylalles, is diploid with 2n = 18 chromosomes, has an estimated genome size of 714-758 megabases and shares an ancient genome triplication with other eudicot plants. Leafy beets have been cultivated since Roman times, but sugar beet is one of the most recently domesticated crops. It arose in the late eighteenth century when lines accumulating sugar in the storage root were selected from crosses made with chard and fodder beet. Here we present a reference genome sequence for sugar beet as the first non-rosid, non-asterid eudicot genome, advancing comparative genomics and phylogenetic reconstructions. The genome sequence comprises 567 megabases, of which 85% could be assigned to chromosomes. The assembly covers a large proportion of the repetitive sequence content that was estimated to be 63%. We predicted 27,421 protein-coding genes supported by transcript data and annotated them on the basis of sequence homology. Phylogenetic analyses provided evidence for the separation of Caryophyllales before the split of asterids and rosids, and revealed lineage-specific gene family expansions and losses. We sequenced spinach (Spinacia oleracea), another Caryophyllales species, and validated features that separate this clade from rosids and asterids. Intraspecific genomic variation was analysed based on the genome sequences of sea beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima; progenitor of all beet crops) and four additional sugar beet accessions. We identified seven million variant positions in the reference genome, and also large regions of low variability, indicating artificial selection. The sugar beet genome sequence enables the identification of genes affecting agronomically relevant traits, supports molecular breeding and maximizes the plant's potential in energy biotechnology.
São apresentados resultados pertinentes às culturas do milho (Z. mays), feijão (P. vulgaris) e caupi (V. unguiculata) consorciados com bananeira 'Terra' (Musa AAB) em Teolândia, Litoral Sul da Bahia, em cultivo simultâneo, no estabelecimento da bananeira e sucessivo logo após a colheita do primeiro. Os espaçamentos utilizados foram o 4,0 x 2,0 x 3,0 m, 4,0 x 2,0 x 2,6m e 4,0 x 2,0 x 2,8m em fileira dupla, o que permitiu melhor proveito da área pelas culturas intercalares. O milho, ou o feijão, ou o caupi ocupou apenas as ruas entre as fileiras duplas de bananeiras, ficando livres as ruas formadas pelas fileiras duplas, devido ao seu sombreamento pela bananeira ser mais rápido. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho das culturas do milho, feijão e caupi na agregação de valor à bananeira 'Terra', quando consorciadas com esta cultura. Nos melhores tratamentos (T9, T6, T8 e T4), o índice de rentabilidade-IR (receita total ÷ custos) alcançou valores expressivos, de 3,36 até 6,68, resultando em efeitos altamente positivos em decorrência das tecnologias e insumos utilizados, o que vai permitir a agregação de um elevado valor à bananeira e, conseqüentemente, uma boa remuneração ao produtor. Estes resultados indicam que, para cada real investido, houve um retorno de R$ 3,36 e R$ 6,68, respectivamente. O IR 0,91 (T2), relativo à cultura do milho, implica que houve prejuízo, o que significa que a receita líquida deste tratamento vai reduzir e não incrementar a receita líquida proporcionada pela cultura da bananeira.
This work aimed at evaluating the contents of extractable Cd, Pb, Zn and Cu with a solution of DTPA (diethyleneaminopentacetic acid) and to relate them with the production of dry material and grain production of bean plants under two conditions of experimentally contaminated soil materials with Cd, Pb, Cu and Zn: (i) samples of distrofic red latosol and (ii) humic yellow-red latosol. A decrease in the yield of dry matter was observed for all treatments, if compared with the zero-dose control sample; the grain yield was affected for the soil samples treated with Cd and Cu but only slightly for those treated with Pb and Zn.
The application of one-dimensional proton high-resolution magic angle spinning (¹H HR-MAS) NMR combined with a typical advantages of solid and liquid-state NMR techniques was used as input variables for the multivariate statistical analysis. In this paper, different cultivars of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) developed and in development by Embrapa - Arroz e Feijão were analyzed by ¹H HR-MAS, which have been demonstrated to be a valuable tool in its differentiation according chemical composition and avoid the manipulation of the samples as used in other techniques.
Rhizoctonia solani isolates obtained from common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) grown in the mountainous Atlantic Rainforest (Mata Atlântica) region of São Paulo, Brazil, were analyzed to determine their genetic diversity using internal transcribed spacer (ITS), microsatellite and telomere sequence-based PCR primers. Restriction digestion of the ITS1/5.8S/ITS2 ribosomal regions yielded unique banding patterns specific for AG4 and its subgroups. The ITS restriction digestion (ITS/RFLP), telomere and microsatellite primers identified five to 11 genotypes within the isolates of R. solani. While all isolates were pathogenic on beans, there was no correlation found between genotypic differences and pathogenicity. The different PCR primers revealed a number of isolates that were genetically similar. Some of these genetic groups were supported by more than one of the primers utilized in this study, thus confirming their relationship.
Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) cultivars with a high degree of resistance to Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Xap) are not available in Brazil. Despite many studies, a low degree of resistance to Xap continues to exist due to its complex genetic inheritance, which is not well known. The objectives of this research were to complement a common bean genetic map based on the cross between a susceptible genotype 'HAB-52' and a resistant genotype 'BAC-6', and to map and analyze genomic regions (quantitative trait loci – QTLs) related to Xap resistance. Eleven linkage groups were determined using 143 RAPD markers, covering 1,234.5 cM of the genome. This map was used to detect QTLs associated with Xap resistance on leaves and pods. The averages of disease severity on leaves (represented by the transformed disease index – TDI) and pods (represented by the diameter of lesion on pods – DLP) were added to the data of the linkage map. Five TDI QTLs and only one LDP QTL were detected. The TDI QTLs were placed in the A, B, G and J linkage groups, with phenotypic variations ranging from 12.7 to 71.6%. The DLP QTL explained 12.9% of the phenotypic variation and was mapped in a distinct linkage group. These results indicate that there are different genes involved in the control of resistance on leaves and pods.
A podridão do colo (Sclerotium rolfsii) e o oídio (Erysiphe polygoni) são de constante ocorrência na cultura do feijoeiro (Phaseolus vulgaris) no estado de Santa Catarina. O uso de genótipos com resistência genética é uma das alternativas de manejo destas doenças. Avaliou-se a reação a podridão e ao oídio em 80 e 75 genótipos de feijão respectivamente. Os testes foram conduzidos em casa de vegetação em um delineamento em blocos ao acaso. Para os testes com a podridão do colo, cada semente dos genótipos foi inoculada com dois esclerócios de S. rolfsii. A infecção por oídio ocorreu naturalmente. Usou-se a cv. Rio Tibagi como padrão de média resistência à podridão ou de média susceptibilidade ao oídio. Os genótipos menos afetados pela podridão do colo e que diferiram da 'Rio Tibagi' foram: grupo preto - LA 95105428, FT 646 e Acesso 57; grupo colorido - BAF 50. A maioria dos genótipos não diferiu da 'Rio Tibagi', porém o mais afetado pela podridão do colo foi o BAF 10. Os genótipos mais susceptíveis ao oídio foram o Acesso 57 (Preto) e o FGP CF 101 (Preto). Os genótipos menos afetados pelo oídio foram: grupo preto - Acessos 60 e 36, FGP CF 058, TB 95-03, LM95103904 e LP 96-58; grupo colorido - Akitã, LP 94-1 e LP 96-162.
No presente trabalho, foi investigado o comportamento do extrato aquoso e alcoólico da beterraba (Beta vulgaris) como um indicador ácido-base, tendo como objetivo principal despertar o interesse pelo uso dos indicadores naturais, como alternativa didática para transmissão dos conceitos de titulação, equilíbrio químico e a lei de Lambert-Beer. Para a realização dos experimentos foram utilizadas soluções padrão de ácido clorídrico (HCl), ácido acético e hidróxido de sódio (NaOH). Inicialmente foram feitos testes para avaliar a reversibilidade do sistema, e observou-se que a coloração passa de vermelho para amarela com adição de base e retorna para vermelho com adição do ácido, sendo possível sua utilização para explicação do equilíbrio químico. As análises de espectroscopia UV-vis mostraram que os espectros de absorção molecular na região do visível, apresentam diferentes característica, dando indícios que ocorreu modificação na estrutura do indicador em meio ácido e básico. Após as análises volumétricas constatou-se que os pontos de equivalência determinados com o indicador natural tiveram concordância com os obtidos pelo método potenciométrico. Além disso, os extratos aquosos e alcoólicos da beterraba apresentam potencial didático para a explicação da lei de Lambert-Beer, sendo que no meio ácido houve uma melhor correlação comparado com o meio básico.
The damage and the resistance levels of cultivars and accessions of common beans rescued in the South and mountain regions of Espírito Santo State, Brazil, to M. incognita race 3 and M. javanica parasitism were evaluated under a greenhouse. Four rescued bean genotypes ("FORT-10", "FORT-13", "FORT-16" and "FORT-19") and 2 commercial cultivars: "Pérola", and "Aporé", were tested. The cultivar "Rico-23" was included as standard of susceptibility to nematodes and non-inoculated plants constituted the control. Thus, the experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design in 3 (treatments considering nematodes) x 7 (genotypes and bean cultivars) factorial arrangement, with 7 replicates. Data were measured at 50 days after plant inoculation. For damage quantification, the following variables were evaluated: plant height (PHE), number of nodes (NNO), number of trifoliate leaves (NRT), fresh matter weight (FWE) and dry matter weight (DWE) of shoots, root weight (RWE), number of root nodules (NRO) and final population (FPO) of nematodes per root system. There were no significant differences between the effects caused by M. incognita and M. javanica, but both species showed inferior values of PHE, NNO, NRT, RWE, FWE and DWE compared to controls. Concerning the levels of resistance of bean plants to M. incognita, the genotypes "FORT-10", "FORT-13", "Aporé" and "FORT-16" behaved as moderately resistant, the cultivars "Rico 23" and "Pérola" low resistant, and the genotype "FORT-19" as highly susceptible. When parasitized by M. javanica, the beans "FORT-19", "Rico-23", "FORT-16" and "FORT-13" were low resistant, "Pérola" and "Aporé" susceptible and "FORT-10" highly susceptible.
No Engenho Mamoaba, em Pedras de Fogo, PB, compararam-se a absorção e utilização de nutrientes em três povoamentos comerciais de Bambusa vulgaris, com diferentes declividades e densidades de plantas, sob a rotação anual de corte raso em solo arenoso. Na época de corte, em três parcelas de 15 x 15 m por povoamento, analisou-se o solo em três profundidades, e em três touceiras pesaram-se colmos novos e velhos, galhos, folhas e rizomas, além da manta orgânica, dos quais foram pesadas subamostras, antes e depois da secagem, para determinação da biomassa seca e do conteúdo de N, P, K, Ca e Mg. Na análise do conteúdo e da razão biomassa/conteúdo de cada nutriente, assumiu-se o delineamento inteiramente casualizado, e compararam-se as médias pelo teste de Tukey a 5% de probabilidade. A declividade elevou a eficiência de absorção de P, K e Ca e a maior densidade de plantas, a eficiência de absorção de K. A eficiência de utilização de nutrientes na biomassa total e comercial foi similar nos três povoamentos. Nas folhas, o conteúdo de nutrientes não oscilou entre povoamentos, mas foi maior em N, e a sua eficiência variou para P. Na manta orgânica, os conteúdos de K, Ca e Mg foram maiores em declive, e com a utilização de N a eficiência foi menor. No rizoma, o conteúdo de nutrientes foi maior, sendo N o nutriente de uso menos eficiente. Como a ciclagem de nutrientes não compensa a exportação, a adubação é importante, principalmente com K, o mais exportado na biomassa.