199 resultados para Pickens, Patti


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The discussion on the New Philology triggered by French and North American scholars in the last decade of the 20th century emphasized the material character of textual transmission inside and outside the written evidences of medieval manuscripts by downgrading the active role of the historical author. However, the reception of the ideas propagated by the New Philology adherents was rather divided. Some researchers considered it to be the result of an academic “crisis” (R.T. Pickens) or questioned its innovative status (K. Stackmann: “Neue Philologie?”); others appreciated the “new attitudes to the page” it had brought to mind (J. Bumke after R.H. and M.A, Rouse) or even saw a new era of the “powers of philology” evoked (H.-U. Gumbrecht). Besides the debates on the New Philology another concept of textual materiality strengthened in the last decade, maintaining that textual alterations somewhat relate to biogenetic mutations. In a matter of fact, phenomena such as genetic and textual variation, gene recombination and ‘contamination’ (the mixing of different exemplars in one manuscript text) share common features. The paper discusses to what extent the biogenetic concepts can be used for evaluating manifestations of textual production (as the approach of ‘critique génétique’ does) and of textual transmission (as the phylogenetic analysis of manuscript variation does). In this context yet the genealogical concept of stemmatology – the treelike representation of textual development abhorred by the New Philology adepts – might prove to be useful for describing the history of texts. The textual material to be analyzed will be drawn from the Parzival Project, which is currently preparing a new electronic edition of Wolfram von Eschenbach’s Parzival novel written shortly after 1200 and transmitted in numerous manuscripts up to the age of printing. Researches of the project have actually resulted in suggesting that the advanced knowledge of the manuscript transmission yields a more precise idea on the author’s own writing process.


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Purpose: Self-neglect (SN) is the inability to maintain self-care needs. It is thought that older adults who have impaired executive function (EF) develop the inability to do self-care and to protect themselves. The specific aims were to (1) determine the feasibility of using multiple EF measures with community-dwelling elders with SN, (2) identify changes in EF between baseline and 5-months in community-dwelling elders with SN who receive 50,000 IU or 400 IU of oral vitamin D monthly and (2) explore changes in specific dimensions of EF between the groups. ^ Methods: Fifty adults, 65 years of age and older, were recruited from Adult Protective Services with confirmed SN. A research nurse administered the following tests at baseline and five-months: Delis-Kaplan Card Sort Test (D-KEFS), Executive Interview (EXIT 25), CLOX Drawing Test (CLOX I, II), Trails Making Test A and B (TMT A & B) and the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Demographic data was collected at baseline and serum 25-OHD levels were collected at baseline and five-months. ^ Results: Older adults with SN were more likely to fail the CLOX1 and D-KEFS, while passing the MMSE, CLOX II, TMT A & B and the EXIT 25. At five-months, the only statistically significant difference between groups was in the TMT A & B test scores; the control group did better than the treatment group. There was a non-significant increase in serum vitamin D levels for both groups and no difference between groups. ^ Conclusions: Results from this study provide support that individuals who SN will complete a battery of EF tests and that they exhibit the following impairments consistent with executive dysfunction: 'concept generation', 'planning', 'inhibition', and 'spatial working memory'. Utilizing only one EF measure in individuals with intact cognition may result in unidentification of individuals with executive dysfunction, thus delaying necessary treatment. Future studies should attempt to determine different etiologies of executive dysfunction and determine if early treatment can prevent or reverse SN. ^ Key Words: Self-neglect, Executive Dysfunction, Executive Function, Adult Protective Services, Community-dwelling, Vitamin D ^


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We present the first study of the effects of ocean acidification on settlement of benthic invertebrates and microfauna. Artificial collectors were placed for 1 month along pH gradients at CO2 vents off Ischia (Tyrrhenian Sea, Italy). Seventy-nine taxa were identified from six main taxonomic groups (foraminiferans, nematodes, polychaetes, molluscs, crustaceans and chaetognaths). Calcareous foraminiferans, serpulid polychaetes, gastropods and bivalves showed highly significant reductions in recruitment to the collectors as pCO2 rose from normal (336-341 ppm, pH 8.09-8.15) to high levels (886-5,148 ppm) causing acidified conditions near the vents (pH 7.08-7.79). Only the syllid polychaete Syllis prolifera had higher abundances at the most acidified station, although a wide range of polychaetes and small crustaceans was able to settle and survive under these conditions. A few taxa (Amphiglena mediterranea, Leptochelia dubia, Caprella acanthifera) were particularly abundant at stations acidified by intermediate amounts of CO2 (pH 7.41-7.99). These results show that increased levels of CO2 can profoundly affect the settlement of a wide range of benthic organisms.


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En el marco de una Tesis de Doctorado acerca del rol de Rodolfo Walsh como intelectual orgánico, nuestro trabajo se propone indagar Caso Satanowsky en tanto exponente del ilegalismo inherente al ejercicio del poder. La novela de Walsh desarrolla tres aristas de este fenómeno: los crímenes cometidos por los servicios secretos judicial del Estado, la corrupción y la venalidad de la prensa masiva; fenómenos que adquieren una relevancia particular en el contexto de un régimen dictatorial. Nuestro trabajo se propone analizar las relaciones entre delito y sociedad planteadas en el texto, teniendo en cuenta que el mismo se inscribe en la llamada "novela de no- ficción" o "relato testimonial", un género tensionado por los procedimientos y presupuestos del policial negro y la investigación periodística. Creemos apropiado analizar Caso Satanowsky en paralelo con Operación Masacre, no sólo porque ambas investigaciones se encuentran muy cercanas en el tiempo y plantean problemáticas parecidas, sino porque las mismas resultan a nuestro entender, complementarias: el tema que las vincula es el crimen de Estado, que queda igualmenteimpune tanto cuando las víctimas pertenecen a los sectores populares cuanto cuando son miembros de la clase alta argentina


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En el marco de una Tesis de Doctorado acerca del rol de Rodolfo Walsh como intelectual orgánico, nuestro trabajo se propone indagar Caso Satanowsky en tanto exponente del ilegalismo inherente al ejercicio del poder. La novela de Walsh desarrolla tres aristas de este fenómeno: los crímenes cometidos por los servicios secretos judicial del Estado, la corrupción y la venalidad de la prensa masiva; fenómenos que adquieren una relevancia particular en el contexto de un régimen dictatorial. Nuestro trabajo se propone analizar las relaciones entre delito y sociedad planteadas en el texto, teniendo en cuenta que el mismo se inscribe en la llamada "novela de no- ficción" o "relato testimonial", un género tensionado por los procedimientos y presupuestos del policial negro y la investigación periodística. Creemos apropiado analizar Caso Satanowsky en paralelo con Operación Masacre, no sólo porque ambas investigaciones se encuentran muy cercanas en el tiempo y plantean problemáticas parecidas, sino porque las mismas resultan a nuestro entender, complementarias: el tema que las vincula es el crimen de Estado, que queda igualmenteimpune tanto cuando las víctimas pertenecen a los sectores populares cuanto cuando son miembros de la clase alta argentina


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This study analyzes coccolithophore abundance fluctuations (e.g., Emiliania huxleyi, Gephyrocapsa specimens, and Florisphaera profunda) in core MD01-2444 sediment strata retrieved at the Iberian Margin, northeastern Atlantic Ocean. Coccolithophores are calcareous nannofossils, a major component of the oceanic phytoplankton, which provide information about past ecological and climatological variability. Results are supported by data on fossil organic compounds (sea surface temperatures, alkenones, and n-hexacosan-1-ol index) and geochemical analyses (benthic d13Ccc and planktonic d18Occ isotopes). Three scenarios are taken into account for this location at centennial-scale resolution over the last 70,000 years: the Holocene and the stadial and interstadial modes. The different alternatives are described by means of elements such as nutrients; upwelling phenomena; temperatures at surface and subsurface level; or the arrival of surface turbid, fresh, and cold waters due to icebergs, low sea level, increased aridity, and dust. During the Holocene, moderate primary productivity was observed (mainly concentrated in E. huxleyi specimens); surface temperatures were at maxima while the water column was highly ventilated by northern-sourced polar deep waters and warmer subsurface, nutrient-poor subtropical waters. Over most of the last glacial stadials, surface productivity weakened (higher F. profunda and reworked specimen percentages and lower diunsaturated and triunsaturated C37 alkenones); the arrival of cold Arctic surface waters traced by tetraunsaturated C37 peaks and large E. huxleyi, together with powerful ventilated southern-sourced polar deep waters, disturbed, in all likelihood, the delicate vertical equilibrium while preventing significant upwelling mixing. Finally, during the last glacial interstadials (lower F. profunda percentages, nonreworked material, and higher diunsaturated and triunsaturated C37 alkenones) a combined signal is observed: warm surface temperatures were concurrent with generally low oxygenation of the deep-sea floor, moderate arrival of northern-sourced deep waters, and subsurface cold, nutrient-rich, recently upwelled waters, probably of polar origin; these particular conditions may have promoted vertical mixing while enhancing surface primary productivity (mainly of Gephyrocapsa specimens).


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The calcareous nannofossil assemblages of Ocean Drilling Program Hole 963D from the central Mediterranean Sea have been investigated to document oceanographic changes in surface waters. The studied site is located in an area sensitive to large-scale atmospheric and climatic systems and to high- and low-latitude climate connection. It is characterized by a high sedimentation rate (the achieved mean sampling resolution is <70 years) that allowed the Sicily Channel environmental changes to be examined in great detail over the last 12 ka BP. We focused on the species Florisphaera profunda that lives in the lower photic zone. Its distribution pattern shows repeated abundance fluctuations of about 10-15%. Such variations could be related to different primary production levels, given that the study of the distribution of this species on the Sicily Channel seafloor demonstrates the significant correlation to productivity changes as provided by satellite imagery. Productivity variations were quantitatively estimated and were interpreted on the basis of the relocation of the nutricline within the photic zone, led by the dynamics of the summer thermocline. Productivity changes were compared with oceanographic, atmospheric, and cosmogenic nuclide proxies. The good match with Holocene master records, as with ice-rafted detritus in the subpolar North Atlantic, and the near-1500-year periodicity suggest that the Sicily Channel environment responded to worldwide climate anomalies. Enhanced Northern Hemisphere atmospheric circulation, which has been reported as one of the most important forcing mechanisms for Holocene coolings in previous Mediterranean studies, had a remarkable impact on the water column dynamics of the Sicily Channel.


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The Drosophila retinal degeneration C (rdgC) gene encodes an unusual protein serine/threonine phosphatase in that it contains at least two EF-hand motifs at its carboxy terminus. By a combination of large-scale sequencing of human retina cDNA clones and searches of expressed sequence tag and genomic DNA databases, we have identified two sequences in mammals [Protein Phosphatase with EF-hands-1 and 2 (PPEF-1 and PPEF-2)] and one in Caenorhabditis elegans (PPEF) that closely resemble rdgC. In the adult, PPEF-2 is expressed specifically in retinal rod photoreceptors and the pineal. In the retina, several isoforms of PPEF-2 are predicted to arise from differential splicing. The isoform that most closely resembles rdgC is localized to rod inner segments. Together with the recently described localization of PPEF-1 transcripts to primary somatosensory neurons and inner ear cells in the developing mouse, these data suggest that the PPEF family of protein serine/threonine phosphatases plays a specific and conserved role in diverse sensory neurons.


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Esta tesis nace como propuesta de traducción del español al italiano de un extracto de la novela "El bailarín de tango", del autor argentino Juan Terranova. El objetivo de este trabajo era producir un texto de carácter conversacional que fuera natural y comunicativo, con particular atención a la equivalencia de modismos, disfemismos y signos de puntuación, típicos del lenguaje oral. Se ha puesto el enfoque sobre los argentinismos y términos procedentes del lunfardo, presentes en número considerable en la obra, basada exclusivamente en conversaciones telefónicas entre dos mujeres, que hablan con el lenguaje coloquial del dialecto porteño. La tesis comienza con la presentación del texto original y de sus características formales, como el estilo, el tipo de lenguaje utilizado por el autor y su género textual, seguida por una breve presentación del autor y de la corriente literaria a la que pertenece esta novela, la Nueva Narrativa Argentina. Más adelante, en un análisis de la tarea realizada, se exponen los factores considerados más significativos desde el punto de vista traductológico, como la variedad argentina del español y sus elementos presentes en el texto, los culturemas y los ya nombrados disfemismos y signos de puntuación, acompañados por una explicación que justifica la elección tomada para su transmisión al italiano. Por último, se presenta la propuesta de traducción del capítulo en cuestión y, como anexo, el texto original.