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This document contains detailed information on Dolliver Memorial State Park, a publication of Park Booklet Series No. 3. It describes in detail the history, location, landscape, rivers, photos, terrain, vegetation, wildlife and maps of the park and nearby ares in Webster County.
This is an "Industrial-Economic Survey" of Clinton, Iowa and the surrounding area that was compiled and assembled for the use of any manufacturing of commercial organization which has in interest in setting up operations in the general Clinton area. Facts and statistics are shown to use for location analysis. Numerous photos and maps are included.
This report contains information on the Iowa American Revolution Bicentennial Commission. It includes the history, member information and their duties, activities performed, photos and a report from each Iowa county on what they accomplished for the celebration of the U.S. Bicentennial.
In June of 1974 Governor Robert Ray approved Senate File 1325, an Act passed by the Sixty-fifth General Assembly which directed the State Historical Society of Iowa to utilize the sum of $2,500 "For the planning and study of a memorial to Ansel Briggs, the first governor of Iowa." This is the final report on all of the information that was compiled during the intense research done on the Governor. This report includes information on his ancestry and personal life, photos, governorship, correspondence, documents, monuments and much more.
Contains colorful photos with descriptive captions on major tourist attractions in Iowa. A centerfold map is included and many other interesting places in Iowa are listed on the back page.
Contains a forward by the Governor of Iowa, Herschel C. Loveless and photos of the current Lieutenant Governor and other state officials and Supreme Court Justices of Iowa. Includes Iowa facts, trivia, historical information along with photos, with detailed captions, of scenic Iowa, tourist destinations and native plants and wildlife. Lists many other points of interest in Iowa with map legends of state parks in the back of the book.
Contains a forward by the Governor of Iowa, William S. Beardsley and photos of the current Lieutenant Governor and other state officials and Supreme Court Justices of Iowa. The brochure also includes Iowa facts, trivia, historical information along with photos, with detailed captions, of scenic Iowa, tourist destinations and native plants and wildlife. Lists many other points of interest in Iowa with map legends of state parks in the back of the book.
This book contains information on the dedication ceremony of Iowa monuments on the southern battlefields from the civil war and their final transfer made to the care of the general government. It includes history of the battles, photos and maps.
Provides information on Pilot Knob State Park, Merrick State Park, Eagle Lake State Park, Rice Lake State Park and Crystal, East and West Twin, and Duck Lakes including history, maps, location, terrain, photos, vegetation and wildlife.
Le Vallon de Nant, situé dans les Alpes vaudoises, attire depuis longtemps les naturalistes et scientifiques. Il a été classé comme réserve naturelle en 1969. Les premières Journées de la biodiversité en Romandie y ont été organisées les 5 et 6 juillet 2008 afin d'améliorer la connaissance des espèces vivant dans le Vallon de Nant, avant l'établissement d'un plan de gestion de la réserve naturelle. Une cinquantaine de scientifiques ont participé à cet inventaire de la faune et de la flore. Ce Mémoire de la Société vaudoise des Sciences naturelles compte 15 articles rédigés par les participants à ces journées et font l'inventaire des richesses spécifiques du Vallon de Nant. Des champignons aux mammifères en passant par les lichens, les mousses, les plantes à fleurs, les escargots, les insectes, les amphibiens, les reptiles et les oiseaux, c'est un inventaire exhaustif des quelque 2000 espèces connues actuellement dans le Vallon de Nant, dont plus de 1100 recensées durant les Journées de la biodiversité. Agrémenté de 157 photos couleurs, dont celles du photographe-naturaliste Daniel Aubort de Montreux, ces 240 pages permettent de découvrir les richesses de cette réserve naturelle créée en 1969, pour éviter d'y voir arriver les chars de l'armée suisse qui désirait alors en faire une place d'armes.
The objective of this study was to determine the practicality and effectiveness of using submerged vanes ("Iowa Vanes") to control bank erosion in a bend of East Nishnabotna River, Iowa. The vane system was constructed during the summer of 1985. It functions by eliminating, or reducing, the centrifugally induced helical motion of the flow in the bend, which is the root cause of bank undermining. The system was monitored over a 2-year period, from September 1985 to October 1987. Two surveys were conducted in the spring of 1986 in which data were taken of depths and velocities throughout the bend and of water-surface slope. The movement of the bank was determined from aerial photos and from repeated measurements of the vane-to-bank distance. The bankfull scour depths and velocities along the bank have been reduced significantly; and the movement of the bank has been stopped or considerably reduced. The improvements were obtained without changing the energy slope of the channel. Areas of design improvements were identified.
The objective of this project was to use a Global Positioning System (GPS) to determine the aerial camera location and orientation that best facilitated mapping done from aerial photographs without any ground control. Four test flights were conducted. The first test flight was performed in June 1993 at St. Louis, with the objective of testing the multiantenna concept using two antenna on the aircraft. The second test in August 1993 was conducted over the Iowa State University (ISU) campus at Ames. This flight evaluated the use of GPS for pinpoint navigation. The third test flight over St. Louis was flown in October 1993, with four antenna on aircraft; its objective was to evaluate the 3DF GPS receiver and the antenna locations. On the basis of the results of these three tests, a final test flight over the Mustang Project area in Ames and the ISU campus was conducted in June 1994. Analysis of these data showed that airborne GPS can be used (1) in pinpoint navigation with an accuracy of 25 m or better, (2) to determine the location of the camera nodal point with an accuracy of 10 cm or better, and (3) to determine the orientation angles of the camera with an accuracy of 0.0001 radians or better. In addition, the exterior orientation elements determined by airborne GPS can be used to rectify aerial photos, to produce orthophotos, and in direct stereo plotting. Further research is recommended in these areas to maximize the use of airborne GPS. The report is organized in the following chapters: (1) Introduction; (2) Photogrammetry and Kinematic GPS; (3) Analysis of First Test; (4) Analysis of Second Test; (5) Analysis of Third Test; (6) Analysis of Final Test; (7) Applications of Airborne GPS; and (8) Conclusion and Recommendation.
Methods of improving highway safety are of major concern to everyone who is involved in the planning, development and construction of improvements of our vast highway network. Other major concerns are the conservation of our rapidly disappearing sources of energy and quality building materials. This research is devoted to further exploration of a process which will: 1. help preserve higher quality aggregates; and, 2. improve the frictional characteristics and surface texture of asphalt pavement surfaces. Sprinkle treatment of asphalt concrete pavement surfaces with a non-polishing aggregate, a procedure which was developed in Europe, is one method which has shown promise in accomplishing the above listed objectives. This research seeks to explore the feasibility and cost effectiveness of using standard asphalt mixtures of local, less expensive aggregates for surface courses followed by a surface sprinkle treatment of a hard, durable, non-polishing layer of precoated chips to produce a durable, non-skid pavement surface for safe highway travel. Three standard mixture types are being evaluated for aggregate retention characteristics and six sprinkle aggregates are being evaluated for durability, polishing and friction characteristics. In addition, measurements of the surface texture by the silicone putty method are being made. Another feature of this research is the evaluation of a rubberized asphalt material called Overflex MS as a crack filler. It has been reported that the material could be beneficial in reducing reflective cracking. The project was begun in July of 1978 and was completed in August. A review made in the spring of 1979 indicates very satisfactory performance. It was determined from slide photos taken after construction and again in the spring that aggregate retention was very good. However, many cracks had reflected indicating that the Overflex MS had not been effective. Follow up friction test results and texture analysis were also very good. The results of these tests are shown in Appendix A.
This publication is designed to aid those involved in corn production to more fully understand how the corn plant develops. Includes numerous photos and illustrations.
Many good maintenance practices are done routinely to ensure safe travel on low-volume local roads. In addition, there are many specific treatments that may go beyond the point of routine maintenance and in fact provide additional safety benefits with a relatively low price tag. The purpose of this publication is to try to assemble many of these treatments that are currently practiced in Iowa by local agencies into one, easy-to-reference handbook that not only provides some clarity to each treatment with photos and narrative, but also features references to agencies currently using that technique. Some strategies that are utilized by Iowa, other states, and are topics of research have also been included to allow the user more information about possible options. Even though some areas overlap, the strategies presented have been grouped together in the following areas: Signing and Delineation, Traffic "Calming," Pavement Marking and Rumble Strips/Stripes, Roadside and Clear Zone, Guardrail and Barriers, Lighting, Pavements and Shoulders, Intersections, Railroad Crossings, Bridges and Culverts, and Miscellaneous. The intention is to make this a “living” document, which will continue to be updated and expanded periodically as other existing practices are recognized or new practices come into being.