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The microscopic anatomy of plants. A review of the main treatises on Plant Microscopic Anatomy and their translations published along the XX century is followed by a discussion on various aspects of the structure in plant cells, methodological questions and teminology. Problems related to using dry specimens from herbaria for microscopic studies are considered. As an example, a study has been made on a species named in memory of Prof. Dr. Oriol de Bolòs, Delphinium bolosii (BLANCHÉ and MOLERO, 1983).
Notas florísticas sobre plantas vasculares de los Ports de Beseit. Algunas son nuevas citas para esta zona: Ephedra nebrodensis, Equisetum palustre, Iberis saxatilis subsp. saxatihs; otras raras: Neotinea maculata, Ridolfia segetum, Ranunculus parviflorus. Arrbenatberum album es indicado por primera vez en Cataluña.
Notas nomenclaturales y taxonómicas referentes a plantas de la 'Flora dels Països Catalans' en preparación. Este texto es continuación de los que han aparecido en el Butll. Inst. Catalana Hist. Nat. 38: 63-89 (1984) y en Collect. Bot. (Barcelona) 11: 25-89 (1979) y 14: 89-103 (1983).
Catalogue of endemic, rare or threatened vascular plants in Catalonia. I. Endemic taxa. This is the first of a set of papers devoted to rare or threatened plants in Catalonia. We list 279 specific or subspecific taxa which are in a broad sense endemic to the northeastern part of the Iberian Peninsula. We assess them with regard to their conservation status according to IUCN criteria. Assignment of these taxa to established categories has led to the following results: 6 taxa critically endangered (CR), 5 endangered (EN), 32 vulnerable (VU), 5 near threatened (LR nt). 84 least concern (LR lc), 116 not threatened (NT) and 31 data deficient (DD). The small number of taxa that enjoy legal protection in comparison with the number of threatened plants is emphasized. Key words: Endemic plants, Catalonia, Plant conservation, UICN categories.