894 resultados para Process of personnel strategy


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Many assays to evaluate the nature, breadth, and quality of antigen-specific T cell responses are currently applied in human medicine. In most cases, assay-related protocols are developed on an individual laboratory basis, resulting in a large number of different protocols being applied worldwide. Together with the inherent complexity of cellular assays, this leads to unnecessary limitations in the ability to compare results generated across institutions. Over the past few years a number of critical assay parameters have been identified which influence test performance irrespective of protocol, material, and reagents used. Describing these critical factors as an integral part of any published report will both facilitate the comparison of data generated across institutions and lead to improvements in the assays themselves. To this end, the Minimal Information About T Cell Assays (MIATA) project was initiated. The objective of MIATA is to achieve a broad consensus on which T cell assay parameters should be reported in scientific publications and to propose a mechanism for reporting these in a systematic manner. To add maximum value for the scientific community, a step-wise, open, and field-spanning approach has been taken to achieve technical precision, user-friendliness, adequate incorporation of concerns, and high acceptance among peers. Here, we describe the past, present, and future perspectives of the MIATA project. We suggest that the approach taken can be generically applied to projects in which a broad consensus has to be reached among scientists working in fragmented fields, such as immunology. An additional objective of this undertaking is to engage the broader scientific community to comment on MIATA and to become an active participant in the project.


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El objetivo principal de este proyecto es desarrollar más a fondo y consolidar los objetivos formativos y competencias del grado en Estudios Ingleses a través de un trabajo de escritura creativa, en concreto, la creación de una obra teatral original. Este trabajo consiste en, por un lado, una introducción al Naturalismo, como género literario en un marco cultural y metodológico, y por otro lado, la creación personal de una obra naturalista que incluye la primera parte del manuscrito. Este proyecto incluye un proceso completo de creatividad justificado gracias a las principales teorías de algunos escritores naturalistas, como: Émile Zola – como precursor del Naturalismo – y August Strindberg como uno de los mayores mentores de este género literario. Los resultados obtenidos en este trabajo son: la creación de una obra teatral original, una especialización en el movimiento Naturalista aplicado al teatro contemporáneo, y un profundo conocimiento de la lengua inglesa a través de la perspectiva de un dramaturgo.


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The optical and electrical recovery processes of the metastable state of the EL2 defect artificially created in n‐type GaAs by boron or oxygen implantation are analyzed at 80 K using optical isothermal transient spectroscopy. In both cases, we have found an inhibition of the electrical recovery and the existence of an optical recovery in the range 1.1-1.4 eV, competing with the photoquenching effect. The similar results obtained with both elements and the different behavior observed in comparison with the native EL2 defect has been related to the network damage produced by the implantation process. From the different behavior with the technological process, it can be deduced that the electrical and optical anomalies have a different origin. The electrical inhibition is due to the existence of an interaction between the EL2 defect and other implantation‐created defects. However, the optical recovery seems to be related to a change in the microscopic metastable state configuration involving the presence of vacancies


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Third Generation Partnership Project (3GPP) on organisaatio, joka määrittelee ja ylläpitää kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinverkon standardeja. Organisaatio luotiin monien eri standardointielinten toimesta havaittaessa, ettei maailmanlaajuista kolmannen sukupolven matkapuhelinteknologiaa voitaisi määritellä ilman laajaa yhteistyötä. 3GPP:ssä standardointityö on jakautunut usealle tekniselle määrittelyryhmälle. Jokaisen ryhmän tehtävänä on kehittää määrittelyjä ja raportteja omalla vastuualueellaan. 3GPP:ssä määrittelytyötä tehdään samanaikaisesti teknillisten määrittelyryhmien välillä. Tämä vaatii tiukkoja sääntöjä määrittelyjen luonti-, hyväksyntä- ja ylläpitotehtäviin. Vain siten on mahdollista hallita määrittelyihin tulevia muutoksia ja tarvittavaa kokonaistyömäärää. Tämä diplomityö kuvaa 3GPP:n määrittelemän UMTS-teknologian. Työssä keskitytään tarkemmin 3GPP-organisaation rakenteeseen, määritysten tekemiseen ja työskentelytapoihin. Tämä diplomityö osoittaa millainen organisaatio ja säännöt vaaditaan maailmanlaajuisen matkapuhelinjärjestelmän kehittämiseen.


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The objective of this study was to analyze the effects of Group Support Systems (GSS) to overall efficiency of innovation process. Overall efficiency was found to be a sum of meeting efficiency, product effectiveness, and learning efficiency. These components were studied in various working situations common in early stages of innovation process. In the empirical part of this study, the suitability of GSS at the forest company was assessed. The basics for this study were idea generation meetings held at LUT and results from the surveys done after the sessions. This data combined with the interviews and theoretical background was used to analyze suitability of this technology to organizational culture at the company. The results of this study are divided to theory and case level. On theory level GSS was found to be a potentially valuable tool for innovation managers, especially at the first stages of the process. On case level, GSS was found to be a suitable tool at Stora Enso for further utilization. A five step implementation proposal was built to illustrate what would be the next stages of GSS implementation, if technology was chosen for further implementation.


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Tyon tavoitteena on selvittaa. mitka myyntistrategian ja siihen liittyvien muiden strategioiden kriittiset osat pienten ja keskisuurten ICT- yritysten toiminnassa. Tutkimusmenetelmana kaytettiin case- tutkimusta, jossa vertailtiin neljan pienen ja keskisuuren ohjelmisto talon toimintaa. Tutkimuksessa tunnistettiin nelja kriittista osa-aluetta, joiden hoitamiseen yritysten erityisesti tulisi kiinnittaa huomiota. Nama olivat: segmentointi ja kohdemarkkinoiden valinta, myyntikanavien valinta, myyntihenkiloston organisointi ja asiakassuuntautuneisuus, ja markkinointi tietojarjestelma. Tutkimus osoitti, etta yrityksen kasvaessa ja omistuksen eriytyessa toimivasta johdosta yrityksen strategia suunnittelusta tulee jarjestelmallisempaa.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia kansainvälisen liiketoimintastrategian kehittämiseen liittyviä osa-alueita ja tarjota ehdotuksia Kemira Agro Oy:lle liiketoimintastrategian kehittämiseksi. Tutkielman teoreettisessa osassa analysoidaan liiketoimintastrategian osa-alueita. Tutkielman empiirisessä osassa liiketoimintastrategian osa-alueet analysoidaan Kemira Agro Oy:n Kiinan liiketoimintastrategian kannalta ja esitetään ehdotuksia liiketoimintastrategian kehittämiseksi. Tutkielma on normatiivinen case-tutkimus. Tutkielma on jaettu teoreettiseen ja empiiriseen osaan. Empiirisessä osassa tutkimuskohteina on Suomessa tehdyt vapaamuotoiset haastattelut ja Kiinassa puoli-strukturoituina toteutetut haastattelut. Tutkimus määrittää Kiinan vaikeaksi markkina-alueeksi, joka kuitenkin tarjoaa suuria kasvumahdollisuuksia. Tutkielman tutkimustuloksissa ehdotetaan markkinointitoimenpiteiden lisäämistä sekä tutkimaan mahdollisuutta oman jakelukanavan luomiseen ja tuotevalikoiman laajentamiseen sekä korostetaan segmentoinnin tärkeyttä.


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This study views personnel strategy process in strategic management perspective. The theoretical part discusses about personnel management theories and the theory of strategy process. After that the empirical part combines both theories mentioned above into a normative approach of personnel strategy process.


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Stromal fibroblast senescence has been linked to the aging-associated increase of tumors. However, in epithelial cancer, density and proliferation of cancer associated fibroblasts (CAF) are frequently increased, rather than decreased. We previously showed that genetic deletion or down-modulation of the canonical Notch effector CSL/RBP-JK in dermal fibroblasts is sufficient for CAF activation with consequent development of keratinocyte-derived tumors. We show here that CSL silencing induces senescence of primary fibroblasts from dermis, oral mucosa, breast and lung. CSL functions in these cells as direct repressor of multiple senescence- and CAF-effector genes. It also physically interacts with p53, repressing its activity. CSL is down-modulated in stromal fibroblasts of premalignant skin actinic keratosis lesions and squamous cell carcinomas (SCC), while p53 gene expression and function is down-modulated only in the latter, with paracrine influences of incipient cancer cells as a likely culprit. Concomitant loss of CSL and p53 overcomes fibroblast senescence, enhances CAF effector gene expression and promotes stromal and cancer cell expansion. The findings support a CAF activation/stromal co-evolution model under convergent CSL/p53 control of likely clinical relevance.


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Inspections of pleasure boats in Spain can be carried out by collaborating entities of inspection, entities that must be authorized by the Maritime Administration. This authorization allows to perform effective inspections and technical controls of recreational crafts. Recreational crafts are subjected to surveys that are based on the registration list and on the material used in the hull. In addition, required safety equipment of the recreational boat depends on the distance that the recreational boat is authorized to navigate. Following data obtained from inspections of recreational craft, this paper aims to analyze information about hulls within dry and afloat conditions, about the equipment for rescue and safety, and about other nautical equipment; as well as to perform and improve different verifications during the inspections. All this information points to several aspects relevant for the optimization of the inspection process, the ultimate target being increasing efficiency and effectiveness, and ensuring more safety in recreational craft.


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This paper presents the initial data analysis of a research that is work in progress. It discusses the role of mentoring and peer support in facilitating the process of repurposing open educational resources (OER). It also reports on the lessons so far learned from the analysis of two distinct but related case studies on working with learners to use and disseminate OER.