812 resultados para Photography of women
This thesis is a narrative inquiry of learning English as an adult. It stories the journey of 7 women, including me, and unravels lived experiences that serve as learning models. Learning English as an adult presents challenges and results in lifelong implications both in personal and professional life. Every learner's experience is imique and, when reflected upon, each experience is a valuable source of knowledge for constructing meanings and forging new identities. The stories are testimony to the participants' lives: interrupted yet improvised, silenced yet roused, dependent yet independent, intimidated yet courageous, vulnerable yet empowered. The personal experiences elucidate the passion, the inner voices, the dreams, and the rewards that compel persistence in learning a new language and releaming new social roles. The stories provide encouragement and hope to other women who are learning or will learn English in their adult years, and the lived experiences will offer insights for English language teachers. This thesis employs the phenomenology methodology of research with heuristic (discovery) and hermeneutical (interpretative) approaches using the reflective-responsivereflexive writing and interviewing methods for data gathering and unravelling. The narrative inquiry approach reaffirms that storytelling is an important tool in conducting research and constructing new knowledge. This thesis narrates a new story about sharing experiences, interconnecting, and continuing to learn.
The purpose of this research was to explore women elementary teachers' perceptions of how their decision to return to teaching part-time from a maternity leave influences their professional and personal lives. The investigation focused on the decisions surrounding a mother's choice to reenter the teaching profession parttime in a field where each mother had previously been employed full-time. A collective case study was undertaken based on an in-depth interview with five mothers who had made the choice to return to the classroom part-time. The data collected in this study were analyzed and interpreted using qualitative methods. The following four major themes emerged from the interviews: decisionmaking process, challenges faced by mothers who teach part-time, the importance of support, and the enhancement of instructional practice from parenthood. Using these four themes, an analysis was conducted to examine the similarities and differences among the experiences of the participants. The mothers' reflections, my analysis, and the related literature were used at the conclusion of this report to compile implications for teaching practice, theory, and further research.
The St. Catharines and District Council of Women was founded in 1918 and elected as its first president, Mary Malcolmson. In 1910 Mrs. Malcolmson founded North America’s first Girl Guide Association in St. Catharines. The aim of the organization was to work for the betterment of conditions pertaining to the family, community and state. The Council is an umbrella group for various women’s organizations in the area and functions at the provincial, national and international levels and is associated with the United Nations. In the early years the National Council brought in the Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) and started the Women’s Canadian Club. The St. Catharines Council initiated Child Welfare Centres in local churches that grew into the Well Baby Clinics. Women were encouraged to take political office and join committees with much success. In 1929, “Shop at Home” exhibition became an annual event highlighting the services of local merchants. Money raised by the Council was donated to local charities and in 1930 the Council assisted the local Armenian community in building the first Armenian Church in Canada. In 1932 the Council started the Maternal Welfare programme in which Mothers’ Meetings were held weekly with various speakers from the Public Health Department. In 1975 to celebrate International Women’s Year and the 1976 Centennial of the City of St. Catharines, the group sponsored the book Women of Action, 1876-1976, written by two of its members, Lily M. Bell and Kathleen E. Bray. Some time after 1976 the name of the organization changed from St. Catharines Local Council of Women to St. Catharines and District Council of Women. Today the organization functions as an advocacy and educational group.
There is an increase in the number of older adults 85 and over, who are choosing to live alone within the community. Moreover, older adults who live alone are reportedly spending an extensive amount of time alone within the home environment. In an effort to provide additional support and resources to older adults living in the community, a compliment of services are being offered through public and private organizations. These in-home supports focus on the instrumental or functional tasks of daily living, such as personal and rehabilitative care, nourishment, maintenance and upkeep of the home, as well as volunteer social visitation. However leisure resources and programs are not included among these services. Consequently, this creates a gap in leisure provision among this segment of the population. Throughout the life course, an individual's identity, role and purpose are developed and sustained through instrumental work roles in the formal and informal sector, as well as through personally meaningful leisure pastimes and experiences. Although roles shift post retirement, participation in instrumental and expressive activities can provide opportunities through which older adults are able to fulfill their need for agency (individuality and autonomy) and affiliation (social relatedness). Therefore barriers that inhibit instrumental or leisure experiences can negatively impact older adults' quality of life. This study explored the leisure lifestyles of four older adults, all of whom were over 85, lived alone within the community and were oriented to person, time and place. It became apparent that participants ordered their lives around a routine that consisted of instrumental, expressive and socially integrated tasks and activities. Moreover participants purposely chose to remain at home because their home environment facilitated freedom, choice and independence. As a result all four participants viewed their independence within the home as a critical determinant to their overall quality of life. Challenges associated with the home environment, participants' personal capacities and relationships were negotiated on a daily basis. Failure to positively adapt to these challenges inhibited meaningful engagement and personal fulfillment. Traditionally, leisure service delivery has been offered within institutions and through various community based venues. As a result leisure provision has been focused on the needs of the frail elderly who reside in institutions or the well elderly who are able to access leisure amenities within the community. However the growing number of older adults electing to live alone is on the rise. As individuals age the home becomes the preferred context for leisure experiences. If older adults are choosing to live alone, then both their instrumental and leisure needs must be addressed. As a result, it is imperative that leisure professionals extend the scope of service delivery to include home centered older adults.
This critical analysis explores the conflicted position of women as ''trailing spouses" and the effects on families who relocate globally under the auspices of a multinational corporation, by utilizing a discursive analysis of two contemporary films and available literature. Current portrayals of women and children in contemporary media provide emotional yet conflicting images of the perfect woman, wife, mother, child and family. The basic tenets of a North American patriarchal economic system are being televised around the world. Technological advancements have made it possible to advertise political agendas on a global television screen. Much of what we see is propaganda couched in films and advertisements that are designed to romantic~e the practice of deriving profits from the unpaid labor of woman and invisibility of children and child rearing. I intend to show that the materiality of trailing a spouse globally conflicts with these romanticized images and supports feminist literature that asserts the notion that mothers and children are oppressed and managed for the benefit of capital.
The National Council of Women of Canada was founded in 1893 in Toronto to address the need for societal reform, such as better education for women and women’s suffrage. The first president was Lady Ishbel Aberdeen, the wife of the Governor General. The group’s early efforts focused on improving conditions for women prisoners, women working in factories, and women immigrants. The efforts of the Council also helped to achieve the passing of the Act to Confer the Electoral Franchise Upon Women in 1918. Members of the Council have advocated for the welfare of children, the family, the community, the environment and equal pay for work of equal value. The Council continues to be concerned with these issues, and presents an annual brief to the Prime Minister and Members of the Cabinet, as well as occasionally serving on special advisory committees.
This narrative study examined women’s experiences in leadership positions in an educational setting in Southern Ontario. Semi-structured interviews with 4 women (2 principals and 2 vice principals) revealed 4 key themes: (a) considerations prior to entering into leadership and confidence instilled by others to continue on that path; (b) ongoing challenge of maintaining work−life balance; (c) others’ perceptions of women in leadership positions; and (d) increasing number of women in leadership positions. The researcher used feminist standpoint theory to analyze data collected during interviews, which gave voice to the study’s participants and shed some light on women’s gendered experiences in leadership positions. Findings suggest that historical roots significantly influence society to continue with stereotypical gender roles, though some participants have overcome certain stereotypes. The literature review and participants’ experiences suggest that women have made some progress throughout history yet society needs to remain vigilant while striving for gender equality.
A photograph of a group of five women standing together with arms around eachother. They are outdoors and one of the women is wearing a hat.
The Impact of the Ontario Minimum Wage on the Unemployment of Women and the Young in Ontario: A Note
Mémoire numérisé par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal
The majority of women in Third World countries depend on land for their livelihood. Security of tenure is important for them to ensure sustainable development, especially in rural areas. In most parts of Africa, land ownership is affected by traditional values, inheritance rights, and government influence. These forces have provided varying types of tenure which are detrimental to the women in rural and urban areas. Land acquisition and its development has been an emotive issue due to traditional pressures and the law as regards the process of land certification. The government and traditional administrations are highly involved in the way women own land and subsequently develop it in Anglophone Cameroon. State authority over land acquisition is important, but the process for obtaining land title is herculean especially for the rural woman. This study illustrates that land acquisition and development by women constitute a problem because of traditional pressures and the law guiding the process of land certification. There is need to exhume the barriers of government’s legal instrument (The Land Consultative Board) that regulates the ownership of land and to revisit some traditional practices as regards land ownership that impact negatively on women in a changing and globalizing world. A compromise approach is advocated for land acquisition that can transcend traditional barriers as well as render the process of land registration more realistic especially for women.
Depuis la création des Sœurs Musulmanes, le chapitre féminin des Frères Musulmans en Égypte, le rôle que l’organisation a accordé aux femmes a changé plusieurs fois. Pendant certaines périodes, les militantes ont été inclues dans les activités politiques de l’organisation, alors que pendant d’autres périodes, elles étaient forcées de s’occuper de différentes activités d’aide sociale au près de la population. Ce mémoire essaie d’expliquer les raisons qui expliquent les différents changements dans le niveau d’inclusion ou d’exclusion des militantes dans les Frères Musulmans. Cette étude utilise trois périodes pour illustrer ces différents changements : 1952-1967 (inclusion), 1970-1984 (exclusion) and 1984-2005 (inclusion). Cette recherche conclue que, pendant des périodes où la survie des Frères Musulmans est remise en question, l’organisation sera forcée d’inclure les militantes dans leurs activités. Chaque changement dans l’inclusion des femmes est aussi marqué par un changement du contexte politique et des relations avec le gouvernement. Ces changements ne sont donc pas des produits de changement idéologique de l’organisation, mais plutôt causés par des raisons rationnelles.
Ce mémoire de maîtrise s’intéresse aux nouvelles expressions protestataires qui ont émergé après les soulèvements connus sous le « printemps arabe » en prenant, comme objet d’analyse, Uprising of Women in the Arab World (UWAW), une page Facebook qui œuvre pour les droits des femmes à travers le « monde arabe ». Ce travail propose de saisir cette page Facebook à travers les croisements d’enjeux d’arabité et de genre, dans une perspective discursive critique. La notion d’arabité désigne une appartenance commune au « monde arabe » qui reposerait sur la production de référents religieux et linguistiques partagés par l’ensemble des pays arabes. Le genre est abordé comme un langage privilégié pour signifier les rapports de pouvoir (Scott, 1988). Afin de mettre en lumière les différentes intersections de l’arabité et du genre, je propose de recourir au concept d’articulation (Hall, 1980). Ce dernier réfère à l’assemblage de différentes pratiques de production qui constituent un discours. Cette mise en relation, non-nécessaire, s’effectue dans une conjoncture régie par les forces hégémoniques du moment. Ainsi, le concept d’articulation permet d’explorer ce que font dans leur (co)présence les discours hétérogènes par et dans lesquels l’arabité et le genre sont rendus visibles dans et à travers la page UWAW. Ces articulations sont questionnées à partir du concept de chaine d’équivalence de Laclau (2008) qui désigne une condensation de revendications hétérogènes, à travers des relations d’équivalence et de différence. Ces dernières se produisent à travers l’affirmation des particularités des revendications, tandis que les relations d’équivalence sont basées sur la mise en avant de la communalité des revendications. Cette recherche est guidée par la proposition de recherche suivante : UWAW peut être comprise comme un espace discursif traversé par des chaines d’équivalences où les articulations de l’arabité et du genre se matérialiseraient selon des relations d’équivalence et de différence. Elle fait l’objet d’une analyse critique de trois campagnes ayant eu cours sur l’UWAW en 2014. Ces dernières sont abordées comme des lieux de discours, soit des espaces construits dans et par un recours à des discours spécifiques qui participent à la production de savoirs situés dont ils sont aussi, de quelque manière, les produits. Ainsi, l’analyse s’attarde à comprendre comment la production de sens repose sur des discours concurrentiels qui puisent dans des savoirs différents qu’ils contribuent à faire circuler. L’analyse démontre la grande hétérogénéité de l’arabité qui s’est manifestée sous un visage distinct dans chaque campagne. Elle est homogénéisée et universalisée dans Do You know, clivée dans Israël Apartheid Week, et citoyenne dans « Je ne resterai pas silencieuse ». Le genre est davantage stabilisé, puisqu’il agit principalement comme force universalisante dans les trois campagnes.
The focus of this study is the stress of women entrepreneurs.As stress is associated with constraints and demands, and as a set of emerging conditions seem to affect the quality of life of women, it is more than just an occasional need to enquire in to the possibilities of promoting entrepreneurship by empowering women.As women entrepreneurs are increasingly involved in inherently complicated activities of improving their enterprise functioning ,it would be appropriate for women entrepreneurs to focus on transformational coping interventions.The study is limited to women entrepreneurs in the tiny sector.Women entrepreneurs registered in the Distric Industries ( DIC) and in the Kerala State Women’s Industries Association (KSWIA) are only selected for the study.It gaves a detailed description about empowerment of women.The social , economic ,political,ecological,and psychological importance of the study are detailed.It explains the family related stress, and the contextual system.This study is suggested on beliefs and values of women about their self-perception influencing gender bias, which contribute to stress and coping.This study is also needed about women’s believes and expectations about the probable effectiveness of various course of action and their ability to perform those actions.It is also neede for appraising coping potential of women and enhancing their stress base.It is important to research on stress and self-concept