999 resultados para Potassium Fluoride


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The terminal solid solubilities of the periclase (MgO-rich) and zincite (ZnO-rich) solid solutions in the MgO---ZnO system have been determined by measuring the activity of MgO using a solid-state galvanic cell of the type 02(g), Pt/MgO, MgF2//MgF2//{χMgO+(1-χ)ZnO}(s, sln), MgF2/Pt, O2(g) in the temperature range 900–1050°C. The ZnO activity was calculated by graphical Gibbs-Duhem integration. The activity-composition plots of both components exhibit a strong positive deviation from ideality and are characterised by a miscibility gap. The terminal solid solubilities of the periclase and zincite solid solutions obtained from the activity-composition plots are found to be in reasonable agreement with those reported in the literature.


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Measurements of the electrical resistivity of thin potassium wires at temperatures near 1 K have revealed a minimum in the resistivity as a function of temperature. By proposing that the electrons in these wires have undergone localization, albeit with large localization length, and that inelastic-scattering events destroy the coherence of that state, we can explain both the magnitude and shape of the temperature-dependent resistivity data. Localization of electrons in these wires is to be expected because, due to the high purity of the potassium, the elastic mean free path is comparable to the diameters of the thinnest samples, making the Thouless length lT (or inelastic diffusion length) much larger than the diameter, so that the wire is effectively one dimensional. The inelastic events effectively break the wire into a series of localized segments, whose resistances can be added to obtain the total resistance of the wire. The ensemble-averaged resistance for all possible segmented wires, weighted with a Poisson distribution of inelastic-scattering lengths along the wire, yields a length dependence for the resistance that is proportional to [L3/lin(T)], provided that lin(T)?L, where L is the sample length and lin(T) is some effective temperature-dependent one-dimensional inelastic-scattering length. A more sophisticated approach using a Poisson distribution in inelastic-scattering times, which takes into account the diffusive motion of the electrons along the wire through the Thouless length, yields a length- and temperature-dependent resistivity proportional to (L/lT)4 under appropriate conditions. Inelastic-scattering lifetimes are inferred from the temperature-dependent bulk resistivities (i.e., those of thicker, effectively three-dimensional samples), assuming that a minimum amount of energy must be exchanged for a collision to be effective in destroying the phase coherence of the localized state. If the dominant inelastic mechanism is electron-electron scattering, then our result, given the appropriate choice of the channel number parameter, is consistent with the data. If electron-phason scattering were of comparable importance, then our results would remain consistent. However, the inelastic-scattering lifetime inferred from bulk resistivity data is too short. This is because the electron-phason mechanism dominates in the inelastic-scattering rate, although the two mechanisms may be of comparable importance for the bulk resistivity. Possible reasons why the electron-phason mechanism might be less effective in thin wires than in bulk are discussed.


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Coupled substitution of Nb(V) and Si(IV) for Ti(IV) and P(V)/As(V) in KTiOP04 (KTP) and KTiOAsO4 (KTA) giving new series of nonlinear optical materials, KTi1-xNbxOX1-xSixO4 (X=P,As), has been investigated. Substitution up to x = 0.40 readily occurs, the members retaining the orthorhombic (Pna2(1)) structure of KTP. The second harmonic generation (SHG) property of the parent KTP and KTA is not adversely affected by the coupled substitution. SHG intensity of the powder samples of the X = P series shows a slight increase with x up to x = 0.15; for 0.15 < x less-than-or-equal-to 0.40, there is a decrease in SHG intensity as compared to that for KTP. A similar trend in SHG intensity is seen for the arsenic analogs.


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The study area, Vihtamonjoki catchment area, is 55 square kilometres and a third of it has been ditched. The largest ditchings have been done in years 1959-1970. The water system in the catchment area builds up of several lake basins, brooks and rivers. This study tries to discover the water quality at present. It also tries to determine the sedimentation rate and the changes on the sediment quality during the past decades. The water samples were collected in August 2003 and in March 2004 from several places in the catchment area. On March 2004 the sediment samples were collected from four lake basins. Organic matter, total phosphorus, iron, manganese, Fe/Mn-ratio, zinc and copper were determined from sediment samples. The water quality was determined by electric conductivity, alkalinity, pH, oxygen content and the content of sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium, sulphate, chlorine and fluoride. Also the nutrients, nitrate, ammonium and phosphate, were determined. Chemical analyses and loss on ignition analyses showed clear changes in sediment quality in samples taken from 15-25 cm depth, thus showing the time of the ditching. In most cases the forest ditching had caused increase in mineral matter, iron, zinc and copper and decrease in total phosphorus and organic matter. Sedimentation rates vary between 4,1 to 6,7 mm/year in lakes after the forest ditching. Sedimentation rates have probably increased due to the forest ditching. The Fe/Mn-ratio shows that there has been a lack of oxygen in the lakes for some years after the forest ditching. The water quality proved to be normal in the Vihtamonjoki catchment area. Oxygen content in March 2004 pointed to the conclusion that there might be lack of oxygen in winter. Other analysis showed the water quality to be typical for the Kainuu area.


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The reaction of silicon tetrachloride (SiCl4), trichlorosilane (HSiCl3) and tris(amino)silanes[(R2N)3SiH] with pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride) (PPHF) gives rise to hexafluorosilicatesalts in good yields. They have been characterized as pyridinium hexafluorosilicate(C5H5NH)2SiF6 (in the case of SiCl4 and HSiCl3) and the corresponding dialkyl ammoniumhexafluorosilicate (R2NH2)2SiF6 salts [for tris(amino)silanes] (where R2N=pyrrolidino,piperidino, hexamethyleneimino, morpholino, N-methylpiperazino and diethylamino). Theinteresting features of these reactions are the cleavage of Si---Cl, Si---H and Si---N bondsat room temperature by PPHF and fluorination of the silicon moiety to a hexa-coordinateddoubly charged anionic species. These compounds have been characterized by NMR (1H,29Si, 19F) and IR spectroscopy, and by chemical analysis.


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The products of the reaction of pyridinium poly(hydrogen fluoride), PPHF, with KIO3, Na2SnO3, NaBiO3, K2CrO4, Na2MoO4 and Na2WO4 were KIO2F2; Na2SnF6; NaHF2, BiF3; K3CrF6, KHF2, (PyH)(3)CrF6; NaHF2, (PyH)(2)MoO2F4.2NaHF(2); and (PyH)(2)WO2F4.2NaHF(2), respectively, while KClO3, KBrO3 and KlO(4) react with complete decomposition to form KHF2 as the fluorinated product. This differential reactivity and mode of reaction has been discussed in terms of the oxidation state of the central atom, the nature and strength of the bonds and the complex behaviour of the formed intermediate or fluorinated products that undergo complexation or solvation with pyridine and/or hydrogen fluoride.


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Experimental ionic conductivity of different alkali ions in water shows markedly different dependences on pressure. Existing theories such as that of Hubbard-Onsager are unable to explain these dependences on pressure of the ionic conductivity for all ions. We report molecular dynamics investigation of potassium chloride solution at low dilution in water at several pressures between 1 bar and 2 kbar. Two different potential models have been employed. One of the models successfully reproduces the experimentally observed trend in ionic conductivity of K+ ions in water over the 0.001-2 kbar range. We also propose a theoretical explanation, albeit at a qualitative level, to account for the dependence of ionic conductivity on pressure in terms of the previously studied Levitation Effect. It also provides a microscopic picture in terms of the pore network in liquid water.


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Modification of the room temperature phase (IV-III) of ammonium nitrate (AN) has been attempted using a variety of potassium salts namely, KF, KCl, KI, KNO3, K2CO3, K2SO4, KSCN and K2Cr2O7. No phase transition was observed when AN containing 1-2% by mass of these potassium salts is heated from room temperature (25 degrees C) onwards in DTA and DSC scans, but the linear expansion due to phase transition was still observable in TMA measurements. Complete arrest of the linear expansion occurs only when a higher concentration of the additive is used. Similarly, in thermal cycling experiments, complete phase modification in the temperature range -80 to 100 degrees C occurs only with a higher percentage of the potassium salt. The extent of modification, however, is found to be dependent both on the concentration, and the type of the anion. Potassium dichromate when used as an additive modifies the phase as well as the decomposition pattern of AN.


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Potassium titanyl phosphate (KTP) and its isomorphs have received enormous attention in the last 2 decades. In particular, KTP assumes importance due to its large nonlinear optic and electrooptic coefficients together with the broad thermal and angular acceptance for second harmonic generation. This article provides an overview of the material aspects, structural, physical, and chemical properties and device feasibility of the KTP family of crystals. Some of the current areas of research and development along with their significance in understanding the physical properties as well as device applications are addressed. Optical waveguide fabrication processes and characteristics with their relevance to the present-day technology are highlighted. Studies performed so far have enabled us to understand the fundamental aspects of these materials and what needs to be pursued vigorously is the exploitation of their device applications to the maximum extent.


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Probes based on anthra[1,2-d]imidazole-6,11-dione were designed and synthesized for selective ion sensing. Each probe acted as strong colorimetric sensors for fluoride and cyanide ions and exhibited intramolecular charge transfer (ICT) band, which showed significant red-shifts after addition of either the F(-) or CN(-) ion. One of the probes (2) showed selective colorimetric sensing for both cyanide and fluoride ions. In organic medium, 2 showed selective color change with fluoride and cyanide, whereas in aqueous organic medium it showed a ratiometric response selectively for cyanide ion.


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The gamma-phase poly (vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) films are usually prepared using dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) solvent, regardless of preparation temperature. Here we report the crystallization of both alpha and gamma-phase PVDF films by varying preparation temperature using DMSO solvent. The gamma-phase PVDF films were annealed at 70, 90, 110, 130 and 160 degrees C for five hours. The changes in the phase contents in the PVDF at different annealing conditions have been described. When thin films were annealed at 90 degrees C for 5 h, maximum percentage of beta-phase appears in PVDF thin films. The gamma-phase PVDF films completely converted to alpha-phase when they were annealed at 160 degrees C for 5 h. From X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier transform infrared spectrum (FTIR), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and Raman studies, it is confirmed that the PVDF thin films, cast from solution and annealed at 90 degrees C for 5 h, have maximum percentage of beta-phase. The beta-phase PVDF shows a remnant polarization of 4.9 mu C/cm(2) at 1400 kV/cm at 1 Hz.


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The β-phase of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is well known for its piezoelectric properties. PVDF films have been developed using solvent cast method. The films thus produced are in α-phase. The α-phase is transformed to piezoelectric β-phase when the film is hot-stretched with various different stretching factors at various different temperatures. The films are then characterized in terms of their mechanical properties and surface morphological changes during the transformation from α- to β-phases by using X-ray diffraction, differential scanning calorimeter, Raman spectra, Infrared spectra, tensile testing, and scanning electron microscopy. The films showed increased crystallinity with stretching at temperature up to 80°C. The optimum conditions to achieve β-phase have been discussed in detail. The fabricated PVDF sensors have been tested for free vibration and impact on plate structure, and its response is compared with conventional piezoelectric wafer type sensor. The resonant and antiresonant peaks in the frequency response of PVDF sensor match well with that of lead zirconate titanate wafer sensors. Effective piezoelectric properties and the variations in the frequency response spectra due to free vibration and impact loading conditions are reported. POLYM. ENG. SCI., 2012. © 2012 Society of Plastics Engineers.