893 resultados para Policy-based network management
Purpose – The main purpose of this paper is to analyze knowledge management in service networks. It analyzes the knowledge management process and identifies related challenges. The authors take a strategic management approach instead of a more technology-oriented approach, since it is believed that managerial problems still remain after technological problems are solved. Design/methodology/approach – The paper explores the literature on the topic of knowledge management as well as the resource (or knowledge) based view of the firm. It offers conceptual insights and provides possible solutions for knowledge management problems. Findings – The paper discusses several possible solutions for managing knowledge processes in knowledge-intensive service networks. Solutions for knowledge identification/generation, knowledge application, knowledge combination/transfer and supporting the evolution of tacit network knowledge include personal and technological aspects, as well as organizational and cultural elements. Practical implications – In a complex environment, knowledge management and network management become crucial for business success. It is the task of network management to establish routines, and to build and regularly refresh meta-knowledge about the competencies and abilities that exist within the network. It is suggested that each network partner should be rated according to the contribution to the network knowledge base. Based on this rating, a particular network partner is a member of a certain knowledge club, meaning that the partner has access to a particular level of network knowledge. Such an established routine provides strong incentives to add knowledge to the network's knowledge base Originality/value – This paper is a first attempt to outline the problems of knowledge management in knowledge-intensive service networks and, by so doing, to introduce strategic management reasoning to the discussion.
This paper presents an argument that it is possible for an organisation to manage networks, but understanding this involves consideration of what is meant by "managing". Based on prior research and data from a major longitudinal action research study in the health sector, the paper describes six network management roles: network structuring agent; co-ordinator; advisor; information broker; relationship broker; innovation sponsor. The necessary "assets" for effective performance of these roles are identified, in particular those relating to team competence. The findings enrich and significantly develop previous work on network management roles and activities, and their influencing factors. It is concluded that, given the specific nature of the networks studied, further research is required to evaluate the generalisability of the findings, though initial indications are promising.
A cikk központi kérdése a vállalati versenyképesség. Két meghatározó menedzsmentmegközelítés – a vevői érték és az erőforrás-, képességalapú stratégiai menedzsment – fogalmi rendszerére, illetve koncepcióira alapozva a szerzők kialakítottak és a "Versenyben a világgal 2004–2006 – gazdasági versenyképességünk vállalati nézőpontból" című kutatás adatbázisát használva teszteltek egy a vállalati versenyképesség belső struktúrájára rávilágító elméleti modellt. A modell empirikus tesztelésének eredménye szerint a kialakított koncepció a vállalati versenyképesség elemzésének hasznos eszköze, mely alkalmas arra, hogy a vizsgált vállalatok esetében igazolja, vagy éppen megcáfolja a meghatározott, ún. összehangolt kompetenciák meglétét. ________The main issue of this article is the competitiveness of firms. Based on conceptual system and concepts of two determinant management approaches – the customer value and the resource and capability based strategic management – the authors have developed and tested a theoretical model of the inside structure of the competitiveness of firms using the database of Competing with the World 2004-2006 – the competitiveness of the Hungarian economy from enterprise point of view. According to the result of the empiric test of the model the developed concept has been a profitable tool of the analysis of the enterprise competitiveness and it has been suited for confirming or confuting determinated so called aligned competencies being in the case of examined firms.
In recent years, the internet has grown exponentially, and become more complex. This increased complexity potentially introduces more network-level instability. But for any end-to-end internet connection, maintaining the connection's throughput and reliability at a certain level is very important. This is because it can directly affect the connection's normal operation. Therefore, a challenging research task is to improve a network's connection performance by optimizing its throughput and reliability. This dissertation proposed an efficient and reliable transport layer protocol (called concurrent TCP (cTCP)), an extension of the current TCP protocol, to optimize end-to-end connection throughput and enhance end-to-end connection fault tolerance. The proposed cTCP protocol could aggregate multiple paths' bandwidth by supporting concurrent data transfer (CDT) on a single connection. Here concurrent data transfer was defined as the concurrent transfer of data from local hosts to foreign hosts via two or more end-to-end paths. An RTT-Based CDT mechanism, which was based on a path's RTT (Round Trip Time) to optimize CDT performance, was developed for the proposed cTCP protocol. This mechanism primarily included an RTT-Based load distribution and path management scheme, which was used to optimize connections' throughput and reliability. A congestion control and retransmission policy based on RTT was also provided. According to experiment results, under different network conditions, our RTT-Based CDT mechanism could acquire good CDT performance. Finally a CWND-Based CDT mechanism, which was based on a path's CWND (Congestion Window), to optimize CDT performance was introduced. This mechanism primarily included: a CWND-Based load allocation scheme, which assigned corresponding data to paths based on their CWND to achieve aggregate bandwidth; a CWND-Based path management, which was used to optimize connections' fault tolerance; and a congestion control and retransmission management policy, which was similar to regular TCP in its separate path handling. According to corresponding experiment results, this mechanism could acquire near-optimal CDT performance under different network conditions.
Virtual machines (VMs) are powerful platforms for building agile datacenters and emerging cloud systems. However, resource management for a VM-based system is still a challenging task. First, the complexity of application workloads as well as the interference among competing workloads makes it difficult to understand their VMs’ resource demands for meeting their Quality of Service (QoS) targets; Second, the dynamics in the applications and system makes it also difficult to maintain the desired QoS target while the environment changes; Third, the transparency of virtualization presents a hurdle for guest-layer application and host-layer VM scheduler to cooperate and improve application QoS and system efficiency. This dissertation proposes to address the above challenges through fuzzy modeling and control theory based VM resource management. First, a fuzzy-logic-based nonlinear modeling approach is proposed to accurately capture a VM’s complex demands of multiple types of resources automatically online based on the observed workload and resource usages. Second, to enable fast adaption for resource management, the fuzzy modeling approach is integrated with a predictive-control-based controller to form a new Fuzzy Modeling Predictive Control (FMPC) approach which can quickly track the applications’ QoS targets and optimize the resource allocations under dynamic changes in the system. Finally, to address the limitations of black-box-based resource management solutions, a cross-layer optimization approach is proposed to enable cooperation between a VM’s host and guest layers and further improve the application QoS and resource usage efficiency. The above proposed approaches are prototyped and evaluated on a Xen-based virtualized system and evaluated with representative benchmarks including TPC-H, RUBiS, and TerraFly. The results demonstrate that the fuzzy-modeling-based approach improves the accuracy in resource prediction by up to 31.4% compared to conventional regression approaches. The FMPC approach substantially outperforms the traditional linear-model-based predictive control approach in meeting application QoS targets for an oversubscribed system. It is able to manage dynamic VM resource allocations and migrations for over 100 concurrent VMs across multiple hosts with good efficiency. Finally, the cross-layer optimization approach further improves the performance of a virtualized application by up to 40% when the resources are contended by dynamic workloads.
Mobile network coverage is traditionally provided by outdoor macro base stations, which have a long range and serve several of customers. Due to modern passive houses and tightening construction legislation, mobile network service is deteriorated in many indoor locations. Typically, solutions for indoor coverage problem are expensive and demand actions from the mobile operator. Due to these, superior solutions are constantly researched. The solution presented in this thesis is based on Small Cell technology. Small Cells are low power access nodes designed to provide voice and data services.. This thesis concentrates on a specific Small Cell solution, which is called a Pico Cell. The problem regarding Pico Cells and Small Cells in general is that they are a new technological solution for the mobile operator, and the possible problem sources and incidents are not properly mapped. The purpose of this thesis is to figure out the possible problems in the Pico Cell deployment and how they could be solved within the operator’s incident management process. The research in the thesis is carried out with a literature research and a case study. The possible problems are investigated through lab testing. Pico Cell automated deployment process was tested in the lab environment and its proper functionality is confirmed. The related network elements were also tested and examined, and the emerged problems are resolvable. Operators existing incident management process can be used for Pico Cell troubleshooting with minor updates. Certain pre-requirements have to be met before Pico Cell deployment can be considered. The main contribution of this thesis is the Pico Cell integrated incident management process. The presented solution works in theory and solves the problems found during the lab testing. The limitations in the customer service level were solved by adding the necessary tools and by designing a working question pattern. Process structures for automated network discovery and pico specific radio parameter planning were also added for the mobile network management layer..
The research investigates the feasibility of using web-based project management systems for dredging. To achieve this objective the research assessed both the positive and negative aspects of using web-based technology for the management of dredging projects. Information gained from literature review and prior investigations of dredging projects revealed that project performance, social, political, technical, and business aspects of the organization were important factors in deciding to use web-based systems for the management of dredging projects. These factors were used to develop the research assumptions. An exploratory case study methodology was used to gather the empirical evidence and perform the analysis. An operational prototype of the system was developed to help evaluate developmental and functional requirements, as well as the influence on performance, and on the organization. The evidence gathered from three case study projects, and from a survey of 31 experts, were used to validate the assumptions. Baselines, representing the assumptions, were created as a reference to assess the responses and qualitative measures. The deviation of the responses was used to evaluate for the analysis. Finally, the conclusions were assessed by validating the assumptions with the evidence, derived from the analysis. The research findings are as follows: 1. The system would help improve project performance. 2. Resistance to implementation may be experienced if the system is implemented. Therefore, resistance to implementation needs to be investigated further and more R&D work is needed in order to advance to the final design and implementation. 3. System may be divided into standalone modules in order to simplify the system and facilitate incremental changes. 4. The QA/QC conceptual approach used by this research needs to be redefined during future R&D to satisfy both owners and contractors. Yin (2009) Case Study Research Design and Methods was used to develop the research approach, design, data collection, and analysis. Markus (1983) Resistance Theory was used during the assumptions definition to predict potential problems to the implementation of web-based project management systems for the dredging industry. Keen (1981) incremental changes and facilitative approach tactics were used as basis to classify solutions, and how to overcome resistance to implementation of the web-based project management system. Davis (1989) Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was used to assess the solutions needed to overcome the resistances to the implementation of web-base management systems for dredging projects.
This paper addresses current changes in the highly diverse European landscape, and the way these transitions are being treated in policy and landscape management in the fragmented, heterogeneous and dynamic context of today’s Europe. It appears that intersecting driving forces are increasing the complexity of European landscapes and causing polarising developments in agricultural land use, biodiversity conservation and cultural landscape management. On the one hand, multifunctional rural landscapes, especially in peri-urban regions, provide services and functions that serve the citizens in their demand for identity, support their sense of belonging and offer opportunities for recreation and involvement in practical landscape management. On the other hand, industrial agricultural production on increasingly large farms produces food, feed, fibre and energy to serve expanding international markets with rural live ability and accessibility as a minor issue. The intermediate areas of traditionally dominant small and family farms in Europe seem to be gradually declining in profitability. The paper discusses the potential of a governance approach that can cope with the requirement of optimising land-sharing conditions and community-based landscape development, while adapting to global market conditions.
This dissertation investigates customer behavior modeling in service outsourcing and revenue management in the service sector (i.e., airline and hotel industries). In particular, it focuses on a common theme of improving firms’ strategic decisions through the understanding of customer preferences. Decisions concerning degrees of outsourcing, such as firms’ capacity choices, are important to performance outcomes. These choices are especially important in high-customer-contact services (e.g., airline industry) because of the characteristics of services: simultaneity of consumption and production, and intangibility and perishability of the offering. Essay 1 estimates how outsourcing affects customer choices and market share in the airline industry, and consequently the revenue implications from outsourcing. However, outsourcing decisions are typically endogenous. A firm may choose whether to outsource or not based on what a firm expects to be the best outcome. Essay 2 contributes to the literature by proposing a structural model which could capture a firm’s profit-maximizing decision-making behavior in a market. This makes possible the prediction of consequences (i.e., performance outcomes) of future strategic moves. Another emerging area in service operations management is revenue management. Choice-based revenue systems incorporate discrete choice models into traditional revenue management algorithms. To successfully implement a choice-based revenue system, it is necessary to estimate customer preferences as a valid input to optimization algorithms. The third essay investigates how to estimate customer preferences when part of the market is consistently unobserved. This issue is especially prominent in choice-based revenue management systems. Normally a firm only has its own observed purchases, while those customers who purchase from competitors or do not make purchases are unobserved. Most current estimation procedures depend on unrealistic assumptions about customer arriving. This study proposes a new estimation methodology, which does not require any prior knowledge about the customer arrival process and allows for arbitrary demand distributions. Compared with previous methods, this model performs superior when the true demand is highly variable.
Part 8: Business Strategies Alignment
Dados suplementares associados com este artigo disponíveis na versão online em: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2016.06.021
A construção da direção única na saúde constitui-se um desafio para a gestão local do SUS, particularmente para municípios de grande porte. Este artigo analisou o processo de implementação do SUS no município de São Paulo, visando identificar estratégias para viabilizar uma direção única, no período de 2001 a 2008. Com base em um estudo de caso, foram utilizados dados obtidos de informantes privilegiados da gestão e de documentos de gestão. O conceito de integração sanitária foi utilizado como categoria analítica. Foram analisados movimentos e estratégias dos atores institucionais envolvidos diretamente na gestão do SUS, os gestores municipal e estadual. Observaram-se avanços institucionais como a municipalização das unidades básicas de saúde estaduais e a habilitação do município na gestão plena do sistema municipal. Apesar dessa condição de gestão e da identidade político-partidária entre os governos municipal e estadual desde 2005, constatou-se a coexistência de dois subsistemas públicos de saúde pouco integrados. Um municipal, que concentrava os serviços de atenção básica; outro estadual, que concentrava parte considerável dos serviços de média e alta complexidades. Instrumentos de gestão adotados, como o sistema de regulação, mostraram-se frágeis para superar a falta de integração entre os referidos subsistemas. Como implementar a direção única no SUS implica uma (re)divisão de recursos e poder, discute-se que não bastam normas nem instrumentos de gestão para viabilizá-la. É um desafio estratégico para o SUS implementar processo de negociação, envolvendo os atores institucionais e políticos, visando a pactuação de um projeto político na saúde.
O processo de (re)construção do SUS no Município de São Paulo, Brasil, foi analisado, no período de 2001- 2008, por meio de estudo de caso, utilizando-se distintas fontes: documentos; entrevistas com informantes-chave e observação participante. Os conceitos de política de saúde e de gestão em saúde foram utilizados na qualidade de categorias analíticas. Foram selecionadas e analisadas apenas políticas priorizadas pela gestão iniciada em 2001 e que tiveram sustentação até 2008. Discutem-se desafios para a (re)construção do SUS no município relacionados com o contexto político-institucional e com mudanças de estrutura implementadas. As reorganizações da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde de São Paulo propiciaram a constituição e manutenção de dois subsistemas municipais, um hospitalar e outro ambulatorial. Negociações entre os governos municipal, estadual e federal não avançaram para que o município assumisse a gestão de fato de todo sistema de saúde, constatando-se a coexistência de três subsistemas públicos de saúde paralelos: dois municipais e um estadual. A sustentação política do Programa Saúde da Família foi associada ao fato de que esse programa não se constituiu como marca da primeira gestão municipal e, ainda, de ser política prioritária e estimulada pelo governo federal.
Nowadays, digital computer systems and networks are the main engineering tools, being used in planning, design, operation, and control of all sizes of building, transportation, machinery, business, and life maintaining devices. Consequently, computer viruses became one of the most important sources of uncertainty, contributing to decrease the reliability of vital activities. A lot of antivirus programs have been developed, but they are limited to detecting and removing infections, based on previous knowledge of the virus code. In spite of having good adaptation capability, these programs work just as vaccines against diseases and are not able to prevent new infections based on the network state. Here, a trial on modeling computer viruses propagation dynamics relates it to other notable events occurring in the network permitting to establish preventive policies in the network management. Data from three different viruses are collected in the Internet and two different identification techniques, autoregressive and Fourier analyses, are applied showing that it is possible to forecast the dynamics of a new virus propagation by using the data collected from other viruses that formerly infected the network. Copyright (c) 2008 J. R. C. Piqueira and F. B. Cesar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
This article discusses issues related to the organization and reception of information in the context of services and public information systems driven by technology. It stems from the assumption that in a ""technologized"" society, the distance between users and information is almost always of cognitive and socio-cultural nature, a product of our effort to design communication. In this context, we favor the approach of the information sign, seeking to answer how a documentary message turns into information, i.e. a structure recognized as socially useful. Observing the structural, cognitive and communicative aspects of the documentary message, based on Documentary Linguistics, Terminology, as well as on Textual Linguistics, the policy of knowledge management and innovation of the Government of the State of Sao Paulo is analyzed, which authorizes the use of Web 2.0, also questioning to what extent this initiative represents innovation in the environment of libraries.