936 resultados para Pneumonia : Confidence


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Objectives: To assess the efficacy of Panobacumab, a fully human IgM monoclonal antibody against P. aeruginosa serotype O11, by comparing a phase IIa trial with a standard care cohort trial both in hospital acquired pneumonia (HAP) caused by P. aeruginosa O11. Methods: Demographics, outcome and survival of HAP including Ventilator Associated Pneumonia (VAP) in patients either treated with standard antimicrobial therapy in a retrospective cohort trial (CT) or with adjunctive Panobacumab therapy during an open phase IIa trial were compared. Both trials applied the same inclusion exclusion criteria and the same trial period of 30 days. Results: 17 patients with VAP/HAP (14 / 3) caused by P. aeruginosa O11 were enrolled in a phase IIa trial (ITT population) and treated with Panobacumab, 13 of them received the full treatment course of 3 infusions (PP population, 12 VAP, 1 HAP) and 4 patients received only one infusion. In the cohort trial 14 patients (VAP/HAP: 12 / 2) treated with standard antibiotic therapy were included. The mean age and weight were 65.8 y (years) (SD 17.2) and 78.0 kg (SD 22.1) in the PP, 67.8 y (SD 15.4) and 77.1 kg (SD 20.2) in the ITT population and 51.8 y (SD 22.3) and 67.1 kg (SD 13.0) in the CT. At the time of suspicion of pneumonia a mean APACHE II and CPIS of 19.4 (13 - 33) and 8.7 (7 - 11) in the PP, 18.9 (13-33) and 8.5 (7 -11) in the ITT and 14.5 (2 - 24) and 7.5 (3 -12) in the CT population were observed. Tracheostomy was present in 53.8% and 52.9% in the PP and ITT populations and 38.4% in the CT. The pneumonia was polymicrobial in 69.2%, 70.6% and 85.7% in the PP, ITT and CT respectively. Stay at ICU and hospital before diagnosis of pneumonia were similar in the 3 groups. All 13 patients that received 3 doses of Panobacumab achieved resolution of pneumonia with only two relapsing during the study. Hence 85% achieved resolution and 15% recurrence at day 30. In the ITT group 64.7% of the pneumonia resolved 11.8% recurred and 23.5% continued while in the CT 57% resolved, 7% recurred and 34% continued. Resolution of pneumonia occurred markedly earlier in the Panobacumab trial (8.9 days, SD: 3.3) than in the cohort trial (15.3 days, SD: 9.5). The expected mortality derived from APACHE II score was 31% and 32% in the PP and ITT population and 22% in the cohort group. All patients who received 3 doses of Panobacumab survived, 18% died in the ITT group while in the CT 21% mortality matched the predicted mortality. Conclusions: Treatment of VAP/HAP caused by P. aeruginosa O11 with 3 doses of Panobacumab resulted in 100% survival, with highest pneumonia resolution (85%), and in a shorter time when compared with patients under standard therapy. The results indicate that Panobacumab may be effective in such life-threatening indication and warrants larger controlled trials.


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BACKGROUND: Loss of balance confidence is a frequent condition that affects 20-75% of community-dwelling older persons. Although a recent fall is a common trigger, loss of balance confidence also appears independent of previous experience with falls. Maintaining or improving balance confidence is important to avoid unnecessary, self-imposed restrictions of activity and subsequent disability. Holding another person's hand or using an assistive device while walking are simple interventions that are used naturally to address poor balance confidence in daily life. However, more complex interventions have also been developed and tested to achieve more sustained improvement in balance confidence. OBJECTIVES: This review describes interventions that have been tested to improve balance confidence in older community-dwelling persons. METHODS: Based on 2 recent systematic reviews, an additional search for literature was performed to update current information on interventions aiming at balance confidence improvement. Interventions were classified as those directly aimed at increasing balance confidence or not, and further stratified into those using monofactorial or multifactorial approaches. RESULTS: A total of 46 randomized controlled trials were identified. Five of the 8 interventions that directly targeted balance confidence showed benefits. Among those, multicomponent behavioral group interventions provided the most robust evidence of benefits in improving balance confidence and in decreasing activity avoidance. Among interventions not directly aiming at balance confidence improvement (11/21 studies with benefits), exercise (including tai chi) appears as the most promising monofactorial intervention. Nine of the 17 multifactorial fall prevention programs showed an effect on balance confidence, exercise being a main component in 7 of these 9 studies. Interventions that targeted elderly persons reporting poor balance confidence and/or those at risk for falls seemed more likely to be beneficial. CONCLUSIONS: Positive and sometimes sustained improvement in balance confidence can be achieved by various interventions among community-dwelling elderly persons. The effect of these interventions on activity restriction associated with poor balance confidence have been less well studied, but some studies also suggest potential benefits.


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BackgroundIn adult population with community acquired pneumonia high levels of pro-adrenomedullin (pro-ADM) have been shown to be predictors of worse prognosis. The role of this biomarker in pediatric patients had not been analyzed to date. The objective of this study is to know the levels of pro-ADM in children with community acquired pneumonia (CAP) and analyze the relation between these levels and the patients¿ prognosis.FindingsProspective observational study including patients attended in the emergency service (January to October 2009) admitted to hospital with CAP and no complications at admission. The values for pro-ADM were analyzed in relation to: need for oxygen therapy, duration of oxygen therapy, fever and antibiotic therapy, complications, admission to the intensive care unit, and length of hospital stay. Fifty patients were included. Ten presented complications (7 pleural effusion). The median level of pro-ADM was 1.0065¿nmol/L (range 0.3715 to 7.2840¿nmol/L). The patients presenting complications had higher levels of pro-ADM (2.3190 vs. 1.1758¿nmol/L, p¿=¿0.013). Specifically, the presence of pleural effusion was associated with higher levels of pro-ADM (2.9440 vs. 1.1373¿nmol/L, p¿<¿0.001).ConclusionsIn our sample of patients admitted to hospital with CAP, pro-ADM levels are related to the development of complications during hospitalization.


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Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major cause of death in developing countries and of morbidity in developed countries. The objective of the study was to define the causative agents among children hospitalized for CAP defined by WHO guidelines and to correlate etiology with clinical severity and surrogate markers. Investigations included an extensive etiological workup. A potential causative agent was detected in 86% of the 99 enrolled patients, with evidence of bacterial (53%), viral (67%), and mixed (33%) infections. Streptococcus pneumoniae was accounted for in 46% of CAP. Dehydration was the only clinical sign associated with bacterial pneumonia. CRP and PCT were significantly higher in bacterial infections. Increasing the number of diagnostic tests identifies potential causes of CAP in up to 86% of children, indicating a high prevalence of viruses and frequent co-infections. The high proportion of pneumococcal infections re-emphasizes the importance of pneumococcal immunization.


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BACKGROUND: A 55-year-old man with glioblastoma multiforme was treated with continuous, dose-dense temozolomide. This therapy was curtailed after three cycles because of nausea, asthenia, and neuropsychological deterioration. During a subsequent course of radiotherapy, the patient developed fever, headaches, and cutaneous lesions. INVESTIGATIONS: Physical examination, cerebral MRI, brain biopsy, skin biopsy, immunohistochemistry, bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage, and laboratory tests. DIAGNOSIS: Severe temozolomide-induced immunosuppression, exacerbated by corticosteroids, with profound T-cell lymphocytopenia and simultaneous opportunistic infections with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia, brain abscess with Listeria monocytogenes, and cutaneous Kaposi's sarcoma. MANAGEMENT: Discontinuation of temozolomide, discontinuation of radiotherapy, antibiotic treatment with amoxicillin and gentamicin, and administration of atovaquone and pentamidine.


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BACKGROUND: Legionella species cause severe forms of pneumonia with high mortality and complication rates. Accurate clinical predictors to assess the likelihood of Legionella community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) in patients presenting to the emergency department are lacking. METHODS: We retrospectively compared clinical and laboratory data of 82 consecutive patients with Legionella CAP with 368 consecutive patients with non-Legionella CAP included in two studies at the same institution. RESULTS: In multivariate logistic regression analysis we identified six parameters, namely high body temperature (OR 1.67, p < 0.0001), absence of sputum production (OR 3.67, p < 0.0001), low serum sodium concentrations (OR 0.89, p = 0.011), high levels of lactate dehydrogenase (OR 1.003, p = 0.007) and C-reactive protein (OR 1.006, p < 0.0001) and low platelet counts (OR 0.991, p < 0.0001), as independent predictors of Legionella CAP. Using optimal cut off values of these six parameters, we calculated a diagnostic score for Legionella CAP. The median score was significantly higher in Legionella CAP as compared to patients without Legionella (4 (IQR 3-4) vs 2 (IQR 1-2), p < 0.0001) with a respective odds ratio of 3.34 (95%CI 2.57-4.33, p < 0.0001). Receiver operating characteristics showed a high diagnostic accuracy of this diagnostic score (AUC 0.86 (95%CI 0.81-0.90), which was better as compared to each parameter alone. Of the 191 patients (42%) with a score of 0 or 1 point, only 3% had Legionella pneumonia. Conversely, of the 73 patients (16%) with > or =4 points, 66% of patients had Legionella CAP. CONCLUSION: Six clinical and laboratory parameters embedded in a simple diagnostic score accurately identified patients with Legionella CAP. If validated in future studies, this score might aid in the management of suspected Legionella CAP.


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BACKGROUND: Since the emergence of diffusion tensor imaging, a lot of work has been done to better understand the properties of diffusion MRI tractography. However, the validation of the reconstructed fiber connections remains problematic in many respects. For example, it is difficult to assess whether a connection is the result of the diffusion coherence contrast itself or the simple result of other uncontrolled parameters like for example: noise, brain geometry and algorithmic characteristics. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this work, we propose a method to estimate the respective contributions of diffusion coherence versus other effects to a tractography result by comparing data sets with and without diffusion coherence contrast. We use this methodology to assign a confidence level to every gray matter to gray matter connection and add this new information directly in the connectivity matrix. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our results demonstrate that whereas we can have a strong confidence in mid- and long-range connections obtained by a tractography experiment, it is difficult to distinguish between short connections traced due to diffusion coherence contrast from those produced by chance due to the other uncontrolled factors of the tractography methodology.


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S. Gianella, L. Haeberli, B. Joos, B. Ledergerber, R.P. Wüthrich, R. Weber, H. Kuster, P.M. Hauser, T. Fehr, N.J. Mueller. Molecular evidence of interhuman transmission in an outbreak of Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia among renal transplant recipients. Transpl Infect Dis 2009. All rights reserved Abstract: Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia (PCP) remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in immunocompromised individuals. The epidemiology and pathogenesis of this infection are poorly understood, and the exact mode of transmission remains unclear. Recent studies reported clusters of PCP among immunocompromised patients, raising the suspicion of interhuman transmission. An unexpected increase of the incidence of PCP cases in our nephrology outpatient clinic prompted us to conduct a detailed analysis. Genotyping of 7 available specimens obtained from renal transplant recipients was performed using multi-locus DNA sequence typing (MLST). Fragments of 4 variable regions of the P. jirovecii genome (ITS1, 26S, mt26S, beta-tubulin) were sequenced and compared with those of 4 independent control patients. MLST analysis revealed identical sequences of the 4 regions among all 7 renal allograft recipients with available samples, indicating an infection with the same P. jirovecii genotype. We observed that all but 1 of the 19 PCP-infected transplant recipients had at least 1 concomitant visit with another PCP-infected patient within a common waiting area. This study provides evidence that nosocomial transmission among immunocompromised patients may have occurred in our nephrology outpatient clinic. Our findings have epidemiological implications and suggest that prolonged chemoprophylaxis for PCP may be warranted in an era of more intense immunosuppression.


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BACKGROUND: Visual analog scales (VAS) are sometimes used to assess change constructs that are often considered critical for change. Aims of Study: 1.) To determine the association of readiness to change, importance of changing and confidence in ability to change alcohol and tobacco use at baseline with the risk for drinking (more than 21 drinks per week/6 drinks or more on a single occasion more than once per month) and smoking (one or more cigarettes per day) six months later. 2.) To determine the association of readiness, importance and confidence with alcohol (number of drinks/week, number of binge drinking episodes/month) and tobacco (number of cigarettes/day) use at six months. METHODS: This is a secondary analysis of data from a multi-substance brief intervention randomized trial. A sample of 461 Swiss young men was analyzed as a prospective cohort. Participants were assessed at baseline and six months later on alcohol and tobacco use, and at baseline on readiness to change, importance of changing and confidence in ability to change constructs, using visual analog scales ranging from 1-10 for drinking and smoking behaviors. Regression models controlling for receipt of brief intervention were employed for each change construct. The lowest level (1-4) of each scale was the reference group that was compared to the medium (5-7) and high (8-10) levels. RESULTS: Among the 377 subjects reporting unhealthy alcohol use at baseline, mean (SD) readiness, importance and confidence to change drinking scores were 3.9 (3.0), 2.7 (2.2) and 7.2 (3.0), respectively. At follow-up, 108 (29%) reported no unhealthy alcohol use. Readiness was not associated with being risk-free at follow-up, but high importance (OR 2.94; 1.15, 7.50) and high confidence (OR 2.88; 1.46, 5.68) were. Among the 255 smokers at baseline, mean readiness, importance and confidence to change smoking scores were 4.6 (2.6), 5.3 (2.6) and 5.9 (2.7), respectively. At follow-up, 13% (33) reported no longer smoking. Neither readiness nor importance was associated with being a non-smoker, whereas high confidence (OR 3.29; 1.12, 9.62) was. CONCLUSIONS: High confidence in ability to change was associated with favorable outcomes for both drinking and smoking, whereas high importance was associated only with a favorable drinking outcome. This study points to the value of confidence as an important predictor of successful change for both drinking and smoking, and shows the value of importance in predicting successful changes in alcohol use. TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: ISRCTN78822107.


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Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) is a major clinical problem in terms of morbidity, mortality, and use of hospital resources. It is well recognized that a delay in making the diagnosis and instituting appropriate antibiotic treatment is associated with an increased mortality. C-reactive protein may be helpful in the management of patients with CAP. CRP is widely used in the management of CAP, including diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up. But its usefulness is not known. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the usefulness of CRP in the diagnosis, prognosis and follow-up of CAP.


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Although bacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia is the most severe form of pneumonia, non-bacteremic forms are much more frequent. Laboratory methods for the diagnosis of nonbacteremic pneumococcal pneumonia have a low sensitivity and specificity, and therefore all-cause pneumonia has been proposed as a suitable outcome to evaluate vaccination effectiveness. This work reviews the epidemiology of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) and evaluates the effectiveness of the 3-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPV-23) in preventing CAP requiring hospitalization in people aged ≥65 years. We performed a case-control study in patients aged ≥65 years admitted through the emergency department who presented with clinical signs and symptoms compatible with pneumonia. Weincluded 489 cases and 1,467 controls and it was obtained a vaccine efectiveness of 23.6 (0.9-41.0). Our results suggest that PPV-23 vaccination is effective and reduces hospital admissions due to pneumonia in the elderly, strengthening the rationale for vaccination programmes in this age group.