1000 resultados para Progettazione esecutiva sostenibilità edilizia
The digital electronic market development is founded on the continuous reduction of the transistors size, to reduce area, power, cost and increase the computational performance of integrated circuits. This trend, known as technology scaling, is approaching the nanometer size. The lithographic process in the manufacturing stage is increasing its uncertainty with the scaling down of the transistors size, resulting in a larger parameter variation in future technology generations. Furthermore, the exponential relationship between the leakage current and the threshold voltage, is limiting the threshold and supply voltages scaling, increasing the power density and creating local thermal issues, such as hot spots, thermal runaway and thermal cycles. In addiction, the introduction of new materials and the smaller devices dimension are reducing transistors robustness, that combined with high temperature and frequently thermal cycles, are speeding up wear out processes. Those effects are no longer addressable only at the process level. Consequently the deep sub-micron devices will require solutions which will imply several design levels, as system and logic, and new approaches called Design For Manufacturability (DFM) and Design For Reliability. The purpose of the above approaches is to bring in the early design stages the awareness of the device reliability and manufacturability, in order to introduce logic and system able to cope with the yield and reliability loss. The ITRS roadmap suggests the following research steps to integrate the design for manufacturability and reliability in the standard CAD automated design flow: i) The implementation of new analysis algorithms able to predict the system thermal behavior with the impact to the power and speed performances. ii) High level wear out models able to predict the mean time to failure of the system (MTTF). iii) Statistical performance analysis able to predict the impact of the process variation, both random and systematic. The new analysis tools have to be developed beside new logic and system strategies to cope with the future challenges, as for instance: i) Thermal management strategy that increase the reliability and life time of the devices acting to some tunable parameter,such as supply voltage or body bias. ii) Error detection logic able to interact with compensation techniques as Adaptive Supply Voltage ASV, Adaptive Body Bias ABB and error recovering, in order to increase yield and reliability. iii) architectures that are fundamentally resistant to variability, including locally asynchronous designs, redundancy, and error correcting signal encodings (ECC). The literature already features works addressing the prediction of the MTTF, papers focusing on thermal management in the general purpose chip, and publications on statistical performance analysis. In my Phd research activity, I investigated the need for thermal management in future embedded low-power Network On Chip (NoC) devices.I developed a thermal analysis library, that has been integrated in a NoC cycle accurate simulator and in a FPGA based NoC simulator. The results have shown that an accurate layout distribution can avoid the onset of hot-spot in a NoC chip. Furthermore the application of thermal management can reduce temperature and number of thermal cycles, increasing the systemreliability. Therefore the thesis advocates the need to integrate a thermal analysis in the first design stages for embedded NoC design. Later on, I focused my research in the development of statistical process variation analysis tool that is able to address both random and systematic variations. The tool was used to analyze the impact of self-timed asynchronous logic stages in an embedded microprocessor. As results we confirmed the capability of self-timed logic to increase the manufacturability and reliability. Furthermore we used the tool to investigate the suitability of low-swing techniques in the NoC system communication under process variations. In this case We discovered the superior robustness to systematic process variation of low-swing links, which shows a good response to compensation technique as ASV and ABB. Hence low-swing is a good alternative to the standard CMOS communication for power, speed, reliability and manufacturability. In summary my work proves the advantage of integrating a statistical process variation analysis tool in the first stages of the design flow.
Nel documento vengono principalmente trattati i principali meccanismi per il controllo di flusso per le NoC. Vengono trattati vari schemi di switching, gli stessi schemi associati all'introduzione dei Virtual Channel, alcuni low-level flow control, e due soluzioni per gli end-to-end flow control: Credit Based e CTC (STMicroelectronics). Nel corso della trattazione vengono presentate alcune possibili modifiche a CTC per incrementarne le prestazioni mantenendo la scalabilità che lo contraddistingue: queste sono le "back-to-back request" e "multiple incoming connections". Infine vengono introdotti alcune soluzioni per l'implementazione della qualità di servizio per le reti su chip. Proprio per il supporto al QoS viene introdotto CTTC: una versione di CTC con il supporto alla Time Division Multiplexing su rete Spidergon.
This thesis wad aimed at the study and application of titanium dioxide photocatalytic activity on ceramic materials. As a matter of fact, photocatalysis is a very promising method to face most of the problems connected with the increasing environmental pollution. Furthermore, titanium dioxide, in its anatase crystallographic phase, is one of the most investigated photocatalytic material and results to be perfectly compatible with silicate body mixes. That goal was pursued by two different strategies: 1. the addition to a body mix used for heavy clay products of several titania powders, with different mean crystallite size, surface area, morphology and anatase/rutile ratio and a titania nanosuspension as well. The titania addition followed two procedures: bulk and spray addition over the ceramic samples surface. Titania was added in two different percentages: 2.5 and 7.5 wt.% in both of the methods. The ceramic samples were then fired at three maximum temperatures: 900, 950 and 1000 °C. Afterwards, the photocatalytic activity of the prepared ceramic samples was evaluated by following the degradation of an organic compound in aqueous medium, under UV radiation. The influence of titania morphological characteristics on the photoactivity of the fired materials was studied by means of XRD and SEM observations. The ceramic samples, sprayed with a slip containing 7.5 wt.% of titania powder and fired at 900 °C, have the best photoactivity, with a complete photo-decomposition of the organic compound. At 1000 °C no sample acted as a photocatalyst due to the anatase-to-rutile phase transformation and to the reaction between titania and calcium and iron oxides in the raw materials. 2. The second one foresaw the synthesis of TiO2-SiO2 solid solutions, using the following stoichiometry: Ti1-xSixO2 where x = 0, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5 atoms per formula unit (apfu). The mixtures were then fired following two thermal cycles, each with three maximum temperatures. The effect of SiO2 addition into the TiO2 crystal structure and, consequently, on its photocatalytic activity when fired at high temperature, was thoroughly investigated by means of XRD, XPS, FE-SEM, TEM and BET analysis. The photoactivity of the prepared powders was assessed both in gas and liquid phase. Subsequently, the TiO2-SiO2 solid solutions, previously fired at 900 °C, were sprayed over the ceramic samples surface in the percentage of 7.5 wt.%. The prepared ceramic samples were fired at 900 and 1000 °C. The photocatalytic activity of the ceramic samples was evaluated in liquid phase. Unfortunately, that samples did not show any appreciable photoactivity. In fact, samples fired at 900 °C showed a pretty low photoactivity, while the one fired at 1000 °C showed no photoactivity at all. This was explained by the excessive coarsening of titania particles. To summarise, titania particle size, more than its crystalline phase, seems to have a relevant role in the photocatalytic activity of the ceramic samples.
Applicazione Web che permette di creare eventi in un calendario relativo all'assunzione di farmaci da parte di utenti con deficit di memorizzazione.
Questa tesi tratta dell'applicazione agli edifici esistenti di dispositivi per la produzione energetica da fonte rinnovabile: solare fotovoltaica, solare termica ed eolica. Dopo aver analizzato i motivi economici ed ambientali che oggi inducono ad affrontare il tema complesso dell'integrazione di queste tecnologie anche negli edifici esistenti, vengono documentate alcune decine di recenti istallazioni, reperite in ambito internazionale, costituendo così un piccolo repertorio di casi applicativi. Il ricorso alle fonti di energia rinnovabili in architettura ed il concetto di sostenibilità applicato alla progettazione sono temi di interesse mondiale che coinvolgono la riqualificazione energetica del parco edilizio esistente. Questo fenomeno sta generando una vera rivoluzione che, da una dimensione culturale promossa dalle politiche energetiche dei vari paesi, travolge svariati ambiti disciplinari, primo tra tutti l'architettura. L’elaborato è idealmente diviso in quattro parti, come di seguito specificato. Nel primo capitolo vengono trattate le problematiche che stanno portando alla diffusione delle energie rinnovabili nel mondo e descritte le varie forme e tecnologie con cui si utilizzano. Nel secondo e terzo capitolo sono trattati i temi dell’energia negli edifici e la sostenibilità nel progetto per la riqualificazione energetica in architettura. Negli ultimi tre capitoli si analizzano le caratteristiche, i componenti ed il funzionamento dei sistemi fotovoltaici, solari termici e micro/mini-eolici applicati ai manufatti edilizi. Si descrivono, inoltre, le tecnologie e le soluzioni per l’integrazione di detti impianti sugli edifici esistenti. L’ultima parte, costituita dall’allegato che contiene le schede di analisi di alcuni casi studio, descrive la realizzazione di progetti di riqualificazione energetica in cui sistemi fotovoltaici, solari termici ed eolici vengono applicati ad edifici di vario genere.
Progettazione ed implementazione di un modulo che gestisca il consumo di energia in uno Smart Environment, contestualizzato nell'ambito di un progetto europeo, SOFIA (Smart Object For Intelligent Applications), che ambisce ad accelerare l'integrazione di oggetti intelligenti nella vita quotidiana. Il consumo energetico da gestire e' quello di una rete di sensori; e' stato dimostrato che, riducendo le trasmissioni di dati tra sensori ed il resto della rete, le batterie durano quasi il doppio del tempo e, di conseguenza, la vita della rete e' raddoppiata, con vantaggi evidenti per l'ambiente.