1000 resultados para Procedimento de Manobra de Rosing


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In any welding process is of utmost importance by welders and responsible qualities of the area understand the process and the variables involved in it, in order to have maximum efficiency in welding both in terms of quality as the final cost , never forgetting, of course, the process conditions which the welder or welding operator shall be submitted. Therefore, we sought to understand the variables relevant to the welding process and develop an EPS (Welding Procedure Specification) as ASME IX for cored wire welding process (FCAW Specification AWS) with shielding gas and automated process for base material ASTM a 131, with 5/16 thick, using a single pass weld, for conditions with pre-and post-heating and the destructive testing for verification and analysis of the resulting weld bead


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The number of piping in an industry is high. Through this piping are conducted several kind of products at several temperature and pressure conditions. In a chemical company, the piping quantity conducting harmful chemical products to human health and to the environment is higher. Nowadays the theme sustainability is often mentioned and harm to environment may cause irreversible damage to the human being, to the fauna, to the flora and to company´s credibility. In this context, controlling over the piping to avoid accidents is mandatory. The objective of this monograph is to create a procedure which enables the chemical companies piping traceability. This monograph analyses the several existent traceability system in the three economy sectors and approaches the technical question of industrial piping in order to create a procedure that achieves its objectives as a technical document and at the same time be economically feasible, with low complexibility level and high practicability. Some possibilities to elaborate this procedure had been studied, as the creation of an alphanumeric code and making with a chisel in the pipeline based on ASTM F2897 and the use of chips to store the information. However, the procedure which best meet the requirement as low cost and high applicability is filling out an electronic plan with information about welding process, welding certification, welding consumables and inspections


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Os distúrbios do sistema nervoso central mais comuns relatados no mundo são a ansiedade e a depressão, com grande incidência de casos nos quais aparecem juntos. Os tratamentos utilizados na clínica além de não serem efetivos na totalidade dos casos podem, por vezes, apresentar diversos efeitos não desejados. Assim, na busca novas drogas mais efetivas e com menor incidência de efeitos adversos, a Cananga odorata (Lam.) Hook. f. & Thomson aparece como uma alternativa. Esta espécie vegetal é utilizada na aromaterapia como na prevenção do estresse, ansiedade e depressão (BIRD, 2003). A busca de novas ferramentas terapêuticas depende do uso de animais de experimentação, e com as discussões na sociedade científica sobre o uso de animais, há uma maior preocupação em se desenvolver novas técnicas experimentais onde se possa aplicar os conceitos dos 3Rs objetivando a redução (Replacement) do número de animais, sua substituição (Reduction) e o refinamento (Refinement) das técnicas experimentais. Neste trabalho avaliou-se a atividade ansiolítica e antidepressiva do óleo essencial (OE) de Cananga odorata, em animais que foram sucessivamente submetidos a testes para avaliar a atividade motora, ansiolítica e antidepressiva. Camundongos machos foram tratados por via oral com OE nas doses de 0,1; 1, 10 e 100 mg/kg, e após 30 minutos foram submetidos ao teste do Campo Aberto, da Caixa Claro-Escuro e Suspensão pela Cauda, nesta ordem, com um intervalo de 30 minutos entre eles. Os resultados indicaram que a seqüência de testes é adequada para a avaliação destas atividades com economia de tempo, animais e drogas


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This paper aims to discuss the system of inventory management in a public university. The present paper shows the definitions, classification of materials and the advantages and disadvantages of storage, besides exposing the public procurement bidding system since the acquisition until receipt of materials to be stored. This paper presents a survey of the items stored in the warehouse and use of control tools such as ABC curve to demand flow prized for verification of critical items and idle items. Displays also a calculation for the minimum value of stock and replacement of an item in inventory and an analysis of the conditions of the warehouse layout. As a result, knowledge is acquired and a revised system of inventory management of the institution was proposed


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This work aims to improve the management of an agrochemical company`s inventory. This goal was achieved through data collection, analysis of the causes of the lack of accuracy of inventories followed by proposing solutions, implementing solutions and finally the analysis and interpretation of results


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A articulação coxofemoral em cães tem sido, ao longo dos anos, a mais frequentemente lesionada, principalmente de forma traumática, por acidentes automobilísticos ou atropelamentos. O tratamento de escolha para resolver a luxação coxofemoral é o método por redução fechada. Entretanto, na generalidade dos casos, esta técnica não se mostra suficiente para correta estabilização articular, pois há outras afecções envolvidas ou a cronicidade da lesão impede uma manobra efetiva. Sendo assim, recorre-se à cirurgia para correção da luxação. Diversas são as técnicas cirúrgicas praticadas para tal enfermidade. O pino transarticular é um procedimento usado há muito tempo. Essa técnica requer aceitável coaptação articular e é recomendada em casos de grave lesão capsular. Porém, seu uso é discutível por causar lesões degenerativas na articulação ou migração do implante. Dessa forma, a sutura extra-articular vem sendo estudada por apresentar uma estratégia alternativa que não prejudica as estruturas da região operada e por vir demonstrando resultados satisfatórios. Nas situações de luxação recorrente, necrose asséptica da cabeça do fêmur e fraturas de cabeça e colo femoral ou acetabular, a colocefalectomia deve ser empregada. Considerada como técnica de salvamento, esta pode ser utilizada após insucesso dos outros métodos para correção da articulação coxofemoral. Vários estudos foram selecionados para que seus resultados fossem analisados. Assim conclui-se que não existe uma técnica ideal. Todas apresentam adequada congruência articular, porém os implantes metálicos exibem grandes possibilidades de complicação pós-operatória, a sutura extra articular fornece boa estabilidade e poucas lesões locais e a colocefalectomia fica sendo como o último recurso, caso ocorra falha...


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Following the introduction of the acid-etching technique in enamel surface, direct attachment of orthodontic appliances on the surface of the tooth and/or restorations became a routine procedure in the assembly of the fixed devices. The attainment of a success result is related to the criterion attention to the details and the steps of the bonding technique, as well as, to the knowledge of the characteristics of the adhesive materials and orthodontic brackets. This paper presents some aspects of various types of brackets and adhesives materials.


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Direct bonding of orthodontics attachments to the teeth or restoration has become a routine in fixed appliance therapy. The technique used seems to be simple, but meticulous attention to detail and steps, a thorough understanding of factors involved are needed to ensure a successful outcome into different surfaces. It is the purpose of this article to review concerning aspects to orthodontic bonding in enamel and restorations fabricated from different materials; affording assistance to the reader wiser accomplishment and successful procedure.


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This work describes instrumental strategies for the determination of Mn in a wide range concentration by high-resolution continuum source flame atomic absorption spectrometry technique (HR-CS F AAS) by means of different atomic lines (primary at 279.482 nm, secondary at 403.075 nm and alternative at 209.250 nm). These lines provided complementary concentration intervals, and large sample dilutions became unnecessary. The proposed method was applied to tap water, metal alloy certified material and foliar fertilizer. Accuracy for secondary line were evaluated by tests of significance (t Student test) with reference materials from the Institute of Technological Research of São Paulo, and the results were in agreement at the 95% confidence level. For primary and alternative lines, recovery is were in the 84-116% range and the RSD were 6.1% for all wavelengths. Analytical curves in the 0.1 - 2.0 mg L-1 (279.482 nm), 2.0 - 25 mg L-1 (403.075 nm), 25 - 500 mg L-1 (209.250 nm) intervals were obtained with linear correlation coefficient better than 0.9991. The detection limits were 3.3x10-3 mg L-1 (279.482 nm), 7.4 x 10-3 mg L-1 (403.075 nm), 3.9 mg L- 1 (209.250 nm). The found Mn concentrations were < 3.3x10-3 mg L-1 (tap water), 1.00 ± 0.04 (% m/m) (alloy IPT 25), 7235 ± 175 mg L-1 (foliar fertilizer 1), 4990 ± 132 mg L-1 (foliar fertilizer 2). A method was developed to detect interference of Fe in the Mn primary line (279.482 nm) using the ratio of absorbances of other lines of the triplet (279.827 nm and 280,108 nm).


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Alveolar bone resorption is continuous throughout the life of edentulous patients, the prosthesis mismatch can generate during speech and chewing. An alternative to this would be to destabilize the denture reline, a maneuver which aims to readjust the denture base to the rim by the addition of a plastic film to the inner surface of the prosthesis material. This procedure may be direct, when performed in the clinic, or indirect when made in prosthetic laboratory. The aim this study is to demonstrate the technical of two reline for denture.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The objective of the present work is the construction of percentual indexes of sustainable development "Status" - PIDSD (%) aiming to order and classify the rural settlements, considering agricultural, socioeconomic and environmental aspects, in order to diagnose their sustainable reality. This way, we considered multivariate statistical procedure to establish analytical descriptors - indexes - like the principal components technique (CP). The CP technique was used in a matrix formed by 47 variables observed in 50 rural settlements, distributed in seven different regions of the state of Mato Grosso, obtained from diagnostics, provided by "Mato-Grossense" Enterprise of Research, Assistance and Rural Extension S/A - EMPAER - MT, in order to obtain the indexes used in the construction of PIDSD (%). The settlements with higher PIDSD (%) were considered "higher potential" or "higher sustainable" in relation to the analyzed variables, making the establishment of assistance strategies and cooperation possible, allowing the government and civil society in general, to improve those with worse results ("lower potential" or "lower sustainable"), and search for ways to strengthen and multiply the results of the "higher potential" settlements. Vale do Seringal settlement had the best conditions in relation to the variables, mainly those of higher weigh and was considered the one with "higher potential". São Sebastião had the worst conditions and was considered "lower potential".